A Stellium in the Natal Astrology Chart
contains at least 4 planets within 8 degrees to the next planet in the line or
cluster of planets. Each planet must be
in the same sign or the same house. The
more planets within the Stellium, the more highlighted it becomes. The planets within the Stellium work together
as a group and give extraordinary emphasis to their ruling sign as well as the
house in which the Stellium is located.
To decipher a Stellium the sign characteristics
and the areas of life dictated by the house placement must be defined. The planets that are the most closely linked
affect the other planets, but even the ones on the far outside will experience
influences from the central planets. The
planet closest to the midpoint of the configuration is the central planet and the
one most sensitive. Any Natal aspects
that form close ties within this grouping of planets will further colour the
intensity of this configuration and add influence to the rest of the Chart.
Some of the positive characteristics that
can be utilized when using the energy of the Stellium include the strong
feeling of being in control of one’s own actions and focusing on the direction
one must take in order to make the most out of a situation. Many people with this combination are
self-motivated and have a clear purpose that they will pursue with single
mindedness that few attain in life. It
is as though there is a concentrated energy in the area of life indicated by
the house position, and often one harvests talents in this area. There is a definite sense of purpose with
these individuals.
If the energies are not used correctly,
there are often challenges that stand in the way of progress and in bringing
these positive energies together. Some
develop self-centredness and obsessive qualities within the framework of the
particular house involved. Through miss
use, these individuals will portray the negative traits of the sign,
unfortunately. There is narrowness in
their point of view and they will display an unwillingness to listen to advice
as they have difficulty making compromises and they lack objectivity. Some become extremists in the area of life
connected with the house emphasised which creates an imbalance that will need
When the Stellium is affected by transits
or progressions, these individuals experience an ongoing event period, the
focus of which will depend on the planet involved and the aspect related to the
Stellium. They usually experience times
of relative peace and serenity and then when the Stellium is activated, times
of turmoil over an extensive time with much action and exuberance experienced.
Check your Natal chart to see if you have a
Stellium and find out what potential talent you have to express. Astrology can pinpoint time frames in your
life when these Stelliums are activated and how they will unfold in your life
as well as the duration. If the Stellium
is in two signs or two houses the influence is similar but less intense. The areas of life affected will encompass
both houses and the area of life they rule.
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on Astrology and to read our food-for-thought posts. If you would like to keep
your questions confidential or would like to speak to us concerning the
preparation of a chart, please contact us at holmastrology@gmail.com