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Tuesday, 22 February 2022


The Sun moved from the fixed air sign of Aquarius into the mutable water sign of Pisces on February 18, 2022. Pisces unlike Aquarius is pliable and adaptable and often takes on the energies of the people they meet. Sometimes those with powerful connections to Pisces and/or the twelfth house are overly sensitive to their surroundings and prefer to sit back rather than become involved and overwhelmed by the sentiments of those around them. Some Pisceans tend to steer clear of adverse conditions and can be challenged when they are faced with the hard cold facts of reality.


Pisces are warm and caring individuals known for their sensitivity for others and especially those facing difficult life conditions. They are here to help and do so with the best of intensions. They are not in it for recognition or reward and their caring personalities have no limits. They are the believers and supporters as well as the victims of the Zodiac. They are gentle, sometimes illusive, and often daydreamers.


As mentioned, there are some Pisceans that do not fare well with hardship. Some resort to alcohol or drugs to try to escape bitter realities. They want nothing more than solitude and exclusion of these challenges that are a part of life.


They are the helpers of the Zodiac and give more than they take unless there are other indicators in the natal chart suggesting something contrary.


Some are musicians, writers, sculptures, and mediators and would do well working with those that request assistance. They will be found doing volunteer work, working with the underprivileged and those in mental health institutions. They have an innate understanding of the emotional trauma that others endure and truly wish to be of service.


Tomorrow, February 23, 2022, we will take a quick look at current aspects affecting Sun in Pisces.


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Wednesday, 2 February 2022


Transiting Saturn is currently in the sign of Aquarius and will remain in Aquarius until the Spring of 2023. Saturn, which is often linked to disciplined action and restrained conditions, moving through the sign of Aquarius (the sign of humanitarian endeavors, enlightenment, and awakenings) will be a testing ground for our ability to focus and to stay true to our beliefs. This is particularly true when T. Saturn conjuncts or makes challenging aspects to our natal Mercury’s position. Check your astrology chart to locate Mercury and calculate any aspects with Saturn, if any, which occur during this period. The earlier degrees of transiting Saturn may have already passed at this point.


Saturn is the teacher of the Zodiac but is resistant to change. With the energies of Aquarius, change is inevitable. Saturn is always willing to take the long road to learn what is needed. If the shortcut is more appealing to you while Saturn is making contact, you will find that this will not work out. Saturn insists that you not miss any steps, and you will have to adjust along the way. You cannot ignore any detail under this influence. Every detail must be faced.


If, however, you work your way through these lessons and you are diligent in your efforts and face any adversity that might present itself head on, you will come out the other side much stronger and a more experienced individual with knowledge and understanding that will stand the test of time.


On a mental level, it may seem quite tedious as you seem to be tested at every junction point, but you will learn a great deal about your inner resolve during Saturn contact. Could one of these important lessons be “being present”?


The house Saturn is transiting and where natal Mercury is located will be the area of life that is being affected and the natal house placement of Saturn will also play a significant role. Be sure to check the aspects to Mercury by other transiting planets as well as its condition within the natal chart for a clearer picture.


Even if Mercury is challenged in the birth chart, remember that challenging aspect when applied to our life’s mission will be rectified over time and can eventually work like a trine or sextile once mastered.


Saturn and Mercury together can indicate times of worry, anxiety and negativity. Mercury is the planet of the mind and some of the greatest tests will be during its time spent with Saturn. This may not be an easy time, but all adversity can be conquered when approached appropriately. Belief structure will play an important role during Saturn’s stint with Mercury.


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Tuesday, 1 February 2022


If the struggle seems to be getting too much perhaps you might consider asking for assistance. Sometimes an impartial opinion can offer a solution we simply would not think of ourselves.

Many feel as though they have failed when they reach what seems to be an impassable hurdle and find it very difficult to go to others for assistance. Many of us throughout life have relied strictly on our own resolve.

There is no shame in asking for help. Most of us would not hesitate to assist someone in need yet we are hesitant to seek help from others. Is pride holding us back?

If we analyse what pride is, we will discover that it is a form of ego. In reality, it is ego that stops us from asking for help when it is needed.

We are not suggesting that every time we hit a snag, we should call out to others. Most of the time if we dig deep enough, we will discover that we have what it takes to resolve the issue. Struggles build character, self-worth, expansive thinking, etc. Our greatest hurdles are our attitudes and where we choose to place our thoughts. When we truly require help, however, ask for someone else’s opinion and assistance. Someone else may have the perfect solution for our issue. With reaching out, there are different lessons learned. We learn teamwork, possibly humility, certainly gratitude and much more.

Many times, we are so emotionally involved in an issue that we do not view the situation from an objective perspective. We cannot see the trees for the forest.

We must stand on our own two feet in life but also need to be willing to let go of ego to reach out when it is apparent that we are not able to find the resolutions on our own. This is not giving in; we are being resourceful. Ultimately, we make the final decision.

Let go of ego’s interference. Have the courage to ask others for guidance when the time is right. You may just find exactly what you are looking for.

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Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at 

Are you interested in learning Astrology.  Holm Astrology offers Astrology courses.  Our current classes have been postponed but please watch for the announcement of our new dates yet to be established.  Visit for course details. 

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Monday, 31 January 2022


The upcoming New Moon in the sign of Aquarius at 12 degrees begins at 12:46 a.m. EST on February 1. This New Moon is linked to the start of activities, or the beginning of events set in motion with connections to the energies or qualities associated with the sign of Aquarius. Quite often what is initiated at this time has its harvest when the Full Moon is in the same sign some six months from now. What is put in place and the amount of energy and action taken over the next six month will define how the fruits of your labor materialize.


Aquarius is a fixed, air sign which has a need to advance a cause often associated with humanitarian concerns. Aquarius, ruled by Uranus, is known as the sign that pours the knowledge of what is needed to reform and to bring technological advancement to the masses. Uranus is the awakener and hopefully man finds ways to promote peace, the knowledge that we are all equal and that no one should be left out or misrepresented by those in positions of authority. This reasoning is linked to Saturn, the co-ruler of Aquarius.


Change on some level is needed as we move ahead in our endeavors that stands the test of time and bring us closer to the brotherhood and alliance of all people. This is a position that uses the intellect to formulate future-oriented decisions that can benefit mankind.


On a more personal level, those with planets and angles in and around the 12 degrees Aquarius, Leo, Taurus and Scorpio will experience the most powerful effects of this New Moon’s energies. Conjunctions, Oppositions and Squares are the aspects that push us into action and are often challenging. It should be noted that we advance most when life presents us with obstacles or tasks that require action. The planets in trine (Gemini and Libra) are more favourable and present openings and fortunate breaks with less challenging conditions and the sextiles (Aries and Sagittarius) offer opportunities but we must take advantage and push ourselves to achieve what we wish to accomplish with a sextile.


The houses will define the areas of life involved and pay attention to the house where this New Moon is located.


There is a Square to transiting Uranus at almost 11 degrees Taurus so this emphasizes the need for change and growth. Uranus will push to advance and often in unexpected manners.


Use these energies appropriately and plan for action that not only assists you in your forward motion but also helps others who are in need of assistance and evolutionary insight.


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Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology.  Holm Astrology offers Astrology courses.  Our current classes have been postponed but please watch for the announcement of our new dates yet to be established.  Visit for course details.


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Friday, 28 January 2022


Transiting Saturn is in the sign of Aquarius. We are focusing on the transit of Saturn trine to the natal Moon. If your Moon is in Gemini or Libra, T. Saturn, at some point between December 2020 and March 2023 will make a trine to your natal Moon.


Saturn in trine to the N. Moon is often harmonious in its expression, although Saturn does imply that you may have to put diligent efforts into your plans which in some cases related to the home and family.


This is a great time to lay the foundation that may apply to the family, especially where young children are concerned. The family holds special relevance under this aspect, and you must be thorough and consistent with them. This may include making things safer for them or providing them with an example to learn from you ultimately to build a solid foundation. If you have teenagers or young adults, teach them responsibility. Help them understand that they are the orchestrator of their life and that the decisions they make can have profound effects now and later in life.


If the recent past has been somewhat challenging for you, you may now find that things settle down and are more in balance than previously. Saturn has to do with work and worldly goals and the Moon deals with emotional response to the world.


You may find that during this trine that the two seem to be working together in a more harmonious manner.


Taking care of matters related to the home and to business can become a priority at this time. This including your work, your finances and any purchases made recently, for these may now seem to work better for you. This is a time of organization and the building of a concrete base that will provide security for you, your family as well as business concerns in the future.


You may also find that older people in positions of authority or those with experience can assist you under this aspect due to Saturn’s influence. Older woman or experienced women may play a significant role. You are now able to listen more intently to learn especially when they speak to you about financial and business concerns as well as the home and family. These individuals have so much information to offer. Take advantage of the information.


From an emotional view, you may find that you feel more secure and your emotional expression is more steady. This is not to say that life will not hand you some adversity, but you may have the tools to work through these experiences and develop plans that make you feel more secure. What lies ahead is never completely clear, but attitude to life’s events is a prime influence of our experience


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Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology.  Holm Astrology offers Astrology courses.  Our current classes have been postponed but please watch for the announcement of our new dates yet to be established.  Visit for course details.


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Thursday, 27 January 2022


Have you ever questioned who you are on a deep, non-physical level?


Are you a believer? A believer in what?


Do you find yourself searching for true meaning in your life?


Do you feel that there is more to life than meets the eye?


There is a place within you that has knowledge far beyond what you have learned in this everyday experience. You are very wise. You carry with you a unique understanding of all things including your true calling. Some of us call this “knowing” our higher self. Some connect it with guides, source, or the God principle. Others close the door and maintain that such energies or knowledge does not exist.


What do you feel/think?


With the concept that we create our reality through our thoughts and attitude and knowing that we are spiritual beings of great wisdom and depth, in my opinion, this allows us to move forward and expand. No blame just education and experience.


This way of life is not for everyone. Each of us are here to learn our own personal lessons, but if you question your existence and question your identity, you are already taking steps to awaken beyond earthly existence.


Remember there is ego intervention. Recognize ego’s intent which is nothing short control and closing the door to true perception.


You are inspired to act, to awaken to the true you. You will not know where life is taking you; just be open to all experiences. We can move one step at a time. There is no hurry. We all evolve at our own pace, and nothing stands in our way, nothing but our attitude.


Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology.  Holm Astrology offers Astrology courses.  Our current classes have been postponed but please watch for the announcement of our new dates yet to be established.  Visit for course details.


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Wednesday, 26 January 2022


For those born between 1998 and 2012, there is a conjunction between transiting Saturn and natal Neptune. These individuals were born with Neptune in the sign of Aquarius, and many have already experienced this conjunction in their lives (Saturn is currently around the 11 degrees).


Saturn will remain in Aquarius until 2023, so we will look at this conjunction from an Aquarius point of view. It should be noted that some of this information applies to any conjunction between Saturn and Neptune regardless of the sign Neptune was in at the time of your birth. It is also important to recognize that this conjunction will most certainly affect people in different manners depending on their age. We are focusing in this post to those born in the early degrees of Neptune in Aquarius.


Aquarius’ energies focus on seeing the bigger picture and teaching us about collective principles, such as being righteous, honest, generous and open to universal truths (all concerns of humanity). Aquarius is about continuous learning and teachings based on these principles. Saturn will enforce study and collective learning because of Neptune’s influence. The two combined will also teach us about reality and the art of selflessness. When this transit has completed, you will likely recognize that spirituality has been taught and likely also challenged. The aim of this transit is to help you to see what is concrete in your life from a spiritual perspective.


Saturn does not work overly well with many planets and much of what unfolds during its influence will depend on the condition of Saturn in your natal chart (challenging aspect or positive aspects). How it manifests will depend on its general condition in the birth chart as well as other mitigating factors that may be affecting your chart at this time.


In some cases, this combination can produce somewhat undesirable moods as your outlook can be gloomy or tainted during this transit. Confusion and self-doubt are often by-products, as your confidence can be low. You can become uncertain about what is taking place in your life. Reality can be contaminated by what you are thinking, by what you are taking in and you may find some things upsetting. This could be termed a “reality check transit”, where you will have to define what in your life is worth hanging on to and what now needs change. You will be forced to understand what you have manufactured through your imagination or through your misjudgements.


What needs to be challenged? What needs to evolve?


The value in this transit is that it will instill inner security and help you learn to rely ony our own resources after you have swept away the debris.


The material world may not be held on as high a degree of importance as it once did, and you may replace many of your goals for material gain into goals that hold greater relevance. Your view is subject to change and may find that you wish to take in as much as possible about the spiritual side of life. You will likely be more in tune with your inner requirements, and material concerns just do not hold as much importance. You need something more and this is what may draw you to the spiritual side of life.


This may not come easy as there are times when you discover that what you deemed important in the past seems pointless and irrelevant now. You search for something deeper, and self-discovery may be a big part of the process. This may be challenging at times because you might not like what you see initially but understand that before you can rid yourselves of these qualities or issues, you must first realize that they are there. It is best to move slow and understand that some of your views are a little cloudy under this aspect. Making changes is okay if you do not go overboard. In some cases, it is best to be the viewer rather than the doer, at least until you get a clearer picture. Once you come out the other side of all this uncertainty, life could be quite different, and you will likely have changed. This can be a great growth period after some initial struggles.


Remember to enjoy the ride regardless of what takes place. Your attitude can make this stressful or it can make this an easier ride. Life is always a learning process and your approach to life’s issues is in your hands.


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Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology.  Holm Astrology offers Astrology courses.  Our current classes have been postponed but please watch for the announcement of our new dates yet to be established.  Visit for course details.


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