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Thursday, 6 February 2020


Do you adjust your face to the world to suit what you think is expected of you by others in any given situation?

If so are you comfortable with a chameleon type lifestyle? 

If not, are you comfortable showing your own true colours? 

The human race has flourished due to its ability to adapt.  We all adapt to our life’s conditions to survive.  To feel that it is necessary to adapt our persona to different situations in life, however, this is unrelated to our physical survival.  This only serves to please others. 

Through experience and self-preservations many of us have learned that the only way we can feel perfect in our own skin is to wear it with confidence and pride.  After all, the best person we can be is the exact person we truly are. 

If we are uncomfortable with a characteristic, we don’t have to own it.  See it for what it is and then let it go.  It does not define us.  The energy of love within is the true energy of self.  All the rest are only learned characteristics. 

Let your true colours shine through (just as Cyndi Lauper once sang).  Be yourself.  You surely will be happy and comfortable with the outcome. 

Your life becomes a reflection of your thoughts and focus.  Encourage growth; focus on the positive, be grateful and be genuine!

Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.

Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

Are you interested in learning Astrology?  Holm Astrology’s Beginner's and Level III spring courses begin in March. Visit for course details.

Please “Like” us on Facebook.  Your “shares” are appreciated and your questions are welcomed.

If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit

Wednesday, 5 February 2020


We have never taken the opportunity to explain the energies of an eclipse and we have had a few inquiries pertaining to Eclipse’s energies. 

It is important to understand that the sign and house positions along with conjunction from the natal chart to the Eclipse positon determine how the energies will affect us.  There is a difference in energies if the eclipse is total or partial and whether the eclipse is viewable by us at our position on earth.  Those in the area of direct view of the eclipse will have a more powerful influence if connected to the natal chart.  However, all eclipses are felt to some degree by everyone and if we were to take notes during their affects we would see how powerful they actually are in our lives.

All eclipses occur with either a Full Moon or a New Moon and are also ties to the North or South Nodes.  An eclipse can often be felt or experienced prior to the actual event up to about 2 weeks and the influence will last 3 to 6 months after the eclipse.  Some individuals have been known to still feel the effects up to one year after the event.

For the eclipse to have an effect on us personally, we will need to have a planet in our chart or angle connected by conjunction or opposition within three degrees of the degree and minute of the eclipse.  The closer to direct and the more planets and angles involved, the stronger the effect will be.  If there is no connection within the birth chart then the effects can go by almost unnoticed.

Many become worried when an eclipse approaches and although they can have profound effects, our reaction and attitude to these events or circumstances always play a key role in how we handle the energies at hand. 

With all eclipses, as mentioned earlier, the sign and house play significant roles.  They determine the area of life involved and the type of energy that is released.  Eclipses can be felt by everyone depending on how the natal chart is connected.  Not only will the energies affect people, they can also affect nations. 

Eclipses are similar to the nature of a Full Moon and New Moon but much more powerful in nature. 

As mentioned, an eclipse is connected to the Nodes, either the North Node or the South Node.  The North node connection is much more positive than the South Node connection although both can have positive as well as challenging ramifications. 

The North Node often brings positive results and you may be luckier, see more opportunities and find its energies exhilarating and exciting.  Energy arrives and often good things happen.  When the challenging effects are lined up with the North Node then we are prone to excessive and aggressive behaviour and will push too hard for more and even potentially become greedy. 

The North Node is associated with Jupiter while the South Node is associated with Saturn.

When the South Node is connected to the eclipse, the positive aspects connected can amount to letting go or releasing what needs to be let go of.  Some find clarity in life situations and others who are so inclined, find that spiritual awakenings take place at this time.  When the South Node reacts in a challenging sense it can have a depressive effect and we can feel weary and exhausted.  This can push us to feeling that we don’t have the will power to continue.  People become fearful and distrustful which can lead to depression in some cases. 

With the North Node connection the energy is said to arrive while the South Node connection the energies are said to be departing.  North Node connections pull in energies and South Node connections release energies or let go of them.

It is also important to look to see which element the eclipse is in by sign (earth, air, fire or water) and also whether it is in a fixed, cardinal or mutable sign. 

We will touch on information on the elements and modalities in our post on February 10, 2020.

Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.

Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

Are you interested in learning Astrology?  Holm Astrology’s Beginner's and Level III spring courses begin the week of March 23.  Registrations are now open. Visit for course details.

Please “Like” us on Facebook.  Your “shares” are appreciated and your questions are welcomed.

If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit

Tuesday, 4 February 2020


The need for our own personal space and yet the need to be close to our partners is often a personal dilemma shared by many. 

We all need and want to be loved and appreciated.  We expand in the embrace of loved shared.  We also, however, need our own personal space and the ability to move in whatever direction we see fit to grow as an individual. 

Many couples are confronted with this paradox. 

Are you being smothered in a tight and loving relationship?  

Do you feel as though you are being cornered or contained in your relationship?  

Are you no in a personal relationship by choice or with hesitation? 

Being single or in an open relationship gives way to doing what you want when you want without having to answer to anyone but yourself.  This is preferred by some but offers insecurity and possibly loneliness for others.

Being in a close personal relationship means sharing our lives with someone we love and never feeling alone.  However there will be days when we need our own space and the demands of our partner may be trying.

In a perfect world, we have a balance of both and it is achievable as long as there is give and take on both sides in a partnership relationship.  Finding someone who gives us space to live our life as we feel necessary can be rare, yet if we truly love someone, we don’t mind giving up a little personal freedom in order to share.  True love is unconditional! 

It is essential that we are open and communicate with our partner if we have chosen to share this life with them.   It is important to discuss our own personal needs, so that others know what we are experiencing and what we expect.  Just as important, we should allow our partner to be open with us and respect their needs.  A partnership is equal give and take without keeping tabs or score. 

Spend a few minutes each day in quiet solitude even if only for a short walk, a shower or a quiet meditation.  These little practices will provide us with personal space.  

On the other side of the coin, create special moments together such as a romantic dinner without the television or telephone interrupting.  Wouldn’t it be nice to take a stroll through a park hand in hand? 

We can even take care of both needs….why not meditate together holding hands.  The mind has its personal space but the knowing of love can fill our heart. 

One thing is for certain; other people’s needs are important but so are our own; talk it out.

Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.

Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

Are you interested in learning Astrology.  Holm Astrology is taking registrations for our Beginners and Level III courses.  The course commence the week of March 23, 2020.  Visit for course details.

Please “Like” us on Facebook.  Your “shares” are appreciated and your questions are welcomed.

If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit

Monday, 3 February 2020


We look further into the planet of change and disruption --Uranus.  Uranus is known as the awakener. 

When Uranus is connected to the Ascendant often personal changes are set in motion. 

The Ascendant is our expression to the world and often our first reaction when we meet others or something new enters our life.  This expression is tempered by other factors within the chart that will affect our overall outer expression but unless our Ascendant is softened or weakened by some other influence, it is a reliable indicator of how we represent ourselves.

When a planet such as Uranus conjoins our Ascendant, others may find a difference in how we present ourselves.  If you have a Taurus Ascendant in your Natal chart, for example, which at where Uranus is currently found (2020), your outer expression is one of reservation due to inner reflectiveness and slow reaction.  You would be sensitive but keep most of this hidden or subdued and others find you reliable, steady, likely sensual and slow to anger.  However, if you are angered, an outburst would not be soft and forgiveness is often not easily found.  You, if with a Taurus Ascendant, can hold on to hurts longer than would be advisable and the memory is quite in intact.

When Uranus meets up with our Ascendant, personal change is likely and a new found freedom may be part of the unfolding process.  It might happen in a rather sudden manner and be somewhat unpredictable in nature.  You may show a side of yourself that no one is used to seeing.  You are actually searching for change, although a big part of you resists this as the tried and tested are far safer.  However, this may be the time to break free of restrictions and limitations in life. A new direction is at hand. 

If by chance you are in your early forties or late thirties, you will be going through or have recently been through the opposition of Uranus to itself.  In many cases, this points to not only a change on a personal note but also a change involving partnerships. 

Uranus fosters the next phase in life which will, over time, offer greater understanding and a clearer path.  Although disruptive and often erratic in nature, Uranus’ energies push you forward so that life is altered in such a way that the path ahead is more defined and fruitful.  It may take some time to recognize this but as time passes, the path become more evident and clear.

Check to see where natal Uranus is located in your birth chart to get a clearer indicator of what areas of life will be involved in the process if and when transiting Uranus conjuncts your natal ascendant.  The way you represent yourself is up for change.  A new you is approaching under this aspect.

Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.

Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

Are you interested in learning Astrology? Holm Astrology is now accepting registrations for our Beginners and Level III Astrology courses which will commence the week of March 23, 2020. Visit for course details.

Please “Like” us on Facebook.  Your “shares” are appreciated and your questions are welcomed.

If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit

Friday, 31 January 2020


Uranus has a cycle of 84 years when it returns to its natal position.  The half way point is known as the opposition which occurs around the age 42.  This is what is referred to the mid-life crisis; in astrological terms the Uranus opposition.  This is a dynamic period for most people as not only do we experience the Uranus opposition but we are also experiencing transiting Saturn squaring its natal position at the same time.

Uranus has to do with changes of direction often due to a need for freedom in some aspect of our life.  In many cases certain aspects of life have become dormant and we are no longer growing in the way we should.  Perhaps life has become routine and it seems insignificant in some way.  We need a change of direction, something new and exhilarating, a new focus and this is when we make changes that to others may seem radical and often sudden or unexpected.

This can be a time of upheaval and dynamic change which in some ways feels out of our control although in many cases we make the move.  This could involve a relationship, a career, the home and family, love relationships, spiritual unfolding and the list goes on.  Much will depend on the house transiting Uranus is moving through and also the house where you find your natal Uranus.

There are difficulties in place and this will usually not be a pleasant time in your life although we must also have a look at the aspects in place to the position of natal Uranus and other natal positions.  The whole picture always has to be reviewed to determine what is taking place at that moment in time.

You will feel the energies of transiting Uranus up to about 5 degrees approaching and it will last until it is about 2 degrees past being direct.  Often you can pinpoint when the energies are the strongest as it approaches becoming direct and something happens in a rather unexpected manner and sometimes we are not well prepared.  Jumping is never suggested but you just might and sometimes have regrets immediately after doing so.  Usually over the long haul you realize that the steps taken at this time were actually meant to take place and put you more in line with the path you are supposed to take.  Uranus is the awakener and that is just what it will do.

Be prepared if you can that is and expect the unexpected at this time in your life.  This is a very significant time.

Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.

Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

Are you interested in learning Astrology.  Holm Astrology is now accepting registrations for our Beginners and Level II astrology courses which will commence the week of March 23, 20202.  Visit for course details.

Please “Like” us on Facebook.  Your “shares” are appreciated and your questions are welcomed.

If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit

Thursday, 30 January 2020


The journey to self-realization has many steps but getting to know and understand our self is a challenging yet very satisfying experience.  Make no mistake; it is a perpetual one.  It is one of wonder as we slowly release all of the ego (conscious or unconscious) impacts that have been influencing us most of our lives.  Some of these traits were learned in very early childhood, and we have identified with them and believe that they are a part of who we are since.

This is where the difficulties arise.  We actually believe that these learned traits are a part of our true selves, our true identity.  This belief can be painful and for some hard to shake.  If we recognize that these traits have never been a part of the true self, they can easily be acknowledged and released with little to no pain or suffering. 

Unfortunately, most people spend much of their lives identifying with these qualities and then when and if they come to recognize these traits, they feel that they have to battle to remove a part of themselves. 

In reality, these have never been a part of them.  They are simple a habit or learned belief.

We have to accept these habits but see them for what they are.  Let them go and watch how the real core energy shines through.  The real person has always been there yet frequently denied or overlooked because of ego’s intent on directing our lives. 

Do not be misled.  We are not at the mercy of ego.  Ego can be an interference, or it can be a positive benefit, depending on the focus.  Ego’s proper place is at our side providing us with confidence (but not arrogance) to move forward.

Allowing our core energy to shine through does not have to be painful.  True realization and living in the moment are wonderfully gratifying experiences.  These are great initial steps.  We have to remind ourselves that we are spirit having a human experience, living a temporary earthly existence. Our higher state of consciousness is ever present, as is our alignment with source.

Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.

Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

Are you interested in learning Astrology.  Holm Astrology offer courses in spring and fall each year.  Watch for our spring 2020 registration coming in late winter.  Visit for course details.

Please “Like” us on Facebook.  Your “shares” are appreciated and your questions are welcomed.

If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit

Wednesday, 29 January 2020



Transiting Uranus when writing this post (January 10, 2020) is in the sign of Taurus and will remain in this sign for about another 6 years.  We will be discussing the square from transiting Uranus to natal Venus.  Check your chart to see if this aspect is applicable to you.  Allowing an orb of 5 degrees approaching and a separation degree of 2 those individuals with this degree of Venus in their natal chart in the appropriate signs will experience this square at some point in time depending on the degree of your natal Venus.  Some of you may be experiencing it now.

Uranus above all else is known as the awakener and rules the sign Aquarius.  It is also known for its rather abrupt interchange and freedom seeking qualities.  Its energies will strive to push you to make changes to things that have become obsolete or no longer viable in your life.  Because of its tendency to create change and disruption, when connected to Venus and by square, its energies will speak in terms of relationships, especially loved ones, and may also be tied to finances and young females of significance.

In most cases, the square aspect suggests tension, challenges and difficulties that must be addressed.  This aspect is challenging enough that in many cases will force you to act and find a resolution to the issue at hand.  Unlike the opposition which often suggests that the issues stem from others, the square does not lay blame at least in most cases, but what it does insist on is action on your part.  The pressure can be overwhelming and can last for a long time due to the slow movement of Uranus through the Zodiac.

The stress of these changes does not necessarily depict the ending of conditions but it does speak of an overhaul and sometimes rather dynamic and drastic change may be necessary.  We will often get little hints along the way to make these changes and if we don’t act at some point in time, Uranus can act in unpredictable manners and usually in the drastic fashion we speak of.

The change that is suggested is put in place because we are no longer advancing at all or in the right direction.  A change will usually be revealed over time and understood to be what is needed.  These changes and new directions although intrusive at times will prove to be beneficial and we will find that they were a requirement of the soul’s path.

The change does not have to be total change but likely there will need to be some major alterations in order for things to move in the right direction. 

Uranus is used as a timing device in Astrology and in many cases the days when it is direct will be when something transpires unless you take action before hand (although often something happens anyway around the time when it is direct).  Of course, the whole chart needs to be studied very carefully to get a clear and definitive outline of what might be taking place.

The houses involved including the position of transiting Uranus, natal Venus and natal Uranus will provide you with some information as to the areas of life involved in the equation. 

You can expect the unexpected with Uranus as its action is not very predictable but for certain you can expect some sort of freedom involved and likely changes taking hold.

Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.

Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

Are you interested in learning Astrology.  Holm Astrology offers Astrology courses and our next registration will be coming up in early spring of 2020.  Visit for course details.

Please “Like” us on Facebook.  Your “shares” are appreciated and your questions are welcomed.

If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit