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Friday, 16 December 2022


As winter rears its intentions, many of us develop the desire to visit faraway places.


What many of us seek (although we may not look at vacations from this perspective) aside from escaping the cold is to bring the vacation “frame of mind” to life. We may be seeking the relaxation, adventure and one on one time with others. Are we seeking something new and away from the day-to-day experience?


Do we travel to experience the beauty of nature and other cultures that need to be explored?


In many cases we each live a special, fortunate life and when we visit other cultures, we are provided a clear perspective of this.


Take the time to create peace, to reflect within and meditation on how special life truly is whether it is in your own home or on a warm beach. Calming your inner environment and setting aside time for something personal should be on the agenda.


Celebrate each day. Share your life and love with those around you. Be the generator of faith and the motivator for those that feel stuck in life’s circumstances. You have the power and capabilities!

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Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology?.  We will be offering a course in the Spring. Watch for details then. Visit for course details.


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Wednesday, 14 December 2022


Your natal Mercury by aspect, sign and house position in general defines how the mind operates. The thinking process, evaluation techniques, mental aptitude and outlook all come under the influence of the planet Mercury. Mercury comes alive when it is in aspect or being aspected by transits or progressions. It needs this to become stimulated and the planet and aspect it is receiving define how the mind is currently functioning, although its natal positioning is far reaching.


Jupiter the planet of expansion, growth, good fortune, and life’s philosophical teachings in trine stimulating N Mercury can provide intuitive perception and optimal mental reasoning abilities. During its trine to Mercury the mind is alive with ideas that seem optimistic and favourable.


The trine is suggestive of easy flow and opportunities and when Jupiter is part of that vibrational activity in a natal chart its good fortune can bring to life concepts that can not only grow and expand consciousness but can also bring forth prospects and outlooks that foster gain on some level. Trines are what we wait for and Jupiter is the most promising of all the planets affecting our lives. In many cases growth and expansion just seem to flow, but to use these energies in a much more favourable way we need to react and formulate a plan of action to achieve the greatest success in the current environment.


Review the natal potential, the house position not only of Mercury in the natal chart but also the placement of T Jupiter as this will help define the areas of life involved and where to move ahead. Favourable aspects to N Mercury by other natal positions will accentuate the opportunities while the more challenging aspects will suggest that you may have to work a little harder to advance.


Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology?.  We will be offering a course in the Spring. Watch for details then. Visit for course details.


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Monday, 12 December 2022


Uranus takes 84 years to complete its transit around the Zodiac. It moves through a sign in approximately 7 years. Uranus is known as the awakener and is the ruling planet of the sign Aquarius. It is an outer planet (with Neptune and Pluto) and its effects can be quite life altering while it is in aspect to natal positions.


With natal positioning, Uranus often speaks of the need to be different, the need for revolution or change and often speaks of change and new directions through different ways of communicating when connected to Mercury, the planet of the mind. Uranus will awaken and stimulate uniqueness and offer different perspectives through dialogue and its ability to stimulate the mind in new directions.


The trine itself speaks of easy flow and the ability to move in new directions and change opinion in dynamic ways. The mind is stimulated and often ahead of its time when it comes to revelations and new concepts. The mind can be considered somewhat genius and distinctive and communication can be uplifting and original. Science and technology are often sideshoots of Uranus depending on its sign and house position.


People with this may be considered somewhat eccentric, and they think outside of the box. There is something in the conversation which stirs the imagination and can instigate change through experience. A new and different outlook is often experienced by people with this in their chart. We can always expect something out of the ordinary from these individuals.


The mind works quickly, often without hesitation and the results from open conversation can easily stir others into action. They speak of change in direction because what has been in place prior to this time is no longer suitable for continued growth and exploration. Dull or boring would never be what this aspect speaks to. The unusual and original thinking is what this is all about. Interesting conversation, open dialogue and a strong push for the new is clear with this formation. Listen and learn or speak and be the orchestrator of unique perception and future ideologies.


Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology.  Watch for announcements for future courses coming in the spring. Visit for course details.


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Wednesday, 23 November 2022


Today@ 5:57 p.m. EDT, we will enjoy a New Moon at 1° Sagittarius. Those with their Sun in the very early degrees of Sagittarius will not only be experiencing their Sun conjunction their natal position (Birthday) but will also be experiencing a New Moon at roughly the same time. A New Moon Solar chart would be very interesting for these people as it would mark a new beginning and define the year ahead.


A Sagittarius New Moon marks a time of new beginnings related to exploration and potential growth and expansion. This is due to the trine this New Moon makes with Transiting Jupiter. This can be a very fortunate time if the natal chart agrees, although even harsh aspects in the natal chart still offer insight and growth through hard work (Saturn) change and evolution (Uranus), transformation and an end to conditions that no longer suit us (Pluto) and spiritual enlightenment and evolution (Neptune). New beginnings are on the horizon dealing with adventure, knowledge, and growth through exploration and perhaps some much needed freedom. This would be a great time for travel.


Most of us will have some influence although not as powerful as those that have planets either conjunct or in opposition to this placement (0-4° Sag or Gemini) and/or. with squares, trines and sextiles to this placement of the new moon. Know that better things regardless of how things might look now are on the horizon and you are beginning a new cycle at this point.


Philosophy might be of interest at this time. Those interested in cultural religion and foreign cultures can experience a door opening into these fields. Although you might be content with life’s direction, now might be the time to move ahead with new ideas and find more that intrigues you. Life provides the key but you have to turn the lock to open the door.

Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology?.  We will be offering a course in the Spring. Watch for details then. Visit for course details.


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Tuesday, 22 November 2022


Venus moved into the sign of Sagittarius on November 15; Mercury went into the same sign on November 16 and the Sun moved into Sagittarius on November 21, 2022. Venus and Mercury are considered personal planets and move through a sign quickly often about 3 weeks unless they move into their retrograde cycles. The Sun is a luminary and is tied closely to our inner self, our goals and aspirations along with our life’s route through personal expression.


Some say that Venus represents the feminine principle, and it speaks of love and affection, gentleness and being social. This of course is not to say that men, represented by the energies of Mars, do not express these qualities or yearnings. Mercury is associated with communication, open dialogue and the act of teaching or learning through mental processing.


Sagittarius has to do with freedom and the want for exploration with teachings of a high order often through life’s experience. Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter (in Pisces during this time frame) adds a square to the energy of these planets and the Sun. Squares often represent some form of challenge although with Jupiter the challenge can be overcome without too much difficulty.


When you put these three energies together including Jupiter you can speak of the need for open conversation of a higher order often related to religious tones, life’s philosophies or a need for universal collaboration seeking positive elements. Love and affection rank high on the agenda as does honest dialogue which can open the doors to expanded realizations from a more progressive or constructive perspective.


If used properly these energies can formulate an action plan that can lead to more social acceptance, an easier route to happiness and fortunate outcomes through diligent efforts. For those with planets in conjunction, opposition, squares, trines and sextiles to these positions (Sagittarius) it will be up to them to help maneuver themselves in turn assisting the same movement in an outward expression so that peace and harmony can follow.


Action is required as these energies will fade (mid-December). What action plan are you proposing?


Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology?.  We will be offering a course in the Spring. Watch for details then. Visit for course details.


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Monday, 21 November 2022


On November 22, 2022 the Sun moves from Scorpio a fixed water sign to Sagittarius a mutable, fire sign. Sagittarius is ruled by the most fortunate of planets, Jupiter which has to do with expansion, growth, and in general good luck. Jupiter is known as the great benefic and wherever Jupiter is found in the natal chart there is potential for expansion and growth. Jupiter promotes opportunities mainly due to its relationship with optimism.


Those with their Sun in the sign of Sagittarius or their rising sign or have several planets in the sign of Sagittarius have desire for adventure in life. They love the outdoors and are drawn to wide open places. They feel free when in nature and many love the idea of travel. They are the roamers of the Zodiac and some never find a place to lay their hat permanently. There is a degree of restlessness although not like Gemini, but Sag wants to explore all that life offers.


Sagittarians seek knowledge sometimes through religion or travel. They truly believe that there is always something viable and better just around the corner even when they are caught up in life’s challenges. Things seem to move in the right direction, even if it is only in their eyes. They are the eternal optimists, and we could all learn to adapt to this type of energy and thought process.


Sagittarians speak their mind and often find themselves with their “foot in mouth”. They need to think before they speak although what they offer is often truth but it may not be in a gentle manner. They are a fire sign and fire always wants to move forward and at times acting on impulse. If you want to explore life with all its intricacies and have some fun especially in foreign cultures, you might want to hook up with someone who has strong Sagittarius energies. The 9th house is naturally ruled by Sagittarius, and it speaks clearly about travel, philosophy and religion.


November 16/17 T Venus and Mercury move into the sign of Sagittarius although they move too quickly to meet up with the T Sun. Venus and Mercury are in conjunction in Sag for the remainder of November and early December. For those with their Sun in Sagittarius this conjunction effects their chart at some point depending on their Sun’s degree. The house placement will be very important as this will be the area of life which has these energies.


Venus and Mercury together can speak of a love of socializing and communication. When they line up with the Sun which has to do with our inner self, who we are & our goals in life, these areas will be stimulated. This can be a time of internal search and finding a clear understanding of the path ahead especially if your North Node is somehow linked to this position. You may want to join in with others to explore the great outdoors. You may want to explore religion especially the one that connects us all from a spiritual perspective.


You may find communication with a loved one very favourable at this time and it may open the door for further growth and expansion within that relationship, especially if this conjunction is found in the 5th, 7th or 1st house and in particular conjunct your Ascendant. The Sun, Venus and Mercury can certainly open doors, but you may have to allow this to happen. Sitting around and not using these energies will not move you ahead.  Astrology points the way but we sail our own personal ship.


Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology?.  We will be offering a course in the Spring. Watch for details then. Visit for course details.


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Thursday, 17 November 2022


T Saturn now in direct motion (November 2022) is making a square to T Uranus (still in retrograde motion until the end of November 2022). Its energy is weakening however and those that have felt this energy strong throughout October will be feeling a relief as time passes. Saturn in Aquarius @ 18° and Uranus in Taurus is the strongest and those with planetary positions around this degree will have these two energies affecting their chart. Much will depend on the aspects from these two transits to their natal planets. A conjunction to one of these planets will be very powerful.


Generally, Uranus pushing for change & Saturn resisting change can describe a world that is clinging to the past yet knowing that a new beginning is at hand. There will likely be struggles because although change is inevitable (Uranus is always working towards an evolutionary state) Saturn will delay what is needed and place restraints on the progress that is required.


Uranus is not comfortable in Taurus (its fall) and Saturn is not overly comfortable in Aquarius. Saturn will be moving into Pisces in the early spring of 2023. Saturn in Pisces although this would not be an overly comfortable placement, it can bring security into place where vagueness and uncertainty needs alignment. Saturn wants something that is reliable and secure and resists that which could be considered ambiguous or illusive. Saturn wants facts and steadiness, while Pisces can be anything but that. It seeks union with faith and spirituality.


Those with this square activated in their chart Saturn will restrict energies where Uranus pushes for change and advancement. Saturn wants things to remain the same, offering stability and the tried and tested. Uranus known as the awakener wants to move beyond what has become complacent for growth through change (at times sudden change is required).


Saturn in Aquarius suggests humanitarian concerns or group involvement pushing for grounding and security. Uranus wants to break free of any restrictions, to awaken to new possibilities and create positive change after deep reflective consideration. Perhaps there is an element of restraint or a need to get to the bottom of matters before pushing ahead. There will likely be elements that stand in the way of progress.


We should proceed with caution, not miss any steps, understand all the details and know which steps are best suited for advancement. The outcome will likely bring more stability after a time of restraint and a strong need to move through anything standing in the way. Squares are challenging but push you to work your way through hardship with enough challenge that you feel you must correct the situation so that you can move ahead.


Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology?.  We will be offering a course in the Spring. Watch for details to come. Visit for course details.


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If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit