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Friday, 1 October 2021


Jupiter is in the sign of Aquarius in retrograde motion until October 18, 2021.


While Jupiter is direct, it offers opportunities and good luck when connected with the Sun especially by Sextile, Trine or Conjunction. When Jupiter is in Square or Opposition to the Sun, the opportunities are still present, but you may have to push your way through some obstacles before you get the desired result. The only Planet that is adversely affected to any degree is Saturn.


While in retrograde, you can prepare your plans that you will move ahead with when Jupiter turns direct. Jupiter in direct motion promises abundance and an optimistic approach to any projects that are undertaken. It provides you with the sense that no matter what way you turn the outcome has potential. The main problem with Jupiter in direct motion is overindulgence and a feeling that nothing can go wrong.


When Jupiter is into its retrograde cycle, Jupiter sometimes denies the luck and abundance that is mostly apparent during the direct motion. It still provides the ability to achieve, but not without some work on your part. Jupiter’s retrograde energies are similar to that of Saturn’s, potentially putting up roadblocks and barriers to cross before achievement is possible. It suggests that you do the work required to put something in motion and that it may take a little longer for you to succeed than anticipated. In many cases, things begin to move forward once the retrograde cycle is over.


Jupiter’s stationary position will be the most powerful.


When Transiting Jupiter is making an aspect to the Sun in your natal chart, you may feel so good about life’s plans that you feel as though you could just sit back and let life lead. This is much more possible with the trine than with the sextile, but it would be a much better idea to work on moving forward as this is an opportune time to make things happen, especially if Jupiter is in direct motion. Do not waste the opportunity by sitting back and letting!


You may find that you feel quite healthy and even robust during this period. Watch for putting on weight, and remember Jupiter expands all that it touches. Set yourself up with an exercise program that you can follow and watch what you eat; be healthy. Your energies might be higher than normal, and you may find that you are more inclined to want to go for hikes, and attend sporting events, either as a spectator or as a participant.


If Jupiter is square the Sun, this is still an opportune time although you may feel restrained and tested during this period. If you put forth the extra efforts, however, you can still achieve what you set out to do.


Watch for any feelings of over optimism or extravagance as spending can be a problem under this influence. You may regret what you do under this influence so make sure that you are thinking long terms and review the results of your plans before acting.


The opposition is usually suggestive of other people setting things in motion and in some way affecting you. Watch for the carefree husband or wife that goes on a spending spree and you as their spouse might even encourage this. They may be the ones making suggestions that are a little extravagant and out of proportion for what your needs might be.


In general, this will be an opportune time even when transiting Jupiter makes challenging aspects to the Sun as well as when it is retrograde. Take advantage of these energies. Remember your Sun can be within 4 degrees either side of Jupiter’s degree throughout its transit and its energies will still be in effect. When Jupiter is direct to the Sun (same degree), the energies are the strongest.


At present October 2021, Jupiter is passing through Aquarius and moves into Pisces towards the end of December 2021.  Its next retrograde cycle is not until July, 2022, where it will be at 8 degrees of Aries.


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Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology.  Holm Astrology offers Astrology courses.  Our current classes have been postponed but please watch for the announcement of our new dates yet to be established.  Visit for course details.


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Wednesday, 29 September 2021


All planets move around our Sun in the same direction and have their own cycle depending on their distance from the Sun.


Retrograde motion is in fact an illusion as it appears the planets slow down and then move backwards. The retrograde planet is making its closest approach to the earth and gives the false visual that it is moving backwards.


The planets all go into retrograde and then direct throughout their full cycles around the Sun. The outer planets are in retrograde about 40 percent of the time (and their energetic affects are generational).


The inner planets go in retrograde for shorter periods of time. The inner planets (Mercury, Venus, and Mars) are said to be personal planets and when in retrograde are the most challenging and often require inner reflection, alignment and adjustment. They will force us into action, and this action required is often the best used once the planet in question has turn direct once again.


It should be noted that if you have a retrograde planet in the birth chart and when it receives an aspect from the same planet transiting in retrograde, the energies will be more intense than for someone who does not have that planet in retrograde in their natal chart. It should also be said that it needs to make a direct aspect within five degrees to have a meaningful impact in our lives. The more planets it touches by aspect the stronger the influence.


Jupiter and Saturn are in retrograde approximately one third of the time and are considered less personal and less of a challenge. When a planet is in retrograde, the normal flow of energy is disrupted and often held back or stifled. Saturn is the exception. Saturn’s energies are less restrictive and delayed in retrograde motion. Saturn is considered more favourable in retrograde than when it is in direct motion.


When planets are in retrograde it is a time to reflect and to put our focus on decision making. It is a time for making plans and to change our objectives or our perspective on what this retrograde cycle would be implying. It is important to take into consideration the planet in question and its position in our chart as well as any aspects it will be making. If it crosses a planet for example by conjunction, when it turns direct once again it will move across that same position and the energies in place will once again be intensified.


There is also a period called stationary retrograde and stationary direct when, for a few up to several days, the planet appears to be stationary or not moving at all. It appears to slow down and then stays at the same degree for a short period (the length of time will depend on the planet as some planets will stay in their stationary position longer than others). When it is in this stationary position, the energies are at their strongest and will be intensely felt especially if the transiting planet in question touches a natal planet at the same time.


While in retrograde, you should resist taking action. It is time to take action once the planet goes direct once again. Pay attention to what these energies are pointing towards (planet, sign and house position) and make plans so that you can set them in motion when this retrograde period is over (except as mentioned with Saturn as its energies are less obtrusive in retrograde motion).


Understanding the workings of Astrology can certainly help detect the approach of lessons and hurdles as well as the times to take advantage of energies available or when just to relax and enjoy. Astrology defines in detail what energies are in play and the time frames that will be involved.


Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology.  Holm Astrology offers Astrology courses.  Our current classes have been postponed but please watch for the announcement of our new dates yet to be established.  Visit for course details.


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If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit

Tuesday, 28 September 2021


Many of us can get caught up in the past spending countless hours reminiscing and wishing we could go back to that time. Many can get caught up in what they term “the good old days”.


Do you realize that this point in time will be the good old days in twenty years from now?


Rather than looking back at what once was, why not take a closer look at what is; right now. Look closely at what is right in front of you, in this moment. We can be so accustomed to complaining about what we do not like or do not have that we ignore those things that we should be grateful for right now.


If we spend our lives living in the past, we miss out on the eternal moment and the magnificence of what is happening now. The moment is all we have and our attention to this is paramount.


Do not spend another moment thinking about what was because “what was” is gone. Do not waste your time worrying about what might be because what we worry about seldom comes to fruition. If you hold on to yesterday, you throw away the potential for today. You cannot move forward without letting go of the past.


Live for today. Experience your life by living it. Believe you are entitled to be happy but remember that happiness can only be experienced in the present moment. Your happiness hinges on your focus on all that is and this focus can serves you well.


If life feels difficult, what is the lesson to be learned?


Once you figure out the lesson, you can then acknowledge it and let it go.


Enjoy the moments. Share them with those that matter.


Start now.


Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology.  Holm Astrology offers Astrology courses.  Our current classes have been postponed but please watch for the announcement of our new dates yet to be established.  Visit for course details.


Please “Like” us on Facebook.  Your “shares” are appreciated and your questions are welcomed.


If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit


Friday, 24 September 2021


 If your natal Moon is in either Gemini or Sagittarius, transiting Neptune will be squaring this lunar position (depending on the degree of your natal Moon).


Squares signify challenging conditions and when it touches the Moon, these challenges will be emotional in nature. The Moon can also speak in terms of family and the home environment. Because the signs of Gemini and Sagittarius are mutable signs, the potential for being able to adapt and change to these conditions is stronger than if these signs were fixed or cardinal. All mutable signs can bend easier with life and make alterations to suit the changing conditions often brought on by the Moon.


Since the energies of Neptune are the influence during the square, (Neptune is around 21 degrees Pisces in September 2021), you may have a difficult time understanding your emotions. You will strongly be influenced by any emotional experiences over this period, and you may even take on the emotions of those around you. It will be important to step back and examine why you feel the way you do during this time frame, so that you can find ways to alleviate or at least understand the emotions you are experiencing.


Your emotions are on high alert. Your sensitivity and intuition are enhanced and at times subject to unreliable feedback. Neptune tends to colour events, and it makes things rather cloudy, allowing your fertile imagination to have influence over how you see what is taking place. Those that have active minds will find it hard to rationalize events because of the emotional impact of these energies. There will come a time after the transit has lost its influence that you will be able to make sense of what has taken place. As long as these energies are tied together, it will be challenging, but squares force you into action which is good.


If you can find ways to allow the pure energies of Neptune’s influence to expand your consciousness, (which is also quite possible although usually not until you have gone through some trying conditions), you may find that your intuition can be reliable. Feel these conditions rather than rationalize them. Go by gut instinct and hunches. These may provide you with clearer insight than trying to mentally make sense of it all.


You will experience intense ups and downs during this period, but the greatest lessons in life come from tumultuous conditions. You will likely understand your “feeling nature” in much greater detail and not be led so easily astray after these lessons have been taught. You may also find that you are avoiding anything that is emotionally trying to your otherwise calm conditions. At this time you should certainly get in touch with your emotions. If you run into problems dealing with current emotional conditions, do not hesitate to reach out to a professional. At the very least share your feelings with someone close. Do not resort to alcohol and drugs to remove yourself emotionally from any chaotic situation. This can be exceedingly dangerous. Make an extra effort to correct or contend with life’s conditions during this aspect and do not run from the issues through substances abuse.


You will get through these times and come out much stronger if you utilize these energies. Hold on for the ride and do not become over-whelmed by the conditions. As with all of life experiences, this will pass and you come out the other side much stronger and much wiser from the experience if you pay heed to the lesson at hand.


Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology.  Holm Astrology offers Astrology courses.  Our current classes have been postponed but please watch for the announcement of our new dates yet to be established.  Visit for course details.


Please “Like” us on Facebook.  Your “shares” are appreciated and your questions are welcomed.


If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit

Thursday, 23 September 2021


Life mirrors our reaction and involvement to event. We are the creators and managers of our concentrated efforts. Our focus draws more of the same.  Our reaction sets the tone.


We alone motivate ourselves in whichever direction we choose to go regardless of intrusion or interference with our objectives. We constantly formulate our actions based on what we believe is possible for us


Some expect others to be the motivating factor behind success or failure, but ultimately, we decide which path to take, and that path leads us to our destination. We control our reactions to life’s events even when we feel we have become victim to what takes place. We alone decide if we will live in the moment or stay trapped in an experience. We will always have varying life event experiences, but we have control over our actions or reactions to these events.


What looks like a challenging life situation can open the door for further growth and the experience itself can open the door for clearer understanding and can build strength. On the contrary, when we experience a pleasant situation our attitude towards the event also determines at which degree we allow it to assist us and for how long we choose to hold on to the event.


Our feelings and reactions to life’s events determine the experience.


Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology.  Holm Astrology offers Astrology courses.  Our current classes have been postponed but please watch for the announcement of our new dates yet to be established.  Visit for course details.


Please “Like” us on Facebook.  Your “shares” are appreciated and your questions are welcomed.


If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit

Wednesday, 22 September 2021


This forecast will be for those with their Sun in Libra. We enter the sign of Libra today, September 22, 2021.


Transiting Pluto is in the sign of Capricorn at 24 degrees (remaining in Capricorn for a few years) making a Square to Sun in Libra. The Square is considered a challenging aspect as it speaks of obstacles to overcome and is often accompanied with some degree of stress. Pluto disrupts the normal flow, pushes for change and transforms to such a degree that you may not recognize what was in place prior to these energies. It takes time to reorient yourself around what has taken place as the events unfold. This will affect those with their Sun in Libra between 22 and 29 degrees.


Transiting Neptune is in the sign of Pisces (21 degrees currently in retrograde and will remain in retrograde until December 2, 2021). It does not move much over this time and once it goes direct its energies will be released with no interference. Planets are allowed full expression when moving in direct motion and held back to some degree or challenged while in their retrograde cycle.


Those with their Sun in Libra between 19-24 degrees will experience a sextile from transiting Neptune well into the spring or early summer, 2022. Sextiles are more favourable than the dreaded Square aspect. Sextiles promote opportunities and growth and in many cases with Neptune can speak of a more mystical approach to life or with a more artistic flair. Since Pluto and Neptune will be affecting those with this placement together, transformations and opportunities are at hand with a change of life’s course in a new and more aligned manner.


Those with their Sun in Libra from about 10-18 degrees will be experiencing the trine from transiting Uranus which is in Taurus (currently around 14 degrees in retrograde). Uranus goes direct on January 18, 2022 at 10 degrees. This is also considered an exceptionally favourable aspect although it will not be affecting those with their Sun in the later degrees of Libra. Trines speak of easy flow, opportunities, and fortunate conditions. They are what we wait for and if we choose to apply these energies things can move along quite nicely. Lucky and timely elements are often at hand.


As with all transits to our natal positions, you must take into consideration the houses that are being affected as well as the natal aspects related to the planets involved. This will give a clear understanding of what to expect and how we can maneuver our way forward in life. It should also be understood that the challenging aspects are useful due to the push they provide for us to find ways to overcome the adversity. These aspects are what bring the greatest changes in life and their lessons are what build resources and growth.


Happy birthday to our Libra friends!


Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology.  Holm Astrology offers Astrology courses.  Our current classes have been postponed but please watch for the announcement of our new dates yet to be established.  Visit for course details.


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If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit