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Wednesday, 26 August 2020


Transiting Jupiter will go direct on September 13, 2020.  Jupiter in its direct motions works at its best and promotes growth, good luck, opportunities and fortunate conditions particularly when in trine.  It does lose some of its opportunistic energies when in challenging aspect especially to Saturn.  However, when it makes a trine or sextile and even the conjunction to other planets, especially when we are speaking of our natal Sun, Jupiter’s energies shine.


Jupiter and the Sun share some similar characteristics.  They both speak of goals and growth potential as well as opportunities.  However, the Sun is much more personal in its nature than Jupiter.  The Sun speaks primarily of goals set by you for your or goals from others towards the self.


Currently Jupiter is in retrograde but will go direct as mentioned on September 13, 2020.  Jupiter will turn direct when it is at 17 degrees in the sign of Capricorn.  It stays in Capricorn until mid-December, 2020, when it then moves into the sign of Aquarius.  A trine from Jupiter to the Sun will have an orb of influence from 5 degrees approaching and 2 degrees separating. 


Those individuals with their Sun in Virgo using these degrees will be influenced by this alignment.  Also keep in mind that there are other mitigating factors in the chart such as the opposition from Neptune which tends to make things a little unclear, and the trine from Pluto which can bring transformation and power potential into the format of the whole natal profile picture.  Always use all significant factors while determining the potential in a chart analysis.


Much will depend on the houses involved in the equation but there will likely be opportunities for growth and expansion in the area of goals in life.  Your life’s direction may look overly pleasing and you feel opportunistic with a broad view of the potentials that might lie ahead.  Make sure you are viewing these with your eyes wide open and do not build too much into this although the opportunities are there, again depending on other aspects in the natal chart at this time.  If you are not totally sure of what a chart is describing it is wise to consult a professional Astrologer.


Looking from the vantage point of this aspect only (transiting Jupiter trine the Sun) you can use these energies to enhance your career, expand your horizons, be optimistic about your outcome potentials and go for it.  Jupiter does have a 12 year cycle so the next time you experience this trine (Sun in Virgo people) will be in about 4 years.  It might be wise to do some planning and then advance your cause.  The energies are favourable for easy flow, good fortune, opportunities and general good luck, as well as the likelihood of favourable health conditions unless again if there are other factors in the chart indicating something different.


Take advantage of these energies.


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Are you interested in learning Astrology.  Holm Astrology offers Astrology courses.  Our current classes have been postponed but please watch for the announcement of our new dates yet to be established.  Visit for course details.


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