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Thursday, 18 March 2021


Is it time to make things happen? 


Why not make now the time to move forward with your goals and ambitions? 


What are you waiting for?  Only you hold YOU back. 


Is your prep work finished and are you waiting for the right moment to advance?


Is the fear of failure holding you back? 


If you do not take action, your dreams will never materialize.  You must step forward.


Your dreams can be transformed into reality.  You have what it takes to make those necessary steps.  You have always had the ability; perhaps now is the time. 


Why not go for it? 


Forge ahead without fear of failure or shortcomings.  If you fall short, you gain great knowledge for moving ahead again.  Now is the time; take advantage of it.  Strive to make your ambitions a reality.  Believe in yourself.  Motivate yourself and push forward.


No one can do this for you and you do not need anyone to assist you.  You hold the key to your own personal success.  It may not unfold as you might think it should, but at the very least you gave it a try.  Have no regrets.  You never know unless you try.   

You can do it.  Believe.


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Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology.  Holm Astrology offers Astrology courses.  Our current classes have been postponed but please watch for the announcement of our new dates yet to be established.  Visit for course details.


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If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit

Wednesday, 17 March 2021


The Sun moves from the sensitive and gentle, mutable, water sign of Pisces into the much more active and aggressive, strong Cardinal, fire sign of Aries on March 20, 2021. 


Aries is known for its ambitious character traits and often stops at nothing to achieve its personal goals.  Failure is not a serious concern as starting over again is something that the typical Aries is accustomed to doing.  Failures or shortfalls happen due to impatience and a willingness to forge straight ahead into almost anything.  This gives Aries individuals a courageous demeanor and often produces success sometimes after several tries.  They never give up on some level although if they get tired or bored with the conditions in place, they are willing to start something new without finishing what they originally set out to do.


There are lessons to be learned which include patience and perseverance even when they grow tired or restless.  Change is common with this sign and jumping into situations with little forethought is common.  They are restless individuals but relentless at pursuing a vision, although it works much better if the vision is personal.  In many cases what they feel they want or need comes first and for those watching, this seems to make them somewhat self-oriented.  However, if you ask them for their assistance many Aries will jump at the opportunity as long as there is something in it for them.  They believe that in order to achieve an outcome, their needs have to be met first and then they can work on what others need without any resistance.


Aries are here to learn about the needs of others and to achieve what they set out to do with that in mind.  Aries are best suited to be leaders and can do well in business especially if it requires starting from the ground up.  Much will depend on the house placement and the aspects directed towards the Sun as to what life is pointing towards.  Those with their Sun in the first house, regardless of the sign, will also be tempered by Aries.


At present, transiting Saturn is in Aquarius at 10 degrees.  Transiting Jupiter will remain in the sign of Aquarius and then move into the sign Pisces temporarily from May 14 to July 29, 2021 when it goes back into Aquarius until the end of 2021.  Those with their Sun sign in the late degrees (an orb of 3 degrees will be strong) will be experiencing the sextile to Jupiter and those with their Sun in the early to mid-degrees of Aries (Saturn moves from 7 to 13 degrees in 2021) will be experiencing the sextile to Saturn.


Sextiles speak of opportunities which can advance objectives that are in place or promote prospects put in place.  Look to the placement of these transits to determine what areas of life are involved as well as the house placement of your natal Sun.  This tells the story.  If you are not sure of what this means or would like further definition, seek out a professional Astrologer to get your answers. 


Saturn often implies hard work to move ahead and a continued effort, while Jupiter offers expansion and good fortune in your goals and possibilities.


Happy solar return, sun in Aries!


Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology.  Holm Astrology offers Astrology courses.  Our current classes have been postponed but please watch for the announcement of our new dates yet to be established.  Visit for course details.


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Tuesday, 16 March 2021


It can be easy to get caught up in everyday life.  The hustle and bustle of our day can seem to distract us from our true mission.  We are here to experience a physical existence, but this includes more than working, sleeping and eating.   It may seem as though this is our main focus some days, but there is a much greater spiritual link that co-exists with everyday life. It is sometimes difficult to move beyond life’s obligations and necessities, and we can often find it monotonous.  Even with this focus, however, we still catch ourselves questioning what lies beyond these mundane obligations.  Somehow intuitively we understand that the façade of everyday living is not the essence of our true mission.


As our lives continue to evolve, we will enter periods of self-reflection and self-integration.  It is during these times of review and awareness that we may gain insights into our connection to the greater whole. 


Do not allow yourself to become overwhelmed by the constant barrage of everyday events and the undercurrents of mundane affairs that seem so overbearing at times.  Know that they are not the do-all, end-all, and there is so much more than what meets the eye.


Life runs deep.  Our vantage point is obscured by the flow of the tide that we seem to be caught up in.  Internally or instinctively, we are drawn to the true adventure unfolding and we are seemingly living a life of illusion that is created for this moment in time.  This illusion is so deep that it appears real and we get caught up in it through our own fascination and obscure behaviors.


We are in fact a spiritual being living a material, physical life.  We get engrossed in the drama of everyday experience.  When we awaken to reality and living beyond survival, something begins to happen to the fabric of life.  We begin to sense other dimensions that co-exist in our life, but these are on a different frequency, one slightly different from the material focus.  Some of us become sensitive enough to perceive this on our own level of awareness and we know of the “other world’s” inhabitants (some call these ancestors, spirits etc.) living side by side with us.


These are our guides, friends and relatives that have completed their earthly task and have now passed over into their next phase of experience.  If we listen carefully, but not with our ears, we can sense their subtle vibrations all around us.  Some have the ability to communicate although on a very different level.  Others can infiltrate our space and provide us with information and guidance to assist us in our journey.


Remember, you are spirit energy living a physical existence and this life is so very temporary. 


Do not waste this gift.  Live it!  Enjoy it!  Experience this life to its fullest. Who knows what you are capable of?  The only limitations are the ones we impose on ourselves.


We are here to enjoy life and gain insight as we venture forward.  Do not forget your connection to spirit and know that this is who you truly are.  


Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology.  Holm Astrology offers Astrology courses.  Our current classes have been postponed but please watch for the announcement of our new dates yet to be established.  Visit for course details.


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If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit

Monday, 15 March 2021


 Mars entered the sign of Gemini on March 3, 2021.  Mars is all about energy, drive and ambition.  Mars’ energy points towards action on some level.


Gemini is a very versatile sign linked to communication due to its ruler Mercury.  Gemini has to do with being adaptable, changeable, and sometimes scattered.  When you put Mars in the sign of Gemini, there is great potential for starting something and then changing your mind as you proceed or making changes along the way. 


Much of this will depend on the house that Mars is transiting through. 


If in the first house, this will be very personal, possibly making changes to your appearance, life direction or goals that you have in mind.  If in the fourth house, this can relate to your home and family.  Perhaps you are deciding on whether or not to sell your home or make changes to your environment.  In some cases, this also speaks of your mom especially if Mars is close to the IC (or this may be the more submissive parent).  If Mars were in the seventh house, this may speak of your relationship or you may be considering a business relationship. 


Without the energies of Saturn attached to this combination, this could be a very volatile time when changes take place abruptly and in ways that you might not have thought likely.  However, with Saturn in trine to Mars, Saturn brings a greater sense of security and stability.  In some cases, depending on other variants in your natal chart, longevity is highlighted and the decision making is on target due to time spent rationalizing and conceptualizing before moving ahead.  Saturn brings reliability into the equation and will foster a more permanent situation.


Mars always wants to push ahead, while Saturn wants to move ahead but with some reserve and wants to make sure that there are no short cuts along the way and that you really know what you want.  Security on some level is likely but may not be fully recognized until after this trine completes its orb of influence.


Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology.  Holm Astrology offers Astrology courses.  Our current classes have been postponed but please watch for the announcement of our new dates yet to be established.  Visit for course details.


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Friday, 12 March 2021


 A New Moon is a time for new beginnings; a time for a fresh start; a time to plant seeds that will be ready for harvest when the Full Moon is in the same sign in six months’ time from now. 


The New Moon on March 13, 2021 is in the sign of Pisces at 23 degrees.  This is a time for fostering in new directions and moving ahead with plans, and the first month of influence is when these energies are at their strongest.


Pisces is sensitive to emotions and also the subtle incoming energies often associated with the mystical side of life.  The house position of this placement will be the area of life that is involved.  Pisces sometimes takes on too much in the “feeling” department and has a difficult time separating their own feelings from that which is taking place in the outside world.  This may be the time to surround yourself with people that are more positive and have an impact that brings feelings of comfort and peace. 


Currently, transiting Neptune is at 20 degrees Pisces and transiting Venus is at 19 degrees Pisces.  These two planets will be making a wide conjunction (major aspects to Full or New Moon’s must be within 3 degrees), and although this conjunction is at its furthest distance by degrees, there will likely be some mild influences taking hold.  You would also have to have a planet or angle in your natal chart that is either conjunct, in opposition or square to this positioning for this New Moon to have a particularly strong influence in your chart.  The trine and sextile can also have an impact but usually they are a softer energy and may not as noticeable.


Venus and Neptune together may indicate an important love connection (often a female of significance being part of the energies taking hold in life).  Venus and Neptune together can bring feelings of intense love although perhaps mysterious or vague in some manner.  This can be a spiritual connection which is highly emotional and quite touching.  This is often the start of something new, a beginning of sorts and what begins now can grow or dissipate as time moves forward.  Don’t forget Neptune is involved in the equation and Neptune can dissolve matters or it can move things in a new direction.


If this is the beginning of a somewhat magical relationship, it will be important to make sure that you are viewing this with clarity, and that affection is genuinely generated from both sides.  If this conjunction occurs in the fifth house or even the eleventh house, for example, this can be a friendship leading to something with more meaning.  Love can run deep at this time and romance may be strong.


Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology.  Holm Astrology offers Astrology courses.  Our current classes have been postponed but please watch for the announcement of our new dates yet to be established.  Visit for course details.


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If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit

Thursday, 11 March 2021


 We would have to be living on a remote island if we were not aware of the current world pandemic.  As it has now been over a year, we are all getting tired of it and its complications.  We know the effects it can have on some of our population, and we also know that for many its effects can be minimal.   Now is not time to let down your guard.  Our actions affect so many vulnerable individuals.


It has always been important to take responsibility for our actions.  This is not a new message and some may be tired of hearing it. 


I have to ask myself, what is the lesson we brought forward from this experience?


For each of us the lesson may vary but because of the mass influence there must also be an overall important lesson. 


Could negative influence and/or corruption be one of these lessons?  We certainly have been bombarded with this focus over many decades.  What is being done about it? 


Building trust on many levels is certainly a work in progress.  Trust can take a very long time to build.


Togetherness or oneness seems to be another of these overall lessons that have been brought forward.  Knowing we are all in this together (each experiencing in their own way but all experiencing) has raised our awareness to the diversity yet oneness of all people.  There is a powerful human need for togetherness.


Family for many has become an element that has been brought to the forefront.  The old saying goes, “Absence makes the heart grow fonder”.  Many of us have come to realize the importance of specific individuals in our lives and unfortunately for some the family members are now less in numbers. 


Friends have physically been separate from us, and we have been taught the value of camaraderie, companionship and the consequences of not being in physical touch.  When all restrictions are lifted, how will you move forward?


The world of finances has taken a tremendous beating and for many, they suffer financial more than ever. 


We have come this far.  There have been times when the situation looked very rough particularly for our aged and sick.  Worries and anxiety, however, never solve anything.  We can spend countless nights in contemplation of what MIGHT happen. 


We also have an opportunity to begin again, whether returning to the old norm or beginning with a new normal. 


Each moment is a new opportunity.  Let the new moment be your guide.  Now is the time for a fresh start.  Now is the time to let go of what was and move towards a better future for everyone, but of course, it all begins with you!


Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology.  Holm Astrology offers Astrology courses.  Our current classes have been postponed but please watch for the announcement of our new dates yet to be established.  Visit for course details.


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If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit

Wednesday, 10 March 2021


Saturn is the planet of restriction, delays, obstacles, and hard work. It is known as the task maker or the teacher of the Zodiac. Saturn by birth position usually shows an area of life that we must work at to make things succeed. If Saturn is poorly aspected in the birth chart, this is exaggerated, although Saturn also offers rewards for those with diligent work ethics.


Saturn while in its direct motion through transit suggests that there will be time delays, limitations, and boundaries to overcome, unlike most planets in their direct cycle. When Saturn turns retrograde which is about 140 days a year, its energies are quite the contrary. The retrograde motion of Saturn may be a time when you feel less restricted and held back, although signing agreements or making major decisions is not recommended. This is a time when you can rethink what action you can take to facilitate growth when the timing is better. This is a planning stage when you can take great strides forward when other planets trigger the appropriate timing factors. 


You must watch that you are not guided by feelings of guilt under the Saturn retrograde motion. 


While Saturn is in its direct motion (which ends May 22, 2021) you can make some decisions that will have a profound effect over the course of time.  Saturn’s reaction is slow but steady and although restrictions and some delays are still present because there are lessons to be learned, there is an opportunity to move ahead with long range plans. 


Saturn has been linked to our Karmic destiny and intuition is not part of its expression.  Saturn deals directly with the mind and the thinking process, although Mercury is strongly tied to the operation of the mind and thinking.  While Saturn is in retrograde, you are asked to learn lessons and these lessons are likely to be learned by the time Saturn moves into direction motion.  This is a time to set goals and take serious responsibility for your actions.


Saturn has a 29-year cycle and is usually retrogrades about 15 degrees in each sign. It moves into retrograde up to 8-9 degrees during its cycle. As Saturn is linked with achievement, ambition and delivers what is truly deserved, when the Sun (also linked to ambition) through transit aspects Saturn, its square to Saturn often brings some struggles concerning your goals and aspirations. If it trines Saturn, the blended energies of the Sun and Saturn offer some stability in these areas.


Saturn in its retrograde cycle is somewhat like Jupiter, in that it offers opportunities to succeed in your endeavours and planning is a fundamental action while Saturn goes through its retrograde motion. The normal cautionary application of Saturn is softened during its retrograde cycle.


Saturn’s energies also deal with accountability and the house or houses that it retrogrades through will make you answerable to these specific areas of life being tested. Saturn tends to test you and if you failed to do what you should do during its direct motion, you may be held accountable for your actions or non-action. If, on the other hand, you were working with the energies of Saturn while in direct motion, the areas of life dictated by house position will offer rewards for due diligence and hard work. Saturn rewards when applicable.


In closing, Saturn direct offers opportunities to move ahead in life although with some caution attached to the process. Saturn retrograde suggests a time for evaluation and planning and then to move ahead with caution once Saturn moves direct again and when other planets may trigger potential activities.  Remember Saturn will not tolerate shortcuts. 


Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology.  Holm Astrology offers Astrology courses.  Our current classes have been postponed but please watch for the announcement of our new dates yet to be established.  Visit for course details.


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If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit