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Friday, 17 January 2020


Uranus’ is a very revolutionary planet as its energies seek freedom of expression.  Uranus’ energies have a strong desire to be removed from anything that has gone stale or no longer serves a viable purpose.  Uranus’ energy acts in an unexpected manner, and we can never be totally sure how it will react under pressure. 

Under most conditions, the area of life being affect by Uranus is the house it is transiting through especially in the retrograde cycle.  There is often a feeling that something has to change or be shaken up somewhat before its actual expression is activated.  Quite often we get warnings of necessary changes in the area of life under review and then when it turns direct either we make the necessary changes or life makes things happen for us.  If we choose to do nothing then life will often take a leading role and quite often it is not overly pleasant in its expression when the energies are forced upon us.  Things can happen on the spur of the moment, suddenly, unexpectedly, without warning.  With Uranus, we can expect the unexpected.

When a planet is in retrograde, the energies related to the planet and the house(s) it is transiting are stifled or held back.  The energy is turned inward and a time for review is at hand.  It is a time to re-think things, to re-do things and in an attempt to repair things, we can prepare for when the energies are released and then move forward in the new direction of our choice.  The best time to move forward in our objectives is when the planet goes direct.  Transiting Uranus went direct recently on January 11, 2020.

Uranus suggests that this is a time for inner reflection not only with our life but on a more personal level – the level of “who we are”.  It often provides us with more freedom of expression and we just want to be who we are, or the new person that is evolving.  This is particularly so if Uranus is retrograde in our birth chart.  (Any planet that is retrograde in the birth chart becomes more powerful when it turns retrograde through transit.)

Uranus is known as the awakener and especially so when it is moving in its direct course.  What is being achieved will be dictated by the house Uranus is transiting through in our chart.  We should also have a look at the natal placement of Uranus by house and also by aspect as this will give us clues into how things might unfold.  As with all of the outer planets, Uranus will make suggestions along the way but it will often create a reaction with little or no direction from us. 

Life happens and things change.  Uranus will be the initiator behind these actions, but remember regardless of how drastic and challenging the conditions may be, Uranus always provides us with exactly what we need.  The end result is beneficial.

As Uranus goes direct, this will often be the time when these areas of life that are involved will be motivated to move towards the new, to make necessary changes but can be in disruptive ways but these disruptions will only be short lived.  Do not spend any time worrying about how things might manifest, as Uranus acts on impulse and without warning and often releases in ways that we cannot be prepared for. 

Some people fear changes.  Those who are more evolved, or open to the new, know that when the timing is ripe and change is necessary, it should be welcomed with open arms.  Uranus will take us where we need to go, so be open and listen.  We will know which avenue to take, if life does not dictate, that is.

Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.

Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

Are you interested in learning Astrology.  Holm Astrology’s Fall course have now begun; however courses will be again offered in the Spring of 2020.  Visit for course details.

Please “Like” us on Facebook.  Your “shares” are appreciated and your questions are welcomed.

If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit

Thursday, 16 January 2020


In order to maintain a more positive journey, at times we will have to realign our focus.  Sometimes we get a little lost in events and forget that our concentrated focus forms our reality.  We can easily get lost and become complacent.  Unintentionally, we go into automatic pilot and become absorbed in these events.  When the lessons get tough, we can get lost in an attitude of “why me” and allow this less than ideal attitude to carry us away.  We can lose touch with the results of past lessons and get swept away.  Thank goodness something jolts us back into the moment and reminds us that our focus is actually exaggerating the lesson that we currently see as being so tough.

Remember that we are human particularly when we veer off course with our focus and gratitude.  Be gentle with yourself but the earlier we recognize our negative focuses, the faster we can re-centre ourselves and start to enjoy the ride again.  In particular, it is important to pay attention to what is significant in our lives and what bring us happiness especially during the harder lessons.  We are always capable of shifting our focus to anything that helps us to experience happiness (it is a choice) and this choice eventually helps us decide to choose calm over chaos.

The object of our focus does not have to be anything colossal.  As a matter of fact, it is usually the small simple pleasures of life that help to uplift us.   As we are well aware, focusing on negativity only brews sadness, fear and anxiety.

If we have allowed ourselves to slip back into negativity for an extended time or if this is a new concept, it can certainly take some work as we identify with these energies.  It can be difficult to even recognize in the beginning, but with constant mental reminders and a gentle but concentrated effort, it does gets much easier.  Eventually a focus on negativity will become effortlessly recognizable.  Your vibration (energy) changes as you regain your positive momentum and life will feel as though it is lifting.  It will feel much lighter and easier.  It may take some time for these effects to be noticeable as much depends on how long we have been drawn into negative drama.  Little by little, we notice the subtle changes and our lives will begin to feel and look much more promising. 
Do not give in to the challenging conditions in life.  View them simply as lessons that lead us to great growth and development. 
We can never forget our focus.  By developing a positive focus, we take control of our journey and our attitude towards it.

Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.

Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

Are you interested in learning Astrology.  Holm Astrology’s Fall course have now begun; however courses will be again offered in the Spring of 2020.  Visit for course details.

Please “Like” us on Facebook.  Your “shares” are appreciated and your questions are welcomed.

If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit

Wednesday, 15 January 2020


This conjunction between transiting Jupiter and the Moon when in force marks a time of positive energy on an emotional level.  Jupiter expands on things and adds positive reinforcement when it comes to our nurturing and compassionate side.  We truly want to help others, especially those that might be struggling and who feel that no one cares.  We can give much of ourselves to others without diminishing our self, or without feeling empty. 

In contrast, we may find that giving without measure in return provides us with the emotional support that we might feel we need.  This could come in the form of help from others through religious pursuits or spiritual endeavours.  We will find that the assistance we seek is easily found under this influence.

The Moon has to do with our domestic situation, which includes the home environment and also our group of friends and our actual family.  We may feel very generous under this aspect and provide others with what they need.  We may find that we are especially drawn to those close to us, and we will invite them into our homes and share ourselves with them more than we might at other times.  We want to make them feel at home and at ease in our homes.  We will go to great lengths to make them feel comfortable and welcomed.

Jupiter brings with it good luck and often fortunate times.  We are quite willing to share whatever comes our way.  There could be those that take advantage of our generosity under this influence so we may have to watch for becoming too extreme in our giving.  However, most people will see this side of us for what it is and want to give back what we have put out, if that is necessary.  Feelings are enhanced and a general feeling of opportunity coming our way is part of our everyday experiences.  Often because of this attitude and belief structure, things actually do go quite well.

The only possible challenging condition that might befall us under this aspect (and this is not often the case) but some do fall into feeling so good that they become too extravagant and spend more than they should, eat more than they should and do not look after themselves the way they should.  Jupiter wants to expand on everything and sometimes everything will include these things as well. 

This is a very positive aspect and can help us get in touch with our inner most self.  In so doing, this will help us with understanding our inner workings, our own emotional makeup and also what has brought us to where we are in our life’s path.  It can open the door to wider perception and intuitive understanding often based on emotional interaction with others.  Even if others do not express themselves verbally, we may pick up on the subtle workings at this time.  The psychic part of who we are can open up new dialogue that went unnoticed previously or if noticed can now become enhanced and further developed.

Take a look at your chart or have an Astrologer review your chart to see when this aspect will influence your life.

Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.

Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

Are you interested in learning Astrology? Holm Astrology offers Astrology courses each spring and fall.  New courses will commence in the spring of 2020. Visit for course details.

Please “Like” us on Facebook.  Your “shares” are appreciated and your questions are welcomed.

If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit

Tuesday, 14 January 2020


As we delve deeper into our mystical pursuit, we discover new truths as they unravel.  These gradually intensify and deepen with time and commitment.  During meditation, we unlock these channels, and perception increases as does are our alignment with source.  It is an ongoing venture.  We gather momentum for change and growth as our knowledge expands, knowledge that at one time was not forefront in this life.

In the past, we may have been caught up in the whirlwind of material living.  We moved from pure innocent spirit at birth into a blur of spirit as we became more planted in the material world around us.  This illusion was also a tool for learning but learning to adjust to this material world. 

As we mature, most of us have an inclination that there is more to this existence than our material focus.  Some individuals know that there were other dimensions and alternate realities that are at least as significant as the current one we living in, but also understand the relevance of living in this current reality.  If it were not important, we would not be here.

Many have belief structures that are simply focused on everyday living and the struggle to survive in the material world.  Some became obsessed with the gathering of material things and financial hoarding.  Once consumed by this reality, it is difficult to see beyond this preoccupation as it can become an addiction.  The focus on collecting causes a longing for more and more.  We are under the illusion that by gathering things we could facilitate a sense of fulfillment and happiness.  We naturally long for fulfillment and happiness (and they are a birth right) but we mistakenly think these come from “things” outside of us.

After spending years wrapped up in material gathering, the lack of fulfillment aids us to embark on a new journey.  This is a journey of self-discovery and awareness as we understand that there is something beyond the tedious repetition of day to day living.  The gathering of material abundance only provided a very temporary feeling of happiness, if it created this feeling at all. 

When we finally realize that we are not creating happiness this way, we begin to search for a deeper meaning to life.  Some of us explore traditional religion, spirituality, mysticism......our intuition becomes stronger and it pushes us forward into new and exciting realms.

Yesterday’s truths cannot fulfill our internal needs and the material world began to lose its stronghold.  As we slowly realize this new way of living and open to its potential, we are enticed to continue.  We somehow appreciate that this line of expression and understanding prevails over anything from our past.  It is new yet comfortable.  It is as though we know this understanding instinctually.  It fits our lives perfectly and we began to sense a new order of things that far outdoes anything of significance that we have previously experienced.  A forgotten truth is emerging and our footprints are imbedded within its framework.

As time passes, we no longer recognize past obsessions as part of our reality.  There is no reason to look back but if we did we would find just how far removed that once encompassing reality is from our present focus. 

Letting go and moving into the unknown can be unsettling.  We can resist initially but the need for peace and fulfillment pushes us to abandon our fears.   We are now forever transformed.  What a blessing!

Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.

Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

Are you interested in learning Astrology.  Holm Astrology offers Astrology courses and our next registration will be in the spring of 2020.  Visit for course details.

Please “Like” us on Facebook.  Your “shares” are appreciated and your questions are welcomed.

If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit

Monday, 13 January 2020

Transiting Pluto Conjunct Natal Moon

This transit of Pluto to the natal Moon suggests intense emotional interaction and change in life. This is a powerful connection and deals with our psychological ability to deal with emotional interactions either with others (people in our immediate environment) or inner dialogue, with the intent of bringing whatever needs to surface out into the open. This is a “feeling” aspect and the energies are not subtle in any way, although the energies may have been hidden up until the conjunction aspect.

The energies of Pluto will bring things to the surface and makes us deal with them. In many cases the things brought to the surface are not easy to digest. If our life has been relatively stable and steady, this period could bring about a state of unrest when transformations are apparent and we will have to adapt to them.

The areas of life that are being affected are determined by the house transiting Pluto is moving through as well as the natal house placement of Pluto. This transit will also affect any area of life determined by others natal aspects to the Moon as these areas are connected and will affect the overall current conditions. If the Natal Moon has many challenging natal aspects then this can be an emotionally charged time in our life. It might be very upsetting and we may find our self being emotionally abused or mishandled during this time. If the natal Moon is aspected by softer influences, the transformation will not be as challenging.

Sometimes the issues that come to the surface are from early life that were swept under the carpet and have now come to the surface or are discovered by others. Sometimes this can be a private time and the events may only involve us personally and the other individual involved.

There is great potential for transformations on many levels during this time and especially so with family and loved ones. Any relationships that are based on emotional response can be energized during this aspect.

The Moon is often representative of the home and we may find that we move at this time or we make changes to our residence in a big way. These changes could be structural or a major improvement or alteration occurs within the family residence.

This aspect may be a little upsetting but we should know that the changes that are taking hold in our life are reflective of changes taking place on an internal level. Life manifests according to our needs and the energy we put into different areas of our life. This aspect will be the preliminary steps required to move us in a direction that is necessary from an inner perspective.

Do not fight the process. Be sure to go willingly for the ride when you have this aspect in your chart. It will be a much more gentle transition that way.

Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.

Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

Are you interested in learning Astrology.  Holm Astrology offers Astrology courses and our next registration will be coming up in early spring of 2020.  Visit for course details.

Please “Like” us on Facebook.  Your “shares” are appreciated and your questions are welcomed.

If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit

Saturday, 11 January 2020


It is time to mark your calendars again. 

Events by L.A. is again hosting the incredible Barrie Body & Mind Psychic Fair on January 26, 2020. The fair will run from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. at Lions Gate Banquet Hall, 386 Blake Street in Barrie.

Holm Astrology will be offering Oracle Card Readings at the fair. Holm Astrology's Oracle Card Readings are an interpretation or analysis of the Astrological Oracle cards and their placement specific to your reading. These readings are as individual as an Astrology chart and offer information specific to you and you alone. Please note that astrology charts cannot be commissioned for the fair due to the time required to prepare and delivery an astrology chart. 

Admission is $2.00 at the door. Parking is free.

Arrive early OR book your reading in advance to avoid disappointment as our day typically books quickly.

Guarantee your spot by booking and purchasing your reading at a discount at

Come out and enjoy this phenomenal event!

Friday, 10 January 2020


Although many of our readers are firm believers in the science of Astrology, we thought it valuable to repost our article first posted on October 4, 2019 to show those that may have some doubt just how accurate Astrology can be.  Parts of this post are written for those who follow their own personal chart but we are reposting to highlight current world affairs that are always affected by transiting planets.  As always, this post is fairly lengthy but read it through, you may be astounded with the accuracy of Astrology. 
Friday, 4 October 2019
“We have a very powerful conjunction coming together between transiting Pluto and transiting Saturn.  These two planets will conjunct one another directly in January of 2020 but have been in force off and on throughout 2019.  The transiting conjunction will complete its cycle by March of 2020.  Both Planets are in the sign of Capricorn which often pointing towards power struggles and leadership especially related to business and enterprise.

Remember, this is a world-wide event affecting everyone at the same time.  This could deal with politics and governmental institutions and speaks of challenging conditions causing great disruption and upheaval.  On a world scale, we can see this beginning to take place particularly in the United States with the political turmoil taking hold as this is being written. 

On a personal level, we will need to see what house this conjunction falls in as well as any other planetary influence in the natal chart being affected by this conjunction.  The houses define areas of life involved in the equation while the planets from the natal chart define the energies involved.

Saturn often speaks of discipline and restrictions in place and also has to do with delays, obstruction and people in positions of authority.  Pluto speaks of disruptions and power struggles and major transformations that take hold.  The energies of Pluto can be disruptive but are often in place to produce a much needed change of direction.  Pluto tends to tear down structures and then rebuild from the ruins.  Its energies put an end to conditions so that something new and more beneficial can be built.

Saying that the energies of these two giants are intrusive and challenging is undermining the powerful influence that these planets can have on our lives.  Words cannot express clearly how powerful these planets together can be.  However, although intrusive and chaotic in nature during the change, they do build on creating a solid foundation that over time will stand the test of time and build resilience. 

Saturn is the teacher and the disciplinarian, and Pluto dictates and removes that which has become stagnant and no longer serves a viable purpose.  Pluto’s action is finite and uncovers anything that needs to surface so that it can be dealt with accordingly.  What once was, no longer will be.

It will be interesting to see how these two energies link together and what the final outcome will be.  We, as individuals, will need to address what has been in place and find ways to rebuild on a more structured and solid foundation.  Above all else, we must learn from the experience.”

For this repost, we thought we should provide dates when this conjunction of transiting Saturn and transiting Pluto will be the strongest.  The effects, however, have been felt for a little of time already and will be felt beyond this highlighted period.  The strongest should be from today, January 10 through to January 15 give or take a day or two and the strongest day should be approximately January 12, 2020.  It will be interesting to see how things unfold

Let all put our heads and hearts together.  United we can stand together for peace and love so that it can dilute and dissipate the current energies.

Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.

Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

Are you interested in learning Astrology.  Holm Astrology offers astrology courses and our next registration will be in the spring of 2020.  Visit for course details.

Please “Like” us on Facebook.  Your “shares” are appreciated and your questions are welcomed.

If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit