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Thursday 31 October 2013

Scorpio Ascendant

The Rising Sign, also known as the Ascendant Sign, depicts the way we present ourselves to the outside world. It is the face we show to others, particularly during the first few meetings. It does not necessarily link up with our Sun sign which is our true identity or inside personality that is more in line with who we truly are. At some point in time, our purpose is to join the outer persona with the inner personality and mold them into one, thus becoming whole.

Those that are born with Scorpio Rising have similar characteristics of those with the Sun in Scorpio only in so far as the outside person reflects this character. If you have Scorpio Rising, you may be quiet or loud but rarely in between. Regardless of which one you show to the world, you will get noticed. When you walk into a room, people notice you and your demeanour is captivating. Most people with this rising sign have pointed features and piercing eyes that seem to look past any superficial character traits that others may try to exhibit. They are able to see to the core. Some find this intriguing and others find this somewhat intimidating.

Many with this Rising Sign are drawn into partnerships that are intense although individuals that are down to earth, practical and reliable in nature hold this individual’s attention. They are deep and want a partner that is dedicated and committed to them and them alone. Partnership is important but they are quite self-sufficient and are not dependant on others to help them through their life’s challenges. In meaningful relationships, they have an all or nothing attitude. They are also very sexual and exude sexual energy. Sex is an important factor in their intimate relationships and some can become overly obsessive about their sexual appetite.

Sometimes, they present themselves as being cool and aloof and sometimes they are rather indignant and pushy. They will not be pushed or pulled by anyone and are never at the mercy of someone else. They are strong enough to handle most any situation that life throws at them. The emotions run deep and their lifelong lesson has to do with balancing the emotions and finding a way to present self in a manner that feels right.

Their mission is to get to know self and transform their character flaws as time passes. Once they evolve into this personality which is quite possible, they are capable of selfless acts for the betterment of those around them. They first have to face their own demons (as most individuals with strong Scorpio characteristics have something hidden deep inside that needs adjustment). Once this is accomplished, they can help others conquer their own obscurities and face themselves head on without fear and judgement.

Visit Holm Astrology on Facebook at for information on Astrology and for our food-for-thought posts. If you would like to speak to us confidentially, do not hesitate to contact us through private message at

Wednesday 30 October 2013

Harbouring Negativity

If you were to take a close look at the people around you, either from your work place, close associates or family members, you would discover that at least one of these individuals harbours some form of negativity. They insist that reality is shady and the world is full of misconceived concepts. They maintain their stance and suggest that if you have a clear and concise close look around you, you cannot help but adapt to this realistic approach to life. In a very sad way, they have a point. When you view our world and all its negative attributes, such as war, murder, violence and injustice, (just to name a few), you may find it difficult to rise above this view point. These individuals only see their world in terms of shortages and rarely capture the true essence of life.

There are those that have allowed corruption to control them. This cannot be denied and it is next to impossible to honestly say that there is nothing but good in this world. However, we must take a closer look. If you truly look, you will see that for every negative act, there is or is the potential for a positive act. For every negative emotion, there can be, if you so choose, a counter positive emotion. In most cases, the positive reaction holds more credence than the negative one.

If we choose to filter out all of the negative or ill-willed actions, how can this possibly affect us? Are we not just turning a blind eye? Our general attitude and that which we focus on – be it doubt and fear, only serve to produce more of the same which results in encapsulating our existence with doubt and fear.

Are we not hiding under a veil of illusion if we purposely only focus our attention on the good in life? Are we not misinterpreting reality? Most of us are all quite aware of the facts and the issues in our world today but if we entertain or place our focus on these thought structures, what good comes of it? We must acknowledge things that need our attention so that we can assist in righting wrongs but these outside activities do not have to define our existence.

By focusing our attention on what we have instead of what is conceived as “missing” in our lives, we capture something much more worthwhile. If we choose to focus our attention on what is missing, we create the illusion of lacking, wanting, needing. Happy individuals find contentment from everyday affairs, from those people that surround them, from the beauty of nature – from each and every different aspects of their life on which they choose to place their focus. These individuals are aware of the world around them. They simply choosing to keep their attention on the meaningful, positive aspects that life has to offer.

Our focus on life’s events becomes a choice at that moment that we learn we have a choice. Parents and teachers mold our intentions at a relatively early age (whether they are aware of this concept or not), but as we mature, we develop our own awareness of alternatives. If positive thinking was not taught earlier in our lives, we have to choice to begin to form our own objectives and focuses in life.

As mentioned in many previous writings, we choose; we allow and we accept. It is our choice to pursue life’s rewards, life’s beauty and life’s offerings. We were never intended to pursue a route that only produces indignant reactions. Open yourself up to the willingness to explore the potential wonderment that life offers. It is your right to choose which road to follow – a road of bewilderment and dismay or a road of endless potentials. Which will it be?

Visit Holm Astrology on Facebook at for more food-for-thought posts and for information on Astrology. If you would like to keep your comments and questions confidential, please contact us through private message at

Tuesday 29 October 2013

Moon in Scorpio in the Natal Chart

Since the Sun is currently in the sign of Scorpio, we thought it only fitting to explain the placement of the Moon in the sign of Scorpio. Other strong placements where Scorpio would enhance the individual’s character would also be the Rising or Ascendant sign or several planets in the eighth house which is ruled by Scorpio.

If you are a person who was born with the Moon in the strong placement of Scorpio, you are emotionally responsive to your environment. Emotions are intertwined in many of the events in your life as well as life’s unfolding potential. The emotions can be your greatest strength or your point of least resistance. Many of these individuals spend a great deal of their life trying to contain their emotional depth. Some gain mastery over these intense feelings, while others become captive of their emotions.

These captive individuals will have great difficulty comprehending and relinquishing their emotional response to the world around them. This is a challenge for most people with this placement of the Moon unless there are other strong character traits in their Natal Chart that help to dilute or inhibit their emotional response to life.

Because of Pluto’s influence on the sign of Scorpio, these individuals have a great need for reflection and their in depth analysis often propels them towards deep transformation. Throughout their lives, they will challenge who they are becoming and rigorously test this intension. If content with the results, they will pursue this path or these character traits with greater intensity. They constantly review their flaws and with passion ingrained from birth, will relentlessly pursue rebirth and transformation on a very deep level.

They have an imbedded need to pursue every facet of the subjects that is in their focus. They make excellent Astrologers, Psychoanalysts, Psychologists and Detectives. They have a yearning to understand life and are deeply interested in occult matters and anything unusual. They will study in depth and leave nothing to question. They need the answers and are unwavering in their intent to find them. They are very stubborn and are not easily swayed from their purpose which they pursue relentlessly.

The more evolved individual with this Lunar sign has positive qualities linked to their personality, such as compassion, intelligence and ambition and although somewhat vulnerable, they are open to new knowledge as long as it fits into their circle of ideologies. They genuinely want to be of assistance and share their knowledge with the intensions of aiding those in need of transformation and regeneration.

On the negative side, those individuals that are not evolved and are under this Lunar sign can easily display jealousy, possessiveness and self-indulgence. Many become obsessed with sexual intrigue and most, whether they are evolved or not, are secretive and sensual individuals. Those with less than good intentions have difficulty staying monogamous and are tempted to respond to their sexual inclinations by having more than one sexual partner. Most individuals with this Lunar placement need some balance in this area of life. For some, this is a weak point in their personality that requires some alignment.

There are eleven other signs for the Moon; this is but one. If you find this information interesting and would like further information on the placement of the Moon, please refer to our “About” Section on the top left hand side of our Facebook page for information on the Astrology Charts that are available to enhance your understanding of not only your Moon’s placement, but all the planets and their significance in your personal Chart.

Visit Holm Astrology on Facebook at for more information on Astrology or for our food-for-thought posts. Do not hesitate to contact us through private message for confidential comments, questions or to speak to us concerning having a chart prepared at

Monday 28 October 2013

The Departed

Have you recently lost someone dear to you? Are you overwhelmed with thoughts of them? Are you having trouble letting go and moving forward in your life? It is troubling and heart wrenching when someone close to us leaves but especially if in our opinion it seems to be premature. Many will spend countless hours questioning the passing and some become fixated on the questions left unanswered and with words that were left unsaid.

It is difficult to understand the reason behind such untimely events and sometimes it does not matter how much we ponder the potential “why” behind the passing, there just is no satisfactory answer to this question. Perhaps it is not for us to know. We are mere mortals living our lives with tidbits of information behind the greater meaning to our existence.

Was their leaving part of the process? Was it meant to be? These are great questions and the answer may never be known here in the physical world. But if the question is generated from a spiritual sense, one beyond the normal confines of so called rational thinking, there is undoubtedly a purpose. To find the answer, you have to go deeper than this human existence. You have to ask for guidance in locating this answer. It cannot be found through normal lines of thought, unless the normal lines of thought are beyond the physical realm.

People look for answers that justify events and answers that somehow make the events acceptable to our logical mind. Our concept of life is limited. Life is to be lived to the best of our ability. It is to be enjoyed and experienced to the fullest, but with full regard for everyone we meet along life’s road.

When a life comes to an end, think of this event as the turning of a page or a new chapter--a fresh start. This chapter is complete and what was supposed to happen has, even if a life is cut short. It served the purpose that it was to serve. When our learning process is complete in this existence, it is time to move on. This, however, should never be our conscious decision.

There are some of us that have enormous difficulties and are confronted with these each and every day. These difficulties are beyond any measurement of understanding by those watching from the outside. Others have no idea what these individuals are going through or the mental anguish that they are experiencing. Some of these individuals unfortunately take their own lives as they feel that there is no other way out. This thinking process halts any potential for overcoming the obstacles and moving forward. I have heard it said that suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. If they understood that the mind’s focus is part of the stalemate situation in their lives, they would undoubtedly change their focus. Sometimes people are so immersed in their circumstances that they can neither think clearly nor move out of the restrictions their minds’ have created around the situation they now find themselves shackled too.

When people leave us prematurely some questions are never answered, but know that you will meet up again, when you move from this experience into the next. Life is energy, and energy is perpetual. We are energy in spirit form when we leave this earthly existence. Let them move ahead in the ongoing evolution of life and know that our loved ones are always near--never too far away to hear our words. Love and let go. Continue on your journey. This is your purpose and certainly what your loved ones would want for you.

Visit Holm Astrology on Facebook at for more food-for-thought posts and for information on Astrology. If you would like to keep your comments and questions confidential or would like to commission the preparation of a chart, please contact us through private message at

Saturday 26 October 2013

Dance in the Rain

A Natal Chart examines the characteristics with which we are born, both the challenges and the talents. Learn to develop your gifts and overcome the challenges.

Friday 25 October 2013

Chosen Family

In our lives there are generally two types of families. There are the families that consist of biological family members such as brothers, sisters and parents and there are families that consist of those members we meet during our life whom we call friends. Some family members will become our closest friends whether biological or not. Some close friends can have a greater impact on our lives than our biological family members.

These unique individuals have been brought into our lives for specific reasons. They come to share our life’s experience. These individuals are important factors at crucial periods in our lives.

The importance of these biological or found friends cannot be measured or weighed especially during times of stress and anguish. Many times, their input uplifts us when life presents us with obstacles and challenges that seem too powerful for us to conquer on our own. At these times, you could call these individuals guardian angels that have been sent to our rescue. Some friends are temporary and will disappear after they have served their purpose. Others remain constant companions throughout our lives and we share our intimacies and enjoy our special moments together with them.

Many have a higher purpose and they hand over their reigns to someone new when they have completed whatever they were sent to do. They seem to gradually fade away and it is sometimes difficult to let go of them as you have come to know them well and they you.

Never underestimate the importance of these individuals as it is not by chance that they have come into your life. Look deep to see what it is that they have come to assist you in learning. Sometimes what you like about them most is something that you need to develop within yourself. Other times what you fear or detest most about them is a quality that is part of your own makeup that must be acknowledged and then released.

For those friends that endure life’s constant evolutionary change, persevere and remain, always adapting and moving within the confines of your evolutionary growth, you should understand that these are special people. You have undoubtedly walked together before this life with them. The two of you have chosen to meet up again and exchange in-depth connection that few experience. These are your special unions and there is a significant purpose within this alliance.

There are those that circumstance seems to remove from your grasp but their presents continues to hold a special place in your heart. Some are taken away early in the union for unknown reasons and the loss is intense. With these individuals, you feel that your time together was too short but it is imperative that you appreciate the time shared.

Acknowledge the importance of each of your friendships. Life is short and you are intended to meet and form great relationships. Friends and family members are an important part of your life and you theirs. Cherish the special moments in time that you have together.

Visit Holm Astrology on Facebook at for information on Astrology and for our food-for-thought posts. If you would like to speak to us confidentially, do not hesitate to contact us through private message at

Thursday 24 October 2013


Today, the 24th of October, 2013, the Sun moves into the sign of Scorpio. For those of you born under the sign of Scorpio through the Sun sign, have your Rising Sign in Scorpio, or with a heavy influence of planets in the eighth house, this post will apply to you.

Those of you born with the Sun in Scorpio have probably heard of the symbol of the scorpion, but have you heard of the other two symbols related to the sign of Scorpio--the eagle and the serpent/salamander and of course the Scorpion. These three symbols speak primarily of evolution. The scorpion represents the lowest form of these three symbols. This symbol has to do with devilish motives and has a reputation of being selfish, self-centred, and jealous. These individuals generally lash out on impulse. The Scorpio personality at this stage of development will get even at some point.

The Serpent or Salamander is wise and usually successful in worldly affairs. They have a tendency to keep their identity somewhat hidden as they choose to keep the “self” secret. Because of this, they are difficult to get to know, let alone understand. They usually have a powerful personality and people are aware of their presence. They are able to go below the surface and easily pinpoint faults in others, but rarely see their own. They are very sure of themselves, and proof is an essential part of their learning process. They need some type of solid evidence and then it will be scrutinized. Only to their own satisfaction will they arrive at a suitable conclusion. They are persistent and determined to reach their goals although not particularly materialistic.

The third and highest evolved type is the Eagle. The key to this personality is to get to the truth. They are very self-aware and work relentlessly towards the betterment of society. They are helpful and courteous and weaker individuals gain much needed strength from them. They genuinely inspire those around them and have a soft spot for the underdog. They will help anyone in need and always put others before themselves. The Eagle personality makes excellent leaders. In emergencies, they are calm, cool and collected with great self-control. They have the capacity to devote themselves totally to a cause that produces positive results. They have mystical abilities and psychic tendencies and have a great love of mankind.

If you were were to study all these characteristics and have strong Scorpio tendencies, you may find a mix of many of these different qualities within you. You may elevate yourself from one to the next and push yourself to the greatest heights if you choose to follow the path of the Eagle. Most Scorpio individuals do not need applause or admiration and are proud but not egotistical. Some have an undeveloped search for self-satisfaction and are well known for their sexual energy and pursuits.

Scorpio is a difficult sign for women to be born into as Scorpio individuals are often dominant, masterful and inside have enormous emotions with intense feelings. Both men and women usually look older in their younger years but age gracefully and look younger in their mature years.

Scorpio men are aggressive in their sexual pursuit as are some women. This is not to say that they cannot control their sexual energies as they have powerful self-controlled. They can be demanding and if they become lustful must learn to fight this energy before they will have a chance to find happiness.

These characteristics point out some of the significant features of the Scorpio Sun sign. For more information on the impact that the sign of Scorpio may have on your individual makeup, please feel free to contact us and we can go deeper and uncover some of the more subtle characteristics to your personality.

Visit Holm Astrology on Facebook at for information on Astrology and for our food-for-thought posts. If you would like to speak to us confidentially or would like to commission a chart, do not hesitate to contact us through private message at