If you have your Midheaven in Pisces (depending on the degree of your MC), you have had transiting Neptune influencing your Midheaven. Neptune entered Pisces in early 2012 and will remain until spring 2025. It moves back into Pisces for a short period after that date but continues with its placement in Aries after that. Having Neptune conjunct your MC, you will have experienced or will experience notable effects on your occupation, your status in life, as well as some of the goals you may have set for yourself during this period.
Check to see how
Neptune and the MC are influenced by other planetary links in your natal chart
to evaluate their overall condition. If Neptune is generally well placed in the
birth chart, this period might express itself in positive ways, although
probably the period involved will be somewhat unclear. You might even be
experiencing some psychic inspirations or enlightening dreams and visions. It
might be a time of inspiration or the emergence of latent artistic abilities.
Neptune might tend
to cloud over areas of life defined by the Midheaven and will often make things
very unclear and decision making can be tough. It is as though you are not sure
of where you are going and might be afraid of making the wrong choice. Neptune
is a mysterious planet, and it is linked to such energies as intuitive
perception, religion, martyr type tendencies and inspiration among other
things. It can also be linked to places of confinement and alcohol or drug
issues, but again much will depend on the natal influence.
If your judgement
is clouded, transiting Neptune is likely within degree of the conjunction to
your Midheaven. Some individuals can feel its approach as far away as 5-6
degrees approaching but commonly its vibrations are felt although very subtle
about 2 degrees approaching and it will continue to be in the orb of influence
for about 2-3 degrees once past direct. The direct aspect is always the
strongest and look for an inner transit of perhaps the Sun or Mars or the
progressed Moon to be timers to this position.
The working
environment is usually the highlighted area of life for most individuals when
the MC is activated. It is unwise to decide on a course of action regarding
your occupation during Neptune’s influence. It is far better to wait until it
has passed completely. If you have made some moves, you will only discover what
the reality of these moves are when Neptune’s energy no longer has influence.
Some people get
married when the MC is activated and especially when it is connected to the
Ascendant or any planets in the seventh house. These marriages are usually felt
like a match made in heaven and this could most certainly be the case. However,
if you find your partner is a little bit different and not that individual you
had placed on the pedestal previously, you should not be too surprised.
Although the truth of the matter is that if someone does decide to marry under
this influence it is quite often a special union regardless of how they view
one another. There is something spiritual about the whole experience; it is
pure and unfiltered. It just might be one of those special moments.
Enjoy this
Neptunian transit with all its glitter and be open to anything mystical and
inspirational that might come your way. Be sure to have at least one foot
firmly planted on the ground. Reality can be transcendent during Neptune’s
visit. One thing is for certain, you will neither forget the experience of
Neptune’s magic nor the feelings of light entering your life--that is if you
are so inclined.
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