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Monday, 16 July 2018


A planet in its own sign (example Saturn in Capricorn, Jupiter in Sagittarius or Mercury in Gemini or Virgo) also known as a planet in its rulership or dignity is strengthened in its energy or influence.  With this intensified energy, the planet is comfortable within this placement (as it is at home there).  Its energies are enhanced and you can utilize this in whatever way you wish to.  This is a very favourable positioning. 

Someone with Saturn in the sign of Capricorn, for example, would have executive abilities or would at least work well at their occupation.  They would probably have leadership abilities, should have a leading role in what takes place whether this be within the working environment or in orchestrating life’s objectives. 

This example individual would be reliable, steady and in control or at least this is how others would see them.  They would be someone you would feel comfortable handing over responsibilities to, and you would feel that they would do their utmost to produce the best product or results.  They may appear very businesslike and willing to go the extra mile.  They could also be relied upon to work towards the betterment of whatever they apply themselves to and they would feel responsible for the outcome or at the very least want to help achieve a favourable outcome for whoever is involved.

Someone with their Jupiter in Sagittarius would have a fondness for travel.  They could actually do well in the travel business.  They would appear to be optimistic in their life’s approach and would also seem to be fairly lucky when their Jupiter is in favourable aspect by transit.  They would have an open view on religion and would be honest and open to dialogue when discussing religious doctrines.  They would have a wide open view with life philosophies and would probably share their views with others.  They may appear jovial, optimistic and willing to learn what life has to teach.  Their approach to life would be on a grand scale and nothing would be halfway or stifled especially when it comes to mystical learnings, religious schooling and philosophic teachings.  They would make good teachers and/or good clergy people, some would enjoy a religious path and become priests or nuns or take on new wave religious or spiritual training and become ministers.

Those individuals with Mercury in Gemini (and from a different perspective someone with Mercury in Virgo) would be very adept with learning.  Those with Mercury in Gemini would have a quick mind, be very receptive to communication, open in dialogue and always willing to learn anything new and exciting.  They would do well in the teaching profession.  They could make excellent writers, good public speakers and would be proficient when it comes to learning new languages.  They actually would be quick to learn almost anything that is put before them.  They have a quick, responsive and agile mind.

Those individuals with Mercury in Virgo also have good mental capabilities.  They would be avid learners, able to decipher anything with great detail, and would be proficient in their understanding of whatever was at hand.  They would also be perfectionists and able to come up with viable and profoundly conclusions to whatever issue is at hand.  They would make excellent secretaries or clerks due to their invaluable preciseness and organizational skills.  They would also do well in most businesses due to their diligent approach and ability to orchestrate objectives into practical form.  They would do well at problem solving, detecting flaws in any system and would actually find great pleasure in putting things in their proper order or place.  Their mind would be deep, introspective, analytical and precise.

As you can see by these examples, a planet in its own sign offers very favourable energies, although as always we will need to take into consideration how the planet is aspected by other planets as this will help determine its efficiency and how its energies are released.  The house placements will be the areas of life where these energies will play out.

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