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Friday 21 February 2014


This is dedicated to a very brave woman.  She knows who she is and is the living example of what we are about to speak of.......

It can be extremely difficult to understand some of the violence that occurs in our world!  Why do some need power over others and are determined to act with destructive behaviour?  How can someone commit heinous crimes against their earthly brother or sister?  What can be done to change these acts? 

It has been suggested that there are many causes of violence but there are two main workings identified with the basics for violence.  A trigger can create violent acts.  One working of the act of violence is as a result of anger carried to the extreme; and at times, the need for power and control or the need to take back control.   Secondly, these individuals can be predisposed to violence.  Violence is an unquestioned way of life and it lives within the individual who has committing the act.

There are those from a young age who have grown up living under conditions most of us cannot image.  This way of life is the norm in their eyes.  Some individuals live under a difference code of ethics than most of us are accustomed to.  This code can be put in place for many reasons.  It can be for survival whether it be in their own homes or on the streets.  This may seem somewhat extreme to you and I, but it is just a way of life for others.

Most of these individuals experience a life of feeling unloved and alone and often do not develop compassion for others. 

In no way are we suggesting that an explanation justifies these appalling, violent crimes.  There is no justification when someone becomes the target of cruelty and viciousness.  We are so bombarded with the media today that many believe our world is on a collision course.  Overall, people are kind and well-meaning but this does not make headlines. 

Each of us must promote peace by being peace.  We are the initiators, and we mold our world by our own focus and intentions.  It starts with you.  What can you do today to make your tiny corner of the world a better place to live?  How can you promote love and compassion in your immediate surroundings?  Be the example!  Show love and compassion to each individual you meet along your path.  Your smile or acknowledgement of their existence can make a difference in their world.  What is the cost to you?  What are the ripple effects of your actions or interactions? 

If we mold our reality through thought, through interchange of concepts and through belief structure, can we not influence those around us? Our reality is based on expectations and our view of our world.  If we learn to focus our attention, surely we can shift the consciousness of mankind.  It does take action on your behalf and with help through numbers and the actual believe that it can happen, we can move mountains.

Start at home and then in your workplace, walking down the street and with your friends.  Assist us in shaping our world into a better place for everyone.  We are not here by chance and this is a great part of our united purpose.  It is not by chance that we are here together.  If we move together as one force are capabilities are boundless.  If we become diligent in our action both physically and mentally, instead of being bystanders, we will prevail.  It begins with you.  Take your stand to assist in nurturing our world, starting today!
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