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Monday, 16 April 2018


This post on the transit of Pluto can apply to the conjunction to natal Venus, progressed Venus and Venus in the solar chart.  How we interpret the energies will depend on which house Pluto is transiting and also its natal position along with the house that Venus is located in within the current chart.  Is this aspect currently in your chart?

Regardless of where these planets are located in the Astrology chart, Venus’ energy focuses on relationships and Pluto can have profound effects on the sexual content of these relationships.  Pluto adds passion and intensity to sexual unions and although it signifies a passionate relationship, it will not be without some type of energy evolving around control issues.  Pluto can be very compulsive, even obsessive and seeks domination and power.  Therefore, any relationship which began under this influence will not be a light-hearted one.  Your involvement will be all inclusive and the potential for transformation on deep internal, physical and emotional levels are indicative of this combination.

You are likely to have power issues and one of the partners may want dominance over the other. This is not a passive encounter and although the encounter will be heightened to the extreme, there may be some struggles along the way.  You will undoubtedly be looking for an intense encounter.  How intense are you willing to go and what boundaries will you put in place?  You might have trouble setting boundaries with this relationship.

If this relationship is already established, you will still have powerful needs and will want instant fulfillment. There are no half measures under this influence in a relationship and if you feel as though you are not satisfied with the relationship, be careful not to be swayed by your desires.  It is, however, a time when you can uncover any psychological interference that might need adjustment.  This will be the time that these issues may surface.  Handle the situation in a gentle fashion.  Remember that sex and love can be sensitive areas and your partner can easily become hurt if you do not use tactics and deal with these issues through your heart.

Have a close look at your chart and locate Mars.  Once located, check to see how Mars is aspected.  This aspect will either make things easier or more challenging.  Mars provides the motivation and drive required for any union.  If it is in aspect to Venus in the natal chart, this will add to the flavour of this transit.  If Mars is in a challenging position to Pluto, this could mean some type of confrontation or test. 

I would be amiss if I did not note that you should be careful that you are not aligning yourself with the potential for violence.  I am not suggesting that there will be violence but need to give a warning. 

The whole chart should be carefully delineated to provide a complete understanding of what is taking place in your life and with this relationship, (if there is a current relationship).  Without a relationship this could be a very frustrating time, but this too will pass.

Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.

Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

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If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit

Saturday, 14 April 2018

Are You Going to Collingwood Fair?

Don’t miss the 2018 Spring Body & Mind Psychic Fair being held at Cranberry Resort/Village (Bear Estate), 300 Balsam Street in Collingwood on Sunday, April 22, 2018.  Doors open at 10 a.m. and the fair runs until 5 p.m.

Admission to the fair is free and there will be draw prizes! 

Holm Astrology will be offering intuitive card readings.  Astrology chart readings cannot be commissioned at the fair due to time restraints. 

Due to the number of people who attend the events hosts by Events By LA and the number of our return clients, at the last fair we were fully booked before noon.  We urge you to book your reading in advance to avoid disappointment.

Holm Astrology offers a discount to those who book and pay for their readings in advance.  Pre-book your reading through Holm Astrology’s Website at and receive a 15%+ discount off our “At The Fair Reading Rate”.

Contact us at if you have any questions or to suggest a time that is convenient for you.  We will do our best to accommodate you. 

Come to experience the extraordinary energy of these events.


Friday, 13 April 2018


As many of you know, a New Moon speaks of a time to plant seeds, a time to push into new adventures and forge ahead with things that we may have put on the backburner. 

Mercury will go direct (and end its retrograde cycle) on April 15, 2018 which it the same day that we experience the New Moon in Aries (9:59 p.m. EDT).  Mercury retrograde cycle is a time to review plans and then once Mercury goes direct, we can push ahead with our ideas or plans.  The combination of the New Moon and Mercury going retrograde is a perfect time to plant the seeds of our goals.

I have read that some individuals connect the energies of this new April moon with truth and a need to forge ahead on some level.  This could be due to the influence of Uranus’ conjunction to this New Moon.  Transiting Uranus is at 28 degrees and the New Moon is at 26 degree and both are in the sign of Aries – the sign of energies geared to push ahead.

The New Moon’s energy, as mentioned, speaks of a new cycle of energy pushing us to start anew with projects, with life objectives and personal plans.  With this Moon phase being in the sign of Aries, this drive to push ahead is reinforced and we will be pushed even harder than normal.  It may feel as though nothing can stop us if we decide to make that move.  The “move” itself may be somewhat eccentric or unusual or it may point in a whole new direction because of the influence of Uranus.

Both Uranus and the sign of Aries are geared for action, taking a new direction and pushing ahead because of the desire for change.  It is important that you have been using the energies of Mercury retrograde and hopefully thinking deeply about what you are planning to do.  Make sure that it is for the good of those concerned and that you are not acted rash and in an unprepared manner.  Find a place within where you can review your objectives clearly and do not rush headlong into something that you feel unsure about or have not done you due diligence with.  The energy will be powerful and the need to advance will be great, but the necessary planning should be in place before you move.  Mistakes can happen under the “headfirst” influences of Aries and Uranus. 

Sometimes Uranus’ pushes for change and something new is exemplified with these energies and although in general Uranus does push for needed change, these changes can happen in rather unexpected manners.  Find ways to germinate these seeds of adventure through planning and do not just simply jump ahead without forethought.  Do not, however, hold yourself back simply because of a fear of failure.  The energies of Aries make it quite easy to pick up the pieces and begin anew if necessary. 

It is a push and pull situation.  If you are taking the necessary time to re-evaluate your options, move forward and plant those seeds.  If you are certain about what it is that you want to do then push ahead full steam.   In about 6 months’ time, you should reap the rewards of your efforts or if you did not nurture your seeds as you should have, it will be a time to do some weeding.

Be sure to check to see which house Uranus and the New Moon are located in within your chart.  This will provide you with information as to which area of life will be influenced by these energies.  The house that your natal Uranus is located in and the aspects to Uranus in your chart will also provide some details as to what to expect and also how these energies might unfold.

Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.

Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

Please “Like” us on Facebook. Your “shares” are appreciated and your questions are welcomed.

If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit

Thursday, 12 April 2018


One of the greatest gifts available to us is our ability to learn and then in turn, the ability to use these teachings to enhance our lives. 

There are many ways we can learn.  It is important, however, to adapt an attitude of openness and to realize that we can and will always learning.  We will never have all the answers and this is okay.  Even in situations where we have been approached for help and we are offering advice in support, it is just as important to listen to what those seeking advice have to say as we can learn from them.  It is a give and take experience. 

A frequently missed too for learning, when we are offering advice to others, it is equally important that we heed the advice we are offering as help.  Reinforcing the basics in any lesson is never futile.  Knowing what advice to give or what to say at any given moment does not mean that we actually live the advice we are giving.  Sometimes the advice or solutions come from within…from a higher source.  The message can be just as important to us as it is to the person we are orally delivering it to.  The art of listening is one of our greatest learning tools. 

Many of us are short on listening and often this is exactly what is required in the moment.  Many of us find it hard to simply sit quietly and listen as the mind loves to interfere.  (Meditation is a wonderful tool to overcome this interference and teach us the ability to hear messages from our higher self.)

Many of us gain information through reading and studying.  Again, many of us gain knowledge through the practical living of each and every day.  We learn through our working conditions, our close associates, our loved ones, nature’s examples, etc. 

The greatest learning tool available to us is life itself.  It holds many different teachers and lessons.  We learn and remember the lessons from these experiences, particularly the tough ones.  If we take the time to reflect on these experiences, we can draw much knowledge and grow experientially.

It is important to listen when we need to listen and quiet the mind’s interference.  There is much to learn and the opportunities for learning never diminish.  What a wealth of opportunity available to us.

Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.

Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

Please “Like” us on Facebook. Your “shares” are appreciated and your questions are welcomed.

If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit

Wednesday, 11 April 2018


Any planet which is found to be conjunct (same degree) to the MC or Midheaven (2 degrees conjunct from the ninth house or 5 degrees conjunct from the tenth house) has a profound effect on our goals in life and our drive to succeed or our drive to make a name for ourselves.  The closer this planet is to the MC, the stronger its influence will be.

Since the MC is connected closely to our profession and public status, this planet or planets will influence our ability to succeed.  Also look at any aspects from other planets to the MC or any planet that fits this conjunct criterion for more information on the energies of this aspect.  These natal statements will certainly colour our profession and our ability to achieve in life.  It has been noted that around 5 percent of the general population has this conjunction within one degree of the Midheaven.

If you have for example Saturn within this orb of this Midheaven conjunction, there would be obstacles and challenging conditions linked to making a mark in life or achieving recognition for your efforts.  Saturn, however, does offer great potential when you work meticulously and conscientiously towards your objectives.  If you have put forth great effort, the likelihood for success is there but there may be some type of delay in reaching your goals in some way.  We have the potential to make any aspect work positively in our life regardless of challenges attached.  We may just have to work harder and have faith in our own abilities, however.

If, for example, Jupiter is conjunct the MC, the potential for growth and expansion as well as some good luck especially if the aspects from other planets also point in this direction, will be increased.  The sign and planetary link on the MC defines, in part, our occupation and drive to succeed.  Having Taurus or Aries on the cusp of the tenth house or having Saturn or Jupiter in this place would certainly have a profound and different approach to how we would address our push for advancement and also our occupation’s potential.

There are other factors that can determine what we might want to do for a living, such as our Sun sign and house position, our Ascendant as well as our Nodal positions, but the first place to provide us with direction would be the MC and any planet conjunct its position.  Many famous people have planets conjunct this position in their chart. 

The Midheaven’s sign, any planets conjunct this positon and the ruling planet of the MC play significant roles in determining what might fit into our occupational profile.  It also should be noted that if any angle especially the MC or ASC degree falls in the “Aries point degree”, the potential for recognition (even heightened potential for fame) is increased.  The Aries point is any angle which is from 0 to 1.5 degrees in a cardinal sign (Aries, Caner, Libra or Capricorn).  The closer to exact (degree), the stronger the possibilities. 

Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.

Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

Please “Like” us on Facebook. Your “shares” are appreciated and your questions are welcomed.

If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit

Tuesday, 10 April 2018


As our lives play out, do we every reach a point where stimuli is no longer required for us to take the next step forward? 

Do we ever reach a point in life when we have truly learned all there is to know? 

I am sure each of our answers to these questions will differ somewhat.

For certain, our material based learning ends at the moment we pass from this life.  Perhaps when we finally reach that disincarnate destination, our continued education takes a new route.  We can no longer learn from life’s experiences, so our learning must be from a totally different perspective. 

Enough speculation!  Until that day arrives, no matter how full our reservoir of knowledge feels and our experience extends, we should never close ourselves to gaining further knowledge.

There truly never comes a point in life when we just stop learning.  The true lessons in life do not come from text books (yet we can feed our mind with this type of knowledge).  The most valuable lessons come from our experiences.  Many of our lessons may not be overly pleasing, as those individuals that are on the road to self-discovery understand quite well.  However, some of those tough lessons bring us to the most precious realizations and provide us with our greatest rewards. 
There are many steps along the road and each one opens a door that previously was closed to us.  These could be doors we never expected to open or even doors we never knew existed previously.  Our attitudes change as we learn and grow and often this change in attitude is the key that unlocks these doors. 

We learn much from open interaction with others and ourselves.   

We are the keepers of our own personal wisdom gained through our journey.  No one learns from our unique experiences and life’s interchanges like we do.  No one hears our internal dialogue and no one truly shares our experiences.  We are unique unto ourselves. 

We are energy capable of unimaginable feats only limited by our beliefs and attitude.  Our life’s quest has no limits.  The only limits are the ones we impose upon ourselves. 

Enjoy your ongoing evolutionary journey.  Stay open to all concepts.  Ingrained knowledge stems from a source far beyond the normal confines of understanding.  Intuitive understanding comes from a place beyond human thinking. 

Where does this knowing come from?  We will leave you to answer that question yourself. 

Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.

Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at
Please “Like” us on Facebook.  Your “shares” are appreciated and your questions are welcomed.

If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit

Monday, 9 April 2018


The Grand Square (also known as the Grand Cross) is an aspect in Astrology and it involves at least four planets, two oppositions and four squares.  The first and third planets will be in opposition (180 degrees) to one another, the second and fourth planets will be in opposition to each other, while the first planet squares (90 degrees) the second planet and the second plant squares the third plant and the third plant squares the fourth planet and the fourth squares the first planet involved. 

A strong Grand Square will have all of the four planets in the same mode (cardinal, fixed or mutable).  If one or more of the planets do not fit into this criteria then it is considered a weak Grand Square.  The closer the squares and oppositions are by degree to one another, the stronger the energies of the Grand Square.

The Grand Square is considered a challenging aspect because of the general nature of these aspects.  They often produce stress and inner tension or offer a challenge that will require inner strength and determination in order to advance through the lessons.  This aspect can either become the stagnation in the lives of those under its influence or the motivating factor that has the potential of producing great strides forward.

When this natal aspect becomes activated through transit or progression, the individuals with this aspect in their natal chart will feel as though they are being pulled in four directions indicated by the planets involved and the houses that the planets are found in.  They may feel over-burdened and paralyzed by life’s conditions.  There is usually a planet that forms a tight trine or sextile within the Grand Square and the energies and house placement of this trine or sextile will often help unlock the potentials found within the framework of this larger configuration.  This contained energy resulting from the aspect needs to find a release and this trine or sextile is often where the energies are released which, if used properly, can produce great results.

These individuals often need to turn inward and find their own strength.  Many with this aspect feel as though they cannot rely on others to help them through life’s difficulties and therefore become stronger over time and very self-reliant.  This is not to say that reaching out would be a bad idea or that no one can assist them in their time of crisis, however, many with this aspect become reliant on themselves and motivate themselves forward conquering these energies which in turn builds inner strength.  Most people with challenging aspects find ways to use the energies in a positive manner, and they are often the ones that push ahead in life and make something out of themselves as they become experienced in dealing with these energies.

If they can find a goal or spiritual purpose behind the difficulties at hand, they can make their way over the hurdles and rise above any difficulty that comes their way.  The key is to know that they are not trapped and that there is always a way out.  It is imperative that they not beat their heads again the proverbial wall.  Again, they must realize that they are never trapped. 

There are many valuable lessons learned from challenging aspects found within the framework of the Natal Astrology chart.  We need to address each challenge head on, one step at a time.

Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.

Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

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If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit