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Monday 9 February 2015


Curiosity often entices our searches in life.  Out of nowhere something catches our attention and in most cases, this spark seems as though it has comes out of nowhere.  An idea or a statement that hit homes appears to come out of nowhere and causes us to seek further.  This too happens at a point our lives.  We question our daily lives and the direction in which we are heading.

It might be an event that causes us to review our life’s circumstances and the mundane habits that we seem to hold so dear.  At some point in our habit to gather possessions to enhance our lives and surroundings, we recognize an emptiness.  We realize that these things provide only a temporary sense of excitement or contentment and then our exuberance begins to fade.

Some of us will seek out important relationships to build these union and with the hopes that others will help fill the void.  Upon first meeting a significant other, our lives seem changed and in many ways they are, but we are still searching for more.  The relationship can be wonderful and provide us with joy and excitement but it will not fill that empty space that seems to reside within.  All relationships are important, particularly those that we make commitments to, but it is important to shed light on the fact that even the most comfortable relationship cannot complete us, at least not on a non-material level.

If we are fortunate, both parties that make up the relationship notice the seemingly separation that takes place on some level and recognizes it for what it truly is.  In reality this need for more is not a lack of love or an incompatibility.  This realization will actually uncover that we need to find contentment and wholeness from within ourselves and not from within a relationships.  The answer lies in the understanding that we have a void in life because we have not as of yet opened the door to our understanding of self and our connection with the cosmic consciousness.

The void stems from within.  We must be connected to our greater self, our inner self.  There is an oneness that stems from our connection to our pure essence.  Our inner self speaks to us if we learn to listen.  Our true self offers love and compassion.  It is not a loud voice that demands attention.  It is subtle in its nature and offers subtle suggestions. 

We, in our physical state, still have a prevalent hold on what happens next.  If we begin to take notice of this subtle guide, we begin to recognize the genuine assistance that is offered at the most opportune moments.  It is the voice that warns us of danger, the voice that guides us in making the right decisions and the constant companion that is always at our side but never overbearing or demanding.

Our curiosity towards life results from this connection.  As we awaken to the true understanding and our commitment to life, we begin to take note of our reliable guide and friend.  As we become aware of our source, we also become aware of the bigger picture, and we realize that we are never alone.  There are other companions along our life’s road; there are guides and fellow acquaintances that we meet on our life’s journey that also act as guides and become close friends and partners but mostly it is that undaunting inner self that is always there and whom offers the most support.

Curiosity was our starting point and still entices us to continue along our path.  Recognize your place in this life and move forward with the same curiosity that stirred you in the first place.  Listen to the quiet voice and let love be your guide.  Enjoy your partnerships and relationships but know that you, with the guidance of your pure essence, are responsible for your wholeness, understanding and contentment.

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Saturday 7 February 2015

Why Me

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Friday 6 February 2015

Unique Gifts

Why are we here? To what end is my part in my life’s journey?  How many have asked these questions and how many come up short of a satisfying answer?

Many of us have connections to the mystical side of life or at the very least most have inclinations towards mysticism and spirituality.  Some have connections with their guides.  Most practice meditation techniques and join groups with people of like-minded attitudes and viewpoints.  We surround ourselves with healers, psychics and many others that bring their unique gifts to the table.  We all have a magical element within us.

As we begin to develop some of our talents, we reach out into different expressions of that particular art.  Many read books on the best techniques to enhance their abilities.  Timing is paramount.  You cannot awaken a talent until the appropriate understanding is without our grasps.  With this understanding, the practice of meditation can brings forth the opportune timing which enhances our arts of expression, the art of knowing and enhancing. 

Development does not happen simply because you feel you are ready.  The work required to develop can be viewed as a test of faith and a learning of patience.  Is this not a lesson we all need to learn?  Understand and know that when the time is right, it WILL happen.

So you might ask, “What are my special gifts?”  You may think, “I am not psychic”, or let me rephrase this, “I do not believe that I am psychic”, “I do not believe that I am a healer”, “I do not know the tarot”, “I am not an Astrologer”.  What is my purpose?  Why am I here? 

The first step in awakening to your purpose or life’s path or destiny (call it what you will) is to believe that you have a purpose and that you are on purpose, always.  You simply may not recognize this at this particular point in time.

Life changes on a constant basis and your purpose slowly evolves as time passes.  You usually do not suddenly wake up with a complete understanding of why you are here, although some do.  Programming your dreams to reveal what current conditions in your life are trying to teach you is another method of learning, but in most cases the answers are simple and very subtle.

Move one step at a time.  Understanding that this is the process and as time will have it, the doors of perception begin to open-- once again one step at a time.  Pay attention to serendipity.  Events are never coincidence.  The little things in life speak volumes but most times, we are so wrapped up in living that we do not recognize the messages we are given. 

It can take time to realize your purpose.  Your life is not just a mix of events that serve no purpose.  Be patient and understand this.  Believe in yourself and know that even as you read this, you are on purpose and are exactly where you need to be right now. 

You are opening the door to understanding and beginning to comprehend. 

You are love.  You are compassion.  You are the messenger of this. Remind yourself of this and then share this simple knowledge.  How is that for purpose? 

Stay open and listen.  The answers are always quietly laid in front of you.

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Thursday 5 February 2015

Moon in Cancer in Astrology

Today we will take a look at the Moon’s position in the sign of Cancer.  If the Moon is located in the fourth house, there will be some similarities to what we are about to write, as Cancer is the natural ruler of this house. 

The Moon defines our emotional needs and our instinctual reactions to life’s events.  It does not deal with the mind but may be influenced by our belief structure or our mental outlook.  The mind is ruled by Mercury and some with Mercury in Cancer will relate to some of these attributes as well.

This is a very sensitive placement for the Moon although it is quite comfortable in this placement, as the Moon is ruled by the sign of Cancer.  Sensitivity is the key word and many with this placement in their charts are ruled by their emotions.  They feel intensely and have difficulty separating other people’s feelings from their own.  This makes them very caring and nurturing to those in emotional need.  It is part of their nature to care for others even when other people might not want their help.

They are the nurtures of the Zodiac and have a compassion nature.  Moon in Cancer individuals are sympathetic to other peoples’ plights.  They are very mothering and often are over-protective of others, especially family members.  They are always caring for other people’s emotional needs and must realize that their own emotional needs also have to be addressed.  In general, their feelings can get away from them and dealing with hard emotional facts can either be a great strength or a powerful adversary. 

These individuals tend to give it their all when it comes to emotions and they feel their way through life, rather than intellectualizing their emotions.  Many are psychic sponges picking up all of the little subtleties in their surroundings.  Their instinct is strong and they often pick up what is going on in other people’s lives.  It has been suggested that the psychic realms hold great interest with those with this placement. 

The moon is often in a water sign, a water house and/or there is a Grand Water Trine when the psychic inclinations run deep.  Moon in Cancer is a prime example of this.  Intuition also runs very deep and these individuals can usually rely on these feelings to guide them through life.

The more challenging ramifications include over-sensitivity and emotional outbursts at the drop of a hat.  Some become pessimistic and insecure during times of deep emotional interaction.  These individuals need to find ways to use their emotional responses in a creative form.  Being psychic, they can lend a hand and help others work through their more difficult life phases.  They truly want to be of help and will find creative ways to be responsive to the needs of those around them.

Some with this lunar position keep their sensitivity well hidden even though they are emotional sponges.  Some become so wrapped up in their emotions and feel trapped within the emotions, they can become depressed and feel as though they are victims of their own sensitivity.  It is best if they face their own sensitivities head on.  Moon in Cancer individuals need to deal with their emotions rather than let them build and allowing these emotions to seemingly become monsters.

It is simply a part of Moon in Cancer individuals’ nature to be emotional, and they can certainly use this ability to understand and assist those who want their help.

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Wednesday 4 February 2015

Micro Static Interference

Are you on course?  Are you anxious to move forward? 

Have you been making unconscious moves lately that seem to push you in directions that are a little off your intended course? 

You can categorize this as micro static, because if you look at the big picture, these minor interruptions or detours have really not swayed you too much.  Once on course, it is very difficult for any outside interference to move you away from your intention.

This is the beauty of our journey, regardless of intrusions and challenges for once we are determined to move forward, small detours will have little impact on the overall journey.  Our reserve to expand is so integrated in our overall movement that little stands in our way and nothing holds us back for long. 

In a post last week, we touched on fear and its ramifications on our developing story.   Lets revisit this concept on fear for a moment.  Fear is a by-product of the ego.  It is a non-essential ingredient and can be cast aside with simple faith in ourselves and faith in our journey.  If it does not feel right then we simply do not identify with it.  The choice is ours and ours alone.

In most cases, these micro interferences that we experience from time to time are ego generated.  The ego feels threatened and wants to retain its control, but our persistent efforts force the ego to relinquish control.  This allows ego to find its proper place - being at our side to assist us along the road. 

Your place, your confirmed alignment with source, holds far greater power than any influence from interference could create on any level.  There is literally no interference or obstructive force that can penetrate the will of source.  Literally, nothing stands in the way.

Step forth and be a conduit of compassion and love.  Emerge from the dark waters of our past. 

Share the compassionate nature that radiates from within.  You are love.  Allow yourself to be.

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Tuesday 3 February 2015

Full Moon in Leo

Today, February 3, 2015, the full Moon is in Leo.  At the same time, Mercury is in retrograde in Aquarius in opposition to the Moon for a few days into February (direct on the 8th).  The Sun is always in opposition during full Moons and is in direct opposition when the Moon moves into the 13-14th degree.  Transiting Jupiter will also be in conjunction at 18 degrees Leo with the Moon.  Together, these influences can enhance this period, in particular if you also have planets in the 13-18 degree corresponding with Jupiter or 5-6 degree corresponding with retrograde Mercury.

Full Moons are often linked with the conclusion of intentions that were set during the New Moon phase.  The new Moon is considered a time to make things happen or to set into motion or make goals.  It is believed by this Astrologer that the intention can be in place during that initial new moon phase and activated or set into action during the Full Moon.

It is often linked to the feeling of reaching the end of a condition when the ideas come together and you can visualize the whole picture and instinctively know what the next steps should be to reach your goals. 

Mercury retrograde is also a time when you should be laying the foundation for something of importance down the road.  The two will interact with each other and with Jupiter attached to the equation, the ability of reaching these objectives and promoting something worth-while is enhanced.

The cause could be humanitarian in some way (Mercury and Sun in Aquarius), reaching out to the masses, or it could include something that you feel would be very important to you (Moon and Jupiter in Leo).   The overall impact should affect you personally and come from the heart but should also be directed outward in an expression to those around you.  In your Natal chart, refer to the houses that transiting Mercury, transiting Moon and transiting Jupiter are in for further definition.  You should also look at the placement of your natal Moon by house and sign placement to make the picture a little more clear.

During this full Moon phase, you will instinctively know which path to take and you now have the ability to take that next step towards reaching that objective.  It is time to act and promote your ideas, especially once Mercury moves out of retrograde on the 8th of February.  Look for a philosophical truths to follow and align with a set goal that will facilitate such growth.  Outline for yourself what you can do to bring this idea into fruition. 

If you have outer natal planets in the 5-6 degree as well as the 13-18 degree, the transformations unfolding could be internal and very significant, as well as long lasting.  The Full moon happens every month but this one is particularly strong because of the links to Mercury retrograde and Jupiter.  You should not expect the experience to be life altering or even outwardly significant, however.  The effect is very subtle but as time passes, things become more apparent as you link up with your intentions in the future.  Your life’s path in some unique cases has the potential to unfold especially if connected to the Moon’s Nodes and even with Pluto and linked by conjunction.

Pay particular attention to this short time frame and set goals into action.  Watch as these goals materialize on some level down the road.  Life is filled with opportunities and this time frame is one of them.  Look inwardly for some guidance but to outside influences and external guidance, as both areas of life are highlighted.

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Monday 2 February 2015

Inner Peace

Do you want to reach a state where life’s challenges are understood to be simply testing grounds to confirm that you have reached peace and tranquility? 

Do you feel as though you have ventured off path and are having difficulty finding your true path again?  What can you do to final peace and tranquility?

These states of peace and tranquility never suddenly appear.  These states are not something that you can search out and find.  For most, these are states of existence that materialize over time through a change of attitude and focus and normally these slowly manifests.  They will not be found outside of ourselves through a loving relationship or through the perfect profession or even from a guide who appears to have all the answers.  No one can take you to these states of attitude.

You can meditate, practice self-sacrifice and walk the humble path, but inner peace is not found in any of these practices.  Neither people nor things will magically create this state that many long for. 

Inner peace is a state that radiate from within.  It is part of the process of living and growing.  The peace that we seek it not found in any of the above manifestations, but this goal and way of living is actually the glimmer of inner peace. 

Being humble, compassionate and filled with love are the outer edges of inner peace.  Having faith and openly accepting life and its lessons nurtures inner peace and allow is to bloom and flourish.  Struggles, non-acceptance, stress, frustration, anger are the clouds that block the light of inner peace.  Allow the winds of faith to remove these storm clouds. 

All the wonders and beauty of life are reflections of inner peace. 

Inner peace, no matter how turbulent our current conditions in life, is simply a change of attitude towards these conditions, an allowance of faith that all conditions in life are lessons for growth and that our pure essence will guide and mold us into the best that we can be.  We are capable of learning and expanding from each and every one of these lessons. 

As we allow inner peace, we feel a deep love and compassion towards our outer world.  Happiness is an offshoot to this unfolding.  

Inner peace is within your grasp.  You are love.  Allow your true essence to thrive.  Have faith that you are guided and that you are protected.  You have nothing to fear.  Yes; life will teach you difficult lessons but these are in place to allow you to grow.  Accept (do not judge or control), have faith, let go of worry and stress, be content, enjoy and live within each moment, see the beauty and the good in ALL people and things.....these are the ingredients for inner peace. 

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