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Tuesday, 14 March 2023


Is life riddled with difficulties?


Do you ask, “why me”?


Some say it is Karma and some say we are building our Karma for the future by what we are experiencing now. Does that mean we have to just except and take our lumps?


Are we truly at the mercy of life?


We are at the mercy of our expectations, and our belief structures. We can make changes any time. If we stand still and do nothing, we cannot expect life to make changes for us. You are capable of being happy. You are worth the effort.


You can leave unpleasant situations but you cannot predict the outcome. Due to the unknown, many remain in situations that are unnecessary and halt life’s growth.


You learn from your experiences but you can still learn and have happiness and balance.


The past cannot be changed, and the future is still ahead of us. You do not know where you are heading, yet expectations can hold relevance as to where you end up.


If you don’t like what is in front of you, have the courage to adjust. If you are afraid of change question why. If you won’t make changes to your current situation then you must make changes to your attitude towards it. If you want change and need assistance reach out for help. You are never alone. Life can and will adjust when you decide to take that steps into the unknown.

Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology?.  We are offering both a Beginner’s course and a Level II course commencing the first week of April.  Contact us to register. Visit for course details.


Please “Like” us on Facebook.  Your “shares” are appreciated and your questions are welcomed.


If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit

Monday, 13 March 2023


On March 8, 2023, Saturn moved into Pisces and will stay in this sign for approximately 2½ years.


Saturn often makes us work for our rewards. Nothing comes easy even when Saturn is well aspected in the natal chart. Saturn challenged in the birth chart can make life difficult and hard lessons are often the by-product of its influence. With hard work and disciplined efforts, however, the outcomes of this hard work can be very rewarding.


Saturn if often connected to achievement and advancement in such areas as business ventures, whether this be connected to achievement in your business or advancement within an organization. It is often connected to earthly matters. Saturn’s energies can be restrictive, cause delays, hardships, duties, obligations, and in general challenging conditions. It suggests hard work lies ahead when it connects to areas in the chart but also builds solid foundations that stand the test of time. Saturn is known as the teacher and the disciplinarian of the Zodiac and its natural ruler is Capricorn.


Pisces is often associated with spirituality and gentleness. It desires serene and peaceful conditions. Many Piscean (although other factors in the chart can change this somewhat) like life to go smoothly and do not like harsh conditions or rough or aggressive situations. They are the givers of the Zodiac and service on some level is often indicated. With Saturn in Pisces this resolve may be tested. If it connects with parts of your chart depending on which angle or which planet, Saturn in Pisces may suggest a battle between what needs to be asserted and the desire to let things go so as not to create any disruptions to the relative peace.


I’m having issues keeping this short and sweet so we will continue this post on March 15.


Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? We are offering both the Beginner's and the Level II courses commencing in April. Register now! Visit for course details.


Please “Like” us on Facebook.  Your “shares” are appreciated and your questions are welcomed.


If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit

Sunday, 12 March 2023


Holm Astrology are thrilled to announce we are holding our Level II Astrology course (10 classes, the main focus of which is transits and we will be touching on progressions) commencing April 3, 2023. These are in-class lessons held just north of Barrie, Ontario.


Full outline of the course is posted on our website at


If you are interested, please let us know as we only have a couple of openings remaining.


Please note that if you have not studied Astrology previously, our Holm Astrology’s Beginner’s Course is a prerequisite. We will hold a Beginner’s Course if there is sufficient interest to warrant it. If you are interested in taking our Beginner's course, please contact us at

Saturday, 11 March 2023




Is there enough interest to warrant an in-class Beginner's course this Spring in the Barrie, Ontario area?

Please contact us if you are interested in participating in our Astrology Beginner's course.  If there is sufficient interest, we will make an announcement.


Contact us at



For full details on the course, visit's-course

Thursday, 9 March 2023


Look at our steady progress. There are many points during our journey that we feel a sense of belonging and comfort in our environment. This environment is not our location on earth but our connection with self on an innate level.


It is confirmation of the inner truths that we seek to remember. It does not matter where we have set our earthly feet. What we have gained on a material level should have nothing to do with our concept of self. With an ongoing exploration of self, we strive for the summit of understanding and slowly regain a connection with our inner core. Our soul’s energy is our true identity, and when we open the door to self-perception, we allow this energy to emerge.


This brings us one step closer to our recognizable link with the whole, the divine, God, our source, or simply put “love”. Use the name you are most comfortable with.


The more peace we allow ourselves to experience and the less we identify with ego, the closer we align with our true self and reconnect with the whole.


The inner battles we wage do not serve a viable purpose but we become so caught up in the battle we cannot see beyond it. These battles only create havoc. To find our inner peace, we must allow love. Through love, our ego no longer defines life by fighting to keep control, fighting to be right, fighting to win the battle.


Ego let’s go when we take steps forward in faith. Letting go and letting love is a difficult lesson. Once the conscious decision has been made, it becomes much easier.


As we have stated many times, we are a spiritual being living an earthly existence. Open your heart and allow.

Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology.  Holm Astrology is currently accepting registration for our Level II courses. We also will hold a beginner’s course if the interest warrants this course.  Please contact us. Visit for course details.


Please “Like” us on Facebook.  Your “shares” are appreciated and your questions are welcomed.


If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit


Wednesday, 8 March 2023


For the duration of March, T Jupiter and Chiron will be in conjunction. Jupiter which moves about 1° every 4 or 5 days will move out of orb towards the end of March but they form a tight conjunction on March 12. Chiron moves about 1° approximately every 3 weeks.


They conjunct in the sign of Aries, which implies that you will have to do the work. Depend on no one else and take control of healing whatever needs healing at this time. In some cases you can help facilitate this healing for others but in most cases this is directed towards what needs to be done for you. Question what you need and how to activate this into your life.


Jupiter (the greater benefic) can provide what is needed especially when other indicators in the chart suggest the same (eg positive aspects to your Sun or Ascendant). However Jupiter, known to expand on things if poorly aspected, can indicate that the challenge that is being faced is now at a maximum and needs your immediate attention.


The opportunity is in place for healing regardless of other indicators in the chart and if we use these energies well and push ahead much can be accomplished. The area of life will be indicated by the houses involved and an angle or planet in the natal chart will have to be activated for this to have influence in your life. The conjunction especially with inner planets or opposition will magnify this placement. Use an orb of up to 5-7° for this placement to be active in your chart.


Many times this signifies a new beginning especially if Pluto is involved (something comes to an end in order for something new to begin). It can also speak of spiritual alignment and healing that needs to take place especially if Neptune and the 6th or 12th houses are involved. If the 2nd or 8th houses are part of the picture then finances and security may be part of the picture. If the MC or IC are involved the parents may be involved. If the Ascendant and DC are involved relationships are often part of the process.


Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology?.  Our Level II course will commence on April 3. We will offer a Beginner's Course this spring if there is sufficient interest. Let us know. Visit for course details.


Please “Like” us on Facebook.  Your “shares” are appreciated and your questions are welcomed.


If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit

Tuesday, 7 March 2023


Face each day with a smile. What you put out into your world comes back at you.


Life still happens and challenges/lessons occur but your response to these is controllable and is what affects you directly. Your attitude towards the situation either invites worry and anxiety or hope and promise. Which will it be?


We all face adversity from time to time and how long the impact is felt emotionally is your decision. We cannot avoid difficulties, but we can deal with them and let them go. Your attitude and focus may not create the lesson, but it dictates your learning process.


Smile at all life events. Embrace the lessons as they teach us so much. Acknowledge and appreciate the good times for they are your relaxation times. Live to learn and learn to live. Right now, this specific moment, is all we have. Experience it!


Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Let us know and we can organize a beginners course. Visit for course details.


Please “Like” us on Facebook.  Your “shares” are appreciated and your questions are welcomed.


If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit