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Wednesday 5 February 2014

Spirit Guides

On occasion, do you feel as though someone is watching over you especially when you are deeply immersed in times of tribulations?  Have you ever been through a traumatic period in life when there appears to be no hope, and then suddenly, you feel relieved as if someone has taken part of the weight off of your shoulders?  These turbulent times are necessary ingredients to your ongoing growth and have been put in place to provide you with tests for your perseverance, patience, compassion, strength, etc.  When you have invested long periods of time working through these events and you get to that point where you feel there is nothing more you can do, this is when you will uncover the assistance you require.

You are never alone, no matter how alone you may feel.  When life seems desperate and there is no way around a barrier, there is always someone right over your shoulder ready to assist you in ways that enhance spiritual development.  It is not all about making it through the trauma with ease.  It is about lessons well learned in the process.  Spirit guides are always at your side and will assist you in taking the correct decisive action, or making accurate judgement calls.  They will push you in the direction that will best promote not only healing but will aid you in gaining inner strength and inner confidence.

Sometimes upon initial receipt of this guidance, you may wonder why you feel that this is your best option.  It may not even make sense logically although it will feel right.  This is the starting point; the change in direction.  Remember, that any transition period (even for the better) encompasses the most difficult of times.  As you move forward in your judgement call or new direction, it may be a little frightening at first, as it is new and you are traveling uncharted territory.  Something tells you to forge ahead and you are provided with confidence although you may not feel it is warranted.   Understand that without the notion of confidence which comes to you from the other side, you would never make the necessary adjustments and you would stagnate to the point of total disillusionment and eventually falter with no clear path and no decisive action.  You would be lost in doubt.

Although the path at times is difficult and unclear, believe in the little voice that says you are on the right path and you are making the right decision.  Your guides can always be counted on.  They are with you every step of the way, always at your proverbial finger tips.  Know this and understand that you are never alone through life’s drama, and you will always make your way through the obstruction.  There is always an answer.  You are never to give up.  You must have faith and believe that you will find the answer; you will return to your life’s more enjoyable path.  You have a mission.  Only you can stand in your way.  Listen to the guidance that is there, you need only choose to listen.  It is then that you will move beyond that barrier and you will uncover the happiness and love that is everyone’s right.  There are no exceptions!  Believe, have confidence and be open to the quiet voice that speaks to you.   
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