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Wednesday, 25 May 2022


On May 20, 2022, we looked at Sun in Gemini or strong characteristic within the birth chart linked to Gemini.


Today and on Friday (May 27), we will focus on the influences affecting those with their Sun in Gemini or strong characteristics tied to the Ascendant or other placements in the sign of Gemini. You will, of course, have to find the placements by degree of each planet or angle involved to get a clear picture of how these energies will affect the chart.


Mercury moves into the Sign of Gemini on or about June 14, 2022 and Venus will move into the same sign on or about June 24. Mars then moves into Gemini on August 21. As you can see those with the Sun or planets and angles in the sign of Gemini will be powerfully exposed to these energies. Conjunctions shape energies, so you will have to take into consideration what the blended energies will suggest and the houses involved, as these are the areas of life effected.


Mercury (ruled by Gemini) will be influencing our Gemini friends until July 5. Mercury has to do with the mind & communication and at this time will be highlighted. Eg If the influence has to do with the 10th house then the area of occupation, goals, aspirations and life status will be involved. If the 5th is involved then the area of children, romantic involvement and the sheer enjoyment of life will be touched.


T Venus will move into Cancer on July 19 so from June 24 to July 18 it moves through Mercury. Venus has to do with love, affection and financial conditions. In some cases, it speaks of a young woman or important female. Eg if the conjunction occurred in the 4th house there could be fortunate changes within the home front or family members. If through the 1st house this will be very personal in nature and you may find love or receive financial improvement especially if the Sun, Jupiter and natal Venus are involved.


Again, we will continue this forecast on Friday.


Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology.  Holm Astrology offers Astrology courses.  Watch for  announcements for registrations this fall. Visit for course details.


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If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit

Tuesday, 24 May 2022


 There are several learning tools at our disposal. One tool is our openness to allow others to guide us and another is experiences. We meet many different individuals in life, and they impart their own special information with us. These individuals are teachers or guides in their own right. Some guides can be met through meditation.


Although these teachers and guides can open doors and share their awareness, we must make our own decision on if, when, and how we allow this to happen. We are never forced to move in any direction, although there are times when it seems this is the case. Life will present us with choices and events, and we can feel as though we are at their mercy. If this is the case, we are being pushed in a particular direction to observe and learn the lessons we need at that time.


There are teachers among us. Some help us simply by being and acting without even having knowledge of what they have sent our way. Children are a perfect example of teachers who provide great inspiration. They share all that they know including their love without hesitation or compensation. They do this quite naturally, never thinking of what might come their way because of these actions. They simply act from the heart. They are teachers in the highest degree.


At what point do some individuals decide to make their love conditional or use it as a bargaining tool?


Each one of us are teachers and guides. The best teachers are the ones that lead by example. Ensure that your example is a good one.


Our guides come in many shapes and forms, but they are always ready to assist if we are willing to ask for their help. We may not always like the answers we get, as sometimes the truth can be difficult to face; but these truths can shed light in dark corners of our being that we do not like to face.


Accepting assistance can open doors through which we need to walk. Accepting advice, we receive on many levels, can help us take that first step through these doorways.


Information needed to make decisions can be revealed on many levels. We must be open and listen to hear this advice. With this information, we can conquer any mountain we decide to climb.


Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology.  Holm Astrology offers Astrology courses.  Our Beginner’s Class have started. Watch for announcements of more opportunities to register in the future.  Visit for course details.


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If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit

Friday, 20 May 2022


The Sun moves into the sign of Gemini on May 20/21, 2022 depending on where you live.


Those that have the Sun in Gemini, the Ascendant in Gemini and/or planets located in the third house will have some of the following characteristics, but if you fall into these categories and you find that some of these qualities do not resonate with you, there will be other stronger or mitigating factors in the birth chart that moderate some of these traits.


Gemini is the natural ruler of the 3rd house and is a mutable sign. Those with strong Gemini in their birth charts are versatile and adaptable and find it easy to move from one topic or event to another. They enjoy being on the move and love change and variety in their lives. It takes a lot to keep a typical Gemini entertained for an extended periods of time. If you are trying to find something that stimulates their attention, you will need to activate their busy minds with things that interest them.


Geminians love to explore different facets of life. They are adventurous and easily stimulated but many have a short attention span. They need stimuli and variety in life, or they become bored. Geminians are busy people and love to stay on the go. Travel and education are areas of life that hold their attention and you can enjoy your time with them when on vacations and sharing learned knowledge.


Communication is the key to much of their happiness and many individuals with Gemini strong in their chart have some knowledge on a variety of subjects. They may however scatter their energies so much that they rarely have deep knowledge on any one specific thing. They like to skim the surface on many subjects. It would be beneficial for them to keep their focus on one subject for an extended period. If they could master this, they would be an amazing source of information.


Their beliefs are also subject to change, and they can read a book and be quite entertained by its contents and find the information fascinating. It is not guaranteed that they will complete the book. If something draws their attention, they can easily be pulled off topic and move to something new.


Geminians truly believe that variety is the spice of life and make great companions if you want variety and adventure in your daily life. You will not have a chance to become bored and can spend much of a conversation listening to what they have to say about information on most any subject. Gemini individuals are intellectual and love conversations on many levels.


In our next astrology post we will discuss the transits from Mercury, Venus, and Mars which over the next few months will all conjunct those with their Sun in Gemini. T. Jupiter and T. Saturn will also make favorable aspects to those with their Sun in Gemini which we will touch on.


Gemini is a very inquisitive sign.


As mentioned, Geminians are changeable, but they are also adaptable. They are ready for almost anything and will be willing to venture far and wide both mentally and physically to learn more of what life has to offer. These individuals are quite willing to share all the knowledge they have acquired especially with those that are important to them.


Happy solar return to all of our Gemini readers.

Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology.  Holm Astrology offers Astrology courses.  We will be offering another course later this year.  Please watch for our registration announcements.  Visit for course details.


Please “Like” us on Facebook.  Your “shares” are appreciated and your questions are welcomed.


If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit

Thursday, 19 May 2022


We cannot put into words the emotions felt when we lose a loved one. Even if death follows a lengthy illness, we are never prepared. We are not sure how to deal with the energies and emotions that accompany death. We desperately search for answers and even point fingers as we need someone to blame for our loss, but this is just part of the normal grieving process.


How do we move forward?


How do we let go of our physical connection with these souls?


It can be extremely difficult to adjust to the new norm after a death of a loved one. We struggle to keep them as close to our hearts as possible.


Memories are for remembering and to be cherished, but they are just that, memories. We are meant to grieve our losses but we are also meant to live now in this moment.


Grief is a very personal experience. Ensure, however, that you have someone to talk to. Expressing your feelings is very important.


Those that have passed on do not want us to suffer nor to hold on. They would want us to fulfill our requirements in our own personal journey.


People bless our lives by sharing a day, a year, or a lifetime with us. Choose to celebrate the time that was share.


Death is not the end. It is more the beginning of true energy. When we have graduated from the school of life, we too will pass from the limitations of our physical experience. In the meantime, we have work to do. We have much to learn and to experience. The experiences and knowledge that we gain over our lifetime is not just for us. We teach by example and help others with their life lessons.


While we are here, live in the moment and enjoy those that surround us. We cannot see our thoughts or the air that we breathe, but that does not mean that these do not exist. Those that have left their earthly bodies still walk beside us even though we cannot see them.


Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology.  Holm Astrology offers Astrology courses.  Our current Beginner’s course started March 21, 2022.  We will offer more courses in the future.  Please watch for our registration announcements.  Visit for course details.


Please “Like” us on Facebook.  Your “shares” are appreciated and your questions are welcomed.


If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit

Wednesday, 18 May 2022


Currently Uranus is in the sign of Taurus and has been since March, 2019. It will eventually permanently move into Gemini in April, 2026.


Uranus is known as the awakener and stirs activity into areas of life that not only need stimulation but a new direction. Uranus’ action is often abrupt and unexpected; therefore, it often causes unforeseen events to manifest


If, for example, you have Uranus moving over the MC you could expect changes in your occupation, your status in life and your aspirations.


When Uranus is in Taurus, it sometimes pushes you into uncharted territory and suggests that you move forward in new adventures although Taurus does not enjoy change. This could involve many areas of life, and much will depend on where Uranus is transiting in your chart and which house Uranus is in within the birth chart. This will provide you with some valuable information about where you could expect a desire to break free and to move in new directions. Eg if Uranus were transiting through the 1st  house and in the natal chart it is located in the 7th house, the potential for a new relationship or breaking away from an old one which no longer fits your evolution path as an individual has potential to unfold.


Uranus conjunct Jupiter is often considered an excellent aspect because of the fortunate nature of Jupiter. In many cases the initial contact could bring possibilities for expansion. Eg This may be in financial terms (2nd house) or through opportunities for expansion within the working environment (10th). The initial contact could bring sudden unexpected opportunities where you could move in new directions and quite often experience extensive changes. This could take place through your own initiative, or it could come from outside influences. Regardless of how these changes take place you can be sure that they are meant to move you in an intended direction which will become clearer as time passes.


Jupiter expands and when linked with Uranus could bring new vision and opportunities to break down barriers that have stood in the way of progress. If these changes are necessary, you may now make change happen, but if you do not take action something may come along that propels you in the direction you are meant to go. Jupiter usually brings good luck and opportunities, so these changes are usually beneficial. Sometimes Uranus brings about sudden change and as quickly as it comes into your life, the individual or circumstance creating the change will leave. It is best not to count on things remaining the same. The only thing which is consistent in life is change. With Uranus you can always count on the unexpected.


This is also a freedom aspect and Jupiter can promote travel and with Uranus involved, there may be unexpected journeys. You may experience foreign cultures and travel to lands that you have never visited before this conjunction. You will experience new horizons that can lead to enlightenment on some level. Jupiter’s energy suggests religion and mystical knowledge, and this may be where you put your energies during this conjunction. You may be open to new and exciting experiences linked with mysticism and the occult.


This is an opportunistic conjunction, and you should use it to your advantage. Experience life in the moment gaining insight into the workings of the universe as a whole and your place within it.


Review your chart to confirm when transiting Uranus will conjunct your natal Jupiter along with all the other influences that are possible.


Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology.  Holm Astrology offers Astrology courses.  Our current Beginner’s course started March 21, 2022.  We will offer more courses in the future.  Please watch for our registration announcements.  Visit for course details.


Please “Like” us on Facebook.  Your “shares” are appreciated and your questions are welcomed.


If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit

Tuesday, 17 May 2022


This is your special moment, for every moment is a special moment.


We have come into this life to experience all that life has to offer - to experience life’s moments, special or challenging.


It is our time to investigate and uncover all the hidden gems. Seek out all that is... each unique characteristics that create us as an individual.


The best person we can be already exists. Allow this person to shine but we must acknowledge that we are this person. We can let go of the characteristics we feel we must possess to please others and allow the true self to surface. For some of us, it takes a long time to create this comfort levels. We usually deny the potential that lies within. We stop ourselves short because of our beliefs. If we did not have these qualities within, how would you be able to recognize that they are a potential or that they exist?


We can learn to be comfortable as that person we currently try to suppress. We are our only limitation.


Many of us allow our belief structures and expectations to form who we think we are. If we are going to shape ourselves then we should focus on a positive belief structure. The sky is the limited. We can alter our perceptions of who we think we are at any time. Who we allow to exist is a continuous process and the expansion never ceases if we strive for this.


We can bask in the true energies of who we are at any given time. Believe and move forward with the release of the true self. Who you wish you could be is already a part of who you are!


Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology.  Holm Astrology offers Astrology courses.  Our current Beginner’s course started March 21, 2022.  We will offer more courses in the future.  Please watch for our registration announcements.  Visit for course details.


Please “Like” us on Facebook.  Your “shares” are appreciated and your questions are welcomed.


If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit

Monday, 16 May 2022


Its energies currently work well to build on our mystical practices. Neptune is the planet of mystical insight, spiritual enlightenment and psychic perception.


At present, many are experiencing a mystical unfolding that they have not experienced previously. Much of what is taking place could be attributed to the alignment of Neptune in Pisces, it’s rulership. It will remain in its own sign until 2025, so we have ample time to unravel its subconscious undertones.


Neptune is also known as the planet of illusion. It is important to keep at least one foot on the ground, although imagination sparks many wondrous insights. Find a balance between the two as you can be led astray during Neptune in Pisces or by its influence in your birth chart. Much will depend on what aspects Neptune will be making in your natal chart as well as what house it is transiting.


When conjuncting Mercury, the mental processing may be linked to spiritual unfolding. Mercury, the planet of the mind, needs stimulation to become reflective and it takes on the energies of anything that touches it. Those with Mercury in Pisces in the birth chart are likely interconnected to the higher consciousness currently in our world and they will know that there is more to life than work, sleep eat. Many are of a higher conscious mind but some can be led astray by their imagination, although for most of these individuals the desire for something deeper is a major part of their lives. It is important to remain open and this is particularly so for those under this influence.


This is the time to become acquainted with your higher self and to find ways to connect to your loved ones that have passed over.


For those that are creative, this is also a time for creative writing, working with music and dance or theatrics. The mind is open during this influence and we can receive and use these energies in spiritual work such as automatic writing. Again, much depends on the placement of Neptune and your aptitude regarding this type of energy. Eg If Neptune is in the 3rd house, this is the time to write your creative novel, or in the 9th house, it might be time to publish your work.


Do not get lost in this energy and remain focused.


Life can become magical and mysterious as the door begins to open. We must have faith in ourselves and allow the process to unfold as much can be revealed.


Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology.  Holm Astrology offers Astrology courses.  Our Beginner’s Class have started. Watch for announcements of more opportunities to register in the future.  Visit for course details.


Please “Like” us on Facebook.  Your “shares” are appreciated and your questions are welcomed.


If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit