Planets in the natal or birth chart represent energies which
are released through the houses (areas of life) in which the planets are
When major aspects are missing in the birth chart, minor
aspects can help to alleviate the missing energies which would otherwise be
available if major aspects were in the chart. When there are no sextiles
or trines in a chart then quintiles, semi-sextiles and even a novile aspect can
help compensate for these shortages. When there is a lack of squares or
oppositions, the semi-square and in many cases the inconjunct will help to
offset this lack of energy. There will, however, have to be several of
these minor aspects in order to compensate for the major aspects that are
Those individuals that are lacking in conjunctions (which
bring emphasis into the area of life this aspect touches) have a challenging
time focusing their energies, particularly when they are working on a
project. They have a tendency to become scattered and need a goal or
purpose to focus their attention on. Follow through is very important and
this can be a challenge as these individuals may lose interest or be pulled in
another direction before completing the task at hand.
Sextiles speaks of opportunities that come into life either
through self-initiation or by life seemingly pointing us in the right
direction. They also stimulate mental activity and bring creative forces
to the forefront. With a lack of sextiles, many individuals find that
they have to actively pursue intellectual activities and find ways unique to
them to communicate these abilities. Expressing themselves freely through
communication will create a useful tool that can lead to accomplishments in
life. They need to talk to others to recognize opportunities coming into
their life.
Squares tend to create difficulties and put stumbling blocks
in the way so that we have to push ourselves and in turn, builds strength,
endurance and nurture a belief in our own abilities to push through adversity
in our lives. Those that are lacking in squares tend to take the easy
path rather than push through hardship for the purpose of growth. When
confronted with crisis, these individuals tend to have a difficult time
adjusting or moving through the challenge. They actually have to push
themselves and find ways to overcome the adversities or lessons that stands in
their way. If they learn to push, they are able to face the challenging
conditions that often come our way.
When trines are absent in a chart, these people tend to be
faced with a lot of challenging conditions in life and use a lot of energy
trying to adjust to these conditions and/or to repair the damage that sometimes
occurs. They use great energy during these periods often leaving them
feeling worn out. They need to go at life a little easier and find ways
to relax and go with the flow even when life seems to be throwing hurtles their
way. Meditation and learning to move through life in a more temperate
manner will do wonders for these individuals.
Oppositions always suggest that there are others who have an
influence in the equation at hand. When there is a lack of oppositions in
the horoscope, these people are often quite in touch with themselves and they
are comfortable meeting their own needs. Sometimes these individuals
become overly self-reliant and need to open the doors so that other people have
an impact in their learning process as well. Expanding their horizons by
allowing others to assist in this process will widen their personal scope on
most everything in life. They should welcome a fresh look and a fresh
idea. There are times when others can help us develop into ourselves and
those lacking Oppositions would benefit from this and not have such a limited
perspective on who they think they are.
Do you have an aspect lacking in your chart?
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