As we have mentioned many times in the
past, life becomes much easier if we mirror nature.
We will soon celebrate the balance of light
and dark (March 20, 2019). (Known as
Ostara or in the northern hemisphere, the Spring Equinox).
Spring is so symbolic of promise, new life,
renewal...... and with it comes warmth and light.
Just as nature sends out new sprouts and
buds and many animals bear offspring, it is a perfect time for each of us to
plan, to start new projects, to experience new beginnings. What a perfect time to shed light on the dark
corners of life and refresh all that has become stagnant. Our world and our lives should shed their dark,
wintery veil. Light shines forth and bring
promise of all that is new.
We do not need the tell tale signs of
nature, for long before these signs arrive, we know in our hearts that renewal is
coming. We can feel this in the air and
small it in the winds. We do not need
the more tangible signs to know that change is near.
We arise from our long winter’s rest and
can create fresh new starts for our bodies, our minds and our souls. Again, we can mirror and utilize the energy
brought on through the changing of the seasons to stimulate us and push us in
with our pursuits, new or old.
Now is the time to renew our commitment to
ourselves for growth.
Shake off the weight of the wintery cover
which served its purposes but can now be shed.
How will we take advantage of the renewed
energy soon to be available?
Reach beyond the limits we placed on
ourselves over the slower, dark season of winter. Winter was a time for rest, for
planning. Spring is a time for action to
set the winter plans in action so that we can bear fruit in the seasons to
follow. Utilize the promise, approach
life with innocence, passion and gratitude.
Allow the seeds of renewed light to germinate within.
Find you balance in life.
for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we
Are you interested in learning Astrology?
Holm Astrology offers courses in astrology. Visit our calendar for the 2019
Spring course start up dates (April) at
Holm Astrology also offers individual
intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at
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