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Wednesday, 13 March 2019


Ceres is the largest object in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter 

Some Astrologers believe it to be the ruling body of Virgo, although much further study needs to be carried out before we can make this distinction. 

It has been noted that Ceres’ energies have a connection to nurturing and mothering.  The nurturing energies can deal instinctively with those less fortunate or those that seen to be the underdog. 

Cere’s full energies have yet to be completely determined.

Cere’s position in the natal chart, by sign position and house position, as well as any aspects to Ceres (from other planets or points especially by conjunction) seems to play an important role in defining its nature in the birth chart.  As mentioned, Ceres has to do with nurturing and mothering, especially those down-trodden, and with family relations.  Its sign position defines the things that make us feel nurtured and how we might go about nurturing.  It also indicates how we might nurture our own needs.  Its house position will be linked to the area of life that will be connected to these nurturing needs.  Aspects to planets or angles will also determined part of this nature and needs.  Squares and oppositions as well as conjunctions can be more stressful, while sextiles and trines are more easy flowing.  The planets provide their own energy and this energy will need to be carefully defined to reach viable conclusions as to how the relationship with Ceres might pan out in your specific chart.

In addition, Ceres has been linked to food, agriculture and clothing.  It also been linked to grief and the need to seek out what was lost even if it means derailing everything else in order to find this.  Ceres appears to love what is considered natural in life and also has to do with simplicity, although it is also linked to hard work.  It seeks out what is good for us in simple, easy to follow steps and this makes it available to everyone regardless of mental perception, although as most of us understand our perceptions and expectations create our world.

Ceres in the past has been linked to the feminine role, although much has changed with this regard over past generations. 

As mentioned earlier, Ceres is tied to hard work but it should be noted that it does not seek out recognition because of hard work.  (This is a general statement and may not hold true if Ceres is found in Leo in your chart).  It is said that Cere’s energies are modest and show where we can deliver what is needed for our physical existence. 

Ceres is also connected to our need to face our darker sides and our fears in order to rise above them.  This is particularly true if Ceres is found in the eighth house or connected to Scorpio or the planet Pluto. 

Ceres can also indicate what type of nurturing we received in our early year.  It also indicated how we actually received this nurturing and this often plays a role in how we eventually nurture others.

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