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Thursday 30 November 2017


As we journey forward we sometimes have to take a moment to see the potential that lies in front of us.  Are we rigid in our thinking or are we open enough to broaden our knowledge by being open which in turn will allow us to expand? 

It is very comfortable in our present living conditions, and we can become complacent and find ourselves stationary.  We are content to stay in this comfort zone as we are afraid to “rattle the cage”.

Sometimes we need to envision the future and see what lies ahead.  We have to utilize our dreams and push towards new growth, even thought the current circumstance feel so very comfortable.  Living in the here and now is our ideal goal but being in the moment does not mean that we have to stay in the same place.  We always have choices along the way and can utilize whatever our current life is offering us at anytime if we wish to take advantage.  We might have to push a little, however, to realize it is necessary to keep moving on the river of life.

Life unfolds as it should, and we really do not have to do anything yet we can also utilize the energies at hand to cover more ground.  Life has always been in our hands, even when we felt as though we were being swept away by the current.  How we react to our journey is our choice.  We have the full ability to channel our thoughts and expectations into a direction that can help us achieve what we need to.

It is perfectly fine to have a plan.  Reach into the future, but live now.  Just because we are riding the current, doesn’t mean we cannot pick up a paddle and help with the journey.  Dream your dreams and set your goals.  Without goals what is the point of pushing.  Strive for something and reach out beyond what is in front of you.  Be open to whatever the outcome may be.  When we are not flexible with our focus, we may hit large barriers.  Become farsighted.  See the barriers ahead and do not ride blindly.  Grab your paddle and let’s see what lies ahead.

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Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

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Wednesday 29 November 2017


This forecast is for those with Sun in Sagittarius and for those with Sun in Gemini

If your Sun is either in Sagittarius or Gemini around the 11 degree mark, you have transiting Neptune squaring your Sun.  Neptune has probably been in square to your Sun for up to 1 ½ years, and I would imagine that you have been struggling with the energies and are getting a little fed up with uncertainty in your life’s direction.  You have probably been somewhat lost and in search for some answers for some time and although previous to this time you might have felt in control of your destiny, under this influence you are wondering if things will ever clear up.

You may have been experiencing a time of bewilderment as your work seems to be in a state of flux and goals seem out of reach.  Illusive could be a word that fits the time while Neptune is making this square.  You may feel as though you have lost your bearings and even feel unsure of who you are and your place in the world.  Part of you may feel as though it is useless to even pursue anything out of fear of failure or defeat.  You may feel depressed and disillusioned even unsure of what reality actually looks like.  This is a trying period and fixating yourself in a more positive direction may be challenging but absolutely essential.

Neptune in transit can be felt as far away as 5 degrees prior to direct contact by some more sensitive individuals, but will slowly fade away as it gets 2 to 3 degrees past direct.  Recognizing Neptune’s tendency to keep things out of focus can help you to understand the forces currently at work.  Life can be vague and unclear, and all this uncertainty will make you reach further within for some comfort and solace.  Centering yourself and building an inner core is part of the process during this influence.

This is a particularly appropriate time to reach out to mysticism and the psychic connection, because although goals and life’s direction may feel somewhat off, the mystical channels can open for you, especially if you have other links in your natal chart that identify these latent connections that can now surface.  Neptune is currently in Pisces.  Between the two Sun signs (Gemini and Sagittarius) Sagittarius might be open to such suggestions while Gemini might not be willing to go the extra mile in order to open the door to the mystic realm.  Gemini individual would prefer what it is right in front of them, although many will digest some of the mystical side of life just for the sake of learning.  There is some restlessness in both signs but particularly so with Gemini.

Above all else, your inner sense of self needs nourishing and the influence of positive energy is essential during this cycle in your life.  Steer clear of any self-defeatist attitudes and do not run away from any problems you might be encountering.  Do not hide your head in the sand; face life head on and deal with any adversity.  Do not sit and wallow in self perceived misery and although you feel as though you want to be by yourself, make sure you surround yourself with good company.  You need the help of trusted friends and people that will offer positive feedback to this very temporary situation.  Their clarity over the situations might help you to understand more clearly what is taking place in your life.  Stay put in life and know that things will soon clear and that an opening is in sight.

Check to see which house Neptune is transiting through.  This will provide you with insight into the area of life being affected.  Also check to see which house your natal Neptune is in and how natal Neptune is aspected by other natal planets.  This will give you further information as to what you can expect and provide you with insight into how you might work things out.  As mentioned in many previous posts, you can obtain this information for free from Astrodienst as a guest at;ract=xx68747470733a2f2f7777772e617374726f2e636f6d2f6367692f63686172742e6367693f72733d333b627479703d77326174266c616e673d65

The illusion will clear.  Be patient and believe that life will look after your needs.

Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.

Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

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If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit

Tuesday 28 November 2017


Without life’s main ingredient nothing would hold much significance.  What is this main ingredient?  Love!

This is our foundation.  This is where we draw all of our energies from.  Without love, what can we accomplish or enjoy? 

Everything begins here.  No matter what we try to accomplish in our life, we need to come from a place of love.  When our actions stems from the heart, we can move mountains. 

Share love with family, your chosen family (friends) and even strangers you meet along the way.  Share love in the work place.  Enjoy love when you go for a walk.  Allow love in everything you do.  Does it not begin with you?
Love yourself first and everything else falls into place.  If you cannot love yourself, you have placed your focus in all of the wrong places.  Love is within each of us and is available to all of us. 

Love has never been lost.  You have been lost in recognizing its presence within you. 

Love is where we have come from and it will be where we return.  When our minds say we will never find love, recognize that this as ego. 

You are the one deserving love and you are the one that will share love once you allow it.

Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.

Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

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If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit

Monday 27 November 2017


Transiting Uranus is currently in the sign of Aries and will remain there until May 15, 2018, when it will move into the sign Taurus.  Those with the Sun in Sagittarius between 19-29 degrees will be experiencing this trine between their Sun and Uranus during the time mentioned.

Anyone with their Sun in Sagittarius but in earlier degrees has already experienced this trine and is now settling into the energies that were present and the changes that were brought forward as a result of this aspect. 

Uranus is often used to correct or confirm the acutal time of our birth by identifying when the energies are the strongest .  It is often felt, and something is often experienced, on the exact couple of days it sits directly in the degree in question.

Uranus’ energy is all about change and often can cause disruption due to the necessity of these changes.  It speaks of moving in a new direction in life because current conditions no longer serve a viable purpose.  The changes that take place are often unexpected and erratic in their nature.  One thing about Uranus is that you can expect the unexpected, although there are times when it provides you with information so that you have the opportunity to move forward on these changes on your own.  If you choose to ignore the suggestions coming your way however, and you do not move when the time is ripe for action, Uranus will often bring these changes your way in an rather abrupt manner and unexpected fashion.

The Sun has to do with your goals in life and your objectives, and these can have a very wide range.  Perhaps you are pushing to start your own business or perhaps you are wishing to advance in your career or change jobs.  These along with other potentials can now manifest and you have the ability to make these changes or go after your goals with what appears to be help from the outside world.  Your goals are attainable or the changes that you need to make are feasible.

Sometimes the Sun speaks of the husband or father, and this trine may affect them in a similar fashion as it might affect you.  Do not forget there is a wide range of potentials, so this could include forming a meaningful relationship with someone near to you or breaking away from an intrusive relationship that only fosters harm.  It could include beginning a new health regime and looking after yourself better.  It might include making changes to your home or within the family structure.  Whatever the change, new beginnings are at hand.  What once was will be left behind and something new will take its place.

Although the potential for some strife is possible, these new beginnings are a necessary part of your overall growth.  Uranus pushes for a change in a new direction because this is the best path to take and offers many rewards over time.  Be ready for a change of direction and make those changes if you can before Uranus’ insists that they be made.  If you can start the change on your own, the impact may not be as intrusive or unexpected.  You are always in control of your destiny, and you can use astrology to pinpoint when the timing is perfect for change and when it is best advised to not make changes.  Take advantage of these energies as they are quite favourable overall.

Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.

Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

Please “Like” us on Facebook. Your “shares” are appreciated and your questions are welcomed.

If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit

Saturday 25 November 2017


Give the gift that keeps on giving and receive over 10% off

Gift Certificates from Holm Astrology are a unique and ideal gift for close friends and family.

Intuitive Card Readings and our various oral Astrology chart reports offer insight in self, into what is happening now and the energies available in the upcoming year.

Review descriptions of the various charts available at but why worry about what the recipient is looking for in particular, order a gift certificate at  and let them choose the type of report that would be most appropriate for them.

If you have questions, we can be reached at  or private message us here on Facebook

Friday 24 November 2017


Those with a Sun in Sagittarius will be experiencing a relatively short conjunction of Mercury to their Sun throughout the month of November (Began November 6, 2017).  Mercury moves through this sign until December 3 when it is reaches 29 degrees Sagittarius.  It then goes into retrograde motion.  This retrograde cycle makes this conjunction relevant in that it will pass the same degree in your chart once while it is in direct motion, once while it moves into retrograde motion and again when it goes direct and passes over it for the final time.  Check your Sun location to see exactly when these periods take place in your own personal chart. 

During the period before Mercury’s retrograde cycle (December 3 through to December 22), this would be a great time, if you have prepared well, to initiate a goal or move to activate an idea you have been pursuing.  Don’t rush into anything if you are not totally prepared as things can move along more smoothly after this retrograde cycle is over.  During the retrograde cycle, it is best to prepare and get yourself ready to move forward, setting the final stages in motion for the time that Mercury goes direct once again just before Christmas.  Mercury retrograde is a time of preparation.

You may actually find that during the period up to when Mercury goes retrograde that your pattern of thinking is very clear and concise.  Because of this, if the project at hand involves others, you may find that they listen to what you have to say and believe in you.  Your self-expression is positive and optimistic in its nature and this is the perfect way to get your point across.  You may be a little direct in your approach and as long as you do not become belligerent and brash, you should be received well.

If by chance you have been thinking about publishing a book or working on the layout for a book, the timing might be right for this.  Once again if you prolong things beyond December 3, 2017, you might want to work on putting the final touches on this project and wait until around the end of December to finalize.  You may find that if you try to push things regardless of what the proposal might be during the retrograde cycle, you may be hit with delays or impositions in your progress.  It is always best to wait for retrograde Mercury to move into direct motion again before pushing ahead.  Publishing written material may be pronounced especially if your Sun is in the ninth house.  Writing and preparation may also work well if you Sun is in the third house.

Mercury will be retrograde between 13 - 29 degrees of Sagittarius during its decline and those with their Sun in these degrees would be cautioned to wait until it is over.  Allow about a 3 degree orb of influence.  Those with planetary alignments that either correspond with the square or opposition to the degree of Sagittarius would also be wise to adhere to the normal considerations of Mercury during it retrograde cycle (Sun in Gemini, Pisces and Virgo). 

If you need to make a move during this time frame, do not be too dismayed.  Things might not go as well as you would like, but we always have freedom of choice.  Astrology does not dictate our lives.  We are always free to do as we please.  You just might run into some minor snags along the way, however. 

Mercury retrograde is not the devil that most people think it is.  It is actually a time of study and planning for what is to come and provides the proper energies for you to set things into motion upon the completion of its retrograde cycle.

For information on astrology and the charts we offer, please visit our website at

Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

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If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit

Thursday 23 November 2017


What is our energy field?  Does it range in frequency?  What can we do to enhance its strength or frequency?

Our energy field is our life’s force.  It is the energy that surrounds and permeates from us.  It has been called our aura which can be seen by certain individuals as varying colours.  Our energy field can also be a reflection of what we expend outward during our daily life.  It varies in frequency by how we relate to our environment and mirrors that which we feel as a vibration.  It varies day to day depending on what thoughts we allow ourselves to run with and how we feel about what it is we are experiencing in the moment.  Our physical wellbeing can also affect our energy field or is our physical wellbeing affected by our energy field?

Attitude plays a huge part in the process and our response to life is reflected in our vibration.  This vibration is constantly resonating out into the world.  Think of wave on the ocean.  They can be affected by weather or climate, (life circumstances) and passing vessels (information coming through).  We can be influences by the climate we live in and this climate (life circumstances) tends to influence our lives whether we are aware of it or not.  Once we become aware, we can take shelter from the tide (control our emotions and how we react to stimuli in our lives).

By channeling our focus in directions that add to our overall well-being and our immediate surroundings, we surge our energy field in these directions and can omit focusing on what we prefer not to follow or experience.  By focusing on love and compassion, we do not experience hate and indifference.  By nurturing love, we readily help those in need around us which adds to the energy field of love and peace.  By giving off this type of energy it will radiate from our core and will then be shared by those that meet us and this energy is also reflected into our environment.

Our energy field or vibes are a reflection of how we live our lives, how we view our lives and how we care for and aid those around us.  It radiates from us as do our moods.  For example, walk into a room where someone has just had an argument.  The saying goes “You could cut the air with a knife”.  Another example would be that gut feeling we get when we first meet someone.  We do not know this person but we certainly know if we would like to nurture a relationship with them or if we should simply turn and walk away.  We can read each other’s energy fields if we are open to these energies.

Meditation and practicing visualization will push us in our direction of choice.  It can take time but we can open the door to perception, understanding and truth.

There are countless energy fields in our world.  They may be calling us to join in with the conscious evolution that is occurring.  We can open our hearts and add to the loving energy so many others fail to recognize but feel subconsciously.  If we are focused on fear, we cannot feel love.  But if we are focused on love, we cannot hate.  Which energy do you choose to be a part of?

For information on astrology and the charts we offer, please visit our website at

Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

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If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit