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Thursday, 8 July 2021


Life often presents us with challenges that seem to steal our focus and somehow manage to stifle our growth or so we think.  We are often confronted with what feels like massive, overwhelming tests that come at us from all sides.  We are seldom prepared for these events as they come when we least expect them.  This is most certainly how it can feel, and our reactions are not always what we want, in hindsight. 


For some, this seems to be the reoccurring theme in life.  When we are faced with adversity and difficult conditions, we often meet these lessons with opposition.  We sometimes feel as though we are victims of life, but are we?  Are we not actually victims of our reaction to life’s events? 


Life is going to happen, with or without our consent.  We can face life head on and use the events to grow and learn.  It is important to recognize these events as not part of us and we cannot own them or make them our own.  Far too often, we may meet life’s events with frustration, anger, create a very difficult lesson and feeling as though these lessons are a part of us.  We decide to own the events instead of seeing them as a lesson to grow.


With the latter scenario, how will these reactions change what has transpired?  What is the benefit of the attitude we have decided to have?


We have a choice on how we deal with adversity.  It is also up to us how long we choose to hang on to the events.  How much control are you willing to give to these uncontrollable events?


This is not to say that we are unaffected by what takes place even if we do not fight the event.  This does not mean that we are not emotionally affected by life’s events, nor does it mean that we are cold or unemotional in any way.  What it does mean is that life happens, and we have options as to what way we react.  There are always choices to be made.  We are not at the mercy of these events as many believe.  We are always at the helm of our reactions and our emotions.  We alone dictate how we will allow ourselves to be affected by each and every event in life.


Undesirable events do happen, and they are not by choice, but we have choices as to how we will allow ourselves to be affected. We make those choices whether those decisions are conscious or not.  If we choose to analyse our decisions and recognize our part in the process, we learn how to adjust to life’s events rather than becoming victims to them.  Being familiar with our past reactions and decision helps us to learn to stop reaction and make clear decisions on how to move forward. 


Learning to listen to that quite inner guide as it will help us through the process and understanding our reactions and taking control can have lasting effects.  These will provide us with the momentum and courage to withstand any pressure that comes from our lessons in life.  Stop, process, and then move forward after a controlled decisions.  Stand tall in the face of adversity by recognizing the lesson, seeing it as not a part of you but simply a lesson then move forward with that knowledge.


Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology.  Holm Astrology offers Astrology courses.  Our current classes have been postponed but please watch for the announcement of our new dates yet to be established.  Visit for course details.


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Wednesday, 7 July 2021


In Astrology, when defining a rising planet, we are referring to the distance any natal planet is with regards to the actual Ascendant sign’s position. 


A planet that is two degrees before the rising sign cusp (in the last 2 degrees of the twelfth house or up to and including 5 degrees after the Ascendant in the first house) is known as a rising planet.  The difference between a planet 2 degree before the rising sign (in the 12 house) compared to a planet in the first house would be that the energies of the twelfth house planet have more difficulty expressing themselves compared to a first house planet which can easily express its energies.


Both positions, however, deliver a similar meaning as the ruling planet of the Ascendant.  To give a couple of examples, the ruling planet of Sagittarius is Jupiter, and the ruling planet of Leo is the Sun.  The rising planet gives substance to the energies of the rising sign and tells more about the rising sign.  Someone who has a Sagittarius rising sign would also have to look at what house and sign their Jupiter is located in.  This would provide a stronger identification to the external expression of the rising sign of Sagittarius.  The rising sign is tempered by its ruling Planet.


Another example would be someone having Mars closely tied to this Ascendant would use these energies in their self-expression.  Mars before the Ascendant by 2 degrees or after within 5 degrees would also express the Mars influence with the rising sign.


A planet closely connected to the Ascendant (the closer the connection by degree the stronger its influence) is thought to be even stronger than the actual natural ruling planet of the sign on the Ascendant.  This is due to the planet being in an angular position.  Someone with a Cancer Ascendant which naturally would be comfortable in a care-giving role would have strong nurturing abilities and be emotionally expressive to others. 


If, for example, this individual had Mars within 2 degrees of the Ascendant and in the first house (in the twelfth the energies would be a little more difficult to express or they may even try to hide this energy), would have an energetic expressive personality.  They would be considered a go getter and would aggressively take on the role as a caregiver and nurturing individual.  They would be known as a combatant and often would show an aggressive link to their self-expression.  Much would depend on the rising sign’s aspects as well.  It has also been noted that in some cases this positioning of Mars being closely tied to the Ascendant indicates that a fight for life in early life was likely.


Someone with Jupiter tied to this position of a Cancer Ascendant would express themselves to others in an overly optimistic manner.  Many with this in their chart would find that luck and expansion come to them at different intervals in their lives.  They would reveal themselves as a nurturing individual with philosophic views on life.  Jupiter would expand the emotional nature of Cancer and make these individuals highly sensitive to their environment and quite emotionally expressive.


What is the rising planet tied to your Ascendant and how would this define your expression?


Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology.  Holm Astrology offers Astrology courses.  Our current classes have been postponed but please watch for the announcement of our new dates yet to be established.  Visit for course details.


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If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit

Tuesday, 6 July 2021


We all go through periods when we seem to be challenged with issues, and fighting the process as it unfolds seems futile.  We sometimes feel pushed to the edge but we can only deal with things the best we can.  The battles we wage sometimes create exaggerated issues and we would truly be much further ahead to roll with the punches.  There is no way to avoid the lessons we have to learn in life, and at times, we just have to accept what stands before us.


Letting go long before our coping abilities have been stretched to their limits seems to be an ability we are reluctant to practice.  It is true that many of us learn only at the school of hard knocks.  Simply allowing is often the best alternative yet we fight it.  This is not a show of weakness or a deliberate act of surrender.  It is a true show of faith.  If we question our faith in the process, we bitterly hold on until we reach that point that we have no choice but to acknowledgement that no further actions can be taken on our part.  Letting go and releasing our energies might be the best course of action available to us.


Everything in life has significance.  Determining our best approach is important not only for our sanity, but also for our greater good.  If we have walked around the situation and viewed it from every angle and there is no satisfactory way to get rid of it, it is time to accept that it is there and climb it or maybe take a new course around it or even see it in its true light.  In any case, enjoy the new view.  Staying where you are and accomplishing nothing but frustrations serves no purpose. 


We have at our disposal all the ingredients we need to deal with life’s lessons.  With the right frame of mind, we can continue our travels no matter how high the mountain is in front of us.  Attitude and expectation mold our reality.  We are at the controls even when we let go, for this too is a choice.  We can halt our journey and stand in front of the mountain and feel defeated, or we can accept that the mountain is there, plan an alternate route or put on our climbing gear and enjoy the climb.  Whether we choose to go around or to climb, we will eventually get to our destination, but if we stand in front of that mountain defeated and angry, we only hurt ourselves and forget to live.  


Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology.  Holm Astrology offers Astrology courses.  Our current classes have been postponed but please watch for the announcement of our new dates yet to be established.  Visit for course details.


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If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit

Monday, 5 July 2021


Is Natal or Transiting Pluto conjunct the Midheaven (MC) in your chart?


Pluto on the Midheaven at birth suggests an individual with a powerful presence especially in the working environment.  They will have the ability to transform the working environment not only for themselves but also for those that they either work for or work with.  This position speaks of leadership and the changes that can take place in this person’s life when they transform working conditions and regenerate this area of their life. 


There may be some struggles with personal wills when it comes to moving forward with their objectives, but any challenges will facilitate changes required to further the evolution of the individual in question.  The actual process would be very deep and would describe changes and transformations on a fairly constant basis.  Any changes that do take place will be permanent in nature.  There would be no half measures with this ongoing process and are often life altering.  This ongoing process however must be stimulated by other transiting planets to this position.


This is a position of regeneration of the life goals.  This individual would gain recognition for their efforts with uncovering integral internal changes, but these changes would usually require some participation from others especially if an opposition is part of the picture.  These individuals may find that there is some opposition to their efforts by their superiors and the best route to follow is one where the ego stays in the background.  The individuals with this aspect may have an approach which might be quite aggressive, and this might also stand in the way of progress but standing in the shadows is not what these individuals are meant to do either.


Much of their approach depends on the astrological sign involved.  For example, if Pluto is in Virgo, regardless of this aspect, this generation of individuals would proceed in a meticulous fashion, digging up material that needs alterations and strategic changes.  With a Virgo influence this would take place in a very organized manner.  Everything will have its place and their presentation would be accurate and detailed.  The Pluto Virgo individuals operate in a very orderly manner with expertise.


Those with say Pluto in Scorpio may work below the radar and do things in a much more subtle manner.  They would go deep into what needs transformation and challenge tradition.  If they have this aspect, they will make suggestions on how the company would best work under most any condition.  They would be more subtle in their approach but have an impact that would not go unnoticed.  Their approach would be intense and very complete.  Pluto Scorpio individuals would bring things to the surface that others may not even have noticed or dared to bring to the surface.  They may be more of the quiet type, depending on the sign on the Ascendant, but would present an image of know-how and people would notice their presence.


When transiting Pluto is residing on the Midheaven, this period speaks of transformation in the working environment but often more with the actual occupation or life status.  Depending on the overall conditions in the individual’s chart, there would be powerful influences taking place that may involve disruptions and major changes to take place.  There may be disruptions with people in power or authority and difficulties simply based on varying opinions.  The changes that would take place could open doors for new positions of authority and may offer an opportunity to move up the corporate ladder into a management position.  There may also be major changes affecting the career, life status, goals and aspirations and objectives.


Pluto will uncover anything that needs to be transformed into a higher state.  This is done in order to move forward regardless of obstruction.  Pluto will facilitate change on one level or another.


Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology.  Holm Astrology offers Astrology courses.  Our current classes have been postponed but please watch for the announcement of our new dates yet to be established.  Visit for course details.


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If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit

Friday, 2 July 2021


 In June Neptune in the sign of Pisces went retrograde June 25, 2021,, Neptune retrograde energies are not fully released or expressed. 


Neptune while in its direct motion can be quite spiritual, even aspirational; and if positively aspected, these qualities are brought forth.  Neptune is mystical, inspirational and can be revealing in these qualities. In its more negative expression, Neptune can be illusive, making life situations foggy and unclear and the path ahead may be uncertain.


When Neptune is conjunct the DC, it is in opposition to the Ascendant.  The conjunction aspect is always the most powerful especially if connected to another planet as well as with any angle.  The DC relates to important relationships particularly the partner and it is also associated with business partners.  Sometimes there are legalities associated with this placement, but in general it has to do with the marriage partner or business associates.


While in direct motion, Neptune (when speaking in terms of a marriage partnership) can indicate a rather magical, inspirational, and mystical alignment.  You may view your partner through rose coloured glasses and idealize what this relationship holds most prominent.  This could be factual but when Neptune goes into retrograde and in connection to your Descendant, make sure you are seeing things clearly.  You may start to question the relationship or be unclear about its true condition.


Currently we are under a lot of stress due to the pandemic, and it will be important to recognize this energy if the relationship seems to be heading in the wrong direction.  Outer stress can magnify issues even if we feel we are accustomed to this current situation. 


You might want to ask yourself how was the relationship prior to the pandemic and is the current financial situation is due to the pandemic?  What has been learned from this experience up to this point and how will you move forward as things return to some form of new normalcy?


If the relationship was strong prior to this time, perhaps you will need to take into consideration these influences.  What is taking place in your life now?  Recognize that the issues surrounding life may be putting a dampener or stress on your relationship.  These stressed feelings, however, will likely be temporary unless you have felt this way for a long time.  Sometimes it is best to wait for the transiting planet to return to direct before making any important decisions.  Neptune returns to direct motion in early December, 2021. 


Is this too long to wait?  Are you comfortable with the decisions that you have in place now?  You might want to ask yourself these questions. 


You may get much feedback from your partner and if you listen closely, with a clear mind, you might see how things really are.  With this clear vision, you may be able to see where the future will take you.  You may be going through changes due to what is taking place with your partner and what is taking place in the world around you.  Quite often those without the impact of Neptune retrograde affecting their chart will see things more clearly.  It will also be important for you to see how Neptune is aspected in the natal chart as well as what aspects transiting Neptune is making to others parts of your chart.  This gives you a much clearer idea of what is being affected and what areas of life are part of the process.  You always have to check the full charts.


It is advised that you take a deep breath and mediate on life and your current situation.  Take the time to recognize the facts and perhaps that magic that you experienced is actually real.  If not, then perhaps you need to think in terms of what you can do to make things better.  


Do not expect change from your partner and if you look at things from a realistic perspective and make the necessary changes, your partner may follow your example.


Allow time for Neptune to go direct again before making any rash decisions.  There is plenty of time to review things and there is nothing wrong with asking those that you trust to assist in this process. 


What you saw before Neptune went retrograde may be more reliable than what goes through your head now that Neptune is retrograde.  We have to remember that other indicators in our personal chart may be pointing in a different direction, and we always have to take into consideration all the aspects in place along with the natal potential during any one specific transiting aspect.  A full report on the nature of the elements in play has to be considered before reaching clear and viable conclusions.


Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology.  Holm Astrology offers Astrology courses.  Our current classes have been postponed but please watch for the announcement of our new dates yet to be established.  Visit for course details.


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If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit

Wednesday, 30 June 2021


 Mercury is the planet of the mind.  It speaks of our communication techniques which are defined by the astrological sign Mercury is in within our birth chart.  The house location also provides further information.  The angles or aspects to Mercury will define how challenging or how proficient the mind operates. 


The Square aspect may suggest challenging conditions, but these natal aspects can be used to intensify the mind’s focus especially if Saturn or Pluto is part of the process.  If Uranus is part of the equation its energies can add a flair of uniqueness.  The squares, although often indicating lessons, can always be confronted, and dealt with accordingly over time.  Mental illness and concentration issues can also be defined by Mercury’s condition.  Much depends on the overall condition of Mercury as well as the rest of the chart’s energies.  At times Neptune can indicate challenging conditions and at other times it speaks of insight and intuitive perceptions.


When Mercury is conjuncted by transiting Jupiter there is an emphasis on the mental processing and often the ability to expand on certain teachings.  Much will depend on the sign Mercury is in as well as the house of the conjunction.  In general, however, subjects such as religion, spirituality and philosophy can become activating forces of this individual’s focus during this transiting aspect.  Jupiter has a tendency to expand on things and pushes for higher learning often through life’s experience, and Mercury will take on these energies and use them to propel its energies. 


Mercury is a neutral planet and actually needs something to stimulate it into action.  It comes to life when it is activated by transit or progression.


The attitude can be changed significantly as Mercury is touched by Jupiter, and Jupiter’s involvement will help to foster a positive attitude and a general feeling of good fortune into everyday life.  The mind is ready to learn and grow through these energies.  Anyone with these energies may also be quite willing to share this information with others, especially if Mercury is in the sign of Gemini, Sagittarius, or Leo.  The thinking and sharing of thoughts may be a little recluse if Mercury is in the sign of Capricorn, or even Virgo and sometimes Scorpio, but many individuals will feel wide open to the teachings available under the influence of this aspect.


Verify which house Jupiter resides in within the natal chart.  This will also be an area of life that will be affected by open-minded concepts. 


Take advantage of these energies by perhaps learning new teachings or returning to school.  If you have these energies activated in your chart, you may wish to travel abroad to gain experience and in so doing, gain understanding of other cultures.  Long distance travel whether in the mind or physically are often by-products of transiting Jupiter conjunct natal Mercury.


Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology.  Holm Astrology offers Astrology courses.  Our current classes have been postponed but please watch for the announcement of our new dates yet to be established.  Visit for course details.


Please “Like” us on Facebook.  Your “shares” are appreciated and your questions are welcomed.


If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit

Tuesday, 29 June 2021


There certainly seems to be a division between two different paths of thinking with our current pandemic.  There are individuals who believe that all that is transpiring is a conspiracy that threatens mankind’s way of life.  The government is dictating to us and that the masses are being herded like sheep around a virus which is no more than the common yearly flu.  On the other side of the road there are individuals who honour the rules put in place as a means to protect themselves from a virus which they believe is a threat to mankind as a whole. 


No matter what you beliefs are, it is imperative that you do not get caught up in the fear mongering from either side.  Living in stress and fear can create depression and the feeling of having little control in what is being manifested in our lives. 


Some individuals have expressed they constantly worry and experience anxiety over the fact that they may become sick and pass.  Some individuals have expressed the fear of repression and will take their chances with the virus to rally against the government and their underhanded plans.  Unfortunately both sides can be extreme in their thinking and it is creating a divide amongst the masses. 


We can honour each other and allow.   Respect always has its place.  Living in gratitude for whatever we have in our lives honours our existence.  Honouring our differences is what eliminates fear, depression, emotional and mental fatigue, anxiety and the list goes on.  These are the enemy.   


Is this pandemic a wakeup call to take a second look at how we are living our lives? 


If our beliefs cannot hold up under the stress of our current situation than these beliefs are not viable. 


Maybe we have been afforded the opportunity to make a difference through love and caring. 


So many people are stepping up to make a difference.  Celebrities are offering free concerts and fundraisers from the safety of their homes.  Horse owners are visiting retirement and nursing homes with their horses to cheer those living there.  In many ways, many people are placing themselves second to the needs of those around them and living their life with great passion and concern for others.  They believe that the greatest lessons come from adversity and do not struggle with what might be.  They live for today and do what they can to help others.  They are the examples for others to step up and through love walk through this difficult lesson. 


Do not allow yourself to swept away with fear.  The healthy alternative is to live with acts of love and compassion. 


Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology.  Holm Astrology offers Astrology courses.  The commencement of our Beginners and Level III classes for the week of March 23, 2020 has been postponed. Please watch for the announcement of our new dates yet to be established.  Visit for course details.


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If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit