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Thursday, 5 November 2020


 You can’t find peace in your surroundings or from your interaction with others. 


The only way to find peace is to make peace and the only way to make peace is to create it within yourself.  You create peace by being peace; peace comes from within.  Peace comes from acceptance.


What are your expectations? 


How do you experience peace when your expectations are not in touch with peace? 


You form your reality over time by your belief structure.  How then can you experience peace when your expectations say something different?


It has been argued that expectations are based on what has been experienced in life.  What this says is that the only things that are possible are the things you have already experienced.  There is truth to this statement.  Why would anything change if you base your expectations only on what life has brought before this time?  How can you possibly expect anything different when this is where you choose to place your expectations?


It is not as difficult as you could imagine to begin to filter out negative reactions to life’s events.  You can change your attitude at any time, as long as you are aware of your attitude.  You have to recognize what your thought patterns are and accept that they are created by you. 


Thoughts are ego interference, but as long as you identify with these thoughts, you make them your own. 


It really is that simple. 


Pay attention to your thoughts, your actions and your reaction.  Purposely refocus your thoughts in a positive direction.  See the lesson but see the benefit of the lesson.  It will take a little practice but realistically you can do it this moment and the change, if you believe that is, can happen right now, in this moment. 


Do not wait until tomorrow to make that conscious change.  Do it now. 


Make a conscious choice to be the master of your own life and focus on what makes you happy.  Life can be filled with joy and optimism.  It is a choice.  Peace is within; experience it.   


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Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology.  Holm Astrology offers Astrology courses.  Our current classes have been postponed but please watch for the announcement of our new dates yet to be established.  Visit for course details.


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Wednesday, 4 November 2020


Jupiter’s energies deal with fair play.  It reflects moral and religious involvements.  Jupiter brings expansion, good luck and optimistic potentials.  It is the planet of growth in material terms as well as expansion when it comes to life’s circumstances and how you can relate to all of this from a positive perspective.  When Jupiter makes positive aspects to other planets and points in the Zodiac, there are great opportunities for conditions to turn out favourably. 


The house position occupied by progressed Jupiter is where you will find opportunities to gain knowledge.  Jupiter also has to do with travel, courts of law and lawsuits.  In general, when Jupiter progresses through the chart, these or some of these areas of life may be highlighted, especially if Jupiter happens to be in the ninth house.  Jupiter also governs publishing, higher education and learning through experience.


Each house’s cusp advances one degree per year through progression.  Jupiter moves slower than the progressed houses and it is important to notice where Jupiter is in the natal chart and the houses it moves through during progression.  These few houses (can be only one and usually not more than three in a life time) will become areas of life that are affected by the progression of Jupiter in your chart.


You will also need to take into consideration any aspects that might come into play from the other progressed planets as well as transiting planets that make contacts during Jupiter’s slow movement through your specific house(s).


If Jupiter passes across your MC (Midheaven) the opportunities for growth in your profession has great potential especially if it is well aspected.  You will also have to look at the overall condition of Jupiter in your natal chart as this will determine how great the success will be.  A poorly aspected natal Jupiter does not promote in ways that a well aspected Jupiter does. 


When (and if) Jupiter passes over your MC, you may have opportunities for a promotion or may gain positive influence from people of higher positions.  Travel or relocation might be on the agenda during the year Jupiter sits directly on the angles.  I personally use an orb of 20 minutes for Jupiter as it approaches and 15 minutes when it separates in progressions. 


Progressed Jupiter on the ASC (ascendant) opens the door in very personal ways with less restrictions or obstacles for you.  It might indicate a new relationship or expansion in the family.  Prosperity and good luck seem to find their way to you.  Since Jupiter has to do with law suits and legalities, when Jupiter is on the Ascendant or Midheaven, the potential for legal things to go well are increased.


Jupiter on the DC (descendant) once again offers opportunities for marriage or opportunities to promote a new organization or affiliation with someone who can be of benefit to you in a business opportunity. 


Jupiter on the IC suggests changes within the home or with family members usually on a positive note.  It is a good time to buy real estate or your monetary values in these areas may increase.  However as mentioned previously, always take into consideration other transits and review what they are indicating.  Also a reminder to review the overall condition of Jupiter is in the birth chart to get the complete story.  


Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology.  Holm Astrology offers Astrology courses.  Our current classes have been postponed but please watch for the announcement of our new dates yet to be established.  Visit for course details.


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If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit

Tuesday, 3 November 2020


 We all know the saying “You can't understand someone until you've walked a mile in their shoes.”  How could we possibly understand someone if we are unaware of their life’s circumstances or experience life from their view point?


We always need to view life through their eyes to have a glimmer of understanding of the complexities in their lives.  What do they experience on a regular basis whether by events or attitude?  How does their mind react to conditions?


Early influence and upbringing is often at the core of our relationships and our way of handling events.  There are so many factors that create our reactions.  Were we mentally abused?  Did our parents have addictions?  Were our parents too busy to make time for us?  Was violence a daily norm?  Was love freely shared?


We all have our reasons for our attitudes and reactions in life.  That being said, I would be remiss if I did not add that we also have a choice to deal with the trauma these influences have created.  These influences do not have to define us. 


How can we judge someone else’s responses to life without clearly understanding the why behind these actions and responses?  One step further….why do we have to judge them?  Eliminate a judgement reaction and replace it with a compassionate reaction.


Again, why do we react with judgement?  The one thing we have control over is our reactions.  Let’s deal with that.  Learning to eliminate judgement and replace it with compassion and a loving intent can change the world.  Our own reaction can either compound a situation or it can offer a solution.  Which end result has the positive outcome?


Our reaction to people and events has an influence.  Do we allow ego to compound a situation or do we step forward with love and compassion? 


If we can be mindful with our responses and not react to situations, we can not only create peace for someone around us but we can create peace for ourselves.  Judgement of others serves no one!


Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology.  Holm Astrology offers Astrology courses.  Our current classes have been postponed but please watch for the announcement of our new dates yet to be established.  Visit for course details.


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If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit

Monday, 2 November 2020


Transiting Mars has been in retrograde since September 9, 2020.  Mars has been in the sign of Aries which is its natural placement.  Mars will return to direct motion on November 14, 2020. 


Mars traditionally is suggestive of energy directed outward.  During its retrograde cycle, those affected by this transit may have felt stagnated in their efforts and with little or no energy.  This is particularly true if you have a natal planet in conjunction (the most powerful aspect), square or opposition to transiting Mars.


The energy is turned inward, which is not a comfortable expression for Mars.  You may have felt as though you could not release your inner drive and motivate yourself in a forward direction.  You may feel a release of energy once it turns direct again and whatever you may have felt being held back, may now come to the forefront and be released.  Make sure that the release of these energies is not let lose in too much of an aggressive manner, even if you have felt thwarted in the past.


If, for example, you have had a conjunction with the Moon, you may have felt as though your emotions have been on hold or even though you had strong inner emotions to life’s events and situations, you have not been able to release them.  This could include wanting to make a change in your life. 


Your emotions have been so stifled that it has kept you at bay and nothing seemed to move the way you wanted it to.  All you really wanted to do was to express how you felt on an emotion level but this did not happen.  After Mars turns direct, you may now be able to do what you have wanted to do for what seemed like an eternity.


If Saturn were involved in the equation, Saturn’s energies would possibly have worked to your advantage as you may have needed this retrograde cycle to examine all the details before plunging into some activity.  This was a time for review and examining all the details to make sure that you were sure footed enough before you moved ahead.  Saturn normally restricts action and suggests that you build a proper foundation before you move ahead and your drive might have been held back so you could make things right.  Once Mars goes direct again, you may be ready to move ahead in your endeavours. 


Mars is also about sexual energies and sexual drive and you may have felt as though you were stifled in this area as well.  Perhaps you wanted to pursue a sexual union with someone you were interested in and the timing never seemed appropriate.  You may find once Mars goes direct that things move along in ways that were previously stagnated or held back.  Just make sure that your feelings go beyond sex and that you actually care about this individual.  Mars tends to be overly aggressive when it comes to sex and the sexual drive, especially when it moves through Scorpio or Aries.


Check which houses transiting Mars is moving through as these will be areas of life involved in the process.  Also you will need to know which houses are involved with other planetary energies and how they may surface or fail to surface during the retrograde cycle and again when Mars goes direct. 


The placement of natal Mars by house position will also be highlighted.  Transiting Mars may pass over planets or significant areas of the natal chart (ascendant and midheaven) three times as it goes through the retrograde and direct cycles making these areas of extreme importance.  If Mars stations on a planet or significant point in the birth chart, these energies will also be noteworthy.  Mars will move from 28 degrees through to 15 degrees all in the sign of Aries.  Watch for stationary direct and stationary retrograde which in this case are at 15 and 28 degrees.


Enjoy the release of Mars’ energies in a couple of weeks.

Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology.  Holm Astrology offers Astrology courses.  Our current classes have been postponed but please watch for the announcement of our new dates yet to be established.  Visit for course details.


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If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit

Friday, 30 October 2020


 We will be experiencing a Blue Moon (rare second full moon on the month) in the sign of Taurus on October 31, 2020 at 10:49 a.m. EDT.  This Full Moon’s sign is (Taurus) a very stable and reliable sign, indicative of security and steadiness especially related to earthly matters.  This would include the financial institutions, building and maintenance, the structures that have been put in place to create composure and reliability in worldly matters.  Taurus can be counted on to create stability and structure, working towards a slow and steady approach to goals that will stand the test of time. 


The Full Moon is at 8 degrees Taurus.  Transiting Uranus on this date will be conjunct the Full Moon out only by 8 minutes.  This is considered a very powerful and tight conjunction and Uranus is known for its erratic behavior.  Uranus has to do with the need to break free of any form of restrictions and pushes ahead to make sudden and often unexpected changes towards reform and new horizons.  Uranus is not at home in the sign of Taurus and is in its Fall when it comes to dignities in Astrology.  Here is a link with a little more information on the dignities


This means that Uranus in the sign of Taurus is a place where you have to work harder to overcome Taurus tendencies.  The reliability of Taurus and the unpredictable behavior of Uranus are at odds with one another.  Over time disruption to the norm can be expected although over the long haul and although different from what we are accustomed to, this change will be what is required.


Disruption to the economy is currently a world matters.  Some form of rebellion and upheaval can also be forecasted, but over time this new foundation is what will be required in order to move in the proper direction putting us back on a more enlightened path.


A Full Moon’s energies speak of the culmination of events that have taken place during the New Moon cycle some six months ago.  What was begun when the New Moon was in Taurus will now be at its finishing point and the harvest of what was begun at that time now reaches fruition. 


On a personal level check to see which houses are involved as the Sun and Moon are in opposition although the Full Moon is more indicative of the Lunar placement.  This will be the area of life that is personally affected at this time and you can expect changes to take place, particularly so if you have planets making conjunctions or oppositions along with squares and to a lesser degree trines and sextiles to this placement (Taurus 8 degrees).


Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology.  Holm Astrology offers Astrology courses.  Our current classes have been postponed but please watch for the announcement of our new dates yet to be established.  Visit for course details.


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If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit

Thursday, 29 October 2020


We have been told that some individuals are finding it hard to stay in touch with their identity during stressful times. 


You will never lose track of who you are, but you might find you feel you are off track from time to time.


There will be times when we lose track but with a little nudge, we are reminded of not only who we are but what our path in life truly is.  These two go hand in hand. 


It has been said before and we can hear it again, (as it is worth repeating), you are a spiritual being here for a temporary earthly existence.  You are spirit and we are here to joint together with earthly lesson.


We are here as an individual, but we form part of the whole. 


Our only limitations are the ones we place upon ourselves, and we decide where to step next by our convictions and actions.  Our beliefs and focus are the creators of our experience and can strengthen or weaken our steps ahead. 


We are always moving forward even during those times when we feel as though we are stagnated or moving backwards. 


We are an integral part of the whole and always have purpose. 


Do not underestimate yourself or your journey!


Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology.  Holm Astrology offers Astrology courses.  Our current classes have been postponed but please watch for the announcement of our new dates yet to be established.  Visit for course details.


Please “Like” us on Facebook.  Your “shares” are appreciated and your questions are welcomed.


If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit

Wednesday, 28 October 2020


 It has been brought to our attention that there is a general misconception about the evolutionary state of some Astrology signs. 


Is one Astrology sign more evolved than the next?    


We have also been asked by individuals who believe in the potential of reincarnation if our spiritual being (the sum of what we are) follows any type of pattern as to which Astrology sun signs a soul would be born under in each lifetime?


In this Astrologer’s opinion (and I would appreciate further input from other Astrologers) there are no particular signs that hold a higher evolutionary path.  This is not to say that an evolved Pisces or Sagittarius or even Aquarius might not seem more evolved spiritually during this incarnation than for example an unevolved Scorpio, or ego-oriented Aries.  As suggested by this statement each sign carries with it a wide range of evolutionary characteristics and an evolved Aries could easily surpass an unevolved or even evolved Pisces if the Aries’ focus is on evolutionary development.


Some believe that we come into this life with a particular purpose and the North Node, our Sun Sign and Ascendant play a significant role in indicating this particular path.  The other planetary positions add to this process and aid us in our evolutionary quest.  Each individual has chosen a path found within the planetary energies regardless of the timeframe to teach them or activate some tool that can lead to the clearest path in resolving or identifying what that soul is in search of. 


The soul may choose to come back in what may appear to be a complete state that lacks spiritual development and what appears to be a very primal stage but this state may be exactly what is needed to accomplish what this specific individual needs to experience to develop and grow.   This does not mean that they are unevolved in a spiritual sense, only that it appears as though they are lacking development in this specific lifetime.


There are also those that appear evolved in this quest and are doing their part to assist others in their evolution.  These very participatory individuals may be far less evolved than the previous individual just discussed. 


As human beings, we undoubtedly do not understand what soul evolution truly is.  We have a preconceived notion of what we believe.  Some individuals seem to have reached this state of enlightenment in this life, but we are really at the mercy of our own beliefs and truly have limited knowledge to base our judgments on.


Is the ability to love unconditionally an indicator of true development? 


We all have our gifts and we are all meant to share them with others.  What I have not learned, you may be completely understanding but what my soul has learned, you may just be beginning.  We are all evolved souls on some level.


Some people believe that there are many stages of evolution within each Astrological sign.  


It is currently believed that many evolved souls have come back at this time to help with the transition taking place in our world and although they may have moved ahead easier or bolted forward in an evolutionary way by choosing a different life, they have chosen to return at this point in time as there is essential work to be done.


On some level, we are all participating in this evolution.  We are the forerunners in this specific stage in human evolution as a whole and have been set in motion to activate the growth now require.


Is there an evolved sign of the zodiac? 


I will leave that for you to decide.  We can focus on our own development and ensure we are doing what we need to do to grow within our own evolutionary story.


Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology.  Holm Astrology offers Astrology courses.  Our current classes have been postponed but please watch for the announcement of our new dates yet to be established.  Visit for course details.


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If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit