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Wednesday 20 November 2019


Synastry is the study of two individuals Astrology charts and how they will interact with one another.

A Synastry chart is known as the relationship chart.  This can be a romantic relationship or parent with child or brothers and sisters or even a relationship between friends.  Any kind of relationship between two individuals can be deciphered through the interaction found in the Synastry chart.

The two charts are compared with one another but these two charts being compared are not based on midpoints as with composite charts.  The Astrologer would draw conclusions from the aspects between planets and their energies.  Only the major aspects are used (Conjunction, sextile, square, trine and opposition) although some Astrologers do use the minor aspects as well but the orb must be much tighter than normal.  With the Major aspects, an orb of up to 7degrees can be used but just as with a natal chart interpretation, for example, the closer the aspect, the stronger the meaning and energies related to the relationship.

A Synastry chart will show how the planets interlink and whether the energies go well together or if they suggest challenging conditions.  Difficult aspects will point out where there might be challenges which need to be dealt with, in particular the square.  This can be very helpful and can most certainly benefit the relationship providing that both parties are willing to do their part to work with this information.

It is important to also examine the elements involved when deciphering how the energies in a Synastry chart might play out.  Taking it one step further, the houses involved must also be noted as these will define the areas of life involved. 

There is certainly a big difference between the inner planetary combinations and the outer planetary combinations.  Inner planetary alignment speaks more about the early environment and short term compatibility, while the outer planets speak of long term compatibility and may not be noticed or identified until there is some longevity with the relationship.

Venus combinations will focus on love and affection within the relationship and Mars when dealing with a romantic relationship will often speaks of sexual compatibility.  Much of course will depend on which planet Venus lines up with as well as which planets Mars makes aspects to.  Venus and Mars delineated by sign position should also be applied. 

The Ascendant which is related to appearance speaks of physical attraction with a romantic relationship.  The Ascendant is also involved when we first meet and our immediate reaction to one another. 

Much study needs to take place with each individual chart to obtain clear, detailed information in order to move forward with understanding any compatibility.  Some individual’s charts will clearly indicate an easy ability to express emotions while other people’s charts can be subdued and we have to dig deeper to see the individual’s inability to express themselves and their tendencies to be distant. 

The conjunction speaks of dynamic energies linked together, and the connection is often powerful, depending on what planets are involved.  Sextiles and Trines are positive in nature and usually help the relationship along by providing opportunities and easy flow. 

The opportunity aspects however need a push to get them going in many cases because the energies work so well together that there is not much impulse to propel forward. 

Squares indicate challenging conditions although they also provoke action so that the issues can be resolved. 

Opposition speak of polarization of viewpoints in some cases suggesting that one person overpowers the other. 

The planets speak volumes when delineating these charts and comparing them with one another.

These charts require very deep analysis and an in-depth knowledge of Astrology is required to understand all the energies at work.  However, a lot can be learned through a close examination, and valuable pointers can be made through clear evaluation and detailed analysis.  The Synastry chart is invaluable for understanding any particular relationships.

Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.

Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

Are you interested in learning Astrology? Holm Astrology offers Astrology courses each spring and fall.  New courses will commence in the spring of 2020. Visit for course details.

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If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit

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