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Tuesday 8 March 2016


8:18 degrees Pisces 56 minutes

There will be a Solar eclipse beginning on March 8 and ending March 9 but will not be visible in most of North America (I believe Alaska is the exception).  The eclipse will be in the sign of Pisces at 18 degrees and 56 minutes.  Anyone having a planet within a 3 degree orb (16-22 degree) in Pisces will be influences by the energies of this eclipse.  If you are not into the technical information on the eclipse you can jump down four paragraphs to read the affects of this eclipse for those that the eclipse makes aspects in their chart.

If you have other planetary aspects that are in this same degree rage in other signs, this will intensify the meaning of the eclipse and its effects on you.  When we speak about other planetary links we are referring to the Opposition, Square, Trine and Sextile as well as the Quincunx.  The minor aspects may have some significance but not to the same degree of the major aspects, unless they have a really tight orb, say within 30-40 minutes.

The more aspects from your birth planets and important positions (Ascendant/Mid-heaven as well as the IC and DC) in these degrees, the stronger the influence from this eclipse.  Any planet forming a Conjunction will be particularly influenced and the aspects these planets receive and the houses they are in will determine how this eclipse will affect you.  The eclipse will last one year for every hour while it is in the eclipse formation. 

Through transit, when the Sun and other planets are in conjunction to this eclipse degree (18 Pisces 56) and when they move into opposition of this degree (18 Virgo 56), their effects will be felt.  The houses as well as the signs and the planetary energies will dictate how this influence will play out.  Remember the influence is determined by the original conjunction to a planet and influential position (ASC, MC, DC, IC, with the MC and ASC being the stronger of the four points) to the eclipse degree.  Without a contact to this degree in the birth chart, the eclipse will have minor influence on our lives.

Now that we have the technical information out of the way, this is a time to raise our awareness and be mindful of any imbalances in our lives.  The planets and areas of life represented by the degree of influence will be areas that we will see transformations taking place and where change is due.  With Neptune ruling this eclipse this may be in areas related to mystical and psychic influences and this may become a clearer area once its impact passes these critical degrees.  Neptune will often cloud things and make them foggy, but direction on a higher level of understanding is usually working behind the scenes, through the subconscious.

The time frame when the eclipse is in effect will actually set the time of the events and inner reflections that correlate with these times in our lives.  As with all important life matters, it will take time to complete the process.  This eclipse has its birth and then finally its demise as the eclipse time lapses.  Neptune is associated with spirituality, the soul’s struggle to make you aware of its earthly purpose and often relates to a connection with the self through spiritual uncovering and the opening of channels to the intuitive faculties, clairvoyant abilities and understanding.  Neptune is known as the Lord of this eclipse and will eventually open doors to truth and bring spiritual understanding usually after times that seem somewhat foggy and unclear.  Much is gained through the subconscious channels of learning and dreams can also be quite revealing.  Neptune’s energy is to dissolve and release what is required to either be figured out or what needs to be brought into your life.

This is a good time to find or discover what lies behind the illusion of life and gain entry into the bigger picture, seeing beneath the surface and opening channels of understanding.  The ensuing outcomes that are forthcoming usually bring more satisfying results as time passes.  This period brings with it a time to gain entry into your psyche, to come to a clearer understanding of the people which will be involved and to any imbalances in your personal life. 

In general most solar eclipses’ energies last an average of 3 ½ years.

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Monday 7 March 2016



Are you content with the quality of your life?  There are times in life that everything feels to be moving along smoothly and the ability to move forward requires no effort from us.  Life is good; life is comfortable.  You may even feel that there is no need to strive for more but this is rare with most of us.

Self reflection and inner work can be exhausting and we always welcome a reprieve.  It is during these times that we sometimes become complacent, especially if the reprieve is experienced for an extended period.  Why would we want to push forward when where we are in life is perfect?

Feeling good about our life is a wonderful reflection of how we are looking at life and our level of gratitude.   If we can feel this good with the work that we have done this far, we cannot image the gratitude we will feel as we continue forward peeling back the layers to return to our inner most core. 

We push and strive for there is nothing more beautiful and enriching than getting to the core and connecting with our higher self.  What discovery or realization will we find under the next layer? 

Stop to appreciate the wonderful moments in life.  Smell the roses and enjoy the moment but do not let the calm turn into complacency and complacency turn into stagnation.  

Enlightenment is a perpetual journey.  Stay true to your journey.  Meditate regularly, follow through on that dream, set intentions and continue to manifest even when life is adequate or even better.

Awakening is difficult when we are facing our shadows.  It can be a slow and sometimes monotonous process but it also creates feelings of achievement and contentment along the way.  Do not let the rewards manifest complacency.  Push forward!

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Saturday 5 March 2016

Astrology does not dictate your life but it certainly shows you the path of least resistance. Explore your potentials and apply your natural abilities. 

Friday 4 March 2016


Is this life manifested in a dream?  Are we awake and conscious?  Are we living our lives in the present?  Does life as we know it truly come to an end?

Have you ever wondered if life could actually be a dream or dream like existence? 

Where does our subconscious, our spirit, our soul or our mind go when we are in a dream state?  Is that place real?  Is this place real? 

It is probably safe to say that both our conscious and subconscious states are reality for the one experiencing it.  The dream state may be as real as the waking state to our mind to learn lessons and to process information.  Most of us refer to our conscious state as our reality.  If we can alter our life’s course through mental processing, intention and focus and if we can forecast potential futures, what is really going on?  What is the big picture and how much of it do we actually see and understand? 

Many of us are aware that there is much going on beyond our veil.  There are souls, spirits, energies, call them what you will, living beyond our veil.  It is impossible to define as we are only aware of our limited concepts and our belief in the here and now.  Many speak of spirits or ghosts that we can catch glimpses of and others can tell us specifics, that no one else would know, about loved ones that have passed on.

Most of us will experience events that cannot be explained.  Some will experience visions and dreams that warn them of potential dangers.  In dreams some of us have visits from long passed relatives.  Sometimes they even provide us with insight into coming events or assist us in our quest for understanding. 

Many who practice regular meditation have mystical experiences that are not easily defined from a “normal” standpoint.  Sometimes events just cannot be explained. 

If we were to practice meditation regularly and we have learned to quiet the mind, we will experience things that are quiet difficult to understand.  If we listen with faith to these messages, we actually will learn valuable, viable lessons that can be utilized or put into practice in our day to day lives.

There certainly is more to life than meets the eye.  Our awakening will entail a knowing, if you will.  It will be a knowing that does not need validation by anyone else.  Allow the awakening to unfold in your life simply by believing and accepting that the potential is there. 

We can link with our higher consciousness and awaken our latent talents.  Our own consciousness together with our world in general is awakening to the higher energies that exist in this earthly life and beyond.  Why limit our experience by limiting our thinking?

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Thursday 3 March 2016


People have asked when it is appropriate to have their children’s natal chart prepared.  Is there an age limit and when is it best to have their transits and progressions done?  Will any of these charts assist parents to guide their children to utilize their strengths and overcome weaknesses? 

It is suggested that a parent could have their child’s birth chart completed at any time in their lives.  Some prefer to have their child’s chart done shortly after their birth and some find it more appropriate once their individual personalities are starting to develop. 

A birth chart defines for the parent (they are written for the parents) their children’s temperament, their emotional needs and how the mind will respond to learning.  It speaks about their strengths as well as any challenges that they may have and offers the parents opportunities and suggestions on how the child gathers information and then processes it.  A chart will also help define the most appropriate way in handling their child’s emotional displays and emotional interaction with others.  This is all completed according to their astrological signature which is quite different from one person to the next.

As mentioned, these charts are for an adult mind to interpret and not directed towards the children.  This chart will offer suggestions astrologically for the best way to utilize the potential found in a chart.  It will also offer suggestions on how to handle their children based on astrological data obtained in the birth chart.

The chart would be comprehensive and detailed.  In most cases issues such as sexual overtones would not be included and we would not interpret health related issues.  If there were deep psychological concerns that would surface within the chart or health related issues found in the chart, we would recommend seeking professional advice.  There would however be suggestions on how to deal with other youth related issues and also suggestions into ways of assisting the child to enhance their skills and god-given talents. 

If the child were perhaps in their late teens at the time of the preparation of their chart, it is recommended that only a natal chart be completed.  Transits or progressions are completed for individuals who have an understanding of their own complexities.  There are some that prefer to have a transit and progressed chart completed at almost any age, but weighing out the potentials and how a challenging aspect would affect a young mind is best addressed by the parent.

We usually recommend that any individual wait to have transits and progressions completed for when they have finished high school.  This chart would offer reference material that would provide these individuals with an opportunity to gaining insight into their ever expanding life circumstances.  In these charts, we speak in terms of some of the challenges that they may encounter but will focus on positive reinforcement. 

It is our aim to provide insight and assistance to parent of younger children or directly to the adolescent for the best ways to move forward in their lives. 

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Wednesday 2 March 2016


Most of us have a good feel for manifesting our reality.  We know it works, yet we doubt the larger, more important efforts at times. 

Take a moment to contemplate what it is you are truly focusing on achieving in life.  Recognize the fact that life is short.  I am not suggesting that we are going to pass any time soon, but time does pass by quickly whether we are living in the moment, the past or the future.  I am suggesting that we should not procrastinate. 

Most of us have a good idea of what we want to achieve.  Set your intentions and move forward in whatever direction you need to with the knowing that you will do what you are here to do.   Do not worry about “what if” and “maybes”.  Do not be dissuaded by others.  Do not let your ego rule your actions.  Listen to your heart for any of these other things will only serve to hamper your progress.

It is time!  Have faith in yourself, your abilities and in the process. 

I love the quote “A bird sitting on a tree is never afraid of the branch breaking, because she does not puts her trust in the branch but in her own wings.  Always believe in yourself” – Unknown. 

We will never know what we are capable of until we release our fears and move forward.  It is guaranteed that standing still will not produce results.  We are here to move forward, to grow and achieve.  Take command and fulfill your purpose.  You may not understand your purposes fully but one step forward is all it takes.

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Tuesday 1 March 2016


Pluto plays a significant role in our lives regardless of its new classification by NASA.  It has been demoted by astronomy but regardless of its demotion in astronomy, Pluto’s influences in Astrology has not lost its significance and continues to play a very significant role.

Pluto regenerates and revolutionizes our lives as does the other outer planets.  Its influence is more powerful than most.  When it is time to review our lives and transcend from a previous condition, Saturn and Uranus have their part to play, but the agent of change is often the energies of Pluto.  Pluto transforms our lives and its interaction is not something that we can take lightly.  Its impact is often subtle in the beginning but becomes more apparent as time passes.  Its impact is so powerful that it often takes several years to fully comprehend its influence in our lives.

Pluto makes us face ourselves in a more forceful way than any other planet and it pushes us to dig deep before there is any chance for regeneration and a transition.  It can be quite disruptive.  Its energies act similar to those of Uranus; however, Uranus’ actions are usually instant and we cannot prepare for what is about to take place.  We never really know how Uranus will affect us, but one thing is for certain, the unexpected will happen. 

Pluto does not suggest that you reflect and take notes.  It demands action and if you choose not to act appropriately, it initiates change and transformation in more aggressive ways.

Pluto is important in many ways.  It opens the door for required change and puts an end to conditions that no longer serve a purpose.  It is evolutionary in its design and will help you facilitate the growth that is required in your life.  Pluto is a powerful agent for change and transformation and when it passes across your Ascendant and MC, you will be aware of its presence.  Life will undergo massive change and the changes are designed to move you in the direction that is appropriate for you evolutionary growth for that point in time.

Once Pluto steps into your life, it is hard to ignore and when it has completed its cycle, things will pass away or be massively transformed.  Pluto will not be ignored and helps you uncover any deeper facets that need to surface and either be challenged or deleted from your life.  It is a necessary ingredient for evolutionary growth and its influence is very powerful and influential in your life’s progress.

Pluto transforms, regenerates and underlines all of life’s complexities, forcing you to make alterations.  It often presents you with obstacles or challenging conditions to help you facilitate this growth.  Pluto is often present in times of death but is suggestive also of transformation on the highest level.  It propels individuals to the next stage of evolution beyond that of physical reality. 

Pluto is never a negative factor and it always has its place and is a required element in our lives.  When it is activated in your chart be ready for transformation and know that you are in the right place at the right time for this to take place.  Welcome Pluto’s impact in your life. Take in all the energies and life changing elements that are on their way.

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