On August 23, 2023, the Sun moves from Leo, a fixed, fire sign, to Virgo, a mutable, earth sign.
Virgo is
known for its attention to detail and its wish to find perfection in all it
does and in all that surrounds it. Those with strong Virgo tendencies such as
their Sun in Virgo, Moon in Virgo or Ascendant sign in Virgo tend to be
curious, conservative, and often quite critical especially of themselves. They
see all the little flaws in life, and many tend to worry and be too concerned
about trivial matters. This is not to say that their concern is not warranted
at times, but they can make mountains out of mole hills.
Virgoans can
tackle tedious tasks and make excellent organizers. They need things to be in
their proper place and when life is not structured to their liking, they will
work tirelessly to improve conditions. Virgoans are very service oriented and
truly wish to help in any manner they deem appropriate. They can be meticulous
in their work ethics and truly want to do the best job possible, which makes
them great assistants, but also great leaders. They can take and give orders.
Virgo is
ruled by the planet Mercury and Virgoans are considered deep thinkers,
analyzing everything in great detail. Cleanliness and hygiene are important
factors in their lives and if these have fallen to the wayside, you know
something is wrong. Ideally, there isn’t a hair out of place, their clothes are
clean, matching and perfect and their home is well organized and very clean.
We will look
at the transits influencing Virgoans in our post on August 23, 2023.
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