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Friday 15 January 2021


 We continue our post from January 13, 2021 touching on house polarities and i9ntegrating an opposition.  In our example we used Saturn in the second and Uranus in the eight houses. 


It is important to integrate both houses involved in the opposition without losing focus or emphasizing one house over the other.  Oppositions are opposing factors that create tension but through integration can be resolved and used in a positive manner.


It is also important while defining the meaning of your oppositions to take into consideration the natural rulers of the houses involved as well.  So in this case the natural ruler of the second house is Venus and Taurus and the natural ruler of the eighth house is Pluto and Scorpio.  This should be taken into consideration when trying to find alignment of the two houses and planets involved in the opposition.


When a planet is found in the final degrees of a house, some Astrologers say as much as five degrees from the cusp, the energies are pushing towards the next house and both houses should be used in the formulation of action taken to alleviate the stress of the opposition.  So, if for example, Saturn was found 2 degrees from the cusp of the third house while still placed in the second house, both houses should be clearly defined to get a full understanding of what areas of life are involved as well as ways in which these areas of life can be used in ordinance with the opposing house involved in the equation. 


In the description of Saturn in the second and Uranus in the eighth, a positive expression and release of tension caused by this opposition might be to find ways of achieving financial security perhaps through joint finances, where the burden of expenses is shared according to the income between both people involved.  If there are continuous worries or anxieties over security matters, both financial or internal issues, letting go of these concerns through an understanding of mystical practice and an opening to new teachings that are available through occult understandings could help the struggles and present new ways to alleviate these internal worries. 


To take it one step further, if, for example, Saturn is tied to the third house because it conjoins the cusp of the third house, then communication and open dialogue will help alleviate some of the conditions that are causing concern and anxiety.


It is important to remember that there is always a resolution to any dilemma in life and Astrology can help you to understand the energies through evaluation of your oppositions which may be part of the problem.  You can find ways to integrate these energies and use them together to support one another and help find resolution to any concerns you may have.


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Are you interested in learning Astrology?  Holm Astrology offers Astrology courses.  Our current classes have been postponed but please watch for the announcement of our new dates yet to be established.  Visit for course details.


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