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Friday, 26 July 2019


The New Moon phase is considered a time to put goals into action,  setting things into motion.  We can set new goals for our self and when the Full Moon moves into the same sign or house positon that the New Moon was in, we will find that the energies flow more easy to complete our goals. 

The Full Moon cycle is often linked to completing or reaching the end of a condition or course of action.  This is when ideas and our work effort come to fruition.  If we are not quite there, this period provides the energies so that we can visualize the whole picture and often will instinctively know what the next steps should be to complete our goal.

In the New Moon phase, we could set our plans and outline what our intensions may be.  Our normal metaphor is the garden of life.  The new Moon is the time to ready our garden and plant our seeds after which we can work to see our goals grow.  No seed grows without being attended to.  We can ensure that our goals receive the necessary food and water and that it is not being choked out by other activities in life.  As times passes, watch how our goals manifest as life presents the needed opportunities and we put in the required work.  When we plant our seeds, our intension is set. 

When we enter into the Full Moon cycle, particularly if there is a link to the sign and house positon of the original New Moon phase when we set are intensions, we will discover that either these intensions can materialize, they can deepen or mature or they have withered.

If we set our intensions on goals specific to the house and sign position in our personal astrology chart, the potential for success is greater than if we set intensions in areas of life that are not linked to house and sign position. 

For example, if the New Moon is in Taurus and in the fourth house, we might think about beautifying our home and doing work on the house, as Taurus often speaks about material comforts and the fourth house has to do with the home environment.

If the same sign and house placement are involved in our personal chart during the new moon and full moon cycles but our sights were set on begin a new relationship, this goal might not work out as well for us.  In this circumstance we might want to wait until the New Moon sign placement is in Libra and the house placement is in the fifth house.  Libra is all about partnership and important relationships among other things, and the fifth house deals with romantic involvement (among other things).

If by chance the New Moon Cycle begins under a Void-Off-course Moon, it has been noted that things will often not materialize during this cycle.  (Void-off course is when the moon is not making an aspect while leaving one sign and entering the next.  For example, the Moon is in Aries at 27 degrees 15 minutes at which time it squares Mars.  It will not make another aspect to any other planets until it is at Taurus at 1 degree and 23 minutes.  This period is known as Void-Off-Course).  The Void-Off Course period could last from a few hours, even minutes to several days.  Under the influence of the Void-Off course Moon, goals may not materialize or things do not go as planned.  It would be better to wait until a time when there is no Void-Off-Course influence.

It is not suggested by this Astrologer that we have to wait to make plans or decisions in life for these opportune moments to come, but there is a better chance to make things work if following these guidelines.  Even with the energies of the moon cycles are influencing our Astrology chart, we must always look at the whole chart as there may be other mitigating conditions within the chart making challenges or even more easy flow for our goals.  Always look through the whole chart as it can help us discover if we will be presented with challenges or easy flow in achieving any objective.

Astrology can be used to help our life’s endeavors, but we always have the leading role in determining what actions to take.  Astrology is a guide to help us with our decisions.  It does not dictate.   

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Thursday, 25 July 2019


As we open ourselves up to higher intentions, some of us become more aware of our souls’ and/or our personal guides.  This all unfolds as it should.  We cannot hasten the process no matter how much we want to recognize the presence of these guides.  All events in life happen or unfold in their own time. 

Many of us may only feel the presence of our guides from time to time in different ways.  Whether we feel their presence or we do not, our guides are always with us.  For those in tune to this, we can feel their presence in sublet ways and as we become familiar with these subtleties, we will recognize their continued presence more and more.  As we continually raise our vibrational level, we become closer to the vibrational levels of the spirit plain.  The gap continues to narrow as we continue our spiritual development.

Our quest is far from over, but the stage is set and we are on our way.  Many are moving along similar routes, and we connect with these individuals.  Our development and growth is ours alone but we are never alone in our journey.

Have faith in the process and let go of control.  The process is out of our hands although our attitude and beliefs influence all. 

Much is changing.  Eventually we will not be able to step back or deny what is.  Denying the truth is ultimately impossible and we will “recognize” more and more along our way…one foot in front of the other.

Take hold of your destiny.  Share it with those that are ready to understand.  Accept the process without restriction and the flow will accelerate. 

We alone hold ourselves back.

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Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

Are you interested in learning Astrology? Holm Astrology offers Astrology courses.  Visit our calendar for dates at

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Wednesday, 24 July 2019


We will be discussing the mid-life turning point at ages 38-44 in this post. This period in life is a normal evolutionary process from early adulthood into a maturing personality.  This is a period when we can reconcile with ourselves, and we should be fairly comfortable with whom we truly are. 

This can be a time when we restructure our association with self on a much more profound level.  A sense of individuality should occur due to the major influences taking place in our lives.  During this age group, we are experiencing transiting Saturn in trine to its natal position and Neptune in square to its natal position.  These signify inner transformations and a realistic approach to who we are. 

There may even be a feeling of urgency with our quests in life.  Our ego and the ongoing search for “who am I?” are undergoing alterations in the consciousness of those individuals that feel they need answers.

There is no formal training when it comes to what many people term “the midlife crisis”.  No one can say they are prepared, particularly because no one knows exactly what to expect.  Each individual goes through their own personal “crisis” (if that is how you want to look at it) and then an awakening takes place.  This is a time of great soul searching and a desire for inner change which often coincides with outer change, as one affects the other.

The body is also undergoing physical changes during this time in our lives, and those who have placed too much attention on their physical appearance may become depressed with what they see in the mirror.  Many individuals will go deep within to find out what they actually have to offer, especially if the physical appearance has been held in an elevated position most of their lives.  The ego is actually in a somewhat delicate state, as the inner self gains supremacy and control, at least for those who are searching for something more.

This is often considered a turning point as we truly begin to question who we are and we relentlessly want answers. 

Many individuals traditionally turn to deeper subjects such as spirituality, Astrology and the mystical side of life, furthering their pursuit, hoping to find some answers to some truly profound questions.  This is an awakening stage as many who have been wrapped up in the material world and have came up empty, now want greater meaning in their lives.

Doors that have been locked are now beginning to open and a deep restlessness is awakening within.  The search continues and those longing for answers begin to question their existence and open the channel from within to make a more intimate contact with the inner self.  The process has begun, as we raise our consciousness and continue on with our mission.

At age 42, we are also experiencing the Uranus opposition with itself.  This intensifies the search and often we reach for something new to bring to the forefront of life.  Some reach out for radical solutions and this is when people become bored with life and want something that is exciting and exhilarating.  There is a bit of an eccentric influence arising from the personality.  Many find this new individual reaching to find some satisfaction beyond the normal material influences in life....things that may be a bit erratic and different.

These life expressions often come to light on short notice and we make untimely changes that will affect us personally and those around us.  This is often quite disruptive for family members that are accustom to life being steady, solid and secure. 

Some individuals may leave their marriage partners and start a new life. In many cases the change is sudden and comes without much warning. 

We can never prepare ourselves for what might take place but we can know that change is inevitable.  A transformation will take place and this period can certainly be intense. 

Be ready to welcome in the new, whatever that “new” may look like.

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Tuesday, 23 July 2019


We all need time to process events that take place in our lives.  There are times when we experience traumatic events that even those that are very close to us have no concept of what we are truly experiencing internally.  Sometimes we just need time to adjust or to process the information. 

There are many good-hearted people that will want to assist us during these times.  They may know just the right words to say to plant the most appropriate seeds for our healing process.

If we happen to be that helping hand and truly feel compassion for someone else, letting them know that we are there for them might be enough for that particular moment.  Perhaps they may not want to talk right now but will in the future.  Even when our intentions are good, they are not always wanted and that is perfectly okay.

We cannot allow our egos to be part of the equation if we have been shut down when we offer assistance.  A loving heart and compassionate ear is irreplaceable. 

Most of us intuitively know what is appropriate and will be guided if we listen to our inner voice when we are being supportive. 

Listening to our inner voice also applies to those individuals who are experiencing the life event.  Follow your instincts and listen to the nudges you receive; then move accordingly.  If you feel space is required, it is always the perfect time to step back and allow. 

A simple reminder to anyone that they are loved can be very supportive and their knowing that you are available if and when they need you is invaluable.

Kindness never fails whether we see the fruits of its labour or not. 

Respectfully follow your instincts and allow your intuition to lead.

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Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

Are you interested in learning Astrology?  Holm Astrology offers courses in astrology.  Visit our calendar for dates at

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Monday, 22 July 2019

SUN IN LEO - JULY 22, 2019

The Sun moves into the noble sign of Leo at 10:51 p.m. EDT on July 22, 2019.  Leo is symbolically linked to the Lion....the king of the jungle. 

Those individuals with strong Leo tendencies in their birth chart certainly wish to have some reign over their personal kingdom.  They are proud and charismatic individuals, who will be noticed when they make an entrance.  They are leaders (seldom followers) and wish to help those around them by organizing life so that it flows gracefully and accommodating. 

Leo is the sign of the actor and they are inclined towards the dramatic yet their intensions are honorable and always for the betterment of those individuals that they touch.  They truly want to be of help although they also have a tendency to take over situations.  They like to rule over matters and often believe that they know what is best for others.  In many cases, this might be true but there are others, such as a typical Aries or Capricorn, that feel quite comfortable leading their own lives and making their own decisions.  The classic Leo will have to learn when it is appropriate to advance their intentions and when they should just sit back and allow.

A Leo individual is a kind-hearted soul, who is ruled by their heart, and although quite ambitious and certain of themselves, they will listen to advice every now and then.  After which, they will make up their own mind on how to respond to the advice. 

Leo’s are driven to succeed and maneuver their way up the ladder of success regardless of what personal success looks like to them.  They don’t like ridicule and resent those that do not pay homage to what they are trying to do.  They like rewards and recognition and can be hurt when no reaction comes from all their hard work.

Those with their Sun in Leo (in the middle degrees) will have Jupiter, which is in Sagittarius, trine to their Sun sign position in the near future (check an ephemeris to locate the position of Jupiter through its transit).  Jupiter moves into Capricorn in December and makes a quincunx then to the early degree Sun in Leo.  Jupiter while in trine offers up opportunities and easy flow to those that their Astrology charts line up with this trine aspect.  Jupiter often produces good luck, growth in a positive sense especially linked to goals and aspirations and promotes higher learning sometimes attached to religious or spiritual inclinations already inherent in the individual. 

The Sun/Jupiter connection is a positive aspect and in many cases the flow runs easily.  Those with this aspect will have to do little in order for things to work in their favour.  It is always suggested, however, that we apply some push in order to reach higher heights of success.

There will be times of adjustments for those with their Sun in the later degrees of Leo due to the placement of Jupiter when it moves into Capricorn and also for those in the earlier degrees.  The ones with the later degree Sun will deal with the combined energies of Pluto and Saturn in early 2020 which might stir up quite the uprising.  Much will depend on the houses (areas of life) being affected and the degree of your Sun as to what will be affected and what you can do with the energies. 

Regardless of challenge, any aspect can work out favourably and Astrology points out the best approach to dealing with both the positive energies and the lessons to be learned.  With the right information, we can propel ourselves ahead in leaps and bounds.

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Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

Are you interested in learning Astrology?  Holm Astrology offers courses in astrology.  Visit our calendar for dates at

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Friday, 19 July 2019


Transiting Uranus has an 84 year cycle.  In other words it takes Uranus approximately 84 years to circulate the Zodiac and move back to its original position at the time of your birth.  During this cycle, Uranus trines its natal position twice (in a life time).  Uranus’ first contact by trine is around the age 28 closely aligning with your first Saturn return, and the second will be at age 56, which is a couple of years prior to your second Saturn return.  Both of these positions will vary from individual to individual primarily because of the location of transiting Uranus as well as Natal Uranus by house position.

The first trine of Uranus to Uranus is significant because of the massive changes that occur due to the trine but also because of the Saturn return.  The Trine to Uranus initiates a desire for change and the want to break free, (begin anew or start over) so that we can utilize the experiences learned through life to that point. 

Uranus wants to shake things up and a trine usually suggests affirmative changes and a desire to break free from the influence of our parents and sometimes our peer group because this time is often referred to as the transition from young adult to a more mature individual wanting to meet their personal responsibilities.

We will want to be able to do the things we want to do and be able to express ourselves more precisely more now than at any other time prior to this period. 

With the Saturn return quickly at the heels of this trine to Uranus, responsibilities are sure to come our way and rather quickly.  This is a time of gaining inner strength and resilience so we are ready for whatever Saturn’s return will bring.  This includes finding a suitable mate if we do not already have an appropriate one, finding an occupation that suits our ever changing needs, which I promise will settle after the Saturn return, and to break free of any restrictive life influences that have been holding us back to this point.

The second trine at the age of 56 is quite different in that we are now in a totally different state of mind and look at life from a different vantage point.  We, now under this influence, are not setting the stage for what was important in life when we were 28, as settling into a vocation and raising a young family are now behind us. 

Initially, the second trine of Uranus is a time of reflection and reviewing of where we have reached now in life, especially from the time of our Uranus opposition to its birth position at age 42.  The changes we made at that stage in our life have taken us to this trine period.  We will now evaluate our life experiences and our achievements.  In many cases, we will be readying ourselves for retirement which is often the focus in life during the second Saturn return in 2 to 3 years following the second Uranus trine.

We will once again re-evaluate our life’s work and make some decisions on where we would like to go in the next several years.  We may work towards early retirement and set the stage for what comes next.  Some make massive changes under this influence and as long as we take the time we require to think things over, we will probably be ready once our second Saturn return is in full activation or nearing its conclusion. 

What is important now differs from what we experienced in the first trine period as now our personal needs must be met and we will make whatever changes that will push us in our intended direction.

During this trine, it is suggested that we take the time to set a course that will eventually take us to where we might want to see our self in approximately seven years from now (when Uranus makes it second square to itself at age 63). 

The second Uranus trine is usually an exciting time which includes a change of direction, one which is required by the soul personality to take us where you need to go. 

Both of these periods can be disruptive as sometimes change is inevitable and sudden but under most conditions the final outcome is positive in its nature. 

Prepare yourself for change and evolution and an awakening of self.  The self that will morph after this aspect may not be recognizable compared to the self of the past.

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Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

Are you interested in learning Astrology?  Holm Astrology offers courses in astrology.  Visit our calendar for dates at

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Thursday, 18 July 2019


It can be quite a challenge meeting and overcoming hurdles in life, and although we would like to rush beyond these hurdles, it is important to take small, certain steps… at a time.  Rushing will only create new obstacles that are avoidable.

What lies ahead is sometimes so muddied, if we rush ahead, we become even more lost.  Our logical minds or egos will persistently make Mount Everest our of ant hills.  The mind mulls through potential outcomes and often the ego gets in the way.  As a result, we suffer.  If we learn to let go, the journey is far less challenging and stressful.

Take one step at a time and allow life to flow as it should.  The experience may move slowly but the experience is far more comfortable and less traumatic.  Allowing the process to unfold is equivalent to having faith in the process.  This is not to say that we are at the mercy of life and have no say in what happens, but there are times when it is best just to wait patiently for answers and guidance to show the way.

Guidance can come from outside sources and other times, it swells up from within us.  It is important to have goals in mind or an objective to reach as we do continually move forward, but we have to be flexible with any of these.  Rigidity causes frustration.  Finding solutions along the way usually comes naturally when the time is right and when we are ready and able to receive the proper information.  Patience truly is a virtue and this is often a lesson to learn behind every life experiences.

Have faith in the knowledge that life is taking us down the road we are meant to travel.  We will move through all circumstance eventually.  No obstacle is insurmountable.  All things in life can either be conquered or altered.  

It is our expectation of how life is to play out that requires changing.  First we must believe in ourselves.  Believe in the process and have faith that we are on the right path.  We are never off course, even when it feels as though we are.

Take small step at a time.  Let’s see where these steps take us.  It IS an exciting journey!
Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.

Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

Are you interested in learning Astrology? Holm Astrology offers Astrology courses.  Visit our calendar for dates at

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