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Monday, 22 November 2021


Those with their Sun sign in the element fire (Aries, Leo and Sagittarius) are enthusiastic about life and eager to make things happen. They are energetic, self-motivated, self-confident, and optimistic in their approach. They often react spontaneously and are stimulated by life. These qualities are quite common for anyone born under a fire sign or with a strong emphasis in the element fire in their birth charts.


Sagittarians are enthusiastic about life’s experience and have a love of travel and the outdoors. The wide-open spaces intrigue them, and exploration is high on their priority list.


In most cases, they are optimistic about life, and you would find them stating, even under the harshest of conditions, that “something good is just around the next corner”. Their optimism can be quite contagious. Much of this approach to life is due to their ruling planet, Jupiter.


Jupiter is an expansive energy and when linked to Sagittarius, there will be an interest in philosophy, religion, spirituality, and anything that can provide them with the opportunity to expand their horizons. Some will go to extremes to further their education, whether this education is actual schooling or the school of life. Often higher education is part of the typical Sagittarian’s goals. These individuals are open to most anything that is intriguing. They search for the truth in life through personal experience.


Read our next astrology post coming November 24 for a mini forecast for Sagittarius.


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Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology.  Holm Astrology offers Astrology courses.  Our current classes have been postponed but please watch for the announcement of our new dates yet to be established.  Visit for course details.


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Friday, 19 November 2021


Jupiter has a cycle of 12 years. As a result, every twelve years it returns to its location in your birth chart. According, it take 12 years to return to your midheaven location.


Contact from Jupiter to any planet or angle is considered fortunate as Jupiter promotes expansive energies to all it touches. Jupiter generally brings favourable aspects to life and can indicate abundance and beneficial periods especially if other aspects are also present.


When Jupiter is connected to the MC (midheaven) it often brings advancement and development. If the time is right, it also speaks of gaining recognition for your efforts, especially when in the earth signs or connected to Saturn. For those in business for themselves this period often marks a time of growth, expansion and a regeneration of goals and aspirations. Things feel lucky and advancement is often present. Business increases and opportunities come into play if we take advantage of these energies.


Jupiter will be moving into the sign of Pisces in the end of December so those with their MC in the sign of Pisces will find that theater, music and in many cases the intuitive side of life begins moving ahead. For those that are involved with the arts this is a good time to advance and push your goals. For those that are interested in advancing their spiritual connection, this is a time when meditation and the psychic realms may be more easily accessible. Follow your hunches and they may take you exactly where you need to go. The intuitive side is open and reachable.


This is a good time for service-oriented adventures and assisting those in need might be advantageous not just for those you support but for your own personal advancement as well. There is nothing like giving to help yourself. Giving without measure can build at this time and working behind scenes may also provide you with feelings of generosity and expansive expression. Working at a hospice or volunteering with a spiritual or religious organization might be what it is needed. Mystical advancement is on the agenda.


In rare cases, if individuals have been very ill for a long period of time and the placements of other factors in the natal chart agree, this can be a time when the individual passes as Jupiter expands all conditions. This would have to be indicated by several factors in a chart.


Check to see where you natal Jupiter is located by sign and house position as this will provide you with more information as to what to expect and how to maneuver yourself forward. Make sure to take advantage of these energies as in most cases they are advantageous.

Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology.  Holm Astrology offers Astrology courses.  Our current classes have been postponed but please watch for the announcement of our new dates yet to be established.  Visit for course details.


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Thursday, 18 November 2021


 Although there are times in life when it is hard to move beyond what was, it is always wise to look for indicators that point us in different directions. We cannot be content being in a place simply because it once felt comfortable, nor can we remain stuck due to worries about what direction life will take us in the future.


Life always maneuvering us in our required direction even when it feels as though moving in that direction is uncomfortable. It is amazing how we find ways to become secure in situations that hold us back from our personal evolution.


We should be advancing and learning from what life teaches us as we maneuver our way forward or out of situations that no longer suit us. Sometimes we cling on to yesterday because of memories or because of a hurt so ingrained that it feels impossible to rid ourselves of it.


Staying in the past serves no purpose and only stagnates our growth and stops us from living. Letting go and moving ahead is essential to living.


If you made mistakes along the way, which is part of being human, forgive yourself and learn from what transpired. They were lessons not mistakes. We do not know what lies ahead but it is meant for our life. Forge ahead. You may be pleasantly surprised with what awaits you. You are always on path and meant to be living each situation contained in the moment, not the past or the future.


Be in line with where you are meant to be. Live in the moment.


Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology.  Holm Astrology offers Astrology courses.  Our current classes have been postponed but please watch for the announcement of our new dates yet to be established.  Visit for course details.


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Wednesday, 17 November 2021


The upcoming Lunar Eclipse on November 19, 2021 is located at 27 degrees Taurus and has transiting Pluto trine to this placement at 24 degrees, and 47 minutes and transiting Jupiter is square at 24 degrees.  The eclipse begins at 3:57 am EST, so you would have to be up early to visually enjoy this phenomenon.


Although the planets Pluto and Jupiter are just within range of influence (three degrees is the furthest placement for influence) they still play a part in what is unfolding. For this placement to have a profound effect on your birth chart you will need to have planets in or around this degree by conjunction, opposition or square. The trine and sextile also apply but are less intense.


Lunar Eclipse seeks to purge and rectify any situations that are no longer valid to your evolution. If people stand in your way or work needs to shift and other conditions in life need alterations this is the time to bring into fruition something that ties in with these areas of life. The house position of this Lunar eclipse in your chart will help define the area of life involved.


The energies of a Lunar Eclipse often lasts approximately three months, and some Astrologers agree that the influence is tied to the duration of the Lunar Eclipse.  (Hours to months equation). Because this is a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse what is being produced began approximately six months ago.  The fruits of your labor now are ready for harvest.  The seeds planted are ripe and ready for picking as the saying goes.


Since this Full Moon is in the sign of Taurus in many ways we seek to solidify and construct something that builds our security and steadies our future.  Sometimes this is related to the finances, sometimes to objectives that can propel us ahead. In many cases these avenues of expression are tied to earthly matters and physical conditions.


The trine from Pluto although somewhat weak suggests that transformations are at hand and something new is now being built out of the ashes of what once was and no longer serves a purpose. Transformations can be difficult and due to the influence of Taurus we may not like where we are and because of the steadying affects of Taurus we might not want to change even if situations are unfavorable. Pluto is the agent of change and disruption, and in many ways, it brings about an ending of sorts so that something new can begin.


The square from Jupiter although weak brings expansion and feelings of being able to do anything although be advised to think and use reason before you plunge into action. The square can be somewhat upsetting and often brings obstacle to overcome before we can move ahead. Squares however often produce enough stress that they force us into action to find relief.


As we work our way forward purging what no longer serves us, keep in mind that we can move ahead but not without some contemplation. Check the timing of this event with other mitigating factors in your natal chart and transits and progressions to find the best approach as this eclipse unfolds over the next three months or so.

Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology.  Holm Astrology offers Astrology courses.  Our current classes have been postponed but please watch for the announcement of our new dates yet to be established.  Visit for course details.


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If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit

Tuesday, 16 November 2021


Certain circumstances throughout life we allow to create feelings of anxiety and depression. This can be brought on by personal experiences or events happening to our loved ones. Sometimes we have time to prepare and other times these events are unexpectedly. The anxiety and stress we allow can be difficult to deal with.


If these events cannot be rectified, relief can only come from acceptance which evolves around our attitude towards what is taking place. If these experiences can be rectified, then relief comes when we overcome and released.


Regardless of how events unfold, we must accept in some manner, particularly with what the potential outcome might be. Needing control of something out of our control or allowing the mind to run with possible outcomes is often the cause of anxiety.


We crave that sense of relief after a battle has been won. A sense of relief allows us to bring down our guards and feel safe once again. Relief however is only the mind’s reaction and with practice we can find relief even under duress. This can build our confidence and pull us out of our self-made dark corner.


We cannot escape life; and, in some manner, we need to deal with adversity many times in our life. Relief stems from within because of shifts in our attitude.


Recognize the power that resides within and formulate an action plan to fightback when need be. Believe that you can address anything and move yourself in directions that stimulate growth and understanding. Confidence and knowhow enable us to attack any situation. Find the strength to soldier on. You can find relief regardless of what life throws at you.


Know it; believe it!


Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology.  Holm Astrology offers Astrology courses.  Our current classes have been postponed but please watch for the announcement of our new dates yet to be established.  Visit for course details.


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If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit

Monday, 15 November 2021


The potential for success and growth during a conjunction between Pluto and Jupiter depends much on the effort and the approach you use during this period. You will have the ability to pursue your goals and aspirations when this aspect is in your chart, but will you move ahead with the energies offered?


Will you allow the mind to interfere and obstruct your efforts because of ego intervention?


Ego can certainly have an impact when dealing with the energies of Pluto. The proper frame of mind and the ability to self motivate is essential for taking advantage of these energies. You have the opportunity for a powerful push if you need it and will find persevere in the face of adversity, if presented.


You can succeed in many areas of life with this aspect. Look at the house involved with this conjunction when and if you have this aspect in your chart. The house of the conjunction and the house where natal Pluto is located will be the areas of life that are being affected.


You may be reviewing your goals and how you fit into the overall flow of your journey. Do you fit well with others? Are your objectives for the betterment of all concerned?


You will have to examine your priorities before you push ahead. Ensure that your actions are not to build your ego and that others can also benefit because of your actions.


This can certainly be a metaphysical or spiritual connection if this is where you choose to place your focus. Both planets are geared in this direction and Jupiter will foster growth and expansion, while Pluto brings forth a rebirth of your ideologies. Regeneration and a resurgence of spirituality may be high on the agenda and a new religious (we are not speaking of traditional religion though this too may be the case) outlook may be the outcome.


You can move forward in almost any endeavor you wish to undertake now.  Pluto provides the push.


You may need to take a close look within and see what you need to cultivate and what needs to be revamped or removed. It is best to be honest as you cannot fool yourself and the energies at work can bring forth change that might not be pleasant if you are being dishonest with yourself.


Growth and some form of prosperity are the rewards for a job well done and Jupiter offers this, but some digging and hard work are required. Get to the bottom of any situation that needs rectifying currently. You have what it takes right now to walk this road with integrity and move ahead in leaps and bounds. You will never look back once you make your decision. The changes brought forth will be permanent and is required for the growth that you seek under this influence.


Pluto is all about transformation and regeneration and will aid in truth in your endeavors during this aspect. Pluto will only make this conjunction once in your lifetime, (if this is found in your chart) so make sure you use the energies at hand to accomplish something worthwhile and satisfying.


Currently (November 2021) Pluto is transiting at 24 degrees in the sign of Capricorn. Look to see if and when Pluto will conjunct your natal Jupiter. For further information about all other aspects making connections in your birth chart reach out to your Astrologer.


Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology.  Holm Astrology offers Astrology courses.  Our current classes have been postponed but please watch for the announcement of our new dates yet to be established.  Visit for course details.


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If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit

Friday, 12 November 2021


This transit of Pluto to the natal Moon suggests intense emotional interaction and change for those individuals with this aspect in their chart. This is a powerful connection and deals with our psychological ability to deal with emotional interactions either with others (People in our immediate environment) or inner dialogue, with the intent of bringing whatever needs to surface out into the open. This is a “feeling” aspect and the energies are not subtle in any way, although the energies may have been hidden until the conjunction aspect gets to about 3-5 degrees approaching.


The energies of Pluto will bring things to the surface and makes us deal with them. In many cases the things brought to the surface are not easy to digest. If your life has been relatively stable, this period could bring about a state of unrest when transformations are apparent, and you have to adapt to them.


The areas of life that are being affected are determined by the house transiting Pluto is moving through as well as the natal house placement of Pluto. This transit can also affect any area of life determined by others natal aspects to the Moon as these areas are connected and will affect the overall current conditions. If the Natal Moon has many challenging aspects, then this can be an emotionally charged time in your life. It might be upsetting, and you may find that you feel emotionally abused during this aspect. If the natal Moon is aspected by softer influences, the transformation will not be as challenging.


Sometimes the issues that come to the surface are from early life that were swept under the carpet and now come to the surface or are discovered by others. Sometimes this can be a private time and the events may only involve you and the other individual involved.


There is great potential for transformations on many levels, especially so with family and loved ones. Any relationships that are based on emotional response can be energized during this aspect.


The Moon often speaks of the home and in some cases, you may either move or make changes to your residence in a big way. These changes could be structural, or a major improvement or sometimes an alteration occurs within the family residence.  A family member moves in or moves out


This aspect may be a little upsetting, but it is important to understand that the changes are reflective of changes taking place on an internal level. Life manifests according to our needs and the energy we put into different areas of our life. This aspect will be the preliminary steps required to move us in a direction that is necessary and brings forth growth that suits our evolution.


Do not fight the process. Go willingly for the ride when you have this aspect in your chart. It will be a much gentler transition that way. It may help to speak to those you trust depending on how things are materializing. Professional help may by an appropriate choice if this time is overly stressful.


Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology.  Holm Astrology offers Astrology courses.  Our current classes have been postponed but please watch for the announcement of our new dates yet to be established.  Visit for course details.


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If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit