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Wednesday, 11 September 2019


Chiron, a comet known in Astrology as the wounded healer, while in transit takes between 49 to 51 years to make a full cycle around the Zodiac.  As a result, at most, you can have the conjunction to the MC twice in your life unless of course Chiron is in its retrograde cycle while it crosses your MC. 

In the natal chart, Chiron is representative of your most challenging wound and the work you must put into healing this wound.  Some say that the wound can never be healed and we are better at healing others than healing ourselves depending on the house your Chiron is located in.

Many people believe that in order to help others with their issues, we must at some point have needed to help ourselves in a similar fashion.  Without experience in that particular area, how can we truly be of help to others? 

In order to help ourselves or heal ourselves, we first have to recognize what the wound is.  We can’t heal something until we first accept what needs healing. 

Depending on which house and aspects are involved with Chiron in our natal chart, we may have to work on ourselves from a mental perspective first and recognize that our mental conditioning has a powerful influence on what we believe we can do.  If Chiron is poorly aspected in the Astrology chart then there is more than normal work needed in order to heal our personal wound.  If Chiron is nicely aspected perhaps the healing is easier to come by, but do not let the aspects in your Astrology chart hold you back.  Anything can be healed, and this healing always begins with your perspective.

The MC (Midheaven) deals with our occupation, our goals in life and is the most public place in an Astrology chart.  It is also how the general public perceives us through what we have achieved in life.  When our MC is activated by transiting Chiron, it can show itself as pain or healing.  With most people, unfortunately, pain is the first most evident. 

Chiron aspecting our MC can be a time to release tension or anxiety.  It can also be associated with our goals in life and the path we choose to manifest or not to manifest.  Our destiny or preconceived notion of what we believe we are capable of achieving always has the potential to materialize.

Since the MC as well as the IC deal with the parents, one of the parents, (the most dominant one) may be the source of healing required under this connection.  The healing may be connected to a past perceived wrong; perhaps we were not treated well or not given enough love and affection, in our opinion.  This would have had an influence on our lives.  It may be time to shed these concepts to heal the wounds and rid ourselves of this feeling of lack. 

We do not have to hold on to hurt any longer than we choose to.  It is a choice.
Sometimes we need forgiveness or we are the ones that need to forgive.  Whatever needs healing under this connection, we can take advantage of the energies at hand with this conjunction.  If we do utilize the energies, we may come out the other side much stronger and also find compassion perhaps where there was little prior to our personal work.

If the occupation is what needs healing then perhaps we will need to make adjustments to our work or move out of the situation, by changing jobs.  If our attitude is what needs adjusting then we need to make that adjustment and heal our wounds before we leave the work place or it may reappear in our next job.  We cannot simply run from adversity.  We need to face the issues head on and take action accordingly. 

What will you do with these energies when they materialize in your Astrology chart?  What healing is required and how can it be facilitated?

Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.

Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

Are you interested in learning Astrology? Holm Astrology now is accepting registrations for our Fall Astrology courses. Visit our calendar for dates at for dates or for course details.

Please “Like” us on Facebook.  Your “shares” are appreciated and your questions are welcomed.

If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit

Tuesday, 10 September 2019


One of the hardest lessons we can learn is living with faith.  We all want to have control and living with faith we have to offer this control up.  It is one of the essential steps with living in the mystical realm.  We are creatures of learning.  We fell fulfilled when we are learning but we often require some form of proof before we feel comfortable plunge into a new belief or understanding.

Many fear this veil of uncertainty.  We must understand that it is the mind’s interference that creates these insecurities and obstructions to the truth.  Many concepts are passes down from generation to generation.  We have been programmed throughout our lives on many different levels.  How can we blindly follow these passed down concepts and ideals yet we have such difficulty having faith in our own true knowing?

We may have faith that in the afterlife if we live a life without compliance to what is considered to be correct, we will face demons at deaths door.  Why then can we not have faith in the knowing that God, our true essence, all that inspires, true Love, call it what you will, only knows love and compassion?  Would a loving essence have us face demons upon death--or the crossing through the door to the next existence--or our proverbial door to the next stage of awakening?  

We can release worry about our past and how we have lived our lives.  That is in the past.  Today is a fresh start.  This “now” is all that we have.  Undoubtedly there is Karma on one level or another, but we can face much of our Karma now if we wish, or push it into our next existence.  When we cross that bridge, or open that door, we are all met with the same similar warm, loving embrace of acceptance and understanding.

When following our life’s pursuit and having crossed many barriers along the way, if we accept that we all have the ingredients to move ahead at any given time into our intended direction, this is faith.  Believe in life and its process.  Have FAITH that it is taking you in the proper direction.  There is only one thing that we know as truth.......that LOVE IS.

Negative information does not have its place in this existence.  There is no real significance in the negative forces that passed down information has ingrained into our belief system other than for control purposes.  Knowing this, we can refocus our life on PURE LOVE, because nothing else matters.  By doing this, we close the door to any negativity and only allow THE PURE ESSENCE--LOVE ITSELF to filter through the core of your being.  It already does and always will resonate within.  Have FAITH!

Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.
Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

Are you interested in learning Astrology? Holm Astrology now is accepting registrations for our Fall Astrology courses. Visit our calendar for dates at for dates or for course details.

Please “Like” us on Facebook.  Your “shares” are appreciated and your questions are welcomed.

If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit

Monday, 9 September 2019


Since the Midheaven or MC, is usually a very public place, those individuals that have their North Node in conjunction to this axis are here to gain recognition within the working environment and to receive some type of honour for some of the work and achievements that they accomplish.  The MC is relative to our interaction with the world at large and our place in it.  It has been known as the axis of destiny and is often connected to public life, particularly when heavily activated in the birth chart.

Any planetary link, including nodal connection, will need comprehensive review to decipher.  The sign that the node is in or the planet that is conjunct as well as the planet’s rulership will have to be delineated to get a detailed definition of what the MC is telling us. 

When the MC is connected to the North Node, and as it is understood that the North Node is what we should be striving towards in this incarnation, many individuals will seek friendships with people of like minds as this will help to facilitate the need for recognition in this life.  These people that are sought out may help with achieving goals.

Often there is great progress made with the objectives and some individuals with this connection will receive the recognition and public status that they are looking for, but not always for the best reasons.  It is important that every effort is made to ensure that this work is for the benefit of others and serving the general interests of the public, rather than only to achieve success for their own personal gain.  Whether or not they achieve their heart’s desire will often by indicated by the planetary links to the conjunction and the overall condition suggested in the birth chart.

When there is a strong link especially by conjunction between the South Node and the MC, it is suggested that in a prior life that these people received plenty of recognition for their efforts.  They may have been in positions of authority where others would have helped them achieve great things or notoriety, much depends on the aspects to this position.  In this life, rather than being centre stage which they were in the previous one, they are to remain low-key and stay in the background perhaps aiding others in their endeavours.

There is often a need to develop a sense of humbleness and a modest attitude and that these individuals put their emphasis on the home and family, rather than making a name for themselves.  They may have to take a humble stance in the material world and leave behind their need for recognition and achievement.  

With the SN conjunct the MC, these individual’s life’s objectives will change significantly as the North Node (NN) is now conjunct the IC and this is where they will be drawn to working within the family and home environment, developing themselves on a deep emotional level, which is quite different from their previous existence of outer recognition.

The North Node’s objectives will usually be realized.  Assistance and the push in life will often come from outside sources.  The North Node is uncharted territory and a little uncomfortable for most of us.  Many initially will shy away from this push by outside forces, but eventually they will realize and accept the fact that they are to move in this direction. 

Those individuals, in particular, with the Aries point degrees on the MC (29 degrees Mutable to 2 degrees Cardinal) have the opportunity to gain public recognition for their efforts.  Cardinal emphasis in a chart will push people into achievement in many cases.  Hard work is emphasized unless there are other mitigating factors found within the birth chart.

Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.

Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

Are you interested in learning Astrology.  Registrations are currently being accepted in Holm Astrology’s Fall Beginner and Level II courses commencing the week of September 9, 2019.  Visit for course details or to register.

Please “Like” us on Facebook.  Your “shares” are appreciated and your questions are welcomed.

If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit

Saturday, 7 September 2019


Our 2019 Fall classes commence on September 10, 2019, for the Beginner’s course and September 9, 2019, for the Level II course. There is limited space available.
For full content details for the Beginner's Astrology course visit
For details on the Level II course visit
If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us at

Friday, 6 September 2019


We are writing this post in September of 2019 and Pluto is currently around the 20 degree mark of Capricorn and moving as far ahead as 25 degrees and then going retrograde where it stays until October of 2020. 

When Pluto goes direct again, it will have gone back to 22 degrees and 29 minutes Capricorn.  This post will affect those individuals that have their Venus either in the later degrees of Libra or Aries.  As Pluto becomes exact to the degree of your Venus, the intensity increases and then begins to fade when it is about 2 degrees past direct.  You can feel Pluto’s energies as much as 2 to 5 degrees approaching.

Pluto’s energies transform and regenerate and often suggest that an end of sorts is on the horizon.  Of course there will need to be other factors in the Astrology chart suggesting something similar.  Pluto seeks to change things that no longer are suitable for our evolutionary quest.  Quite often we will get nudges along the way which prepare us ahead of time of what is approaching. 

Pluto is an outer planet and as a result often brings change and disruption that in many ways appears out of our control.  It links up with Saturn at around 22 to 23 degrees of Capricorn in January of 2020 intensifying the energies as they merge as one.  If you have your natal Venus in Aries or Libra around the 22 to 23degrees, you will be influenced by this conjunction and likely in a very powerful way.  There is nothing that would be considered half-way about Pluto and there is likely to be some struggle about steadiness and the need for change which will cause some disruption to situations.

Venus has to do with love and affection and is also related to the finances.  Venus is also connected to young women or women in general.  The Moon is more representative of the mother than Venus so unless you have the Moon in aspect at the same time, the woman that might be involved is likely not your mother. 

Venus is also a very social planet and represents our ability to be hospitable and even generous.  If linked with Jupiter, the generosity part of this aspect is generally increased and a jovial and often carefree and open attitude is part of the natal profile for those with this aspect in the birth chart.

If love and affection is part of the picture under this influent, the square often suggests that there is a testing period especially during the Saturn involvement.  If things are not subject to change and transformation, the potential for an ending of sorts is likely.  Squares usually imply obstacles to overcome and stressful conditions are at hand; however, they also suggest that due to the stressful conditions we are pushed to make changes or life itself presents us with the necessary change that is requirement for the soul.  We actually need stressful aspects in order to propel ahead.

What takes place will depend on the houses involved.  We must look into the house transiting Pluto is moving through as well as the house where Venus is located to get a clearly picture of which areas of life are involved.  If, for example, the second house is part of the picture then finances and security issues are likely part of what is taking place.  If it is the fifth or seventh house involved then partnerships, either marriage partnership or romantic partnerships, or it could also have something to do with your children, which is fifth house related. 

You should also have a look at the natal placement of your Pluto as well as the general feel for its conditions represented by the aspects it receives.  The natal profile always has to be taken into consideration when delineating a chart.  The whole chart and its transits will jointly relay the information for any current life events.

Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.

Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

Are you interested in learning Astrology? Holm Astrology now is accepting registrations for our Fall Astrology courses. Visit our calendar for dates at for dates or for course details.

Please “Like” us on Facebook.  Your “shares” are appreciated and your questions are welcomed.

If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit

Thursday, 5 September 2019


There are many individuals born to be teachers.  They come into our lives bearing the knowledge and truths that we need to hear for that moment in time.  Some teachers may only be in our lives for mere moments and yet the lessons they teach us are extremely significant.  Some teachers are part of our lives for many years.

We teach our children just as our parents taught us.  Then as we begin to age our children in many ways become our teachers.  They teach us on many levels.  We can see our own reflection in them and realize how we helped shape who they are now, or even possibly how we disrupted their growth in some ways. 

At times, some of us find it hard to acknowledge and accept the information that our children teach us but this is only ego.  We are accustomed to being the ones assisting our children as they grow, not the other way around.

Our spouses are probably one of our more important teachers, and we receive knowledge from them on an ongoing basis.  We are always learning from each other.  Undoubtedly, this is one of the main reasons we have been brought together. 

There will be many times that we will be faced with issues, and, as long as we let go of our ego and stay open, we will grow from these experiences.

Life is the greatest teacher of all.  When we are faced with challenges and even tragedies in our lives, we often wonder what good could possible come from these experiences.  Yet, upon reflection, we come to realize that the lessons, although hard learned, were valuable.  These challenging conditions that we are faced with from time to time can be very trying particularly when we take them personally.  These lessons can be heart wrenching if we attempt to challenge and fight what is. 

Life is not always hard lessons.  We also experience uncountable occasions that could not get any sweeter. 

Recognize the balance. 

We tend to grow from the lessons we are presented with, and we can recharge during the calm, laid-back moments.  Be grateful for both.  There are many large life lessons that we will experience as well as everyday experiences that we so often take for granted yet both are equally important. 

We are here to experience and to balance the student and the teacher within us. 

Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.

Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

Are you interested in learning Astrology? Holm Astrology now is accepting registrations for our Fall Astrology courses. Visit our calendar for dates at for dates or for course details.

Please “Like” us on Facebook.  Your “shares” are appreciated and your questions are welcomed.

If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit

Wednesday, 4 September 2019


Over the years, we have reviewed many astrological configurations in our posts.  We have reviewed the birth chart aspects, the meanings of houses and planetary energies and the list goes on and on.  What we would now like to touch on today is astrologically based, but we are reviewing from a bit of a different angle.

There are many people that study Astrology through books, the classroom and by delineating their own chart and the charts of others.  We at Holm Astrology have taken astrology courses, read many books and studied the subject in great depth for decades.  The beauty behind this science is that our forefathers have provided many transcripts and much information which has been gathered and confirmed over a very long period of time.  The history of Astrology goes back several thousand years and thank goodness for the information that has been formulated before us which is still available for all of us to utilize.

It is our hope that we can spark your interest in Astrology and provide you with a useful foundation if only to understand your own Astrology chart. 

What we wanted to touch on in this post is related to the natal chart, and we promise not to go too deep all at once.  We want to ensure that if you look into the workings of your own charts or would like to study other people’s chart that you have a good understand of what is being laid in front of you.  We also want to ensure that you understand although the chart speaks of details of many aspects of our personality as well as forecasting potential energies that are forthcoming, we as individuals are ultimately in the driver’s seat and it is in our hands to change or tweak anything that we may find in our charts.

We are not at the mercy of the astrological energies, and although transits and progressions certainly do have an impact on our lives and are extremely accurate in their definition, we always are at the helm.  We personally control our attitude and outlook on the outcome of these events as well as our responses to them.  It is always at our discretion how we choose to view any incident that happens in our life.  We can choose to be swept away and swallowed up by events or we can take control of how we handle any situation in our lives and look at the more challenging events as lessons and not punishment. 

The personality characteristics that come naturally to us can always be adapted and tweaked to work for us instead of making life difficult.  We can learn to use what is available to us instead of feeling victim to them.

Going one step further, our birth chart has many aspects and planetary placements that carry great weight in our lives; however, any square or opposition can be turned into a trine or sextile as our life moves forward.  This is not to say that we will not experience the lessons that the aspect or planetary position suggests.  We do suggest, however, that we can use the lessons to our advantage by making changes conducive to our growth and turn the lesson into something that not only fosters growth on many levels but adds to who we are as individuals.

It is important, therefore, not to get overly caught up in challenging events within the Astrology chart or in lessons suggesting disruptions through transit or progression.  These are stepping stones to great development and achievements.  We have the ability to learn lessons and conquer any obstacle in life including any challenging conditions within a birth chart.  It is, of course, up to each individual to recognize this and put it into motion in their lives. 

Understand, beyond question, that you can achieve success on any levels as a result of challenging positions and aspects found within your birth chart.  They are only insurmountable if you decide that they are.

We are certainly at the controls of our reaction to our life’s events.  Nothing stands in the way of progress except our mind’s focus.  You have control over all of your thoughts that are less than positive and can, with practice, channel them in a positive direction. 

Enjoy the beautiful journey of life and take advantage of the information that your Astrology chart provides you with.  It is a wonderful tool to have.

Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.

Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

Are you interested in learning Astrology? Holm Astrology now is accepting registrations for our Fall Astrology courses. Visit our calendar for dates at for dates or for course details.

Please “Like” us on Facebook.  Your “shares” are appreciated and your questions are welcomed.

If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit