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Tuesday, 19 January 2021


 The door in front of you is waiting to be opened. 


There is no special key and there are no obstructions in the way.  The only thing standing in the way of it opening is you. 


Your perception and your attitude either holds you back or pushes you forward.  Each one of us is offered that same passage regardless of past or present conditions.  The answers are available to everyone.


Do not hold yourself back.  Understand that the door is not locked. Open it and walk through! 


The minute you take that first step life begins to shift.  It is your obligation to “you” to venture forward.  Start your quest for truth.  Know that truth is always available if you care to ask.


Do not be one of those individuals that hold back because of self-image.  You are worthy.  It IS there for you.  Everything is available to you. 


It is never too late or too early. 


Some may even question whether there is a door there at all.  Again, remember your perception and your attitude either holds you back or pushes you forward.


You are the master of your destiny.  You can walk through that door if you allow yourself to take that first step. 


Much lies ahead if you choose to take that step.  Venture forth!


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Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology?  Holm Astrology offers Astrology courses.  Our current classes have been postponed but please watch for the announcement of our new dates yet to be established.  Visit for course details.


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If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit

Monday, 18 January 2021


 The Sun moves into the fixed, air sign of Aquarius on January 19, 2021. 


Aquarians have been known to be somewhat eccentric and original.  They know they are different but really do not mind.  They are known as futuristic and some have visionary concepts that are said to be way ahead of their time.  Many other Sun signs will have problems trying to understand some of Aquarius’ concepts.


Aquarians are moral by nature and trustworthy although radical in their thinking process.  This, of course, will depend on the sign their Mercury is in and the house their Sun is located in.  These placements along with the Ascendant can temper the Aquarius traits or add to their energies. 


Aquarians are humanitarian and enjoy discussing a range of progressive topics with others.  They have new ideas, and their motto would be “I know” and “Don’t fence me in” or “Don’t tie me down”.  They can also be somewhat radical, and it may be hard to sway their opinions yet most Aquarians are open to discussion. 


Many are involved in group activities and work well within these groups.  They need to share their ideas and learn new material that they can pass on to those that they deem are looking for assistance or need a push to move forward.  Aquarians often find it easier to talk with groups of people rather than have a conversation with an individual.  They are lovers of mankind and sympathetic to their plight although usually not prone to emotional expression.  Much, of course, will depend on the placement of their Moon by sign and house position.


Their symbol is the water bearer which inherently symbolizes the spreading of knowledge.  They truly want to push others out of complacency and help motivate people forward.  Aquarians always search for logical resolutions to issues brought on by life’s events.  The solution that they come up with will be positive in nature.  The advanced Aquarian will make others realize that they are the only ones that actually create their problems and as a result, each individual has to fix their own problems.  (This is not to say that others will not influence our lives but our reaction to what is said and what we do with the issue is always in our own hands.)  Aquarians use their intuition to advance others as these Sun sign individuals know instinctively what others need or at least they think they do.


Those with their Sun in Aquarius in the early degrees will have their Sun making a conjunction with Jupiter and Saturn in mid January 2021.  This is a powerful conjunction, and much talk has taken place over the influence of these two giants in recent weeks.  When combined with the Sun, this conjunction speaks of goals and aspirations along with the deep inner character traits linked with the Aquarian tendencies going through growth and opportunities although much work will be required to reach viable and favourable results.  Much will depend on where the Sun, along with these planets, is located in the natal chart.


If, for example, these planets are found in the first house, this becomes very personal and it may also affect their relationships.  Internal goals will be scrutinized and either pursued or worries can accompany these decisions due to the influence of Saturn.  It would be wise to push through adversity and move ahead but not to miss any steps along the way. 


If, for example, this conjunction takes place in the second house, then this would affect the finances and inner security.  Of course, these are short answers and a deep look into the chart is advised to get a full and clear picture.  Other aspects will influence these energies as well, and our attitude plays a significant role in these events. 


By February, 2021, these planets begin to separate although still considered conjunct until the end of February.  During these periods, the Aquarian may find Jupiter has a part in the unfolding of their goals and inner realizations or Saturn will play the more significant role.  Saturn tests our resilience and teaches lessons while Jupiter expands and builds towards opportunities promoting positivity and progressive action on our part.  Jupiter will be in Aquarius for about one year while Saturn will remain there for about 2 ½ years.


For further information see posts related to Jupiter conjunct the Sun and Saturn conjunct the Sun at in our previous posts.  Make sure you take into consideration the houses involved as these will be the areas of life associated with what takes place.


Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology?  Holm Astrology offers Astrology courses.  Our current classes have been postponed but please watch for the announcement of our new dates yet to be established.  Visit for course details.


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If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit

Friday, 15 January 2021


 We continue our post from January 13, 2021 touching on house polarities and i9ntegrating an opposition.  In our example we used Saturn in the second and Uranus in the eight houses. 


It is important to integrate both houses involved in the opposition without losing focus or emphasizing one house over the other.  Oppositions are opposing factors that create tension but through integration can be resolved and used in a positive manner.


It is also important while defining the meaning of your oppositions to take into consideration the natural rulers of the houses involved as well.  So in this case the natural ruler of the second house is Venus and Taurus and the natural ruler of the eighth house is Pluto and Scorpio.  This should be taken into consideration when trying to find alignment of the two houses and planets involved in the opposition.


When a planet is found in the final degrees of a house, some Astrologers say as much as five degrees from the cusp, the energies are pushing towards the next house and both houses should be used in the formulation of action taken to alleviate the stress of the opposition.  So, if for example, Saturn was found 2 degrees from the cusp of the third house while still placed in the second house, both houses should be clearly defined to get a full understanding of what areas of life are involved as well as ways in which these areas of life can be used in ordinance with the opposing house involved in the equation. 


In the description of Saturn in the second and Uranus in the eighth, a positive expression and release of tension caused by this opposition might be to find ways of achieving financial security perhaps through joint finances, where the burden of expenses is shared according to the income between both people involved.  If there are continuous worries or anxieties over security matters, both financial or internal issues, letting go of these concerns through an understanding of mystical practice and an opening to new teachings that are available through occult understandings could help the struggles and present new ways to alleviate these internal worries. 


To take it one step further, if, for example, Saturn is tied to the third house because it conjoins the cusp of the third house, then communication and open dialogue will help alleviate some of the conditions that are causing concern and anxiety.


It is important to remember that there is always a resolution to any dilemma in life and Astrology can help you to understand the energies through evaluation of your oppositions which may be part of the problem.  You can find ways to integrate these energies and use them together to support one another and help find resolution to any concerns you may have.


Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology?  Holm Astrology offers Astrology courses.  Our current classes have been postponed but please watch for the announcement of our new dates yet to be established.  Visit for course details.


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If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit

Thursday, 14 January 2021


 As you begin acknowledging your abilities, whatever they may be, it is important to follow through and to recognize, that although they appear to be just surfacing, they have been lying dormant waiting for this acknowledgement. 


Do not deny these abilities.  Provide them with whatever ingredients necessary so that they can blossom. 


Far too often, we notice these abilities are starting to flourish but are hesitant to accept them and we question our abilities.  Some of us may feel unworthy.  Some simply cannot believe that they are capable and will dismiss their abilities over and over again. 


In most cases, these abilities are not going to go away.  It is time to explore these avenues of expression.  The push to recognize and utilize our abilities will continue to return to us with some frequency even when our minds tell us that these can’t be.


Our talents are real.  Accept the fact that this is happening to you.  It is time and you are ready! 


Our ego interferes vehemently regardless of our potential.  Move beyond ego to that part of you that knows.  Stop fighting the process.  You are ready for this whether you believe it or not.  It would not be happening if it were not time.


These abilities are far from being foreign to you; they have just been dormant waiting to begin anew.  These abilities do not make us special in any way. 


You are worthy.


Everyone has their own unique part to play.  We all hold key ingredients that foster growth not only for us but also for all those we share this experience with.  Reach out to like minds.  Share you experiences.  Those that connect with us bring confirmation for us.  With sharing our abilities with others, we enhance these abilities even further. 


Practice sharing your gifts frequently.  With practice comes confidence.


Remember your spiritual connection to all of life and your innate connection with spirit in your own personal world.  Disregard the mind's interference as it is not part of the true you.  Trust and belief. 


Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology?  Holm Astrology offers Astrology courses.  Our current classes have been postponed but please watch for the announcement of our new dates yet to be established.  Visit for course details.


Please “Like” us on Facebook.  Your “shares” are appreciated and your questions are welcomed.


If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit

Wednesday, 13 January 2021


 When we are deciphering a natal chart we often come across oppositions.  For those that are unfamiliar with what oppositions are in the natal chart, here is a quick definition:


An opposition involves a minimum of two planets which are found at opposite ends of the chart.  The angle of separation is 180 degrees.  We allow an orb of up to ten degrees of separation, so any two planets that are between 170-190 degrees apart from one another are defined as oppositions.   The tighter the orb (closer to 180 degrees), the stronger the opposition in an Astrology chart.  A direct opposition will be 180 degrees in separation and will be a very powerful agent in the horoscope.


When we have oppositions in the natal chart defined by house positions, we are torn in two separate directions.  The houses define the areas of life involved in this aspect.  There is a strong need to find a release valve between these two opposing forces.  In many cases we will need to take into consideration the planets involved in the equation, as the energies of one planet can certainly overpower the energies of the other planet.  However, these planets need to find expression and often one will dominate the other, but remember, they are opposing forces.


An example might be Saturn in the second house in opposition to Uranus in the eighth house.  Saturn seeks security either from an internal standpoint through finding a concrete evaluation of self-reliance or through hard work and internal reliability and a willingness to look within for reassurance, or as the second house deals with financial security, through money and the security it can bring. 


Uranus is quite opposite in its energies.  While Saturn seeks structure and reliability, Uranus seeks freedom of expression and freedom to move in whatever direction it wishes, as well as new and innovated ways of integrating information into our lives.  Saturn seeks out is tried and tested and Uranus pushes for change and learning from new adventures. 


The eighth house deals with joint finances, the occult teachings, inner reflection and big business among other things.  The energies of Uranus in this position might seek out ways of joining finances to find shared resolutions to any financial crisis, but in a larger sense wants to explore avenues of expression linked to the occult and spiritual understanding.  It wants to open the door to these concepts.


In our example, Saturn seeks out ways to establish concrete financial security using slow meticulous methods, while Uranus wants to explore ways related to financial structures through joint finances that entail something new and exciting pushing in a new direction. 


This example may also be saying that Saturn is looking to achieve internal security through planning, organizing and structuring life in such a way that it promotes security that lasts the long haul.  Uranus on the other hand may seek out independence through becoming involved in the teachings of the occult and the practice of reaching beyond what is considered safe and known.


We are going to continue our look at house polarities and oppositions in our next astrology post on January 15, 2021.


Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology?  Holm Astrology offers Astrology courses.  Our current classes have been postponed but please watch for the announcement of our new dates yet to be established.  Visit for course details.


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If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit

Tuesday, 12 January 2021


 All lives are significant.  All lives are important.  Do not think otherwise. 


Each of us has a role to honor.  We each have a part to play and everyone has something of importance to offer, without exception.


We all have our own unique gifts to offer, whether we recognize them or not.  We have important information to pass on to those around us, and we are all part of this evolutionary process taking place on our earth at any given moment in time.


We are the forerunners of the current shift.  Many are awakening.  It is significant to recognize that we have come into this incarnation at this particular time in human history to play our part in the unfolding story.  Why now?  Why us?  Are these answers important? 


Take the time to recognize your own personal significance and just how important your life is, not only for yourself but for others. 


Never lose sight of the fact that you are spiritual in nature.  You have come into this life in human form to utilize the lessons needed for your spiritual evolution. 


We are spirit in the form of humans, living a relatively short tangible existence.  Remember who you are.  You are a piece of the whole!


Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology?  Holm Astrology offers Astrology courses.  Our current classes have been postponed but please watch for the announcement of our new dates yet to be established.  Visit for course details.


Please “Like” us on Facebook.  Your “shares” are appreciated and your questions are welcomed.


If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit

Monday, 11 January 2021


 On January 13, 2021 at 12:02 a.m. EST, we will be experiencing a New Moon in the sign of Capricorn at 23 degrees.  Capricorn, an earth sign, has a great deal to do with achievement particularly in the area of business.  Those with planets within three degrees by conjunction, opposition and square have the potential of starting something new that lines up with the area of life dictated by this lunar position.  New Moons enhance the energies of new beginnings.


This is the time to planet seeds using instinctual guidance to push you forward in the direction of choice.  This is fertile ground for beginnings linked to moving up the corporate ladder or investments in enterprise that seem feasible at the time of this Capricorn New Moon energy.  Your intuition might offer some guidance although careful thought and due diligence provide the best results. 


This is not the time to rush into situations.  Listen to advice from those in positions of authority or those that have experience.  Guidance can be crucial in moving ahead.


Pluto is conjunct this position at 24 degrees Capricorn and Pluto has been known to move ahead in a rather dramatic manner leaving no stone unturned and making permanent changes that have long lasting effects.  Pluto will transform how life may have been up to this point and what you start now can have profound effects down the road.  In some six months when we experience the Full Moon in Capricorn, you will see what unfolds.  This usually is indicative with the energies and effort put into this next six-month period.  What you put out is reflected in the final outcome and particularly with the Sign Capricorn.  With Capricorn it is imperative that you do not take any shortcuts.  Tried and tested methods might bring forth the greatest results.


If this conjunction happens to take place in the fourth house for example perhaps what you push ahead with now may be related to investing in real estate or venturing ahead with plans on selling your home.  Perhaps you may have to put one of your parents into a home over this next period and in most cases this refers to the most sensitive and nurturing parent.  Perhaps now it is time for you to show your nurturing abilities.


If this conjunction takes place in the tenth house, for example, perhaps you find that you are in the process of changing jobs or picking a new path that offers greater stability and structure in the long haul.  Your goals and objectives may change and what was in place prior to this period may be totally transformed by the time this period is over. 


Regeneration in the work place may be part of the picture if the sixth house or health regimens may be high on the priority list.


Whatever you decide to push ahead with, do it well, to the best of your abilities and take your time making changes along the way to help finalize things as you progress.  This is a time for building structure and providing stability.  Make sure your foundation is a solid one that will stand the test of time.


Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology?  Holm Astrology offers Astrology courses.  Our current classes have been postponed but please watch for the announcement of our new dates yet to be established.  Visit for course details.


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If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit