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Wednesday, 29 April 2020


As Pluto makes its way through the natal chart and touches other planets and angles, its energies regenerate and challenge anything in place and whatever needs revamping.  Its energies are not subtle in nature although often not recognizable in the beginning. 

Pluto moves slowly through the natal chart at about one degree each year.  If it goes retrograde over a particular area in the chart, it can have profound effects and usually the final pass will produce the most powerful results.

Pluto often puts an end to conditions in order for something new to begin.  It is a death of sorts and then a seed is planted, and a new sprout begins to grow.  Its effects are long lasting and sometimes we do not fully understand what has taken place for up to two years after the initial impact.

Venus has to do with love and affection and sometimes is also connected to the financial conditions.  Venus is very favourable and often speaks of love affairs and in some cases speaks of a young woman.  Venus looks to discover tranquil and serene conditions. 

When transiting Pluto makes a sextile to the natal positioning of Venus it offers opportunities for transformation or regeneration of love and affection.  This is often connected to someone of importance to you. 

Pluto may have been trying to tell you that there is an occasion to promote change and direct your life in a more appropriate direction that more suits your ongoing growth and evolution.  There can also be strong sexual attractions.  In many cases there are no halfway measures about what this change may deliver, but you may still have to do the work.

If this aspect happens to be speaking about your finances, the time may be ripe to receive a lump sum of money or a significant financial upsurge.   The area of life which is connected can be found through the placement of transiting Pluto and natal Venus, and we should also have a look at the natal position of Pluto as this will give you more insight into how this might unfold.  It is important to remember that sextile are opportunity aspects and, in many cases, if we do not push ahead under their influence, we may be squandering the opportunity.

Do not sit back when this energy is at hand.

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Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

Are you interested in learning Astrology?  Holm Astrology’s Beginner's and Level III spring courses have been postponed and we will announce the new dates when available.  Visit for course details.

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Tuesday, 28 April 2020


How important is our personal expression to the world? 

We can speak words of encouragement to others and give inspiring messages that stimulate others to push forward.  We can challenge others to push through any adversities. 

Our greatest message is communicated through love and example.  We can be the light that illuminates these examples.

Will your example to this world soften hardened hearts?

Does your influence touch those less fortunate and give them hope?

Does your message provide strength and encouragement for those facing darkness so that they can choose their own peace and contentment?

Open you heart and shine your light for others to see. 

Be true to your core nature. 

Can you be the conduit for love so desperately needed by this world and each of its inhabitant?

Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.

Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

Are you interested in learning Astrology.  Holm Astrology’s Beginners and Level III courses have been postponed and we will announce the new dates when available.  Visit for course details and dates.

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Monday, 27 April 2020


When we refer to the transits of the inner planets, this would include the Sun, Mercury, Venus and Mars. These planets and the Sun’s influence are often of minor significance as these celestial bodies pass quickly through the heavens and their energies are short lived.

An inner planet moving in direct motion (without retreating in its retrograde cycle) can have an effect for as long as there are other factors making connection to it at the same time (maybe eight days). Mars and Venus specifically can last as much as 6-8 days depending on the orb of influence we allow.

In general, transits from the more influential outer planets can be felt for up to 5-7 degrees approaching.  Some people are even sensitive to their influence before the 7 degrees approach. The energies are in force as much as 2-3 degrees when the energies are separating. The orbs are about the same or a little less with inner planetary transits. Mercury, Venus, Mars and the Sun move approximately one degree per day.

The Sun and Mars, however, are often used as timers in Astrology and can set off an outer planetary transit while in orb which can be quite impacting. (The progressed Moon and especially transiting Uranus also speak of timing of events.)

I personally knew someone who had transiting Pluto in opposition to natal Uranus which was in the seventh house and at the same time they had transiting Mars directly in conjunction with Pluto which were also conjunct their natal Mercury. This individual experienced the death of someone very close to them; proof that transiting Mars played a big part in this unfolding story.  This is certainly not to say that Mars and Pluto together indicate death, but they are a powerful combination and an energy source.  Under most conditions there is arguments, power struggles and aggressive action.

Mercury on its own will have little impact while in transit as it needs to pick up energies from other planets in the chart to even be felt. Venus and Mars have a stronger influence, particularly Mars, although they are more noticeable when they are making a conjunction, square or opposition to a planet or angle in the birth chart than when they are making the sextile and trine.

When the inner planets go into retrograde however they can again pass over the same degree in a natal chart and have a much more profound effect.  The energies of each planet, the house position and the aspects that are within the natal chart will all need to be identified and examined before making a final analysis.

Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.

Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

Are you interested in learning Astrology.  Holm Astrology’s Beginners and Level III courses have been postponed and we will announce the new dates when available.  Visit for course details.

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Friday, 24 April 2020

Second Read of Transiting Pluto/Saturn Conjunction

Holm Astrology posted this aspect description on October 4, 2019 and it clearly sets out our current situation.  We thought it was certainly worth the repost.


We have a very powerful conjunction coming together between transiting Pluto and transiting Saturn.  These two planets will conjunct one another directly in January of 2020 but have been in force off and on throughout 2019.  The transiting conjunction will complete its cycle by approximately March of 2020.  Both Planets are in the sign of Capricorn which often pointing towards power struggles and leadership especially related to business and enterprise.

Remember, this is a world-wide event affecting everyone at the same time.  This could deal with politics and governmental institutions and speaks of challenging conditions causing great disruption and upheaval.  On a world scale, we can see this beginning to take place particularly in the United States with the political turmoil taking hold as this is being written.

On a personal level, we will need to see what house this conjunction falls in as well as any other planetary influence in the natal chart being affected by this conjunction.  The houses involved define areas of life while the planets from the natal chart define the energies involved.

Saturn often speaks of discipline and restrictions in place and also has to do with delays, obstruction and people in positions of authority.  Pluto speaks of disruptions and power struggles and major transformations that take hold.  The energies of Pluto can be disruptive but are often in place to produce a much needed change of direction.  Pluto tends to tear down structures and then rebuild from the ruins.  Its energies put an end to conditions so that something new and more beneficial can be built.

Saying that the energies of these two giants are intrusive and challenging is undermining the powerful influence that these planets can have on our lives.  Words cannot express clearly how powerful these planets together can be.  However, although intrusive and chaotic in nature during the change, they do build on creating a solid foundation that over time will stand the test of time and build resilience. 

Saturn is the teacher and the disciplinarian, and Pluto dictates and removes that which has become stagnant and no longer serves a viable purpose.  Pluto’s action is finite and uncovers anything that needs to surface so that it can be dealt with accordingly.  What once was, no longer will be.

It will be interesting to see how these two energies link together and what the final outcome will be.  We, as individuals, will need to address what has been in place and find ways to rebuild on a more structured and solid foundation.  Above all else, we must learn from the experience. 

Interesting to say the least.  Astrology is an amazing tool.

Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.

Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

Holm Astrology’s Spring courses have been postponed and we will announce the new dates when available.  Visit for course details.

Please “Like” us on Facebook.  Your “shares” are appreciated and your questions are welcomed.

If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit

Thursday, 23 April 2020


Every where you look and all the information you see, hear and read urge us to stay home, keep a safe distance from one anther and only go out when we absolutely need to.  Many are suggesting that this may have to stay in force for months. 

It is important to remain steadfast in our core beliefs and hold true to what we know to be true.

These messages in the media can be stressful.  The current events can test our resolve and our commitment.  Do not let ego dictate and build on what is going on.  Stay true to your quiet inner voice that ego works so hard to conquer.  Ego will rob you of your peace if allowed.  Ego will try to crush your values, your beliefs, your resolution, your strength and determination.

This IS a testing period.  The knowledge that we have gathered will now more than every need to be practiced.  Do not allow ego to push you down a road that offers no hope.

Meditate as often as you can and recognize ego’s intent in its early stages so you can halt it quickly.  We have learned what we have learned in order to be put it into practice particularly when it is truly needed.  Help yourself and then help others.  Many are struggling within.  Be that pillar of strength that you are.

Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.

Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

Are you interested in learning Astrology.  Holm Astrology’s Beginners and Level III courses have been postponed and we will announce the new dates when available.  Visit for course details.

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Wednesday, 22 April 2020


Today, April 22, 2020, @ 10:27 p.m. EDT, we will be experiencing a New Moon in the sign of Taurus at 3 degrees.  Anyone with planets or important angles within three degrees of this placement by conjunction, square or opposition will be impacted by the energies of this New Moon. 

On a grander scale, the energies of a New Moon affect everyone to some degree and the transits in place at the time concurrent to the lunar placement can have an effect on our world conditions on the whole.  It will be more personal if it affects your personal chart directly however. 

New Moons’ energies speak of new beginnings and signal the beginning of a new cycle.  This is a time for refocusing on who you are and set yourself up for the road ahead.  This is a great time to set your intensions and formulate a plan of action, but you should commit yourself to this as with a sustained effort the end result will be further growth or expansion. 

The Full Moon (particularly the full moon in the same sign) signals the culmination of effort put forth during this cycle and what you put into goals will be the result of what comes to fruition at the Full Moon Cycle.  We love to use the symbolism of a garden.  You plant you seeds under the new moon.  Nurture to garden and tend to your crop until the full moon of the same sign.  Under the influence of the full moon, you harvest your crop and the crop will only be as plentiful as the effort you put into the growing season. 

This New Moon is not overly well aspected due to its square from Saturn and its conjunction from Uranus.  Saturn is at 1 degree Aquarius and Uranus is at 6 degrees Taurus.  The conjunction is the strongest aspect even though it is separated by 3 degrees.  This conjunction speaks of changes in the area of security and finances.  This is clearly suggested by the energies in place now due to this virus affecting us all to one degree or another.  If you have significators in your chart linked to this and depending on what aspect and which planets are involved, the energies could become challenging or there is a potential for optimism again depending on the aspect involved.  Jupiter, Venus and the Sun often suggest favourable energies, while the outer planets and Mars often point towards somewhat challenging conditions.

Regardless of the energies in place in your chart and what is currently unfolding, there are different ways of looking at life.  If we choose to look at life from a challenging vantage point, then this is what we will experience and conditions can be exaggerated.  This is certainly not to say that for many people life is a challenge, but it is certainly a good practice to seek out the silver lining.  Reflection is important during any New Moon Cycle and perhaps this is one of the major considerations that needs to be addressed.

The square to Saturn does suggest delays and hurtles to overcome and much of this will feel like a testing period.  Security can be in question and leave us with nervous conditions which challenge us to the point of anxiety if you allow this.  This will not be easy but over time Saturn builds structure and Uranus suggests new beginning are at hand because what was in place is no longer suitable for where life is taking us. 

In many ways, our overall life systems were in dire need for change and something had to take hold to bring about change.  I am sure many now look at life as though everything is out of their control.  There is much uncertainty.  We are now learning to live with less and this may foster appreciation for what we have.  Lack of socialization will likely make us more appreciative of our friends and family. 

Sometimes we need a little kick to make us realize how precious life is and how fortunate we are. 

We will rebound and adapt.  Let’s learn the important lessons at hand. 

Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.

Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

Are you interested in learning Astrology?  Holm Astrology’s Beginner's and Level III spring courses have been postponed and we will advise of the new dates when known.  Visit for course details.

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If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit

Tuesday, 21 April 2020


Have you considered what the deeper facets of this current experience may be in relation to our ongoing evolution? 

Are we here to evaluate our existence? 

Do we accept what is taking place without a fight?  Are we just innocent bystanders?

In my opinion, there is no doubt that this current world situation is a learning experience.  I am certain we have been provided an opportunity and are being pushed to evaluate our experience in this existence thus far.  Now we have the time to listen intently and to digest what is being offered to us. 

For some of us we are learning to listen to that quiet voice within.  This is a reflection period in our life.  We are pushed to confront all parts of ourselves and especially those that may not be overly comfortable but need to be acknowledged.

We are being forced to release our obsession with consumerism.  We are learning to appreciate people….family….love…..purpose.  Is this an evolutionary jump?  Are we getting ready for a massive development in our consciousness? 

It is unlikely that our growth will be as spontaneous as this but no doubt we are in the process of evolution on some level.

Do not allow negativity and pessimistic to be all consuming no matter what the currently picture looks like.  What does this accomplish? 

Strive to overcome.  It is true some of us will pass over but the best way of looking at that is to recognize that these individuals have completed their journey.  They are ready for the next stage in their evolution.   

Events like this remind us of how fragile we are and that nothing in life is guaranteed.  Will you make changes to your life when this is over….maybe starting now?  Will you sit back and wait for life to come to you or will you push ahead recognizing that we are all here with limited time. 

Each day is an opportunity to experience whatever is truly significant and to pursue what really matters in our hearts.  Start the process now.  Do not wait.  We can start by working on what needs changing within and in your immediate surroundings.

What is most important in your life?  Place your focus there and celebrate it……whatever it is!

Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.

Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

Are you interested in learning Astrology.  Holm Astrology’s Beginners and Level III courses have been postponed and we will announce the new dates when available.  Visit for course details.

Please “Like” us on Facebook.  Your “shares” are appreciated and your questions are welcomed.

If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit