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Wednesday 19 May 2021


 On May 20, 2021, the Sun moves from the fixed, earth sign of Taurus (which has a lot to do with the building of a foundation that stands the test of time) into the mutable, air sign of Gemini.  If you were to follow the process built through the Sun in Taurus into the sign Gemini, what you have been working on and building over time now can be shared and the knowledge you gained through the hard work and preparation required is now ready for application and for use in daily life.  This would be the natural process of the Sun.


Gemini is a versatile and adaptable position for the Sun and has a yearning for knowledge and loves to share this information with others.  Gemini is ruled by the planet of expression, Mercury; and Gemini individuals know how to speak their mind.  They are intellectual and are always looking for more information to add to their reservoir of knowledge.  They are the “learners” of the Zodiac.  They are also the teachers of the Zodiac, although teaching is shared on many levels with different Sun signs.


Geminian people can be witty and fun to be with and never run short of ideas and are ever ready to move to the next phase of learning.  They are interested in themselves and the world at large.  They are able to dig up information that might be controversial or factual. 


As a quick forecast and since the outer planets always have the greatest impact in our lives, we will discuss in short some of the influences that Pluto will have on the typical Gemini.  Pluto, being the most powerful energy, is now in the sign of Capricorn at 26 degrees.  Pluto will be making an inconjunct or quincunx to those with their Sun in the later degrees of Gemini.  Quincunxes speak of adjustments and often indicate some challenging conditions to overcome. 


Depending on which house your Sun is located in within your birth chart and the house that transiting Pluto is moving through, as well as where you natal Pluto resides, these areas of life will need alignment on some level.  There may be power struggles to overcome and the path ahead and some goals in life may have to be altered.  Because Pluto is so dynamic and often points towards a total transformation, what you may experience can be a total shift into a new direction that will likely be difficult because the change is so finite. 


Pluto’s orb of influence can be felt up to five degrees approaching and will still have lingering effects up to 2 degrees after being direct.  As Pluto is in its retrograde cycle at the time this post was written, watch for it passing over the same degree again when it moves back into its direct motion in October, 2021.  You may have had this influence in your life for at least a year depending on the degree of your Sun in Gemini and may still have effects for another couple of years.  The energies are the strongest when they are direct and sitting right on your natal Sun’s position. 

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Are you interested in learning Astrology.  Holm Astrology offers Astrology courses.  Our current classes have been postponed but please watch for the announcement of our new dates yet to be established.  Visit for course details.


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