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Monday 29 July 2019


The sextile between Neptune and Pluto is a long standing aspect and it has been in influence for approximately 70 years.  As a result, everyone under the age of 70 will have this aspect in their birth chart.  There are many other influences in our birth charts so for some individuals this aspect will be predominant and for others, they may have aspects that water down the affects of the sextile between Neptune and Pluto.

This is a very sensitive placement between these two outer planets and is said to stimulate psychic and clairvoyant abilities, particularly if the Sun or Moon are also aspected by these planets.  The closer this sextile aspect is to being direct, the stronger the influence.

This sextile began during the Second World War around 1942 and deals with inner exploration, the mystical journey if you will.  I am sure that many that experienced the Second World War would have spent time in contemplation of the why behind the war and learned a great deal about themselves during their plight.  This would have taken place on a global scale and even though those that fought this war were not born with this sextile in their birth chart, they would have had it in transit.  This too would have affected different areas of their natal chart.

Pluto and Neptune both deal with the subconscious.  Neptune deals with spirituality while Pluto deals with transformation.  It takes little imagination to understanding the influence that these two giants in astrology would have in the lives of those that have this energy strongly influencing their lives.  The sextile between these two planetary energies deal with the collective and the philosophy of the people influenced by this union.  Many are swayed through the intuitive channels and are pioneering when dealing with problems faced by humanity.

Some with this aspect can use their psychic abilities and aid others in their quest for truth.  Many who have this sextile strongly placed in their birth charts have the potential for expanding their understanding of the psychic and mystical journey that we share.  When among groups of people with shared interests in these abilities, the potential can surface and become part of the everyday experience, after all it is known as the super-NATURAL.

It is believed that if we were to follow our dreams, we could make them a reality.  This holds just as true as the fact that we mold our reality through belief structures and expectations in life.  There are many clairvoyants and psychics with this sextile who openly use these techniques as tools to better our world, one individual at a time.  We all have the abilities to infiltrate the consciousness.  We are to stay open and have a willingness to explore the inner regions of the mind and our true connection with the world of mysticism.

Many will experience precognitive dreams and many have innate psychic healing energies.  We can work with our dreams.  We can work with others to assist them in deciphering their dreams and use these tools as guiding factors in our lives.

There is a great desire for justice and goodness among many of these people and a major factor in their lives is to assist others in reaching their spiritual potential and awakening to themselves.

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