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Monday, 18 June 2018


Mercury could be considered an adapting planet, because it takes on the energies of the planet or angle it links up with.  Mercury is the planet of the mind and has a great deal to do with the thinking process and communication techniques.  Although Mercury by transit usually moves about one degree per day, while in retrograde which can last 3 weeks, it can, by direct and retrograde motion, move across the same area of an astrology chart three times.  It energies would then become more significant, as you can imagine, as it is in aspect depending on which aspect we are speaking about for up to 7 degrees approaching and 2 degrees separating.  While in retrograde, it could be in effect for many days and have a profound impact during this period especially if other planets are also involved in the equation.

Venus is often about love and affection, life’s enjoyment, socializing and sometimes speaks of money and adornments.  In some cases, it also speaks of young women. 

With Mercury conjunct Venus, this could be a time when we fall in love with someone and spend a great deal of time thinking about such person.  Much will depend on the overall condition of Mercury in your chart as to how this thinking might unfold.  If, for example, you have Mercury in favourable aspect to Neptune, this could create energies of a magical attraction.  Because Neptune is involved, be sure that you are seeing things clearly, as Neptune tends to make things cloudy.

The sign positon of Mercury and Venus and the house position will help identify what area of life will be involved.  If this is in the second house, for example, the finances might be the focus of attention but Venus usually suggests opportunities or good fortune especially if also tied to Jupiter by favourable aspect. 

If it is in the fifth house, for example, this could suggest a romantic encounter or it may be speaking of one of your children, possibly a daughter experiencing something along these lines. 

If the sixth house is tied into the equation, this could suggest that there are changes taking place within the working environment or with someone within that environment.  As you can see, house position and aspect configuration are very significant when reading what an aspect is speaking of.

If by chance Mercury is retrograde during this period, perhaps it will be wise to wait for the dust to settle and make your move or do what you are planning on doing once Mercury goes direct again.  Mercury retrograde often points towards a time for reflection and planning, but is not always favoured for action.  Do not let the retrograde motion stop you if you have been planning something over a long period of time and the day has now arrived.  Astrology points the way, but you are always at the helm of your life’s motion.  Utilizing your chart and the energies it speaks of can create an easier route but it seldom says do not take the route at all.  We can build a house with power tools or we can build a house with hand tools.  Either way the house gets built.

Enjoy this time frame and if you have someone in your life that you are making a special connection with, the communication channels should be wide open and dialogue between the two of you can flow easily.

Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.

Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

Are you interested in learning Astrology?  Holm Astrology offers courses in astrology.  Visit our calendar for dates at

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If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit

Saturday, 16 June 2018


Holm Astrology offers free intuitive oracle card readings for hosts of home parties.

Invite a minimum of four guests (five including the host) for parties held in and around the City of Barrie area to qualify for the host’s fee reading. The minimum number of guests is negotiable outside the Barrie area. We will travel to Toronto.

All guests of the home parties receive a one-on-one minimum 30 minute private reading at a discounted rate of $60.00 each. As a thank you to our host, their reading is free!

These parties are quite popular and can be an evening out for your guests or an afternoon "tea". 

We have been asked what an Oracle card reading is.  Tarot cards for example are oracle but they speak a language specific to Tarot and that is the language the reader has studied.  Holm Astrology uses Astrology symbol cards which speak the language of Astrology.  This is the native language of this Astrologer.  It is the reader’s job to translate the message of the oracle cards to the language understood by the client.

Contact  to book your party or to obtain more details.

Friday, 15 June 2018


Transiting Saturn is currently in the sign of Capricorn and will remain within the first ten degrees of Capricorn until the end of 2018.  Saturn, which is often linked to disciplined action and restrained conditions, moving through the sign of Capricorn (the sign of disciplined learning, caution and somewhat strategic teachings) will be testing our ability to focus through sometimes stifling conditions and teaching us to stay true to our beliefs.  This is particularly true when Saturn, through transit, conjuncts our natal Mercury.  Check your personal astrology chart to locate Mercury and calculate any aspect with Saturn, if any at this time.

Saturn is the teacher of the zodiac but is resistant to change.  Saturn is always willing to take the long road to learn what is needed.  If the short route (or cutting corners) is more appealing to you while Saturn is making contact, you will find that the shortcut does not exist.  Saturn insists that you not miss any steps and you will have to make adjustments along the way if this is your normal way of working through things.  You cannot ignore any detail under this influence.  Every detail must be faced when it comes to the lessons that Saturn presents to us.

If, however, you work your way through these lessons and you are diligent in your efforts and face any adversity that might present itself head on, you will come out the other side of this experience much stronger and a more experienced individual with knowledge and understanding that will stand the test of time.  On a mental level, it may seem quite tedious as you seem to be tested at every junction point but you will learn a great deal about your inner resolve during the time frame that Saturn makes this contact.  Could one of these important lessons be “being present”?

The house in which Saturn is transiting will be the area of life that is being affected and the natal house placement of Saturn will also play a significant role in the events taking place during this aspect.  Again, be sure to check your chart to see how Mercury is aspected by other transiting planets as well as its condition within the natal chart.  This will give you a clearer picture. 

Even if Mercury is challenged in the birth chart, remember that challenging aspects when applied to our life’s mission will be rectified over time and can eventually work like a trine or sextile once mastered.  As a result, the challenging aspects will eventually work with us.

Mercury is the planet of the mind and the greatest tests to your mental energies will be during its time spent with Saturn.

Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.

Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

Are you interested in learning Astrology? Holm Astrology offers courses in astrology. Visit our calendar for dates at

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If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit

Thursday, 14 June 2018


This can be a touchy subject but in light of the election recently in Ontario and remembering the plight of women trying to obtain the legal right to vote, we thought this is subject worth reflecting on.

For many centuries, women have been segregated and their voices gagged and their human rights ignored. 

Integration has begun in most countries but not all. 

It is time to openly recognize and acknowledge women and their role in aiding the overall connection of each and every inhabitant of our world.  In many countries, women can now voice their opinions and their hand in the evolution of the human mind and heart is recognized.

It is well past time that we listen and act upon their message.  Unfortunately, there are still those that believe women have a lesser role to play than man and there are still countries that repress every avenue of living for woman and their rights. 

What is there to fear? 

There will always be those that stand in the way of progress, but the majority recognize the important role that women play in every avenue of our society. 

We see more female leaders and rightfully so.  Most women, unlike the men of the past, allow themselves to “feel” in life.  They are receptive to the sufferings of others and sensitive enough to truly care.  Women openly feel the pain of others (not to say that men do not for this too is evolving).  Men have been programmed in the past that emotions are a weakness and many men still battle with this myth today. 

For those that seek equality and recognition, let the door swing wide open.  For those that seek fairness and justice, let their voices be heard.  For those that need to be acknowledged for who they are, let them know appreciation and recognition for the important part they play in this journey. 

We are all part of the whole, and together we can do our part regardless of reproductive organs we were born with.  How can these physical organs measure our importance in life?  We each and collectively play a significant role in the overall journey of the human race.  Let our voices be heard and let all of humankind work together to create a better experience for all for every living creature. 

Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.

Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

Are you interested in learning Astrology? Holm Astrology offers courses in astrology. Visit our calendar for dates at

Please “Like” us on Facebook.  Your “shares” are appreciated and your questions are welcomed.

If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit

Wednesday, 13 June 2018


Today, June 13, 2018, at 3:45 p.m. EST, we will experience the New Moon at 22 degrees of Gemini. 

A New Moon is when the Sun and the Moon form a conjunction at the exact same degree of a sign. 

A New Moon’s energies are conducive to initiating a new beginning.  We like to refer to this as the planting period in the garden of life.  The sign and house position of the New Moon in the astrology chart defines the characteristics and area of life that will be involved with these energies. 

With this New Moon being at 22 degrees Gemini, anyone having a natal planet or angle within five degrees of this positioning especially by Conjunction (0 degrees), Opposition (180 degrees), Square (90 degrees) or Trine (120 degrees) and to a lesser degree sextile (60 degrees) and quincunx or inconjunct (150 degrees) will be influenced by the New Moon’s positioning in the natal chart. 

The conjunction is the most powerful aspect indicating a blending of energies.  The opposition will be the next most powerful aspect suggesting the influence of others and the square will be next indicating some stress and struggles associated with this positioning.  The sextile and trine often bring opportunities and easy flow, while the quincunx indicates that an adjustment is at hand.

A New Moon in Gemini often points towards communication and intellectual pursuits.  Gemini is intellectually inclined and has the ability to transfer information, to be versatile and adaptable and to change when necessary.  Sometimes Gemini will be associated with verbal agreements or written matters.  Gemini may be associated with teaching, literature and the signing of documents of importance.

There are three other major aspects highlighted during this period.  Mars in in opposition to the North Node, Uranus is square to Venus and Jupiter is trine to Neptune. 

The North Node often speaks of important people and our life’s path.  When in opposition with one another, it is suggested that someone may enter into your life and help with life’s direction in a significant manner.  Mars will provide the impetus to push in the direction being suggested but we make the final decision. 

Uranus speaks about a new direction and a push for change and when associated with the planet Venus, may speak in terms of an involvement with romantic ties or with a young woman that is now faced with adversity.  The square speaks of obstacles to overcome and stumbling blocks in the way to success.  Perseverance and hard work is often indicated if anyone affected by this aspect wishes to move forward. 

Also, Jupiter in trine to Neptune may suggest that expansion is possible when it comes to spiritual involvement and moving towards a mystical pursuit.  Trines suggest easy flow and opportunities.  If this was speaking of romantic involvement, then it would be important to not place the lover on a pedestal. It would be important to see this lover clearly and in a concise manner without wearing proverbial rose coloured glasses.

Be sure to look at your entire Astrology chart to clearly understand how this may apply in your life.  The houses involved represent the areas of life involved and the angles will define how these energies will play out.  The closer aspects are to being direct, the stronger their influences.  Your chart will also indicate how long these energies are in force and what can be done to help utilize the energies at hand.

Astrology is an amazing tool.   

Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.

Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

Are you interested in learning Astrology?  Holm Astrology offers courses in astrology.  Visit our calendar for dates at

Please “Like” us on Facebook. Your “shares” are appreciated and your questions are welcomed.

If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit

Tuesday, 12 June 2018


Do you feel as though something always seems to stand in the way of progress?  Does it feel like no matter what route you choose to follow, you always seem to end up in the same place?  

Where are you placing your focus?  Do you believe and tell yourself that life is just a vicious circle or do you focus on the minute accomplishments you complete each day?  Perhaps on some level, you do not expect to escape the vicious circle.  Maybe you believe you cannot remove the obstacles that seem to stand in your way.

How do you perceive the situation?  Your faith in the process is so very important.  Your perception is part of the solution just as much as your belief in whether or not you can make the change that is required or whether you are capable of doing what needs to be done.  Most importantly, you need to believe in yourself and worry less about what the ultimate end change might be.  Our minds can wander aimlessly and create anxiety to the point that it halts our progress.  It is important to understand that in many instants we are guilty of holding ourselves back.

You have to find the courage to step up to the plate and insist that ego is not allowed to dictate what you can accomplish in life.  A part of you knows exactly what can be done to initiate change.  Courage is the fuel that is needed.  Sooner or later, you must make the necessary stance.  The question is when?

Often times what we perceive as roadblocks are lessons to help us see ourselves for who we truly are.  This information is a building block to progress.  We learn to tackle lessons head on and we grow, develop and become self reliant because of them.  Should we then welcome these opportunities and look at them as doors opening instead of roadblocks? 

For many of us, we try to ignore what we need to do because of fear.  We hope and believe that by ignoring the inevitable we might find a way to escape.  Not dealing with matters at hand will only serve to create a battle which should only be a lesson.  We forget about those feelings we experience through accomplishment and the self development we achieve when we push ahead and deal with life head on.

It is time to remember and grow!

Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.

Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

Are you interested in learning Astrology? Holm Astrology offers courses in astrology. Visit our calendar for dates at

Please “Like” us on Facebook. Your “shares” are appreciated and your questions are welcomed.

If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit

Monday, 11 June 2018

Transiting Neptune square Mercury

Neptune often has a spiritual link while transiting through the chart.  It can also be quite illusive and can create illusionary thoughts and perceptions when in line with Mercury, particularly while in square.  Again, as mentioned, however, it often has some type of link to spirituality and this is particularly so if it is in the sign of Pisces. 

If you are currently experiencing the transit we are focusing on today in your personal Astrology chart be sure to have a look at the overall condition of the other transits and progressions before coming to a conclusion on this aspect.  Remember to check the house position of transiting Neptune, the house position of natal Mercury and also the house position of natal Neptune and the aspects to it.  This will provide you with a full interpretation of what might unfold while Neptune is activated.

The energies of a square between Neptune and Mercury often points towards a misunderstanding of information or an inability to communicate clearly.  Your verbal expression and communicative skills will not be clear and others may have a difficult time understanding what it is you are trying to convey.  If your conversation is about intuitive and psychic experiences, however, or if you are looking for information in these areas, you will be able to find quality information.  Your inner, intuitive self might understand the material better than your conscious self at this time.  Even if the conscious self does not understand what is being presented, the information will be retained and perhaps when needed, will resurface and provide you with some needed insight or guidance.

It is best to hold off on decisions of significant matters while experiencing the influence of this aspect, such as signing documents, purchasing property or being involved with anything legal, if at all possible.  Neptune is more concerned with spiritual matters and the mundane world around you may not hold your interest or this lack of interest can cause issues later.  Under this influence, your mind may shift or you may lose track or spend time worrying about making the right decisions.  

It is advisable to reach out for help from someone you trust before signing any documents if you are obligated to do so and even under these conditions, there is still the chance that there can be mistakes made.  Often times, we tend to worry too much about issues that in reality are not even significant.  There is the potential of being deceived by others.  As a result, be careful with whom you express yourself to and whom you place your trust in. 

The mind tends to be unclear and may wonder, worry and experience fear with issues that have simply been blown out of proportion.  You would do well to wait for the fog to clear.  Clear sight and understanding will afford you to handle things with an insight into what is actually taking place. 

Under harsh conditions especially if Uranus or Pluto are somehow part of the equation, you may need outside assistance as transformations and changes of an unusual sort might be part of the process and this will make things even more unclear.  

Professional help is suggested particularly if the twelfth house is involved or even the eighth house, although the eighth may be linked closer to the occult teaching and also joint finances or matters connected with legacies or inheritance.  

Be sure to have the full picture and do not allow yourself to be deceived by what appears to be truth.  Sometimes truth can be camouflaged or hidden in some way.

Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.

Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

Are you interested in learning Astrology?  Holm Astrology offers courses in astrology.  Visit our calendar for dates at

Please “Like” us on Facebook. Your “shares” are appreciated and your questions are welcomed.

If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit