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Friday, 8 May 2020


A natal aspect between the Sun and Jupiter, regardless of which aspect it may be, holds great promise.  The trine, in particular, is favourable as it provides easy flow and positive outcomes.  When Jupiter is involved in any aspect it often implies good luck and beneficial results which can promote growth and expansion.  Jupiter brings positive outcomes, favourable conditions and promising opportunities.  It is like having a good luck charm.

The Sun speaks of our goals and ambitions.  This could include business enterprise, capital investment, inner development and our personal life’s path.  Personal development is also tied to the Sun and Jupiter will promote inner reflection often leading to further development and growth as an individual.  It brings good luck with obtaining benefits and opportunities to make a name in business, in recognition for diligent work and for any push to succeed.

Easy growth is often indicated with this combination and the path ahead is often without obstacles.  Much can be obtained and this would also include any spiritual development that may interest you, any religious experience and philosophical pursuits.  Some of these avenues that you may wish to follow can be found while exploring other cultures and while in foreign countries.  Travel to promote growth is highly recommended throughout life and visiting new places may be right up your alley with this combination.

Remember, this is a natal aspect, so it will be something that works favorably throughout life when it becomes activated through transits or progressions.

Much will depend on the houses involved and the signs that this trine aspect falls in.  A trine in water may indicate intuitive understanding and development and an understanding of emotions, and your caring nature may expand over time.

A fire trine may indicate the ability to push forward and achieve in life, a want for excitement and exploration and a need for discovery.

An earth trine may indicate that material abundance is attainable or in some cases you may be born into wealth and prosperity.

An air trine could indicate opportunities and easy flow in the communication fields, perhaps teaching, or lecturing or becoming a writer or philosopher is indicated.

A trine between the first and fifth houses may indicate good fortune in romantic involvements or an enterprise dealing with your creative potential.  A trine from the second to the sixth house may indicate security often in financial terms working in your favour tied to your working environment and a good affiliation with co-workers.  It may mean favorable health with a robust and strong body.  A trine between the third and seventh house, could indicate good communication within close personal relationship often with the husband or wife.  It could also mean that there is a good rapport with siblings and neighbours.

This trine brings many opportunities but trines often need stimulation.  We need to make use of these pleasant vibrations and use the energies to expand on life’s opportunities.  The worst thing to do is to sit back and do nothing, because things seem to fall into our lap.  We still need to expand on our trines and sextiles and make things happen.  Opportunities wait for those who choose to explore these potentials.

Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.

Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

Are you interested in learning Astrology. Holm Astrology’s Beginners and Level III courses have been postponed and we will announce the new dates when known. Visit for course details.

Please “Like” us on Facebook. Your “shares” are appreciated and your questions are welcomed.

If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit

Thursday, 7 May 2020


What we concentrate or focus on, what we believe and what our expectations are all form our reality and enhance or hinder our life’s conditions.  This is not to say that we created this pandemic.  Our thoughts, however, create how we respond to the pandemic and this impacts the quality of our lives.

We are not our minds and we do not have to be held captive by our thoughts.  To be able to step back and be the spectator of our thoughts, we have to first recognize that we have control over our thoughts. 

We are the observer and with this knowing (and certainly with practice), we can direct our thoughts in whatever direction feels appropriate.  When an unpleasant thought occurs, we can simply acknowledge it and watch it keep going instead of holding on to as though it is part of our identity. 

If over time, thoughts and expectations build and create in our reality, why then would we ever want to set up shop within a pessimistic thought pattern?  Again, thoughts create.  Belief structures become our present moment. 

We always have choices as to which road we will follow with our responses to events in life.  When we recognize that we are not travelling in the direction we wish to or we are in a place of discomfort, we can switch to a place of peace by moving our thoughts in a peace-filled place.  It sounds simple and with practice it is BUT in the beginning it takes a lot of hard work.  It does take practice but with practice, we find that we have to intentionally redirect our thoughts less and less frequently.  Eventually it becomes natural to recognize less than ideal thoughts.  Again, we acknowledge them and then watch them dissipate. 

If we attempt to ignore something or try to avoid thinking about something, we are still giving it energy and focus.  We are essentially feeding what we are attempting to get away from.  The energies of life or the universe (whatever you choose to call it), does not decipher whether our focus is good or bad; it just expands on what we are focused on.  So the thoughts we allow and process are just as important as our belief structures and expectations. 

We are forever creating as we move through our lives.  It may take time to manifest but we will move in that direction as long as we are not creating road blocks (consciously or unconsciously but that thought is for another post).

In our true and highest form, we are spirit borrowing this physical vehicle, temporarily.  We have the ability to transform our lives to better follow the plan in place for our spiritual development. 

We each walk our individual path and there will be challenging conditions from time to time (after all we are having a human experience) but we are here to learn.  We have been given the tools we need to accomplish what we must.  We can do this the hard way or we can do this the easy way.  It is a personal choice.

 Will you focus on and expect negativity in order to create difficulties (which truly are just hard lessons to be learned)?  Have you not followed this route long enough? 

Accept responsibility.  Shift into knowing!  Regardless of what takes place in life, take control of your reaction and your attitude. 

How will you handle your next lesson (it is after all a lesson, not a punishment)? 

We can never blame others for the actions and attitudes that we take.  We can sculpture our lives into that which we truly want them to be. 

What are you creating?

Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.

Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

Are you interested in learning Astrology?  Holm Astrology’s Beginner's and Level III spring courses have been postponed and we will advise of the new dates when known.  Visit for course details.

Please “Like” us on Facebook.  Your “shares” are appreciated and your questions are welcomed.

If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit

Wednesday, 6 May 2020


We will experience a Full Moon on May 7, 2020 at 6:45 a.m. EDT in the sign of Scorpio at 17 degrees.  The Full Moon will make a trine to Neptune at 20 degrees Pisces and an opposition to Mercury at 20 degree Taurus.  The Full Moon is a culmination of the energies detailed in our post on the New Moon on April 22 which was poorly aspected by Saturn and Uranus.

This Full Moon is more promising with its trine from Neptune in its own sign of Pisces.  Neptune will have an influence of spirituality, compassion and love being at its foundation.  With the Full Moon in the sign of Scorpio, this is a placement with the need for deep reflection and evaluation.  This placement would suggest that a transformation might take hold with the potential for an inspirational response for those wishing to go deep and make changes. 

Trine aspects indicate an easy flow of energies.  There is a potential for the opening of channels bringing forward Neptunian hope and aspirations perhaps stemming from others (as the opposition from Mercury to the Moon might suggest). 

The exact sextile between Neptune and Mercury enhances the mind’s focus on the mystical side of life and may open channels for those open to this type of energy.  Sextiles speak of opportunities although in many cases we have to do the groundwork.  Each of us will, of course, need to check to see if we have any planets or angles close to this degree in our natal chart in order to have an influence.

Those with tight aspects in the natal their chart to these positions especially by conjunction, trine or sextile can use these current energies in an emphasized manner potentially creating easy flow, some good fortune and opportunities depending which aspect is occurring.  Those with the square or opposition will need to work harder and may come across some obstacles to overcome, but regardless of the type of aspect, all of this energy can work for you.

Information and mental reasoning will be part of the picture as the Full Moon and Mercury are in opposition and others may be involved as mentioned.  It might be wise to listen to advice at this time and be honest and direct with yourself; not much gets by Scorpio.  

This can also be a sensual aspect where love and affection play significant roles due to the influence of Neptune.  Any service oriented directives would be in order and this Full Moon would likely bring forth a need to help others by going deep within and helping them uncover anything that needs to surface.

Use these energies in the most appropriate manners as the negative side of Scorpio can be self-serving and sneaky with ulterior motives in place.  It would be best to work through the heart connection and have a compassionate view for others in their current state.  Your needs, however, should also be of importance. 

Enjoy these energies and see what you can do to make your world a little brighter under this influence not just for others but for you as well.

Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.

Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

Are you interested in learning Astrology?  Holm Astrology’s Beginner's and Level III spring courses have been postponed and we will advise of the new dates when known.  Visit for course details.

Please “Like” us on Facebook.  Your “shares” are appreciated and your questions are welcomed.

If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit

Tuesday, 5 May 2020


At any time but particularly during trying lessons, it is important to not loose focus and to hold on to what you know to be true. 

What purpose does a belief or knowing have if it does not hold up during times of testing and hard lessons? 

Live within the moment. 

Stay true to yourself. 

Recognise your connectiveness and let love be your guide.

We have experienced many life lessons prior to this time.  We have learned the lessons then and there is no reason why we cannot discover the lessons to be learned now. 

Personal internal strength is built over time and we can always rely on it.  It does not matter what others say or think.  What matters is how you choose to live…..through mindfulness or through reaction. 

Our deep inner knowing will help us through all life events.  We can always rely upon this knowing.

Many of us knew a shift was coming. 

We are being pushed to prioritize.  Where do you place importance in life?

Each of us may experience these lessons in our own personal way but we are all in this together. 

Review your attitude towards the lessons at hand…..will you attitude create hardship or will it just allow change? 

We are strong and resilient.  Let’s learn the lessons and move forward.

Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.

Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

Are you interested in learning Astrology. Holm Astrology’s Beginners and Level III courses have been postponed and we will announce the new dates when known. Visit for course details.

Please “Like” us on Facebook. Your “shares” are appreciated and your questions are welcomed.

If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit

Monday, 4 May 2020


In our Sun in Taurus Astrology post on April 20, 2020, we discussed the challenging aspects of Saturn and Uranus to those with their Sun sign in the early degrees of Taurus.  In this post we will look at the more fortunate aspects taking place with those who have their Sun in Taurus in the later degrees. 

Jupiter will be in a powerful and tight conjunction to Pluto from mid March to late December of 2020.  They meet up several times during this time frame (late March-into April, late June into July, and most of November).  These are dates when the conjunction is within 2degrees or less of being direct.

Pluto is the most powerful of the two planets involved but Jupiter will magnify or increase Pluto’s energies and add optimism, positivity, and growth into the equation.  Pluto demands change and often presents itself through transformation and the regeneration of anything that needs to reach a form of death which in turn makes room for an eventual rebirth.  The term death of course is rather dynamic but what it does speak of is the ending of conditions in order for something more appropriate to take its place.

Both of these planets are moving through the sign of Capricorn and the most prominent degree is between the 22 to 25 degree periods.  If your Sun is in Taurus or Virgo within three to five degrees of this positioning, you will be experiencing the trine between these two planets and your Sun.  The areas of life will be directly linked to the houses involved but Capricorn often has to do with business and the desire for security and structure.

Trines are favourable aspects and often indicate easy flow and opportunities for good luck and growth.  You can certainly expect that transformations are in place and the way things were prior to this time will significantly change after this influence is over.  This is related not only to the placement of these dynamic interactions but also due to the pandemic in our world at this time.

Mundane Astrology can be used currently with any country and its leader during this conjunction of these two energies but of course the chart itself would have to be delineated along with its leader. 

On a personal note, you will have to look deep into your own chart as well as any other transits and progressions at this time.  A solar chart will provide you with confirmation and a deeper reflective look at what will unfold over this upcoming year.

In many cases, this can bring about positive changes as well as disruptive energies to many of us on some level.  Take into considerations all the outer transiting planets to your own chart as well as close pertinent aspects from the progressions. 

The beauty of Astrology is it points the way and then we can utilize the energies to assist us in our journey.  Astrology can assist us in evaluating what route might be the best to follow.

Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.

Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

Are you interested in learning Astrology. Holm Astrology’s Beginners and Level III courses have been postponed and we will announce the new dates when known. Visit for course details.

Please “Like” us on Facebook. Your “shares” are appreciated and your questions are welcomed.

Friday, 1 May 2020


When we refer to the transits of the inner planets, this would include the Sun, Mercury, Venus and Mars. These planets and the Sun’s influence are often of minor significance as they pass quickly through the heavens and their energies are short lived. An inner planet moving in direct motion (without retreating in its retrograde cycle) can have an effect for as long as there are other factors making connection to the inner planet at the same time which can be maybe eight days. Mars and Venus specifically can last as much as 6-8 days depending on the orb of influence we allow.

In general, transits from the more influential outer planets can be felt for up to 5-7 degrees approaching, some people are even sensitive to their influence before the 7 degrees approach. The energies are in force as much as 2-3 degrees when the energies are separating. The orbs are about the same or a little less with inner planetary transits. Mercury, Venus, Mars and the Sun move approximately one degree per day.
The Sun and Mars, however, are often used as timers in Astrology and can set off an outer planetary transit while in orb which can be quite impacting. (The progressed Moon and especially transiting Uranus also speak of timing of events.)
I personally knew someone who had transiting Pluto in opposition to natal Uranus which was in the seventh house and at the same time they had transiting Mars directly in conjunction with Pluto which were also conjunct their natal Mercury. This individual experienced the death of someone very close to them.  Proof that transiting Mars played a big part in this unfolding story.  This is certainly not to say that Mars and Pluto together indicate death, but they a powerful combination and an energy source.  Under most conditions there is arguments, power struggles and aggressive action.
Mercury on its own will have little impact while in transit as it needs to pick up energies from other planets in the chart to even be felt. Venus and Mars have a stronger influence, particularly Mars, although they are more noticeable when they are making a conjunction, square or opposition to a planet or angle in the birth chart than when they are making the sextile and trine.
However, when an inner planet go into retrograde, it can pass over the same degree in a natal chart more than once and will have a much more pronounced energy.  The energies of each planet, the house position and also aspects that are within the natal chart will all need to be identified before making final conclusions however.
Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.

Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

Are you interested in learning Astrology.  Holm Astrology’s Beginners and Level III courses have been postponed and we will announce the new dates when available.  Visit for course details.

Please “Like” us on Facebook.  Your “shares” are appreciated and your questions are welcomed.

If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit

Thursday, 30 April 2020


We can stay focused and on course with our higher objectives no matter what the circumstances.  This is the true test of our path.  These circumstances only serve to verify our true potential, strength and resolve.

Life IS a classroom or testing ground, if you will.  It is important to adjust our mental attitude during life’s lessons and continually adapt in ways to help facilitate our necessary growth.  We can not only navigate through any ground breaking experiences, but we can also grow immensely from the experiences.  Once the lesson is complete, our life experience is enriched from the lesson learned.

We are strong.......beyond our comprehension.  We are capable of not only managing but flourishing as a result of any life event.  We have more than enough strength to grow from these lessons and to also motivate others to help themselves when they too are experiencing more challenging periods in their lives.  There are many who are not aware of or do not believe in their own inner strength.  Through our example we can assist those that would appreciate help in understanding the experiences being presented to them.

Many of us continue to awaken to our own potential.  Once we learn that our abilities are ingrained, we learn to call upon our gifts any time we need to use them.  These gifts and abilities are always at our disposal and the only thing that holds us back is our own recognition of and faith in our abilities.  We are our own greatest obstacle.  Release your self doubt and you remove these obstacles.

Life is a continual lesson.  Life is a testing ground of our faith.  Many lessons are best learned from a physical level of understanding.  Remember that you are spirit having an earthly experience and capable of anything. 

Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.

Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

Are you interested in learning Astrology.  Holm Astrology’s Beginners and Level III courses have been postponed and we will announce the new dates when available.  Visit for course details and dates.

Please “Like” us on Facebook.  Your “shares” are appreciated and your questions are welcomed.

If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit