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Wednesday, 4 December 2019


Pluto’s abilities to transform and regenerate are highlighted as it travels through the birth chart.  There is nothing subtle about Pluto’s influence and you will be quite aware that something needs to be changed or altering when Pluto’s influence is activated.  Pluto’s energies are abrupt and disruptive and the changes that Pluto will put on the table need to be addressed and then transformed so that you fit life and its current state more appropriately.  When Pluto is finished transiting through a house or linking up with a planetary placement, its energies will have significantly changed things and usually in a very permanent manner.

Pluto is sometimes associated with physical death and is usually activated in the chart in some way when someone in our lives passes over.  When activated, most times, it does not always mean literal death, but it does mean that a condition or life element is no longer suitable for you and needs to end in order to bring the birth of something new into existence.  Therefore, Pluto does signify the death or end of a situation and then the beginning of something new.  Pluto, as mentioned, is not subtle in its release and sometimes you have opportunities to make these changes and other times, they just happen with little or no control from you.

If Pluto links up with Mars or Uranus, you actually need to be careful and make sure that you do not put yourself in a dangerous situation.  If you have a square between these planets there will be challenging conditions and they come at you for a reason.  You will have to watch for arguments and aggressive behaviour especially if Mars is connected and particularly if the aspect is an opposition.  The trine and sextile are not as aggressive and usually suggest transformation at a higher level.  Although somewhat challenging to accept, the energies resulting from the trine and sextile will benefit you in the long haul. 

Uranus is more unpredictable and this is the one you need to watch out for when it is aspecting Pluto .  You will have to be attentive when, for example, driving a motorized vehicle.  Operate any time of machinery or equipment with more care than normal and never rush.  Do not go out and drive in fits of anger either.  Take the time to settle yourself down before driving. 

If you are confronted by an aggressive individual, do not put up a fight unless you have no choice.  Whenever possible, walk away from confrontation during such aspects.

These examples are extreme cases and will also involve other planets making aspects that suggest the same before such energies will be released in such a powerful way.  There needs to be at least 3 aspects in a chart, each saying the same thing, before events such as these will take place and much depends on the other planets involved and the angles they are making.  I would be remiss if I did not mention this however.

The aspects to Pluto can be rather tumultuous experiences, but you will learn a lot from them. 

In general, we learn much more from adverse life conditions than the mild, easy flow experiences.  The standout experiences seem to be our natural way of learning.  We will have to spend a little time meditating on how the energies can be released in a more gentle yet positive manner.

Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.

Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

Are you interested in learning Astrology? Holm Astrology offers Astrology courses each spring and fall.  New courses will commence in the spring of 2020. Visit for course details.

Please “Like” us on Facebook.  Your “shares” are appreciated and your questions are welcomed.

If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit

Tuesday, 3 December 2019


Sometimes, we stand at the proverbial threshold and are hesitant to take a step through. 

Why?  Something holds us back and as a result, we are held in a state of limbo.  Is it due to our frame of mind?  Could it be our belief structures? 

Do we have a hard time moving beyond limiting visions?  Does this result from fear? 

What can we do for ourselves or for others who have opened the door but are reluctant to step through?

It can be difficult to watch someone we love resist their journey.  We cannot actually do anything to help them move forward as this is solely their decision and choice.  Most of us wish to help others with their struggles; however, the issue cannot be resolved by does not sit with us; it rests with them.

In the pursuit of spiritual growth, we have to allow others to experience their own journey.  Pushing them, if they are not ready to take that step, may only hinders their progress.  Each individual, in their own journey, must be in an attitude of allowing before they can make their own personal moves.  We can remind them of ego and the fight to gain control of their thoughts and attitudes, but progress can only come from their own efforts.

When people are influenced by ego, they usually are not aware of it or the choices available to move beyond ego.  Most people “own” the voice within that tells them they are not worthy, they are stupid, and they are useless.  They do not realize that this is not who they are.  Making people aware of ego can be a touchy subject.  Our suggestions must come from genuine caring, from the heart without any involvement from our own ego.

We must remind ourselves that everyone moves at their own speed.  Rather than focus our sights on where others are progressing with their journey, we will do far better by focusing on where we are in our own personal journey.  Be the light that brightens the path.  When we are in touch with our true nature the only thing that shines forth is truth.  When truth lights our path, we do not even have to explain what it is that might help others.  The information will be obvious for those ready to see. 

