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Wednesday, 17 July 2019


Transiting Jupiter moves about one degree every five days.  You can expect the energies of Jupiter to start its expansive, optimistic and often good fortune influences about five degrees as it approaches a planet.  Its energies would then starts to wean by the time Jupiter is two degrees past direct.  A quincunx, in particular, has a tighter orb of influence than some other aspects, so you can shorten its energy flow to three degrees while approaching and one or two degrees while separating.

Transiting Jupiter on most occasions is what we wait for, especially when it makes positive aspects to our natal planets and points in the natal chart.  As it approaches, there may be a general feeling that things are going to grow and fortunate events are in place.  In many cases, this is true and especially so when it is connected to natal Jupiter, Sun or Venus. 

Jupiter promotes an optimistic approach to life and in general good things can be expected.  Much will depend on how it is positioned and aspected in the natal chart which will define its character potential and also how it might be received.

Venus is the planet of love and affection and can also speak of our finances, our valuables, possessions and social conditions.  Venus is second only to Jupiter when it comes to being fortunate and when aspected by Jupiter, good things are likely.  Even under a little more challenging aspect, like the quincunx or also known as the inconjunct, we are likely to experience fortunate outcomes.

As mentioned, whatever Jupiter touches has the potential for expansion and optimistic opportunities await.  When we are speaking of the quincunx aspect, it energies have a need for balance and adjustment.  We need to analyse what these energies apply to in our life and then make some adjustments so the energy can flow more freely.  Don`t forget, these planets are out of element and modality with one another so the energies need redirecting and diverting.  They will not flow to where they need to be on their own.  You must intervene. 

If love and affection are part of the modality and you have met someone who brings you a general feeling of happiness and potential growth, perhaps you will need to have a little closer look at this individual especially if Neptune is somehow involved.  You might not be getting a clear picture of what this person is all about, or your expectations might be too high.  Remember the feeling of good luck and good fortune is often abundant at this time, and you probably need to make an adjustment balancing things out.

If the finances are part of the unfolding process, make sure you are not overspending or being too generous at this time.  You might not be as wealthy as you feel you are or the funds might not last as long as you think they might.  However, under most conditions, in either case, these planets in quincunx to one another are often significators of good luck and opportunities after some adjustments have been made.  Venus and Jupiter together even under harsh aspect have potential for growth and valuable experience. 

If love is in the picture, this might be a special time in your life. Check to see if transiting Jupiter will go into retrograde and pass over the same degree again.  Jupiter can go into retrograde for as long as 120 days and move backward up to twenty degrees.  Each hit (to the same degree) will expand the potential although usually unless there are other factors in place, the first contact is the strongest one.  The direct motion is usually stronger in its effect than the retrograde motion also.

Jupiter and Venus together will likely be a fortunate adventure.  Be sure you make the most of it.

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Tuesday, 16 July 2019


It is hard to define in words our life’s path.  More often than not, we can define this path with feelings and intuition. 

Life will take us to places we never dreamed possible and it will also take us down roads few would choose to walk.  Each step of the way, however, offers new insight into understanding.  With an open mind, we will gain awareness as we maneuver our way through proverbial dense forests and open fields.

By living our unspoken mission, we become immersed.  By living our unspoken mission, we become completely involved so as to experience each moment individually, without anticipation of the next moment.  We are here to explore life and all of its wonders and to experience its vastness with vigor and joy, regardless of the path that we might be on.  There are many unseen events awaiting us and we have the choice of sharing the experience each step of the way.

We will meet people that touch us deeply, on many levels of understanding.  Some of these experiences will not be pleasant but important lessons nonetheless.  Some individuals we experience these events with will radiate beauty through their unconditional love and offer complete understanding.  We share this life on many levels and we are never alone even when we feel as though we are.  We can always reach out for guidance, either physically or spiritually, when we feel this need arises.

Have faith in the process and the freedom of choice.  During those times when the choice seems as though it has already been made, understand that the actions taken are perfect for our earthly life’s lessons.   We do have a choice in our reaction to these events, however.

Stay resolved to your own personal commitments. 

Enjoy life’s path, for this unspoken path lies ever waiting for you to experience grace it with your presence.

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Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

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Monday, 15 July 2019


We will be experiencing a Lunar Eclipse/Full Moon on July 16 at 5:38 p.m. EDT which falls at 24 degrees in the sign of Capricorn.  You will have to check your own personal natal chart to see if you have planets or angles lined up with this degree either by conjunction or opposition.  Check to see the houses involved as these will be areas of life that will be going through a purge and you will likely want to let go of anything that no longer serves a viable purpose in your life that fall into these guidelines.

This purge is apt to be extreme because Pluto is at 21 degrees Capricorn and Pluto does not work in subtle ways.  Pluto is about releasing anything that serves as an obstruction to a new path and it will usually finalize any situation that holds you back from further growth.  This can include a relationship, your job, the family and your parents.  Much depends on what houses will be involved.

The eclipse is often a tumultuous time when the emotions are heightened and because Pluto is in the picture there may be control issues or ego disputes.  You may experience power struggles as either you want to gain or maintain some control or perhaps someone else will be forcing themselves on you.  Either way, power struggles are almost imminent, and this can be quite intimidating since control is the issue. 

A Lunar eclipse can last as long in months as it does in hours during the actual event.  So if the eclipse lasts 3 hours in total, the effects may still be felt up to and including 3 month from July 16. 

Because we are experiencing a Full Moon, what was begun some six months ago may be ready and nearing it fruition.  You will reap the rewards for the work you carried out.  If you have been inattentive to your goals, you may have to disengage or release what was not attended too.  We will reap the equivalent of the energy we spent over the past six months to having our goals materialize. 

Prior to this time, say about 6-8 weeks, you may have had a feel for how things were developing and what you could have done to make things run smoother.

Saturn and the South Node are also conjunct at this time and this often speaks of past karma being released at this time.  The closer the nodes are to the eclipse degree, the stronger their effects will be.  The South Node has similar energies of that of Saturn, so it suggests some lessons to learn and also the potential for challenging conditions to deal with. 

Capricorn often has to do with our obligations and duties and this eclipse may very well encapsulate these attributes. 

Have you been fulfilling your obligations in life to fulfill someone else’s demands or have you been attending to your own needs? 

It would be best to approach this question with an idea of what is more in need.  Sometimes we need to weigh out things before we begin evaluating what has been taking place.  There is certainly nothing wrong with looking after your own needs as well as looking after other people’s needs at the same time.  Just don’t spread yourself too thin.  Pluto tends to overwork and push us to the limits.

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Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

Are you interested in learning Astrology? Holm Astrology offers Astrology courses. Visit our calendar for dates at

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Friday, 12 July 2019


The Sun, whether natal or progressed, tells the story of our vitality, our energy and our ability to recuperate.  It also deals with the ego and governs the success we are able to attain in life as well as our ambitions. The Sun is also representative of the Father (or masculine parent) and other dominant authority figures prominent in our life.

The progressed Sun moves one degree per year and over a period of a lifetime will not move too far from its original position at birth.  It will make semi-sextile to the natal Sun at 30, semi-square at 45 and sextile at 60 and for those lucky enough to live into their 90’s, they will experience the square at age 90. 

The Sun will, however, also make many aspects throughout our lifetime to other planetary placements as well as angles in the Birth chart, including the Ascendant depending on its natal position at birth.  In order for it to reach the Ascendant, the Natal Sun will need to be within 90 degrees of the Ascendant (11th -12th house) to make any connections to this very significant place within our life time.

The effects of the Progressed Sun on our Ascendant (if this will come into effect in our chart) will cover over a three year period and the middle year is the most significant as this will be when it becomes direct or 0 degrees in separation to this placement.  This conjunction can produce both challenging conditions and positive conditions.  It can reinforce life’s conditions that will aid us in moving forward in life, again if this aspect takes place in our progressed chart.  These influences are partly due to the transits that will make contact to this placement over this period of time as well.

In a more easy flow sense, if and when this conjunction occurs, there are often potential opportunities for advancement in our profession.  At times, people in authority will aid us in achieving our goals and become motivating factors in our surge forward. In some cases, these opportunities come to the Father or more dominant parent. In a woman’s chart, this is often a time of marriage or engagement and offers opportunities for meeting up with a suitable partner, especially if the Vertex is involved or Venus and Jupiter.

The health is usually good when the conjunction has easy flow aspects from transits affecting it and whatever we are trying to achieve during the influence will have a greater chance of success.

If, however, this conjunction is receiving challenging aspects from other planets in transit, especially outer planets, the chances for success are greatly diminished, or we would have to work very harder in order to achieve the same level of success that the easy flow aspects would provide.   Much of what transpires depends on the planet transiting the conjunction and its house placement as well as the house placement it has natally.  We can also look to the house it rules in the Natal chart to get more information as to how events may unfold and what areas of life will be involved.

With a more challenging aspect, there may also be difficulties in the health of the individual although we would have to look at the overall condition of the Natal Ascendant and Sun as well as any planets in the twelfth house, known as the house of ingrained health issues and confirm if they too are poorly aspected or not.

When the progressed Sun advances towards the Ascendant, we may feel a draw to make changes to our life that would enhance our world.  Some will make changes to their appearance while some become involved in exercise routines that enhance the body.  Paying close attention to our well-being is always recommended and especially so if and when this conjunction is about to take hold in our life.

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Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

Are you interested in learning Astrology? Holm Astrology offers Astrology courses.  Visit our calendar for dates at

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Thursday, 11 July 2019


As we travel the path of life, there are moments that are truly awe inspiring and unforgettable.  

There are times that we feel encouraged to veer from the well-trodden path to cut a trail where few seemed to have ventured. 

The venture seems new and exciting.  As we move forward we begin to see just how warn the path actually is.  Many have traveled this path before us and if we look close enough, we will come to realize that many others walk beside us.

Imagine the flow of people venturing down this meandering path.  There are many twists and turns.  It is a path lit by the life-giving sun.  The view is filled with hills and valleys and bountiful foliage on all sides.  Some valleys have deep crevices and some hills rise up to become great mountains.  Somehow, we are not intimidated by these things that stand before us.  We may experience flashes of fear but faith reassures us that we will persevere and conquer the route that this path will provide. 

As we move deep into the forests, we notice that the mountains and valleys are not near as steep as they first appeared.  It is as though the path shifts, as we approach, to make the travel easier for us.  Although the well-worn path continues forever forward, we are not hesitant or overwhelmed.  We cannot see beyond the next curve in the path but somehow we know that we are moving in the right direction. 

This is so with all things in life.  What can appear insurmountable at first glance becomes far less intimidating as we examine it more closely.  All that is required of us is to take that first step to conquer anything we are presented with.

Our path leads us to enlightenment and our eventual oneness with source.  Never fear losing our way or wandering off course for when we feel we have veered off course, we actually are experiencing part of our journey.  We may lose sight of the path from time to time but that is only due to the weakness of our eyes, not the path itself.  If we keep putting one foot in front of the other, our focus will adjust and the path will eventually reappear exactly where it should be.  Because we cannot see it, does not mean that it is not there. 

Wherever we find ourselves is not by change.  Our timing is always impeccable and we are exactly where we should be on our journey.

We seek tranquility and peace and our path offers this for our taking.  Our journey is on the road to unconditional love if we care to open our hearts.  These have always been there for the taking. 

The time is now to take that step, that leap of faith…. to venture forward into what we term the unknown, even though this journey is so very familiar to us on a subconscious level.

We can take our time as we journey to absorb all that is available.  Allow true dialogue with self and of course with those that journey this path with us.  We have so very much to learn. 

Feel free to question along the way, but be prepared for truthful answers.  The truth is not always pleasant for the ego to hear. 

The beauty we see around us is reflections of our inner selves and that beauty is constantly changing.   The path we follow is a mirror.  If we do not like what we see, what can we do within to create changes which will be reflected out? 

Others can and will live their lives as they do.  They do not create our viewpoints or reactions.  Our reactions are generated solely by us.

There will be symbolic benches and individual seats where we can choose to sit to take in the scenery on our journey.  These are important resting points so that we can stop to smell the roses.  Make time for solitude and to reflect.

Move forward with confidence knowing that we are on the right path.  We can feel free to question those around us.   They are our guides, our guardian angels, our helpers.  We can always count on them when we need them. 

For those that come to us for assistance, treat them with compassion and respect. 

We are to enjoy our journey and the beautiful reflections of self along the way. 

All that is we need to master this journey is available and waiting for us.  

Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.

Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at
Are you interested in learning Astrology? Holm Astrology offers courses in astrology.    See the schedule at

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Wednesday, 10 July 2019


Transiting Pluto aspecting our natal Sun often suggests power struggles and transformational energies at hand.  Over time, because Pluto can have an effect in our lives for up to 3 years, Pluto’s energies can create ego interference and issues with those that want control over our destiny. 

Our Sun, in part, speaks of our goals and objectives as well as our path in life.  When Pluto makes an aspect to the Sun, these areas of focus will be under scrutiny and sometimes there can be obstructions.

The quincunx, also known as the inconjunct, is an aspect of 150 degree separation and it has a tight orb of influence of about 2-3 degrees.  As a result, its influence will be from 147 degrees to 152 degrees.  Some individuals do feel the energies as they approach up to 5 degrees before direct and the energies fade when they are separating by 2 degrees. 

A quincunx has to do with a lack of balance and often times the energies of the planets are out of touch with one another.  This can be due to the fact that they are out of modality with one another and also out of element.  The energies do not connect with one another and an adjustment is necessary.

The quincunx has been linked to health issues due to the sixth and eighth house alignments.  It has been said that someone with many quincunx’s in the birth chart may have challenges linked to health, although further review is necessary to collaborate this.  The twelfth house deals with chronic conditions and the sixth house deals with health and sometimes with vitality.  The Sun and Ascendant also play a role in our health and vitality; so many things need to be taken into consideration before drawing a conclusion of health issues being present.

When Pluto quincunx’s our natal Sun we may need to realign our life’s path as transformations to our goals may be imperative and we will have to adapt.  If we choose to ignore the energies, they can come at us in a more aggressive manner.  Quite often the outer planets force us into action or push us in directions that, although often challenging, offer up a new direction that is actually more suitable for us than our original or current path.

There may be power struggles with those in authority or if the father or more dominant parent is still living, the problems may stem from/with him. 

Transformations are at hand, and we will be swept away by the powerful energies building in our lives.  Although things may be challenging and sometimes overwhelming and difficult to handle, our attitude plays a significant role in determining how challenging things might become.  Pluto often puts an end to things and starts us in a new direction, fresh from what used to be.  We will be pointed in the direction of an unfamiliar path but that is where we need to be.

We will need to check out which houses are involved in the equation in our Astrology chart.  Look at the position of transiting Pluto, the natal Sun and natal Pluto as this will provide some insight into how this aspect might pan out in our personal life’s experience.

Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.

Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

Are you interested in learning Astrology?  Holm Astrology offers courses in astrology.  Visit our calendar for dates at

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Tuesday, 9 July 2019


We tend to think of ourselves as a separate entity, free and clear of any type of actual bond from anyone else.  We connect, but at the same time we feel separated.  In many ways, we feel quite alone in this life.  We can make close connects and can also feel attached in many ways emotionally but still feel separate and individual.

Why is this?  Are we really so different from one another?

Our beliefs can be similar or different.  We can follow similar routines and habits in our everyday life or our ways of life can be quite different. 

We may feel a connection with those who have similar beliefs as we do, and we structure our lives according to these beliefs.  Many of us hold our own personal beliefs dear to us.  Although we have many ideas in common with many in our inner circle, few, if anyone else, holds the exact same belief structures completely. 

Does this make us different?   Do these differences interfere with our relationships?

We are all here in physical form for an unknown length of time.  Each of us live our lives yet we share our resources and this planet we call home. 

We are also all connected through our true nature-- with spirit and with our connection and wholeness in source.

We, as humans, seem to thirst for our own individual identity. It seems that we need to think of ourselves as separate yet, go to great lengths to fit in.  Do we really need to be separate to feel unique? 

All living things are made of energy without exception.  How much do we vary on an energetic level?

Perhaps it is time that we recognize that we are all spiritual entities learning from a human experience.  Our core beings are the same, and we all stem from/are a part of the same source. 

We are so connected that when one hurts, we all hurt on some level.  It helps to remember this as we push our way through life without consideration for those that walk with us.  Deep down inside, we all crave love and understanding if we dig deep enough.

We are each part of the whole.  Each of us represents a spark from the fire of existence.  The whole, however, is inseparable.  How individual are we then? 

Share your love with others so that you will be loved.  Do whatever you feel good at doing and live in harmony in your/our oneness.

Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.

Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

Are you interested in learning Astrology? Holm Astrology offers Astrology courses.  Visit our calendar for dates at

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If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit