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Wednesday, 14 December 2016


Mercury will go retrograde (appears to be moving backward) on December 19 or 20, 2016, and remain so until January 8, 2017.  The date will vary depending on the where you live.  During this retrograde cycle, Mercury will be in between 15 degrees Capricorn and move as far back as 28 degrees Sagittarius before it goes direct again.

Mercury retrograde cycles are most important to those that have Mercury retrograde in their birth chart, although it does affect everyone to some degree.  This will be particularly true if you have Mercury retrograde in your birth chart and then also have it in the critical degrees and the signs (from 28 degrees Sagittarius to 15 degrees Capricorn).

Mercury retrograde seems to create external conflicts for those that meet the above criteria.  It may seem as though any plans that you set in motion during these dates are subject to delays, mishaps and there will be the need to make sure that what you are proposing to do is well prepared for and all necessary preparatory sets have been taken before you finally move forward with your goals.  Even the best laid plans can go astray during this cycle and many Astrologers suggest that their clients wait until this cycle is over before proceeding with their plans.

Much depends on other influences in the birth chart related to these degrees (28 degrees Sagittarius to 15 degree Capricorn).  If you have other planets within these critical degrees and especially if they are in square (90 degrees), in opposition (180 degrees) or conjunct (0 degrees) to this placement, they might indicate some struggles when it comes to making plans actually happen as they were originally planned to unfold.

Plans seem to be postponed or reversals happen during this time, and making new plans during this cycle, unless totally unavoidable, are not suggested.  If, however, you have natal planets that are in sextile (60 degrees) or trine (120 degrees) and in some cases (the conjunction 0 degrees), goals may not manifest as you expected.  The outcome, however, may still be favourable.  Regardless of the aspects, the time spent during this period is often not as disruptive or devastating as most people believe.  You will find that some things go by without a hitch although some things can go terribly wrong.  It is suggested, however, that if you do need to move ahead in something, particularly any written contracts, such as making plans to buy a car and signing important documents, you carefully weight things out and read the fine print before signing.

There are often delays or unforeseen delays.  Taxation problems have been noted to go astray or the purchasing of a home may also signify some type of hitches during the process.  Either the house is not ready or the plans do not go as timely as they are supposed to.  Make sure you are totally satisfied before you sign any papers.  Signing documents is often a huge part of the process in the Mercury retrograde cycle, as Mercury is the ruler of such things.

If you are getting ready to write an exam or a final paper, you should make sure that you use the retrograde time to study the subject in a complete and comprehensive manner.  Mercury retrograde cycles are great times for study.  Preparatory work is well suited for this time frame.

Regardless of what has to happen during this period, you should still go ahead if you must, but be prepared for delays and minor obstructions along the way.

Would you like a chance to WIN a free oracle card reading? All members of Holm Astrology will be entering into a draw to win a free reading on January 1, 2017. Become a member at for your chance to win.

Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.

Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

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Tuesday, 13 December 2016


We tend to think of ourselves as a separate entity, free and clear of any type of actual inseparable bond with anyone else.  We connect but at the same time we feel separated and in many ways on our own in this life.  We can make close connects and can also feel attached in many ways emotionally but still feel separate and individual.

Why is this?  Are we really so different from one another? 

Many of us have different as well as similar beliefs.  We can follow similar routines and habits in our everyday life.  We may feel a connection with those who have similar beliefs, and we structure our lives according to these beliefs.  These beliefs we hold dear.  Although we have many ideas in common with many in our inner circle, few, if anyone else, holds the exact same belief structures completely.  Does this structure make us different?   Do these differences interfere with our similarities?

We are all here in physical form for a certain amount of time.  Each of us lives our lives together, sharing our resources and this planet we call home.  We are also all connected through our true nature-- with spirit and with our connection and wholeness in source.

We, as humans, seem to thirst for our own individual identity. It seems that we need to think of ourselves as separate from our brothers and sisters and yet, we strive to fit in.  Do we really need to be separate to feel unique?  All living things are made of energy without exception.  How much do we vary on a molecular level?

Perhaps it is time that we recognize that we are all spiritual entities undergoing a human experience and that our core is the same and we all stem from the same source.  We are so connected that when one hurts, we all hurt on some level.  It helps to remember this as we push our way through life without consideration for those that walk with us.  Deep down inside, we all have the same credentials. We all crave love and understanding if we dig deep enough. 

We are each part of the whole.  Each of us represents a spark from the fire of existence.  The whole however is inseparable so how individual are we?  Share your love with others so that you will be loved.  Do whatever you feel good at doing and live in harmony in our oneness. 

Be automatically entered into a draw to WIN a free oracle card reading to be drawn January 1, 2016 by becoming a member of the Holm Astrology website.  Enter at 

You can obtain more information on Astrology and our charts at

Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

Please “Like” us on Facebook.  Your “shares” are appreciated and your questions are welcomed.

If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please

Monday, 12 December 2016


We will be having a Full Moon in Central Ontario (Canada) in the sign of Gemini at 22 degrees on the 13th of December at 7:06 p.m.  Depending on where in the world you live, you may experience the full moon on December 14, 2016.  You can check the timing of the lunar phases in your area at

Gemini is closely linked to the formulation of new ideas often brought on through education and conversation.  Since once again this is a time to harvest, we suggest that you to take diligent notes on what you are being educated on.  Harvest the knowledge you are being presented with as you may be able to use these ideas later in creating short transcripts or perhaps the writing of a book.  With Gemini involved, it will be something along these lines. 

It could be a time to market your ideas to the public or present these concepts perhaps within your schooling.  If you have already been in the process of marketing your ideas now may be the best time to move ahead, especially if you have planets that link up with this 22nd degree.  Trines and sextile to Gemini at 22 degrees will certainly work to your advantage.  Squares to this degree may require more work on your part, while oppositions indicate that other people will have an influence in your endeavours.

Mercury, which is ruled by Gemini, will be going into its retrograde cycle on the 19th of December and will remain retrograde until January 8, 2017.  During this retrograde cycle, you should be making plans in the areas we have just discussed.  Then if fully prepared, move forward on these ideas (probably after the retrograde cycle ends).  The retrograde cycle of Mercury suggests that rather than put things into action you would do better with making plans to do so.  Move forward after this cycle is finished, which again will be any time after the 8th of January. 

Mercury will be in the final stages of Sagittarius when it turns direct which is 6 degrees beyond being direct to this Full Moon. 

Mercury will be in opposition to this placement of the Moon so the potential for someone to be of assistance with your endeavour is enhanced.  Saturn will also be in the sign of Sagittarius and Saturn nearly always presents you with obstacles to overcome and may also slow down the process, so be patient and make sure you are completely prepared for this undertaking.  Saturn’s restrictions are actually lessons.
Uranus is also in trine to this position, approximately 20 degree Aries, suggesting some opportunities will come your way, but you can expect the unexpected.  Plans will materialize when you least expect them to.  This is the energies of Uranus.  Jupiter is also in the sign of Libra at this time which suggests some luck in obtaining benefits and expansion on these ideas.  Jupiter can be very beneficial even when Saturn creates its hard lessons.

As mentioned, check your chart to see if you have other planetary positions at 22 degrees or if your MC or Ascendant is involved in the sequence of events.  This will further define what opportunities or what obstacles that you may have to deal with as you move forward.  Be sure to wait until the Mercury retrograde cycle is over before you actually take any concrete steps, if at all possible.

Would you like a chance to WIN a free oracle card reading?  All members of Holm Astrology will be entering into a contest to win a free reading on January 1, 2017.  Become a member at for your chance to win.

Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.

Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

Please “Like” us on Facebook.  Your “shares” are appreciated and your questions are welcomed.

If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit

Saturday, 10 December 2016

Birth Chart Testimonial

Peter Holm of Holm Astrology had previously done an Astrology Oracle Card Reading that was "spot on" for me so I asked for his expertise again, this time for my Astrology Birth Chart.....

Today I met with him & was amazed at his findings....

His attention to detail & interpretation of my chart was awesome....

There it was, all laid out in order of my life.....accuracy & clarity....

It is so amazing, that the way the planets align at the time of birth has such an effect on your life....

Peter's professionalism is second to none.....

I will absolutely recommend Peter Holm of Holm Astrology to everyone I know....

Thank you, Peter, for this amazing gift you share....Awesome.....


DA, Wasaga Beach, On.

Friday, 9 December 2016


As we are currently under the sun sign of Sagittarius, we are continuing our look at Jupiter, Sagittarius’ ruling planet.  Jupiter is known as the great benefactor and often extends good luck and opportunities when it makes contact with other planets while transiting through the horoscope.  Jupiter’s energies are what we wait for.  It brings with it expansion on many levels related to the area of life represented by the house that it is transiting through in your chart.

It will bring beneficial opportunities and success unless the planet it touches is severely afflicted in the natal chart or poorly aspected by other transiting planets.  In this case, these could be times when we might become expectant of something good happening and possibly overestimates the outcome. 

When Jupiter makes aspects, especially by trine or sextile, (and in most cases conjunctions to the Sun, Venus, the Ascendant, the midheaven and even the north node) opportunities for advancement is likely.  When these planets and important points are aspected adversely, opportunities still present themselves, but you may have to work harder for results.  Saturn is basically the only planet that suggests challenging conditions linked to Jupiter, unless it is really well aspected in the birth chart.

Jupiter deals with religion, spirituality, philosophy and is often tied to higher learning.  It rules law and the legal system and there are times when Jupiter aspects a planet or is moving through the ninth house that legalities are enhanced and opportunities for a successful conclusion is most likely.  This may work in your favour but the results may fall short of your expectations.  Jupiter does sometimes bring exactly what you are asking for so it is important to ask for what is appropriate and to find satisfaction in all outcomes.

Even the squares and oppositions when involved with Jupiter seem to bring more benefits than when these aspects are associated with other planetary energies.  Just watch for overextending yourself during these times as Jupiter tends to expand everything it touches.  Some people gain weight when Jupiter crosses over the Ascendant. 

If there are other energies in the chart that suggest that there is the potential for things not to work out, Jupiter can expand on these energies although in most cases it helps rather than hinders. 

Jupiter’s energies almost always promises opportunities for expansion and growth so take advantage of these times in your life and make Jupiter work for and with you.

Would you like a chance to WIN a free oracle card reading?  All members of Holm Astrology will be entering into a contest to win a free reading on January 1, 2017.  Become a member at for your chance to win.

#Astrology #Jupiter #expansion #luck #opportunity #growth #spirituality #philosophy #legalities

Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.

Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

Please “Like” us on Facebook.  Your “shares” are appreciated and your questions are welcomed.

If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit

Thursday, 8 December 2016


Do not allow yourself to lose focus of your own personal ideologies.  It is important not only during good times but especially through hard lessons to continue to share, love and be compassionate.  We must always be the mirror image of what we want to see in our world around us.

It is said that currently we are in a transitional stage.  As with all transition periods, comes times of turbulence.  Be compassionate and share love with your fellow brothers and sisters.  Stay focused on the positive.  It is plentiful, if we care to pay attention.  We may be in a state of flux but that does not mean that we cannot stay focused on our true journey, which is based on of love.  We can rise above any global event.  When we focus on the blessings in each and every day, which are too numerous to list, we keep our energy levels high above the levels that perpetuate fear and hatred.

Live each day in a manner that serves you best.  Do not allow the actions of others to intrude into your loving world.  If we live in fear and hatred, then the actions of those lacking in love around us have truly infiltrated our own personal world and lowered our energy.  Peace, contentment, joy.....these cannot be obtained through violence, discontent, hatred. 

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. stated this clearly:
“The ultimate weakness of violence is that it is a descending spiral,
begetting the very thing it seeks to destroy.
Instead of diminishing evil, it multiplies it.
Through violence you may murder the liar,
but you cannot murder the lie, nor establish the truth.
Through violence you may murder the hater,
but you do not murder hate.
In fact, violence merely increases hate.
So it goes.
Returning violence for violence multiplies violence,
adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars.
Darkness cannot drive out darkness:
only light can do that.
Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that.”

We are one.  Our beliefs in life are not worth having if they cannot stand up during times of trial.  Let the light of source continue to be your guide and stay true to your own personal journey.

Nothing can bend the strong arm of compassion and together as a force we can help channel hate in different directions.  Hate is the absence of love.  If you fill hate with love, it can no longer exist.  All actions create waves of energy.  These waves are continual and once they have returned, you will reap the harvest of what you have sown.  Life looks after life and what we set in motion today will have ramifications in our world on future dates.

Acts of love and compassion raise your vibration and in so doing raise the vibration of all that surrounds you.  Rise above the seeds of fear that have been planted.  Find that place within that resonates with love at the highest level. 

Together our energies create the whole.  There is only one life to live for the moment, one life to give in the moment.  Here, today, is your opportunity to make this world a better place for you, for everyone, for the whole.

Would you like a chance to WIN a free oracle card reading?  All members of Holm Astrology will be entering into a contest to win a free reading on January 1, 2016. Become a member at for your chance to win.

Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.

Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

Please “Like” us on Facebook. Your “shares” are appreciated and your questions are welcomed.

If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please

Wednesday, 7 December 2016


If you have natal Jupiter is in the sign of Aries, you could be a pioneering individual.  These individuals usually are one who walks their own walk, talks their own talk and acts in terms of leading rather than following.  They can be very enthusiastic and have the ability to push others into action.  They have strong opinions and believe in themselves.  They always appear quite confident.  They are not afraid of competition, in fact they like it.  They calculate optimistically and forge ahead once their mind is made up, which may not take long.  If they fail to reach a specific goal, they are quite comfortable with picking up the pieces and beginning anew.  They just have to learn from their mistakes.

Aries rules the first house and if Jupiter is in the first house natally, these individuals often appear very cheerful and fun-loving.  They are kind-hearted and really believe in the power of positive thinking.  They live their lives with this in mind.  They understand that negativity breads negativity and they try to steer clear of such thinking.  This might make them appear a little naïve but they truly believe that optimistic thinking advances them and others, and this attitude will push positivity out into their environment.

Jupiter in Leo individuals are very generous with their efforts in assisting others.  They are also optimistic and have good luck when it comes to intimating relationships, although some give more than they receive.  Jupiter is the planet of good luck and expansion.  In Leo, these people can be quite proud of their achievements and just as proud of the achievement of those that are near and dear to them.  They love adventure and may also find fortune with their expertise in the arts, as some seem to be quite adept in creating in life.  Their children, as well as other people’s children, are important to them and they will spend much of their time making sure that their needs are met.  This generous nature truly comes from the heart.

The fifth house is ruled by Leo and those that have Jupiter in the fifth house are warm-hearted, genuine in their caring attitudes and truly want to help.  Jupiter also rules expansion and the learning of religious doctrines and life’s philosophies.  These individuals may be adept at learning and teaching these areas of life to those around them.  As mentioned, creativity is an area of potential opportunities and this could be found through many different avenues of expression.  Just watch for a potential love of gambling, as taking risks and finding ways to capture enjoyment is also high on these people’s minds.

Jupiter in Sagittarius is quite at home in this placement and often produces talents in religion, philosophy and mystical pursuits.  These individuals develop through these channels over their life time and will explore these areas in great depths.  Life and its experiences are what these people wish to find, whether this be found in the great outdoors, through activities in sporting events or through philosophical understanding.  They want to learn by experiencing these things first hand.  Many find travel to foreign lands is an area where higher learning can be acquired.  

Jupiter rules the ninth house and those that have their natal Jupiter in the ninth house have a great need to gain insight and knowledge from what life teaches.  Many are skilled at teaching and many have educated themselves through life; either through the actual schooling process or through the school of hard knocks.  They are seekers of the wide open spaces and live their lives with a desire for free speech and are not afraid to say what they feel, regardless of who it may offend.  They are open, quite willing to debate and have a wide range of knowledge on many subjects.  They are the teachers of the zodiac and are knowledgeable because they have often either read about these things and more than likely have experiences to back up their facts.

Be automatically entered into a draw to WIN a free oracle card reading to be drawn January 1, 2016 by becoming a member of the Holm Astrology website.  Enter at 

You can obtain more information on Astrology and our charts at

Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

Please “Like” us on Facebook.  Your “shares” are appreciated and your questions are welcomed.

If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please