One tiny step over the threshold may feel like a hundred.  The information and understanding coming to us can feel so intense that where we once stood (one step back) has been left behind permanently.  We would never want to return to ego’s control and the confusion it created.  Each step forward brings further enlightenment.  This is a feeling, a knowing.  It is not just information nor is it simply understanding.  (Beware of ego, however, for it is not gone and may even try harder to gain control because it is threatened.)

If you are asked, it is fine to remind others of what is buried deep within.  Our prime focus should be personal which in turn will brilliantly light the path for us personally but also for others.

May you experience the knowing and may it perpetually expand.

Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.

Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

Are you interested in learning Astrology.  Holm Astrology’s Fall course have now begun; however courses will be again offered in the Spring of 2020.  Visit for course details.

Please “Like” us on Facebook.  Your “shares” are appreciated and your questions are welcomed.

If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit

Monday, 2 December 2019


When using progressions or reviewing the progressed chart, the Sun moves approximately one degree per year.  Progressions use the formula of one day is equal to one year of life.  So when someone is 30 and they are born on December 1, 1950, then on December 30 1950, they are experiencing their 30th year with the progressed sun.  This is not exact, although very close.  Much depends on what is referred to as ascension.  Those born from October to March will be very close to one degree of solar movement per day at any time in their life.  Those born in the other months (April through September) have what is referred to as a slower ascension and will need to add one year of life over a period of 30 days of solar arc movement.

Solar arc direction uses the same measurement with all the planets and angles as well (Ascendant and Midheaven).  Every planet advances approximately one degree per year as well as the angles.  For example, at age 60, all planets and angles will be making a sextile to their natal positions.  Another example, at age 45, all the planets would be making a semi-square to their natal positions. 

This process, along with transits, is used in chart rectification.  If we do not know your correct birth time, this process can be used but you will need to be very adept at astrology to utilize this tool with any type of success.

There are several well-known Astrologers that have written marvelous books on solar arcs, one of those being Noel Tyl.  The practice of using solar arcs has been in use since at least the 1800’s and therefore is not a new astrological component.  It is also a reliable source when it comes to the timing of events, as are transits and progressions.  Solar arc is a fascinating subject and will add to your reserve of astrological knowledge as you grow with your astrological teachings.

Solar arc along with transits are used in the birth chart rectification process (pinpointing the birth time).  This, however, is a lengthy process and to try to detail the process here would only frustrate our readers as it is one of the most challenging processes used in Astrology.  As mention earlier and I cannot reiterate enough, a full understanding of Astrology and much experience using the many tools that make up the science of Astrology need to be utilized to perform this task successfully.

Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.

Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

Are you interested in learning Astrology.  Holm Astrology’s Fall course have now begun; however courses will be again offered in the Spring of 2020.  Visit for course details.

Please “Like” us on Facebook.  Your “shares” are appreciated and your questions are welcomed.

If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit

Friday, 29 November 2019


Venus is the planet of love and attraction.  Its movement through the zodiac is quick and often very passive in its energies.  Its influence lasts not much longer than a day or two, but while in retrograde can stimulate an area of your chart for much longer.  In retrograde, Venus can pass over a specific area of your chart several times and highlight that area for the duration it makes contact. 

Venus often draws things to you and this could include romantic involvement, social attractions, financial conditions, creativity and the list goes on.  It often suggests that this is a time to enjoy.  Venus in its highest form is love, pure love; and its connections can bring wonderful experiences. 

Venus in, almost any, aspect to another planet or significant angle has positive ramifications.  Even under the more harsh astrological aspects, such as the square and opposition, Venus often brings fruitful conditions although you may have to work to get there. 

Saturn is often the only contrary planet as it seems to test love and affection.  Saturn is the teacher and can create work, although the final rewards may be a satisfying relationship if the foundation is built on solid ground. 

Venus factors “growing into maturity” under a more stable and secure structure.

Under the influence of Venus, it is a time to have fun, go to parties, host parties and socialize with others.  It often suggests pleasant conditions and fortunate encounters.  Venus can bring beauty and refinement into your life. 

Check to see which sign and house your natal Venus is located in to get a clearer picture of how Venus interacts within the natal framework of your specific chart.  Also check to see which house and which sign transiting Venus is moving through to get a clearer understanding of what areas of life are affected and under what energies its influence will affect.  The aspect it makes to natal planets has a huge impact on how the energies gel and how they will be released.

Enjoy your Venus transits when they are activated and have some fun.  Make the best out of a good thing.

Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.

Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

Are you interested in learning Astrology.  Holm Astrology’s Fall courses have already commenced but we will be offering courses again in the spring of 2020.  Visit for course details.

Please “Like” us on Facebook.  Your “shares” are appreciated and your questions are welcomed.

If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit

Thursday, 28 November 2019


Many individuals are of the opinion that they are alone on this journey. 

Do you believe this to be true?

In many ways, it seems as though we are on our own during this journey to awakening.  We do share this experience with many others and we are quite aware of this.  Why then do we feel alone and what is it that makes us feel apart from others?  Does ego have a hand in this?

We are all a part of the collective consciousness.  With this understanding, surely we can eliminate this feeling we have and then provoke change in this world--change for the greater whole.

Have you ever thought of someone and then the phone rings and they are on the other end of the line?

How often have you been singing a song in your head and then you hear the song? 

These small incidences (often thought of as irrelevant) confirm our connection to the whole.

With this in mind, do you wonder if you, as a single individual, can affect the overall condition of the world? 

Have you decided that it would be insignificant if you were to partake in an effort to do something energetically worthwhile for our world or collective whole? 

If we feel this way, it may be time to take a second look without ego interference. 

We share this world, we share this collective consciousness and we can and do affect each other.  The part that each of us play is important.  Not one person is more important than the other.  It does not matter the state of our conscious connection although mental recognition can have its benefits.

We are all part of the process and linked in consciousness.  Many are aware of the awakening taking place world-wide.  Some read about it and others feel it.  We form part of the ancestral group for this evolving story.  We are here to shake up consciousness and to awaken to our greater purpose of peace and love.

Will you do your part in this process? 

Share your experience and knowledge and align with the universal principle of love, gratitude and compassion.  Help shake this world out of its complacency.  Belief structure forms our reality.  What are your expectations?  What do you believe?

We hold the key to the future and as a whole can bring forth the changes that are so desperately needed.  Acknowledge your part.  Be passionate with all that you do as it affects you and everyone around you.  We are all one and our consciousness IS connected.

Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.

Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

Are you interested in learning Astrology.  Holm Astrology’s Fall courses have already commenced but we will be offering courses again in the spring of 2020.  Visit for course details.

Please “Like” us on Facebook.  Your “shares” are appreciated and your questions are welcomed.

If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit

Wednesday, 27 November 2019


This forecast is for those born under the sun sign of Sagittarius. 

We mentioned in our previous post on November 22, 2019 that Pluto, Jupiter and Saturn are making semi-sextiles to those who have their Sun sign in Sagittarius during this upcoming year.  We also talked about how semi-sextiles are an opportunity aspect with ties to being in the right place at the right time.  See our post from November 22, 2019 “Sun in Sagittarius 2019” for details.
Pluto is direct from October 2, 2019 until April 25, 2020, when it goes into retrograde from this April date until October 4, 2020. 

When Pluto is in its direct motion, it moves from 20 degrees 38 minutes to 24 degree 59 minutes.  During this time of direct motion, Pluto’s energies are not hampered, and they are allowed full expression.  Pluto’s orb of influence is 5 degrees approaching and 2 degrees separating.  As a result, if your Sun falls within these degrees, Pluto will be making the semi-sextile to your Sun in 2020.  When Pluto is in retrograde motion, its energies are not allowed full expression.  They are restricted.

Pluto provides power and influence to any planet it touches.  While Pluto is direct, it is said to have the power to lead the multitudes and create massive change in an outward expression.  While it is retrograde, as mentioned, it is not allowed full expression and is hampered somewhat.  Under retrograde influence, Pluto is more tied to following the masses rather than leading them.  The changes it offers up are more internal and personal in nature although it can also have an effect on others although more in a perceived negative response.

While connected to the Sun using the above mentioned orb of influence, the semi-sextile will provide opportunities and the potential of being in the right place at the right time, in areas related to goals in life and life objectives sometime come into view.  Transformations take place and regeneration of plans set forth prior to this time now may seem to fall into place.  Sometimes we have to work towards these objectives and other times they appear to fall into our lap.  But the timing seems perfect, and it will be up to the Sagittarius individual to take advantage of these opportunities and use them accordingly.

In retrograde motion, they may have to work a little harder to orchestrate these plans and if Pluto crosses over the same degree as the Sun sign’s position, they may find that the final forward motion is the best opportunity to advance.  Semi-sextiles actually have a smaller orb of influence due to the fact that they are considered minor aspects.  As a result, use an approaching orb of 2 degrees and a separating orb of 1 degree as the orb of influence.  All major aspects have a larger degree of influence than minor aspects.

These goals that the influenced Sag individual might be pursuing can be very personal in nature and could include occupational advancement or achievement, path clarification, marriage partnership, business associates and personal objectives such as health related plans which can be set in motion.  If they choose to follow these actions, they can lead to better health and wellness.  These individuals may be spiritually centred and may pursue these types of goals.  There may also be power opportunities and a general push for advancement in life.

2020 is a good year for those that fall into this category to pursue what matters most to them and if they follow up they might very well find that they ARE in the right place at the right time. 

It can certainly be beneficiary to use astrology to help plan.  We should always take advantage of the opportunities at hand to advance in the direction of choice.  Sagittarius Sun individuals can enjoy and make sure that they use this fortunate position to not only advance their personal experiences but also to promote the same for others.  Karma can be a wonderful thing although we should be moving ahead helping others without regard for what it might bring back our way.  This is true love and provides a great sense of fulfillment.

If you are interested in obtaining further information on the energies affecting your life as a Sagittarius individual (or any Sun sign for that matter), the length of time they will last and the areas of life affected, we can prepare a chart of your choice to provide you with valuable information which can be applied to your life’s mission and the path you are on.  There may be many other avenues of expression available to you.

Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.

Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

Are you interested in learning Astrology? Holm Astrology is now well into our fall classes but we will be offering new courses in the spring of 2020. Visit for course details.

Please “Like” us on Facebook.  Your “shares” are appreciated and your questions are welcomed.

If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit

Tuesday, 26 November 2019


Where did we truly begin?

If we were regressed back to our birth, would we still have remnants or memories of a previous life still intact at that moment? 

Would there be memories of a distant past or would the experience only be closely linked to this present life ready to begin? 

These are questions that have been pondered by many individuals who question the validity of past lives.  Reincarnation is a topic that requires an open mind as the concept, although many believe has been proven, still entices our imagination and there is much left to the imagination.

Is this our first life? 

Have we been here before? 

If we have been here before then why do most of us not recall anything from our previous incarnations?  Would it interfere with our life’s purpose now?  Could it affect how we would live our life if we knew the why behind our current existence?   Is it important for most of us to concern ourselves with past lives? 

We can know in our hearts the answers to these questions and they are very personal ones for each of us.  We may never be able to explain the answers to these questions to others with true clarity. 

Uncovering our inner personal story is part of our life’s purpose and many believe this is within our grasp.  Some believe it is found by living in the moment which is said to open doors to awaken our connection to life. 

Many individuals are very busy living in their potential futures or wrapped up in emotions from their past.  The past and the future are not where we are meant to focus our attention.  We have come to experience life to the fullest and this can only be done by living in the moment.

We will always continue our search for answers to many questions, especially our true meaning.  This is a question that seems to be a part of our nature.  We have come with the answers but for most of us, they seem to be locked away.  Our present day, let alone our present life, IS our unfolding story. 

Each of us walk this journey at our own pace and we cannot rush our evolution.  The purpose of this journey IS the journey not the destination.  As a result, this moment in the journey is of utmost importance.  Our journey may be a million steps but this very step we are taking now is the only one moving us forward.

Staying open to the understanding that bridges our physical life and our spiritual life will certainly allow us to continue each step we must take.  If we choose to stay focused strictly in the material world and exclude the connection to our deeper selves then the bliss of the journey is lost.  Could it be that those who choose to ignore the journey are here to strictly to learn from their feet being planted firmly on this earthly ground? 

For some of us we search beyond the working, sleeping world but it is important to respect the choices that we have made as well as the choices others have made.   Follow the path that excites your heart even if no one else has been there before you.

Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.

Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

Are you interested in learning Astrology.  Holm Astrology’s Fall course have now begun; however courses will be again offered in the Spring of 2020.  Visit for course details.

Please “Like” us on Facebook.  Your “shares” are appreciated and your questions are welcomed.

If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit