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Tuesday, 29 May 2018


Part of the awakening process deals with acknowledging qualities within and then bringing them to the surface so you can utilize or deal with them in whatever manner is appropriate.  Some of these realizations can be difficult and even painful, but an honest reflection is what is required.  Don’t let ego stand in the way of clear insight and do not identify personally with what is revealed.  You will examine these qualities and then decide what you want to do with them.  Identifying with them makes them yours. 

The process is to acknowledge what is revealed then set whatever it may be free.  These do not belong to you unless of course you choose to hang on to them.  It is quite apparent that even though these revelations can be challenging and it may feel as though we are slowing down the process, at least you are taking the steps to keep your journey moving in the right direction.  Many individuals will hold on to their revelations because they feel familiar and believe that these qualities are who they are.  It can be difficult to release something that has been with you and formed a part of who you think you are even if its ownership is counterproductive.

Hanging on to negative self-impressions only amplifies these qualities and give them life.  You always have a choice as to what you might want to do with them and it is often better to let them go than hang on to them if ego is involved. 

Ego feels threatened when it begins to lose control.  It is losing character traits that it identifies with and worries that it will be forgotten or even squashed as time passes.  As a result, it tried to hold on and its efforts can become quite intense.  Recognize ego for what it is and the challenges it can create.

Self-evaluation can be tricky if you don’t recognize ego’s intervention and you hold on to what used to be. 

Remember not to look outside for happiness or connection to your true, higher self.  These can only be found within and are available to everyone.

Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.

Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

Are you interested in learning Astrology? Holm Astrology offers courses in astrology. Visit our calendar for dates at

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Monday, 28 May 2018

FULL MOON - MAY 29, 2018

We will be experiencing the Full Moon in Sagittarius at 8 degrees on May 29, 2018.  This moon is called the “Full Flower Moon”. 

The energies of any Full Moon speak of our harvesting of the seeds planted often some six months earlier when we experienced the New Moon in the same sign.  If we planted the seeds and nurture these seeds (goals) we should now be able to harvest the fruits of our labour.

Sagittarius often speaks of philosophical understandings, religious beliefs and spiritual undertakings.  On a more earthly level, it often speaks of travel, higher learning and an optimistic approach to what we set out to accomplish.  Our approach to educating ourselves, whether this be through travel, foreign culture, spiritual practices and mystical alignment, may now be brought to the surface and we can often gain insight into these matters.

Much will depend on the house the Full Moon is located in within your chart.  This will be the area of life presently being influenced by its energies.  If you have other planetary links within the framework of your natal chart close to the 8 degree mark which make major aspects to this positioning of the Moon, these planetary energies or angles will provide you with more information as to the types of experience you may encounter as you unravel the potential energies available.

When we look at the overall condition of this Full Moon (being at 8 degrees of Sagittarius), we see that it is making a trine to the transiting North Node.  The North Node speaks of life’s direction and the path we are to take and when conjoined with the Full Moon and in trine, the potential for finding our path or moving in the right direction is quite likely unless, of course, there are mitigating factors saying otherwise.  The North Node is the path we are meant to take and applying this transit in conjunction with other natal aspects will help you find your way and encourage you to follow your path.  The North Node is often a direction that feels new or untried so pushing forward may be a little unnerving, but with the influences at hand, this can be the time to forge ahead.  Just make sure you are not stepping on anyone else’s toes or hurting anyone while advancing to the next stage of your journey for this will be counterproductive in the larger scheme of things. 

At present there is also a Grand Water Trine involving Neptune, Venus and Jupiter offering emotional connectedness, psychic potential and emotional alignment. 

If this is a time for love in your life indicated by this Grand Trine especially with Venus involved, make sure you are seeing things clearly and not putting that person that is the focus of your affections on a pedestal and then expanding on what you think you are seeing.  This person may well be the perfect mate and the timing could also be highlighted but sometimes Neptune, although it is in positive aspect, may create fog around your perceptions.  Follow your intuition and psychic understanding and see where this takes you.  Often times Grand Water Trines can also speak of increased psychic awareness and intuitive understanding.

Let’s see what we can do with these energies and how far we have come with reaching our goals and following the path.  Make the best of the energies at hand and utilize  what you have. 

All the best with your pursuits.

Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.

Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

Are you interested in learning Astrology? Holm Astrology offers courses in astrology. Visit our calendar for dates at

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If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit

Saturday, 26 May 2018


Holm Astrology offers free intuitive oracle card readings for hosts of home parties.

Invite a minimum of four guests (five including the host) for parties held in and around the City of Barrie area to qualify for the host’s fee reading. The minimum number of guests is negotiable outside the Barrie area. We will travel to Toronto.

All guests of the home parties receive a one-on-one minimum 30 minute private reading at a discounted rate of $60.00 each. As a thank you to our host, their reading is free!

These parties are quite popular and can be an evening out for your guests or an afternoon "tea". 

We have been asked what an Oracle card reading is.  Tarot cards for example are oracle but they speak a language specific to Tarot and that is the language the reader has studied.  Holm Astrology uses Astrology symbol cards which speak the language of Astrology.  This is the native language of this Astrologer.  It is the reader’s job to translate the message of the oracle cards to the language understood by the client.

Contact  to book your party or to obtain more details.

Friday, 25 May 2018


Since there is a large group of our readers that are between the ages of 24 to 35, we thought we would share our thoughts on the Saturn Return.  As some of you are aware, the natal or birth chart is a snapshot of the heavens at the moment of birth.  From that moment on, the planets continue on their rotational path.   The planets when continuing on their path are referred to as transiting planets.  All of the planets eventually return to the exact placement that they were at when we were born, but the outer planets (Uranus, Neptune and Pluto) take a long time to complete their cycle.  Saturn takes between 27 to 29 years to complete its cycle.  Uranus takes 84 years and the other two take much longer and we do not live long enough to experience their returns.

Saturn (which will be discussed at a later date in greater detail) has a profound impact in our lives.  It produces situations that can be stressful (if we so allow) and presents us with lessons whenever it becomes activated in our charts.  Saturn is the teacher and it presents us with a crossroad (yes there is always a choice).  We are forces to take a good look at our lives and make any needed changes.  These times can be very trying if we fight the process and can last a significant period of time, especially if there are other planetary forces at work during the same period as the Saturn return.

We have touched a little on houses throughout many of our posts and depending on which house Saturn is located within in your birth chart and what aspects it is making to other planets, these particular areas of life (houses) will become activated.  The intensity and duration depends largely on the other planets that are stimulating the area and how long they transit and what aspects (aspects are angles between planets) they make to each other.

If you are going through a stressful period and you are between the ages of 27 and 29, you undoubtedly are experiencing your Saturn’s return. At Holm Astrology, we go deep into your Astrology Chart to look at how Saturn’s return will, is or did affect you.  We can assist with an understanding of the lesson contained in the Saturn return by locating Saturn’s position in your chart, its natal aspects, its transiting aspects as well as its progressed aspects.  Armed with this information, you can better understand what needs to be done or understood. 

When Saturn has completed its cycle, you can be certain that a new person will emerged with a greater understanding of self and experiences behind you that should have been well learned. 

It should be noted that Saturn will make a second return in our later 50’s and again in our late 80’s but nothing seems to compare to that initial return in the late 20’s.

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Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.

Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

Are you interested in learning Astrology? Holm Astrology offers courses in astrology. Visit our calendar for dates at

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If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit

Thursday, 24 May 2018


Creativity can be expressed in many varying ways, and these methods are significant to each individual.  Our goal should be to recognize our creativity and bring it to the forefront of our lives.  Our creative expression could be through writing, public speaking, spirituality, religion, mystical understanding, parenting, friendship, career, marketing, diversity, psychic ability, innate understanding, emotional interaction, healing, listening, fostering help, intuitive understanding, nursing, sports, music, painting, building, teaching, entertaining and the list goes on and on and on. 

There is no shortage of creative expressions in our world.  We just have to nurture the expression that we are comfortable using.

Believe in your abilities.  Do not ignore them or let them lay dormant.   Life skips along quickly.  Utilize the earthly gifts while they are available to you.  We are spiritual beings living an earthly existence.  This existence is temporary.  Do not waste this opportunity.
You have great potential.  Formulate a plan and follow through with it. 

There is no such thing as failure.  If at first we do not succeed, there was a lesson learned in our efforts.  Lessons help us to master our creativity. 

What will your next creation be?

Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.

Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

Are you interested in learning Astrology? Holm Astrology offers courses in astrology. Visit our calendar for dates at

Please “Like” us on Facebook.  Your “shares” are appreciated and your questions are welcomed.

If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit

Wednesday, 23 May 2018


Now that we are in the sign of Gemini, we thought we would provide our Geminian followers with a mini forecast. 

Those with their Sun in Gemini will have transiting Neptune in square to this solar positioning.  Transiting Neptune will be in the 13 to 16 degree marks until the end of 2018.  An approaching orb of five degrees and a separating orb of 2 degrees will give those with their Sun within these parameters an energetic influence from the transit of Neptune.

It is necessary to always take into account other transits to the Sun and the houses of influence (transiting Neptune and the natal Sun as well as the natal positioning of Neptune).  These other factors will describe the areas of life involved.  Also have a look at the natal aspects between Neptune and the Sun as well as other natal aspects to the Sun as this will also give you a clearer understanding of how these energies might play out.

Transiting Neptune in square to the natal Sun can be difficult as a view of your objectives is often blurred under this influence, and you may feel unsure about your life’s direction.  Goals may be unclear or you may build them up and put them on a pedestal.  It is suggested that you present these goals to someone who will give an honest and definitive opinion before proceeding. 

The Sun, in Astrology, deals with life’s direction and goals.  It could relate to professional activity as well.  Make sure you are seeing things clearly before moving forward.  Neptune could also make you a little bit hesitant, especially so if Saturn is part of the equation.  Take this into consideration and you may understand why you are hesitant with moving forward.  However, do not let fear stand in the way of your progress.  Remind yourself of the ego’s potential interference and stay true to yourself.

Neptune can also relate to the mystical side of life.  Spirituality is strongly linked to Neptune and currently Neptune is in its natural sign of Pisces.  This can potentially open doors to the mystical side of understanding.  This square could make things a little rough even in this area, but pushing ahead with these objectives will allow access to the higher realms of understanding and inspiration.  There may be obstacles to overcome and hills to climb but persistence and a true belief in yourself is what is required.  Do not forget that although a square certainly indicates challenging condition, we can turn our squares around and make them into the same energies as trines if we believe that this is possible.  Belief structure and expectation play a significant role when it comes to this transit of Neptune to the Sun.

Life’s advancement is always in our hands and Neptune’s magical energies can pave the way to fostering either awareness or presenting illusive ideas which can paint a picture far from the truth.  Clear objectivity although challenged is obtainable with disciplined mental focus along with a reality check, if necessary.

Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.

Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

Are you interested in learning Astrology? Holm Astrology offers courses in astrology. Visit our calendar for dates at

Please “Like” us on Facebook. Your “shares” are appreciated and your questions are welcomed.

If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit

Tuesday, 22 May 2018


The sun entered the sign of Gemini late Sunday evening (May 20, 2018) in the Toronto, Ontario area.

Gemini is a mutable, air sign.  Those with their Sun in Gemini are adaptable, changeable, versatile and intellectual.  They are great communicators and love stimulating the exchange of ideas and knowledge.  They enjoy change in its many forms, can easily become bored and can become moody when life is less than interesting. 

Those with Gemini strong in their natal charts are the conversationalists of the Zodiac and often have many acquaintances from many walks of life.

The house position of the Sun in the astrology chart will have an influence on how the energies of Gemini (and any other sign for that matter) will be transferred.  Those with their Sun in the ninth house could be considered philosophers and are often concerned with higher learning.  Those with their Sun in the second or tenth house are often career focused and can be stability seekers especially when it comes to finances and social status.  Those with their Sun in the seventh house and with Gemini on the seventh house cusp will be attracted to intellectual mates that they can carry on stimulating communication with.  Don’t forget each house takes on the flavour of the natural ruler of that house.  (Aries is the natural ruler of the first house, Taurus is the natural ruler of the second house and Gemini is the natural ruler of the third house and so forth).

Geminian individuals are considered friendly, cleaver and witty people.  They truly like most individuals and most people like them.  They make great teachers, are quite able when it comes to writing and communicating their ideas, love to share and display their intellect and make interesting and exciting companions.

Those people with their Sun sign in Gemini will have transiting Saturn and transiting Pluto in quincunx to their natal Sun if they are within orbs of influence. (Five degrees approaching and two degrees separating).  Currently Saturn is at 8 degrees and is in retrograde, while Pluto is at 21degrees and also in retrograde.  The quincunx aspect often implies that an adjustment is required.  So if you were to take the house position of the transiting planet as well as the natal house position of your Sun, you would have a pretty good idea of what areas of life would be involved and what adjustments might be required.  Remember to also have a look at the natal position of these transiting planets as this will provide you with more information as to how these energies are playing out in your life.

Any natal aspects between these transiting planets (for example, natal Sun square Saturn or natal Sun trine Pluto) will also show how these energies might unfold.  The natal aspect should always be part of the delineation.  The natal aspect often tells the story and adds energies to the unraveling of the transit’s aspects in the natal chart.  A natal Sun in Gemini in the second house and a transiting Saturn in the seventh house along with Pluto, for example, could be speaking in terms of security issues.  This could relate to financial issues or go deeper into internal issues but would be related to the marriage partner or a business associate.  If natal Saturn for example was in the fifth house and squaring the natal Sun in the second, this could be related to children within the marriage or creative enterprises linked to the marriage partnership.  The whole chart would have to be defined to get the full picture however.

Quincunxes at times have been linked to health concerns, although once again the whole picture needs to be examined carefully before making any conclusive statement.  This could involve children (5th) friends (11th) the husband or wife (7th), and so on and if it is personal health concerns, you would have to look at the Sun and sixth and twelfth houses as well as the Ascendants overall condition in the natal chart and the transits to these positions.  Much can be discovered through a careful analysis of the horoscope and transiting planets (as well as progressions and the solar chart which helps define the upcoming year in advance).

This is why the local newspaper article or internet post seldom applies to most sun signs.  There are too many other factors at play to be that general.

Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.

Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

Are you interested in learning Astrology? Holm Astrology offers courses in astrology. Visit our calendar for dates at

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If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit