Jupiter takes approximately 12 years to make a full circle of the Zodiac (about one year through each sign). Uranus takes 84 years to transit the Zodiac. If it goes into retrograde it can remain in contact with a planet for a longer period therefore have more effect on the area of life indicated by the house position and the planet or angle involved.
The trine
aspect (120°) is considered the most favorable aspect in Astrology. It is the
aspect we wait for. Although the trine does suggest easy flow of opportunities,
general good luck, the fulfillment of potentials and an overall feeling that
life is moving along nicely, it often needs a push from us to become more
beneficial. Things may seem so comfortable that we may wonder why we should bother
to do anything as benefits will happen for us anyway. It may feel this way, but
we may be squandering the energies if we do not put forth effort.
this in mind and knowing that the energy of Jupiter brings good luck, expansion
and opportunities and that Uranus brings with it change of direction and the
unexpected, perhaps we need to look deeper at what we might want to accomplish
at this important time in our lives. Two houses will now be activated, the house where T Jupiter is passing through and the house where N Uranus resides
in the birth chart. In general Jupiter will promote growth and expansion,
bringing good fortune and a general feeling of good luck in matters related to
the house that it transits through. Much will depend however on the aspects it
makes to other planets.
The Natal
placement of Uranus and its aspects to other natal planets and angles play a
big role in how this transit of Jupiter will develop. A challenged Uranus will
not bring forth the potential that a favorably aspected Uranus will bring, at
least not without some struggle and work on our part. Because of the benevolent
energies attached to Jupiter, the potential for growth in some manner is still
likely to be brought forth even if N Uranus is poorly aspected.
You can
expect a change of direction, a new outlook, an awakening of sorts and the
potential for ridding yourself of outgrown influences. You now can move forward
and make the necessary changes that will foster in the new as time passes,
bringing you ever closer to where you need to be. Use these energies wisely. Don’t
sit back as this opportunity may not come again for some time.
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