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Thursday 26 January 2017


There might be many who read the title of this post and refuse to read on.  Ravaged implies a world and its occupants that has been severely damaged and devastated.  It and they truly have been by the hands of some of earth’s inhabitants. 

There is always hope in salvaging our world and the quality of our existence here.  Some say that we have gone beyond the tipping point but I refuse to live in hopelessness.

In focusing on the inhabitants, their actions are unpredictable in terms of peace.  There are many that walk this earth that have different viewpoints than we do. 

They say that the optimist or those that are hopeful see the glass as half full; however, the pessimist or those that are doubtful see the glass as half empty.  Our perspective not only manifests in our world but it also creates on a constant basis.

So what can you do to change the course of our world?  Take a look at your personal world.  What is your part to play?  It all begins at home.  How do you treat those close to you, those that you love?  We lead by example, not by mere words.  Action is what unlocks doors.  Action is what other see and ultimately what can motivate them.

Our torn world can certainly recuperate.  There are many workers doing their part.  The higher our vibration, the greater positive impact we will have on this world.  It is not what you can do to change things; it is what you ARE doing right now to create change.  Do not wait for someone else to lead the way.  Be the catalyst.  You are not at the mercy of life.  Anything and everything begins with you.

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