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Monday 27 July 2020



Transiting Saturn moved into Aquarius in March of 2020 and moved back into Capricorn on July 2 but will return into the sign of Aquarius on December 18, 2020. 


Those individuals with their Sun sign in the late degrees of Cancer or early degrees of Leo will be experiencing the opposition from Saturn especially towards the end of 2020.  In a previous post, we touched on the quincunx of transiting Pluto to the Natal Sun and while transiting Saturn is in quincunx to those with their Sun in the later degrees of Cancer, the added tension of Saturn brings not only challenging conditions but also what feels like a testing period where adjustments will need to take place or life will make adjustments on its own.


Saturn while in transit often presents us with challenges and lessons. It can often hamper advancement from a professional perspective. Much will depend on the house that Saturn is transiting through and the sign that it is in.


Current (July 2020) Saturn is in the sign of Capricorn which often points towards professional obligations and duties. This would be enhanced if for example Saturn was in the tenth house or sixth house in your chart.


Saturn wants us to work for our rewards and will push us and teach us perseverance and responsibility. When in opposition (Saturn in the sign of Aquarius), quite often someone else has an influential part in the picture. Perhaps someone is pushing us or perhaps they are standing in the way. In many cases, oppositions are considered a challenging aspect. It can indicate that those people involved are what make us push ourselves even harder, so although challenging, it can work in favourable ways especially with the final outcome, due to the work we may put into whatever we are doing. The other person may be a hindrance but a beneficial one. Because of them, we might feel that to achieve what we are trying to do, we must try harder and not let anything come between us and our goals.


The Sun in some ways is like Mars, in that it is often associated with our goals and the push we might have in reaching these objectives. The Sun can speak in terms of inner drives and ambitions and, depending on the sign our Sun is in, will be the way we propel ahead in terms of these aspirations.


Those with their Sun in Cancer are often home bodies and the family is especially important to them. They have a need to nurture and care for others and are often considered overly sensitive to the vibrations and experiences around them. If Saturn is in opposition to your Sun in Cancer you may be experiencing some challenging conditions linked to the family or perhaps the home. Alternatively, there may be obstructions from an emotional perspective linked to the working environment or your occupation. Much will depend on what house your Sun is found in within the birth chart.


If, for example, your Sun is in the fourth house and Saturn is in the tenth house, there could be some challenging conditions linked to the home and work. Perhaps one is more demanding than the other and you must decide how to spread your time fairly. Perhaps your occupation is creating difficulties at home and you need to stop bringing working issues home with you. Perhaps there is the potential that you might lose your job which in turn is affecting the home environment and your sense of security. An extensive review of the natal chart and other transits will help define how this opposition is playing out in your life.


Although oppositions are said to be demanding and challenging especially when we are speaking of Saturn, if you take the time to see what lessons are in place for you to learn, you can move through this lesson and grow from it. Saturn often provides challenging conditions in life for us to gain strength and eventually Saturn can create a more suitable condition which promises more stability and structure for the future. Much depends on what you choose to do with the energies at hand and how you handle them from an emotional perspective.


Let’s see how this pans out over the long haul and be sure to do your due diligence. Remember to acknowledge how this might help you over the long haul.  Saturn may create challenging conditions, but it is not our foe.

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1 comment:

  1. Happy to hear that you found the article helpful.  I am assuming that perhaps you are going through the Saturn return or having some challenging aspects linked to your natal chart. I am in agreement that on some level we all need a reboot moving forward. Going inward is always a good idea and if Pluto is connected or the eighth house holds relevance then this might be the perfect time to do just that. Saturn although sometimes acts in tumultuous ways does open the door for insight and over the long haul lessons of value and is a stabilization planetary energy once things settle in. All the best.
