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Monday, 4 April 2022


An aspect between T. Pluto and N. Mars can be a very potent one.


Are Pluto and Mars are linked in your natal chart? If so, by what aspect?


This will help determine the transiting affects on your life. Check which house T. Pluto is in as well as its natal position. You should check if there are other transits affecting Mars or planetary links that closely resemble this configuration such as Pluto with Uranus as this will help to define the intensity. Also check which house N. Mars is in.


As mentioned, this is a powerful aspect. Pluto and Mars together often indicate a warning signal and if you also have at least two other planetary links that also point in the same direction, (Uranus links) you will have to watch for haste in action, especially dealing with motorized vehicles and machinery. Potential danger lies in these areas but is certainly avoidable when caution is exercised.


This is a high energy transit that must be contained or expressed in a vigorous although gentle manner. If you do not release these energies, there is potential of becoming victim to aggressive behaviour. Do not place yourself in immediate danger and avoid arguments.


This transit can provide you with the drive to accomplish your ambitions, even in the face of adversity, especially if the N. Sun is involved. You have great potential to overcome and if you harness this powerful aspect, you can succeed (which under normal conditions you would most likely not even think about pursuing). There is a lot of drive and energy linked to this transit. You can dig beneath the surface on inner turmoil that may have been dormant. This is the time when you can bring this to the surface and deal with it in an appropriate manner.


Mars is linked to the ego, and Pluto can be a destructive power urge (also linked to ego). Be careful with how you approach things during this transit. Much opposition to your plans can arise if you handle this energy in an ego-oriented fashion. You will, however, be able to present your case with much enthusiasm and have an ability to get your point across in a powerful and direct manner. In some cases, nonetheless, you can become quite subversive in your approach.


Pluto tends to transform any things it touches but can be very subtle in its actions. As time passes, you will begin to figure out how its energy has affected your life.


You can do great things with this transit. You accomplish more with less effort and if you put effort into your plans and objectives, the odds of a favourable result or a change in conditions are quite strong.


As mentioned, this transit has potential for difficult conditions although unlikely unless several aspects in the chart correlate with this transit of Pluto and Mars. Be a little more careful while under its influence, especially when T. Pluto goes direct and the aspect to Mars becomes direct.


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Friday, 1 April 2022


Today, April 1, 2022, we are experiencing a New Moon at 11 degrees 30 minutes Aries. This is the sign of aggressive action, adventure and the stimulating energies associated with moving towards a path with vigor. This sign produces a strong personal belief that we can do anything once we put our minds to it.


For those that this New Moon influences their chart especially by conjunction or opposition this can be a time to push forward into areas (determined by the house position) that need action. Two to Three degrees applying and two degrees separating is the recommended orbs of influence.


Aries is considered a “me first” sign as it pursues whatever it deems necessary and, in some way, enables personal growth. This is not to say that this is a sign that is selfish. It implies that this sign is self-motivated and self-directed and if this also affects others in a positive sense then it is necessary to push towards this resolution or destination point.


Aries does not wish to wait and will be the first to move ahead. With this in mind, it is important that those affected do not jump into action without some prior study and perhaps listening to others.


T. Mercury is also in the sign of Aries at 11 degrees and 44 minutes making a conjunction to this New Moon’s position. Mercury always has to do with the processing of information. It offers potential for an amalgamation of ideas with the emotional impact of the Moon along with the personal interest and goals associated with the Sun. Forethought and planning the path ahead is essential for progress.


T. Uranus makes a semi-sextile to this position of the New Moon suggesting being in the right place at the right time for a favourable outcomes although action must be taken in order for this to manifest.


Though not part of this positioning we thought we should point out the North Node’s position in Taurus at 24 degrees making a square to Venus and Saturn at this time. The North Node also makes a wide square to Mars. Venus is about peace, tranquility and love while Saturn is about discipline and structure and Mars is about action and aggression. These energies are stimulated by the North Node which is associated with the path ahead. They speak of the energies in place with what is unfolding in our world.


These transits affect everyone if the degrees match the birth chart. The transits also affect different areas of the world. We can expect some instability, uncertainty and a need for peaceful resolutions to have an impact in the coming weeks. Let’s focus on resolution and a stop to the aggression so that peace can surface. Mars and Saturn will most certainly have their say in what unfolds too.


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Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology.  Holm Astrology offers Astrology courses.  Our spring Beginner’s class has now started.  Please watch for announcements for registration for courses in the future. Visit for course details.


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Thursday, 31 March 2022


Do you catch yourself in the act of avoidance?


Are you somehow feel out of alignment?


Some events seem just too difficult to digest. We take a protective approach by trying to ignore or push aside some issues rather than dealing with them and hope that they will disappear or at the very least lessen in intensity. We eventually realize that they return again and again until we face them.


Facing challenges can be trying but running away from them resolves nothing. We must face each hurdle, learn and move on. Ignoring an issue only invites a larger, harder lesson in the future.


While dealing with the issue, we usually recognize that the problem is not near as difficult as it appeared. The mind tends to exaggerate and blows issues out of proportion.


Confronting our fears always lessens our anxiety although the ego would like us to think otherwise.


How often, for example, do people worry about health issues and become completely distracted because of their focus on “maybes” and “what ifs”? Many will spend countless days worrying about something and then discover that there was nothing wrong. The stress of worry can manifest many symptoms and if not kept in check, manifests true “dis-ease”.


Power of suggestion can plant seeds of worry. With the continual, repetitive suggestions that we are bombarded with in all types of media for example, we can develop physical conditions and believe that the feelings we are experiencing are real. If left long enough, we experience prolonged agitation and nervous anxiety builds and then we can become obsessed with our focus.


If we take control of our thoughts and focus, we can ease many situations before they get going. Sticking with our health example, if we feel that there is something physically wrong, a physician should be consulted. If there is a health issue, it can be dealt with immediately.  If there is not a health issue, you will be reassured that everything is fine and remove the worry.


Many of our concerns are ego generated and once this is acknowledged, the conditions will usually fade spontaneously. Know the strength of your mind. It can interfere on many levels and physical ailments are just one example. On the other hand, our mind can be our greatest ally.


Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology.  Holm Astrology offers Astrology courses.  Our Beginner’s Class started March 21.  Watch for announcements of further registrations in the future.  Visit for course details.


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Wednesday, 30 March 2022


 How do planets activate activity in our chart?

 We are going to use Pluto as our example. Let’s say that Transiting Pluto has been in conjunction with your natal Venus for some time now. Pluto moves very slowly through the heavens. It can affect your Venus for up to three years. Pluto on Venus suggests transformation in your love life or changes directly related to your finances. There are other translations, but we will stick to the predominate, obvious few. The house placement of Venus and the sign that it is in will make a difference on what energies and areas of life as well as how the energies of Venus are moved forward, through Pluto’s push for transformation. The placement of T. Pluto must also be taken into consideration.

We will not discuss the meaning of T. Pluto on Venus in detail. What we are concentrating on is when this aspect will be enhanced and when to expect activity. The closer T. Pluto moves towards being direct (when it is less than one degree in separation and moving towards the specific degree Venus has in your chart) the stronger the energies become.

What activates this transit?

It might become activated when Pluto is directly on Venus but an inner planet most likely will activate these energies. The inner planets that activate energies or stimulate action are Mars, the Sun and at times Uranus when direct. You can often use Uranus to pinpoint the timing for events within a couple of days. The progressed Moon also stimulates activity when close to being direct. The progressed Moon has an influence for a period of three months, when in aspect, but the closer it is to being direct the stronger its energies.

 E.g. If Venus is 15 degrees Capricorn in your chart, as Pluto begins to affect Venus, you will notice some activity, at least on a mental level. When Pluto is about 1 degree or less of being direct its energies will grow in intensity. If T. Mars or the T. Sun is moving towards 15-degrees Capricorn, or in opposition to this degree or making a square to this degree, it will stimulate activity and bring out the potential of what these energies suggest.

 Verifying contact from the Sun or Mars will help you to pinpoint the potential for activity. You may be able to narrow down the time to a or two weeks. As mentioned, the progressed Moon especially by conjunction will often activate any planet it contacts, and you can often use this as a tool for pinpointing timing as well.

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Are you interested in learning Astrology.  Holm Astrology offers Astrology courses.  Our Beginner’s Course started on March 21, 2022. Watch for announcements on other upcoming courses. Visit for course details.


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Tuesday, 29 March 2022


 Take a moment to sit and enjoy watching youngster. Notice their behaviour and attitudes. Do these behaviours and attitudes in any way match yours?


The first thing we usually notice with children is that they are living in the moment. They are not concerned about what tomorrow brings. As a matter of fact, they are not even aware that tomorrow will exist. If they are content playing, sharing with a friend or simply watching and taking in what you might be doing, they ARE happy and living in the here and now.


If their attention is somehow swayed from their playing, if their friend stops playing with them or you change your focus from them to something else, under normal circumstances, the child quickly shifts their attention to something else without missing a beat. They move on to something new. Whatever draws their attention is what holds them in the moment.


They may become upset if they lose a toy, but usually only for a very short time and as soon as their attention in directed elsewhere, they forget their losses and move on. They are innocent in their actions and do not hold grudges. They are happy and content with whatever comes next, although they also show their dislike in what comes their way, but they adapt.


Can you live this way?


Do you dwell on those things that you have lost in life, or do you move forward?


Do you adapt to life’s circumstances and move forward?


Do you get stuck on “what used to be”?


Do you have a difficult time moving in new directions?


Throughout life, we suddenly lose people, opportunities and things happen which forces us to make changes. A new path or opportunity, however, will be in placed in front of us. We then will have to choose – will we follow this new opportunity and place our focus on life’s continually changing flow, or will we fight for what was and swim against the current causing struggles and exhaustion?


We can become upset and depressed over what used to be or we can choose to move forward on our new route with enthusiasm. If we can learn to easily change directions and not fight our inevitable course, life flows and in many cases the rewards are recognized immediately.


We should live as children and accept change when it comes, to move forward with little hesitation, especially when something is taken away from us or when someone has left us. Many can get caught up in the past and when life’s path shifts, we fight the changes that are inevitable. This unfortunately causes us to temporarily lose our direction. We cannot move forward until we have accepted and let go of the past. We can and eventually must leave our past where it belongs, in the past. Once we allow this to take place, we can move forward into the ever-changing moment.


Learning to swim with the current and not struggling to swim against the current offers an easier route to change. Floating or swimming with the current allows us to flow through our lives more readily. We cannot change the current. It will flow where it will. Life will have its turbulent moments and each of us will experience our fair share. The direction we swim is always our choice.


An ending is but a new beginning. Each new life experience builds from the previous ones. Our life’s current is continuous. Ride the wave.


Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology.  Holm Astrology offers Astrology courses.  Our Beginner’s course has just commenced on March 21.  Watch for announcements of course registrations to be announced.  Visit for course details.


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Monday, 28 March 2022


The Sun is in the sign of Aries, and since Mars is the ruler of this sign, we thought we would touch on Mars’ energies and give a brief explanation of the actions it can initiate as it transits through the Zodiac.


Mars is the planet connected to vigorous and energetic action. It will control activity in your life when your natal Mars is stimulated through transit, or when it is the transiting planet activating an angle or planet in the birth chart.


Mars is the activated force that helps us deal with aggression and pressures. The sign placement of your natal Mars will define how this energy is dealt with. The house placement of Mars will define the area of life that your energies are directed towards.


Mars can be forceful and dynamic in its action. It can be the energy that provokes arguments and fights. Mars’ energies are often active in times of accidents and violence. Mars is linked to the masculine in your life and Mars, among other things, represents young men. It is powerfully connected to our sex drive, but much will depend on Mars’ natal sign.


Mars in Scorpio, for example, can suggest a powerful sexual push as well as Mars in Aries. However, an Aries Mars may be a little more self-concerned and address the area of sex quite differently than Mars in Scorpio.


Mars always needs an outlet and without proper release on some level, the energies it represents can become quite provoked or feel stifled.


Mars is also strongly connected to our wants and need to succeed. Along with our Sun, Mars supplies us with the energy needed to achieve in life. Mars is connected to beginnings and initiations. Those individuals with a strong Mars placement will be the first to act, sometimes impulsively or without forethought.


If, for example, Mars in Pisces could suggest that the individual is seeking spiritual enlightenment. If poorly aspected in the Chart, this person may seek to actively avoid challenging conditions or could act out in submissive ways. Much will depend on the overall condition of Mars and again its house location.


When transiting Mars makes an aspect to a planet or angle in the natal chart, its energies last about one week due to its quick movement through the zodiac. The exact day, however, that it conjuncts a planet or angle can be used as a timer if other factors in the chart are pointing in a similar direction. Mars and Uranus are used as timing tools when outer transits are activating points and planets as does the progressed Moon and sometimes the T. Sun.


If Mars is making a connection in the birth chart and goes retrograde, its energies will last longer. In general Mars’ energies will activate 5 to 7 degrees approaching a planet or angle and will begin to fade about 2 degrees separating.


When Mars transits a house, it can activate this area of life creating new beginnings and fresh starts. At times, failure or endings of some sort or another is what is required to provoke productive action and open the door to a new beginning. Much will also depend on the sign that transiting Mars is moving through.


Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology.  Holm Astrology offers Astrology courses.  Our Beginner's Course commenced March 21, 2022. You can still register today and make tonight’s class. Visit for course details.


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Friday, 25 March 2022


T. Neptune conjunct the N Sun deflates the ego and enhances the mystical qualities inherent in individuals that lean in this direction. Those that are so inclined will find that when this transit contacts their Sun, the psychic and intuitive qualities are heightened or brought to the surface, especially if you have Pisces on the Ascendant and the Sun in the first house natally.


Neptune is very selfless and encourages unselfish acts and self-sacrifice for the general good. Any type of charity work that takes place when this aspect is in force will be highlighted and working under such conditions can be very absorbing and encouraging. Working behind the scenes such as in hospitals or with people in need will provide those with this aspect a feeling of comfort and inspiration. Any kind of selfless acts are well designed for this conjunction, but you must watch for becoming a martyr for the cause.  You can become caught up in the act of giving and may forget about your own needs. This can be the nature of Neptune as it tends to offer itself for assistance and asks for nothing in return. You may be taken advantage of because of your giving qualities.


If Neptune or the Sun are poorly aspected in the Natal chart, there is a danger of slipping away and losing oneself during this transit. You can become lost within, having vague dreams and misconceptions about the nature of reality and who you are. Neptune colours things and can make your identity vague during its conjunction and can also promote the need for escaping the harsh realities that may be encounter during its visit.


It can hide our true selves especially if the Sun or Neptune is in the twelfth house. There is a danger of an addictive nature surfacing if you are so inclined. There is also a danger with prescription drugs or alcohol and the need to escape life on some level if these planets are poorly placed in the birth chart or if there are other inclinations within the framework of the chart.


Idealism is a side effect during the transit of Neptune to the N Sun. It is important that there is always one foot in reality. You can deceive yourselves as well as others during this time and it is suggested that you live according to your highest standards and not allow yourselves to be mislead. You may also feel physically drained during this transit or psychologically impaired. This can lead to disillusionment, depression or negative reactions. It is best to push yourself toward positive expression and allow the true altruistic nature of Neptune to take hold. You must allow yourself to be led by the subconscious.


This can be an amazing transit if handled well. You may never look at life the same again afterwards. It can open doors to perception and mysticism that were otherwise closed before this aspect. Utilize this time and study yourself and your motivations.


Neptune has been hovering around 20 to 23 degrees Pisces since the beginning of 2022. It has been moving in and out of retrograde prior to this period and went direct on December 2, 2021.  It will stay direct until June 28, 2022, and then turn retrograde again. If you have your Sun 20-to-25-degree Pisces, this post applies to you now. It will also resonate but the timing is different for people who have an earlier Sun sign in Pisces. You will have to check your ephemeris for when this aspect is direct for your personal chart.


Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology.  Holm Astrology offers Astrology courses.  Our current Beginner’s course started March 21 but there is still time to join us.  Visit for course details.


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