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Wednesday, 2 May 2018


We continue our focus on Patterns in the Astrology chart from April 23, 25 and 30, 2018.


The Seesaw pattern divides the chart into two opposing positions.  There must be at least one opposition, but more oppositions is more definitive of this pattern.  

There should be no more than one house within each opposing group that a planet is not found within it, and the space between both opposing areas should be at least 60 degrees apart on both ends.  So the empty space should encompass at least 60 degrees of space on either side of the groupings.  The closer the area where the planets are found on both sides, the stronger the energies will play out.

As oppositions (180 degrees) often suggest, other people will be involved in the equation and relationships will play a big part in this person’s life.  In many ways, this pattern portrays qualities similar to the sign of Libra, as balance is often sought after by individuals with this pattern in their chart.  These individuals seek to understand the needs of the other person in the relationship and they aim to balance what their own personal needs might be while integrating what their partner’s needs are as well.  The art of co-operation and negotiation will often be a priority as these individuals sift through what their requirements are and integrate what their partner’s wants might be.  These people try to bring balance so that everyone is satisfied.  This accomplishment enables them to feel fulfilled.

For example, someone could have Neptune, Uranus, Jupiter, Pluto and Saturn all linked together in one section of their chart.  These planets should not be tied by a large number of conjunctions as this could be termed as a Stellium.  On the other half of the chart, they would have Venus, the Moon, the Sun, Mercury and Mars.  They would have at least one opposition.  For example let’s say that Venus and Saturn is in opposition and perhaps this individual also have Uranus in opposition to the Sun.  This is a perfect example of a seesaw pattern.

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Tuesday, 1 May 2018


As you experience the moment (the here and now), know that the gate to all things is here.  Your beliefs are the key to the door of awakening, for without belief, you cannot unlock the door.  Remain open to all things and allow the unfolding to begin. 

This, what you are experiencing, is your life and yours to experience.

For many individuals, the ego reigns dominance and will do so as long as we identify with it. Quiet the mind and open your heart.  Understand that the ego matures and ages with the body. It transforms and evolves to maintain its authority, its stronghold, its supremacy.

You, however, are not your ego!

You are! You always will be.  You will never cease to be. You have available to you the knowledge of all time.  There are countless memories stored within.  This knowledge lie dormant or forgotten waiting for release--information generated to assist us with our voyage and support us in moments of need.

We are never alone! There are guides always available to us if we can quiet the ego to listen.  These guides can help steer us on our intended path, ever beckoning us towards our awakening to the truth. Believe and the expansion of the true self begins.

We are connected with and form part of the pure essence of all things. We are part of the whole.  We are love and can live in reverence and respect for all living things.  


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Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

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Monday, 30 April 2018


We are continuing with our focus on the many different patterns that can be found in an Astrology Chart from April 23 and 25, 2018.

Locomotive or Open Angle Pattern

In the locomotive pattern, the planets within the horoscope all fall inside 250 degrees.  In this chart pattern, there will be no more than 60 degrees of empty space without planets.  So no planets within the configuration will be separated by more than 60 degrees.  The chart area that does not contain planets linked together will cover the area of a trine, so 110-130 degrees of unoccupied territory.  If a chart has all of the planets within this pattern (linked to 250 degrees of space or less) then the two outside planets will be in trine to one another.

When this configuration is found in a chart, there are some energies that operate similar to strong Aries tendencies.  These individuals will be enthusiastic, will have a lot of energy and will often have qualities that provide a strong determination to succeed with whatever endeavours that are important to this individual.  They are self-driven and motivated.  The midpoint of the trine, so the midpoint of the empty space, will be linked to the area of life that the individual will be driven towards to achieve.

The first planet connected to the Ascendant whether by conjunction or even just separation (for example the Ascendant is at 5 degrees, Taurus and Mars is located at 21 degrees Pisces) moving in a clockwise direction is known as the driving force behind the motivation.  The energies of the planet, its sign position and house location will be the driving force used to bring action into the midpoint of the trine.  So using our example above, Mars will be the driving force by sign and house placement that pushes into action the midpoint of the trine in the empty space.

If Mars, for example, is in Pisces and located in the twelfth house, the energy will be to secure financial or security in life aimed at the midpoint of the trine.  If, for example, the midpoint falls in the seventh house and in the sign of Scorpio, these energies would deal with providing security and financial stability within the marriage or through a business partnership.  Scorpio’s energies could make this a matter that runs deep and that goes through transformation and new beginnings because of this push.

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Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

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Saturday, 28 April 2018


Visit  for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.

Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

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Friday, 27 April 2018


The Full (Pink) Moon occurring on April 29, 2018 at 8:59 p.m. EDT is in the sign of Scorpio at nine degrees. 

During a Full Moon, the Sun is in direct opposition to the Moon.  Full Moon’s energies often speak of the culmination or harvest of our efforts.  With the energies related to Scorpio with this Full Moon, these energies might be directed inwardly.  Scorpio’s energy wants us to dig deep and uncover even the most challenging conditions.  Scorpio wants us to bring these conditions/emotions to the surface and deal with them in an appropriate manner (not to brush them under the carpet).  Scorpio’s ruling planet is Pluto and Pluto’s energy deals with regeneration and transformation.  Its energies often speak in terms of endings of some sort so that something new can come to the surface.  This process can be somewhat challenging emotionally and sometimes the truth is hard to face.

Ceres and the North Node are tied by a t-square to this Full Scorpio Moon.  Both Ceres and the North Node are currently in the sign of Leo at 10 degrees.  The North Node speaks of our life’s direction and our path forward.  Ceres’ energies work in similar ways to the Moon’s energies.  As a result, nurturing and caring will be part of this harvest story.  Ceres is mothering and wants to provide emotional comfort.  It is connected to our life’s path.  With Ceres in square to both the Moon and the transiting Sun, these combined energies suggest that our path is opening up but it needs some care before we should venture forth.  T-Squares in Astrology provide the necessary push and the ability to succeed with our objectives, but we are required to put forth a lot of energy. 

Check your personal chart to verify which house Ceres and the North Node are transiting through as this will indicate which area of life that will be affected for you. 

The T-square suggests that you need to motivate yourself forward and find balance between the transiting Sun’s position and the Transiting Moon’s position.  We naturally tend to lean too much in one direction (again the area of life is represented by the houses involved).

Transiting Saturn sextiles the Moon and trines the Sun is considered favourable even though Saturn usually implies hard work and discipline.  Saturn is at nine degrees Capricorn and also in Retrograde as of the 18th of April, 2018.  With Saturn retrograde, unlike all the other planets, we can use its energies of caution, responsibility and teaching to advance our objectives tied in with this New Moon.  (All other planets want us to plan during retrograde motion not take action).

There are also two Yod aspects in place.  The Yod forms quincunxes from the Moon and Saturn to Venus, and also quincunxes from Venus and Mercury to the Moon.  Yods often point towards turning points in life when we have to deal with a predicament either by making actual changes to things or changing our perception towards the events as they are unfolding.  Since Venus and the Moon are highlighted, this could involve some relationship that may need to be transformed and emotional adjustments will need to come to the surface and be dealt with. 

This is an extremely powerful Full Moon with all of these configurations playing a part in the process.  Again, take a look at your natal chart to see which areas of life might be involved.  This configuration will primarily be in effect for those with this Full Moon attached to the natal positioning of Planets.  You can give yourself about a 3-5 degree orb of influence and the tighter the orb the more significant the interchange.  Conjunctions will be the most powerful, then oppositions and then squares.

Use these energies creatively and make the best of the energies at hand.  Remember even the harshest of conditions can be nurtured by our focus and care.  Squares can be turned into trines, in that we can use these energies to foster growth and create much needed change ultimately with a positive outcome.  Look to what you can do to fully benefit these energies.  Make these energies work favourably and take responsibility.  At the same time, recognize that others certainly have their part in the process and whomever or whatever the situation may be, all parties should work towards a favourable outcome together.  If only one (you) is willing to work, make sure that you will benefit from your efforts.

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Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at
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Thursday, 26 April 2018


 In our classroom of life, some individuals take on a leadership/teacher role.  They find themselves either consciously drawn to these calling or some are seemingly thrown into this role as life progresses.  Is this destiny?  Possibly, but no matter what the reason, this role is a dual one.  The teacher will find that their role is also a learning tool available for their own personal growth as well.  

It is the wise individual that looks at life’s experiences as a lesson delivered directly to them to foster growth on some level.

No one is here by chance.  There are so many significant factors in our lives that that we cannot take lightly and leadership roles can come in many forms.  These roles can be found throughout our workplace; the family unit, groups of friends or through the world wide web for example. 

Some have been handed leadership responsibilities to facilitate change and growth within their immediate surroundings.  Yet others, like our world leaders, have a responsibility to lead vast numbers hopefully based on the greater good with higher principles, such as fairness, honesty, integrity and justice.  They are role models simply by being observed by many.  Ego should not and cannot play a role in this responsibility.  When accepting the responsibility of leadership and to do the best job possible, we have to renounce our own individual agendas to fulfill our obligation and purposes for the needs of the many.

Regardless of how we measure our responsibilities and commitments to others and ourself, each of us have leadership roles. Leading by example and representing the best possible expression, without pretence, is a wonderful role to fulfill. 

Responsibility lays in our own personal perception and will differ significantly from one individual to the next.  The best we can do is our own personal best but do not look for reward for your efforts as that is only fulfilling the ego. 

Integrity can be measured by conviction and our acceptance of responsibility without conditions.

What leadership roles do you fulfill? 

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Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

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Wednesday, 25 April 2018


Continuing with our post from April 23, 2018, we will look at the Bucket or Funnel Pattern

The bucket or funnel pattern is similar to the bowl pattern with one variation.  The bucket Pattern will have a planet or 2 planets that are closely tied into a conjunction removed from the bowl at least 30 degrees but preferably closer to 90 degrees away from the bowl.  The separated planet(s) should oppose the centre of the bowl pattern.  This configuration only comes into play when the central planet in the bowl positioning has this opposition from the opposing planet(s).

Individuals with this bucket pattern pronounced in their birth chart will funnel their energies through the handle of the bucket.  The handle planet(s), its sign and house position will signal the energies that this individual applies most often.  A person with this configuration is comfortable using these energies and will personify this expression when seeking gratification and fulfillment in their endeavors. 

The energies can differ significantly depending on the planet or planets involved in the equation.  For example, the energies will be used in a completely different manner if the energies were linked to the planet Saturn than if the energy was attached to let’s say Mars and Uranus in conjunction.  Those with Saturn in this opposition would be very comfortable expressing their need for the fulfillment of their plans using a more structured and disciplined approach.  Those with the conjunction of Uranus and Mars would be ready and willing under most conditions to move freely into something new without too much deliberation or preplanning. 

The house position would determine what area of life would be involved.  If, for example, this was a tenth house position, then the Saturn individual would pursue their career options with a certain amount of hesitation and prepare for their objectives in a very steadfast manner.  The individual with the conjunction would push rather unhesitatingly, headfirst, without much reserve into these personal objectives.  These individuals would be willing to bend, if need be, with the transition of their motives while those with Saturn would not bend easily with the flow of things.  The Saturn individuals, however, would offer a more structured approach that perhaps would be better received by those in positions of authority.

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Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

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