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Tuesday, 13 September 2022


Happiness does not stem from your outside environment; it comes from within. Your happiness and peace of mind originate from within and the way you feel about your life reflects how you feel about yourself.


What are you putting out into the world and how is the world relating to what you present to it?


If recently you feel as though you are not being welcomed by others or that your wish is to be by yourself, question why. Are you avoiding others because of what you think of them or are you avoiding others because of how you feel about yourself?


We are not suggesting that you surround yourself with people that make you uncomfortable or with people that do not reflect your values. We are suggesting your question your motives if prior to these feelings you were a social individual.


Do you need more personal time? Is this to recharge or is it to hide?


Are you concerned about what others may think?


Are you worried that others might take advantage of you?


Are you avoiding others because you don’t feel worthy?


The list goes on and on.


Question your motives and be honest with yourself. If you would advise others to take some personal time under the same circumstances, then enjoy your quiet time to rejuvenate. If, however, you are hiding from the world due to fear or other reasons, it is time to love yourself enough to step out and connect with your tribe.


Your thoughts are what trigger moving forward or hiding away. If you don’t like what you see within, you are likely not seeing the true you. The true you is all the qualities you wish for. You would not be aware of these qualities unless they were already a part of you.


Do not identifying with the parts of yourself that you do not like. Recognized them and then let them go. Identify with those qualities you appreciate to magnify their presence. The more you focus on the latter, the more they expand. The best person you could possibly be is already a part of who you are.


This recognition exercise takes practice like physical practices to better any physical ability. With consistent effort and directing the mind to focus on the positive, you can accentuate the qualities your believed initially that were missing in your life. Once you realize that you can love yourself, you open the door for others to love you too.


Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology. You can still register for our Fall Beginner’s Class which started yesterday. Visit for course details.


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If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit

Monday, 12 September 2022


Review your chart to see if T. Pluto is trine you natal Mars. The house positions being affected at this time will define the area of life that is experiencing these energies. Look to where your natal Pluto is as well and its aspects in the natal chart to get the full picture of Pluto’s energies under this aspect if in your chart.


Pluto is a powerful influence in the natal chart at any time and is often noted to be one of the harbingers of challenge when in difficult aspect especially to the planet Mars. However, this trine has a more constructive energy than those of other aspectual interceptions. The trine speaks of easy flow and opportunities and when pursued can lead to advantageous outcomes. The potential is often great, but you will have to pursue its energies to create an outcome. The energy of the trine is often so soft and easy going that many will not move ahead with what it can produce because they feel that it is not necessary to act.


Pluto is about change and usually total transformation and regeneration of plans put in place or reconstructed and lying in wait. There are no half measures with Pluto, and it can be quite formidable and forceful in its action which is relates to power and authority through interaction with others or a course of action. It often indicates an ending of sorts so that something new can begin. In the long haul often some year or so down the road we understand why we choose that course to follow even when the road ahead seemed rough or untraveled.


Mars is about action and drive & its energies are what pushes us ahead with our endeavors and action is taken due to its forceful push. When Pluto and Mars come together by trine their energies merge and a powerful force is released. If we choose not to act, the energies can build until they cannot be contained anymore and then the energy has to be released. It is like the volcano building before eruption and then a powerful explosions with massive force.


The trine however is a fortunate aspect, and you can expect to move ahead under this influence if you push a little without aggressive force. Arguments and unpleasant situations can arise even with the trine when we are not careful on how to deal with its energies. Some caution is advised. Be calm and do not over reactive.


Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology.  Holm Astrology is starting our fall Beginner’s classes today. There is still time to register. Visit for course details.


Please “Like” us on Facebook.  Your “shares” are appreciated and your questions are welcomed.


If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit

Thursday, 8 September 2022


Do is feel as though life is holding you back?


When we feel this way, we may just need time to reflect. This stagnation allows for time to analyze where we are and take note of what needs to happen as we maneuver our way forward.


It can be frustrating but is often necessary. There are times when jumping into action might not be the solution and mistakes can be made. Abrupt action or moving ahead without proper preparation can be troubling as time passes.


Alternatively, we may feel like we have been stuck forever but are actually holding ourselves back. Are you waiting for that magic moment to come but it never does? Indecision is reason for concern. Anxiety can also be behind our inaction.


We always have freedom of choice even though it may not seem that way. There are times when we need to alter our thoughts or pay less attention to what we might be thinking of doing. Action is available if we choose to move in any direction, but we must make a plan. Assess what is in front of you and then take the appropriate action.


You are ultimately the one that makes your own decisions. You cannot blame others for inaction, and you must take responsibility for your life’s course. Act when it is required. Weigh out your options and do what is best.


It is also important to consider how others will be affected by what you do but in the long run you must do what is best for you. Move forward without expectation and know that life is about to change in some way and it will be exactly what is needed in the long run.


Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology.  Holm Astrology is now accepting registration for our fall beginner’s classes. Visit for course details.


Please “Like” us on Facebook.  Your “shares” are appreciated and your questions are welcomed.


If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit

Wednesday, 7 September 2022


On September 10, 2022 we will experience a Full Moon in Pisces at 17°. It forms a sextile with transiting Uranus at 18° Taurus.


This Piscean Full Moon (second decant) signifies deep-set emotion and a wish to help those less fortunate. Some will venture into volunteer work in hospitals, nursing homes or places of confinement. In some cases, due to this being in the second decant, the family will be the concerning element. Look to conjunctions, oppositions, and squares within 3 to 5° of separation. The closer the aspect the stronger the influence. Angles to this 17° Full moon especially by conjunction can have remarkable influences over the coming month and lasting up to 6 months.


Pisces wants nothing more than to be of service especially for those less fortunate. This can be an intense emotional intervention, and you may be of great service for someone in need of support. Look especially at the opposition because in most cases someone else is involved. It may be hard for you to accept or work with individuals if you take on their emotional baggage. You will need to separate yourself from their experiences and realize that things happened for a reason.


The sextile from T Uranus will bring some form of change. Uranus tends to create or be part of situations which no longer serve a purpose and will push for a shift or at least a change in perspective (sometimes through disruptive channels). In many cases the changes will happen suddenly. The sextile suggests that an opportunity is at hand and in many cases, we must provoke the change to take place or more disruptive elements will result.


For those with artistic talents this can be a time to harvest their efforts which may have begun 6 months ago. It should be noted that every Full Moon has to do with a culmination point and we reap the rewards of the effort we exerted. If you have been implementing a foundation that is sturdy and steadfast then this Full Moon can be quite rewarding, but if you have been sitting back not putting forth any effort the results may not be what you were hoping for.


The house position of the Full Moon and the planetary energies associated with 17° Pisces, along with the angles (MC, DC, IC and ASC) will define what may be taking place.


Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology.  Holm Astrology is currently accepting registration for our fall Beginner’s classes. Visit for course details.


Please “Like” us on Facebook.  Your “shares” are appreciated and your questions are welcomed.


If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit

Tuesday, 6 September 2022


ave you found yourself around groups of individuals that make you uncomfortable, invade your privacy or seem to bring unfavourable conditions in your life?


Are they friends or simply purveyors of stress and anxiety?


Take note of who you are associating with. If they make you feel uneasy or plague havoc in your life, do you require them in your life?  This is not limited to just friends and acquaintances, if your partner, siblings, parents cause only anguish in life, it may be time to separate yourself from these individuals. Initially it may not be easy because it may be a lifetime relationship, but for your own mental health and personal growth, its healthy to cut ties.


There does not need to be any aggressive action to make this happen. If there is danger in any way, perhaps ask for assistance from the authorities or perhaps you need to vacate in such a way that they are not able to find you.


Our feelings may sway during these decisions and others may be hurt. Everyone needs time to adjust to change. These changes may lead you to places you never thought you could find.


Sometimes we need to heed the advice of others but especially listen to the quiet little voice within. Sometimes we just need to gather the courage to step ahead, one step without concern about what the next ten steps will entail. The unknown can be frightening but often puts us exactly where we need to be although in most cases it takes some time for us to recognize this.


Analyze the situation, make a plan and then take action.  Hasty decisions often produce unwanted results. But after taking the necessary time to process, take action knowing that in some way the path ahead is what you require whatever that may look like.


Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology.  Holm Astrology is now accepting registration for our fall beginner’s classes. Visit for course details.


Please “Like” us on Facebook.  Your “shares” are appreciated and your questions are welcomed.


If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit

Thursday, 1 September 2022


Sometimes our intellectual capabilities stand in the way of sound instinct. Sometimes we disregard our intuition and continue along the road of practicality. We forget how to listen to our heart and soul, paying too much attention to our mental chatter.


You know that feeling that you just shouldn’t do what you are about to do?


That is your intuition or guidance coming from other sources. It could be from the inner self of a connection with source. You should listen but at the same time ignore the negative ego that actually comes from the mind. There is a difference.


A good way to recognize what is mental processing or ego compared to intuition or guidance can be determined by the feeling that goes along with what is transpiring from within. If the feeling leads to fear, then it is likely coming from the mind and if the feeling seems like a warning it is likely coming from intuition.


A personal example of this took place several years ago. I cut down a tree. After falling the tree, I went over to cut off a branch that was holding the tree is a precarious position. Although I had two people holding ropes attached to the ends of the tree when I cut the branch off, the trunk of the tree and a remaining large branch rolled and the large remaining branch rolled over my head and rolled to the ground. Something within told me to stand still, and I listened. One part of the tree fell to my left inches away and the other part of the tree to my right also inches away. If I had moved or tried to get out of the way one or the other part of the tree would have landed on me causing serious head injury perhaps even death. The one large branch off the trunk gently touched the top of my head as it rolled, but I did not receive a scratch.


We must pay attention when something within wants our attention whether that it be an order, which it was in my case, or whether it is a quiet little voice within that seems to be calling for your attention.


Sometimes the mind gets in the way of the message or forms intrusive thoughts that cause us to feel anxious or worried. In many cases this is tied to the future and in some cases is reflective of the past. Intuition often occurs in the now or very near future. The voice within if you want to call it that is usually hard to define but the more we listen, the louder it gets. Learn to listen!

Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology.  Holm Astrology is now accepting registrations for our fall Beginner’s course.  Visit for course details.


Please “Like” us on Facebook.  Your “shares” are appreciated and your questions are welcomed.


If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit

Wednesday, 31 August 2022


Jupiter in transit moves around the natal chart in approximately twelve years; therefore, it makes a conjunction to all your natal planets and angles over this period. Jupiter can have many conjunctions with your natal Neptune throughout your lifetime.


It is important to take into consideration the sign and house position of your natal Jupiter as well as your natal Neptune as this will clearly define the energy in play for the aspect focused on today. You should look at the natal positioning of Neptune by aspect to other positions in the chart as well. To get the overall picture take into consideration all transiting planets to the natal positions.


Jupiter is considered a very fortunate planet and often offers good luck, opportunities, and expansive growth. Its action is often what we wait for in daily life. Jupiter’s expansive energies are connected to growth in personal terms which can include goals and aspirations as well as material progress along with opportunities with your health and occupation.


When Jupiter is connected to Neptune (remember when we speak of a conjunction the energies always merge) the growth potential often brings spiritual advancement or recognition of these energies to the forefront. Many will receive these types of energies in more subtle ways through visions or dreams. Some will seek these energies through the use of drugs although it should be mentioned that reality and the real world are much more reliable and clearer in the end. Neptune can blur your vision and make things ambiguous especially when drugs are the source. Drugs alter your perception and are only there for the moment, while reality as you experience it through daily life is much more resolute, defined and stands the test of time.


Spirituality and things that have been hidden are now brought to the surface and you can access them more easily. Life’s philosophy can open into a new perception, and much can be taught during this time. Jupiter unless it is in its retrograde cycle moves about 1° every five days, so having an approaching orb of influence of about 5°, you can have this aspect in your life approaching and then direct for about one month and about ten days after it has been direct as it moves out of orb.


Neptune has also been linked to creativity and your artistic expression, whether this be through writing, acting, dancing or music as these are potential opening for further growth and expansion. Make sure you take advantage of these energies when they connect within your natal chart and watch things expand.


Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology.  Holm Astrology is now accepting registration for our fall Beginner’s course. Visit for course details.


Please “Like” us on Facebook.  Your “shares” are appreciated and your questions are welcomed.


If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit