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Wednesday 2 November 2022


From the end of September to early December 2022 and again for most of March 2023 the transits of Neptune and Mars will be making a square to one another. Neptune will remain between 22–25° Pisces while Mars will be within orb of these degrees in Gemini.


This is considered a challenging aspect affecting anyone with their natal planets in these degrees. Of course, the natal aspect plays a significant role as well as the planet or angle being influenced by this square in your chart. A more fortunate delineation of the square suggests that although these energies are working against one another in some manner the energies are strong enough that they often force us into action. We need to act to alleviate these conditions.


Mars is about action and drive and often suggests aggression and force. Mars does not want to be held back with its decisive action which can be suddenly or unexpectedly. In Gemini its action can often be discussions or arguments when in challenging aspect. Sometimes it can be hard to make up our mind as there are many alternatives. This can be frustrating causing inner turbulence or outer confrontations that can be quite hostile and, in some cases, destructive.


Neptune in Pisces is often directed towards the mystical or spiritual in some way. However, it can lead to confusion or clarity can be hampered. There may be a veil of uncertainty involving a particular action or path forward resulting in uncompromising action that can have powerful effects.


Perhaps something stands in the way of our progress aligned with the spiritual path that we have chosen. Perhaps an argument occurs between two individuals that have different perspectives. In many cases those that are advanced in their spiritual beliefs know that there is no need to prove their point or try to make someone move in a particular direction, but at times there is a need to stand up to protect our values. This would be the time best not to push our beliefs on others. Have faith that you do not need to challenge them. The mind can interfere. Doubt and reflection may be part of the picture.


The houses involved along with other planetary energies within the natal profile will tell the story of how this is unfolding in your life if you have the links to activate this transit.


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Are you interested in learning Astrology?.  We will be offering a course in the Spring. Watch for details then. Visit for course details.


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