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Tuesday 31 July 2018


There is generally a feeling of great satisfaction when you are able to rectify an issue on your own.  You followed your inner guide and took control on a very personal level.  By conquering this issue you not only reassured yourself that you can rely on that inner guidance but you also build confidence in yourself.  This will assist you in recognizing the tools that are available to you at any time.  By attempting to resolve the issue, successfully or unsuccessfully, you have grown stronger. 

There will be times, however, when we have exhausted all efforts at resolving problems and there just does not seem to be a resolution at hand.  We go to great lengths applying ourselves to resolving a situation and yet nothing of substance seems to materialize.  We can then reach the end of our ropes and are ready to give up.  As a last resort, we reach out for outside help.  Sometimes all it takes is another person just listening and as we explain our situation, the answers come into focus.  Other times it is just that ear that we need to not feel alone.  There will be other times that we need someone else’s guidance as we are so close to the issue that we are not seeing (or thinking) clearly. 

Sometimes the issue becomes so overwhelming that even our closest friends or family cannot help provide us with answers.  This is certainly the time to reach out for professional assistance, to people that are trained in helping specifically with issues that you are experiencing.  Do not allow your ego to get in the way of the solution. 

Whether we recognize a solution or someone else has to assist us in finding a resolution, in the end, we are the ones that have to do the work.  Whether you stand alone or with others, you are strong enough to overcome.  Recognize that strength.  Know that you have what it takes and stand tall in the face of any life situation. 

Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.

Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

Are you interested in learning Astrology? Holm Astrology offers courses in astrology. Visit our calendar for dates at

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If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit

Monday 30 July 2018


Today, we will be touching on Saturn and Pluto both in the sign of Capricorn and their effects on an individual with their Sun in Leo.

For those individuals with their Sun in the sign of Leo, you will be experiencing the quincunx between your Sun and Saturn for the rest of 2018 and throughout all of 2019.  You will have to check on the degree of your Sun to see when these energies will be at their peak.  (An exact quincunx between Saturn and the Sun is when Saturn is exactly 150 degrees from your Sun in Leo).

Saturn is the taskmaster, the teacher and its energies challenge you to get your life in order, to seriously check things out and make any necessary adjustments.  However, this is not something that goes by without some kind of valuable lesson and it is a must that you take an honest review or inventory on life. 

You will have to take a disciplined approach to tackle anything that comes your way and in particular any obligations and duties that must be met.  This could include your profession, your goals in life, your ambitions, any restrictions and anything that may take some time to orchestrate into a forward motion.  Check the house transiting Saturn and the natal Sun are in for further clarification into what areas of life will be involved.

Pluto on the other hand deals with transformation and regeneration often implying some type of power struggle, perhaps with authority figures especially when these two planets combine later in 2020.  Changes are undoubtedly in store and life’s direction may suddenly change due to adapting to new conditions.  This will be brought on by transiting Uranus (this aspect to Uranus will only apply to those with their sun in the early degrees of Leo).

It is important to recognize that Pluto and Saturn, although working through different energies, will bring forth what needs to be put in place as time passes.  Saturn tests our resilience and will eventually lay a more solid foundation which is able to stand the test of time.  Pluto although quite disruptive also points us in the right direction and may force change or force us to adapt to life’s conditions as we move towards our life’s objectives.

Remember, nothing in life is by chance and these occurrences are put in place to foster growth and teach as we develop and grow. 

Adjustments are necessary along the way, which at times, may be a little overwhelming, but if we learn to go with the flow rather than fight what is taking place, the adjustments will be welcomed and recognized for what they truly are. 

Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.

Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

Are you interested in learning Astrology? Holm Astrology offers courses in astrology. Visit our calendar for dates at

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Saturday 28 July 2018


Holm Astrology offers Oracle Card readings to individuals and to groups (home parties).

What is an Oracle Card reading? 

Simply put, Tarot cards, for example, are oracle cards but they speak a language specific to Tarot and that is the language the reader has studied. Holm Astrology uses Astrology symbol cards which speak the native language of an Astrologer. It is the reader’s job to translate the message of the oracle cards to the language understood by the client.

For an individual, the card reading would be one on one and can be conducted in person or over the phone at a cost of $65.00.

For a home party, if the host invites a minimum of four guests (five including the host) for parties held in and around the City of Barrie area the host’s reading is free.  The minimum number of guests is negotiable outside the Barrie area. We will travel.

All participants of a home party receive a one-on-one, minimum 30 minute private reading at a discounted rate of $60.00 each. Again, as a thank you to our host, their reading is free!

These parties are quite popular and can be an evening out for your guests or an afternoon "tea".

Contact  to book your party or to obtain more details.

Friday 27 July 2018


Do you believe that significant events in life happen by chance? 

Are there deeper meanings to these events or are they just coincidence with little, if any, importance? 

Carl Jung introduced the concept of “Synchronicity” and defined it as “temporally coincident occurrences of acausal (by meaning not by causality) events.”  He also referred to them as "acausal connecting (togetherness) principle," "meaningful coincidence", and "acausal parallelism”  according to Wikipedia. 

Do not close the door to higher learning and the teachings or messages of the universe.  Some individuals believe that synchronicities are one response in our process of evaluating importance.  Some believe that synchronicities are extremely relevant and spend much of their time deciphering their meanings.  Others do not believe at all in any type of purpose of the seemingly “coincidences” that happen in life. 

A healthy approach would undoubtedly be somewhere in the middle.  Our minds might take over if we spend too much time analyzing these events, or in contrast we could dismiss something of significance simply because we have decided that we do not believe in synchronicities and we ignore them (consciously or unconsciously) when these occur.

The more we pay attention and recognize the relevance of synchronicities in our lives, the more we seem to notice these events without effort.  Staying in the moment and responding to life’s events through positive reaction helps us overcome obstacles.  Accepting instead of reacting to life’s events stimulates growth and an overall feeling of peace and gratitude. 

All we truly have is this moment and when synchronicities occur perhaps the universal energy is speaking to us.

Why when we leave the house and we feel as though we have forgotten something do we see someone walking down the street with an extra large cooler?  We ignore our hunch and the visual message and we realize later we had forgotten our lunch. 

There can be times when we do not know which way to turn and suddenly seemingly out of nowhere someone comes along and inadvertently offers advice that is exactly what we are looking for or we read a post that triggers a realization that was perfect for the moment. 

Why are there times, that for no apparent reason, we decide not to do something we had been planning on doing because we slept in only to find out after the fact that there had been an accident?

How often do such events happen?  If we had recorded each time something like this happened to us, how full would that record be?

Pay attention and recognize that on some level we are being guided and that events are synchronicities and do not happen by chance.  At least this is my belief.  Each of us has the freedom of choice. 

Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.

Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

Are you interested in learning Astrology? Holm Astrology offers courses in astrology. Visit our calendar for dates at

Please “Like” us on Facebook.  Your “shares” are appreciated and your questions are welcomed.

If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit

Thursday 26 July 2018


We will be experiencing the energies of a Full Blood Moon along with a Lunar eclipse on July 27 at 4:22 p.m. EDT.  (Blood Moon is not a technical name).

As we have suggested in the past, a Full Moon is a time to harvest, a time when we gather together the fruits of our labors in the garden of life.  If we are well prepared and have nurtured our goals, the harvest will be successful and abundant.  If we neglected the seeds that we planned it may be time to re-address what still needs work, forget harvesting and either nurse the seeds back to life or start over again.

As of July 27, 2018, the Full Moon will be in the sign of Aquarius and is at 4 degrees.  The Sun is tightly conjunct the North Node and the Moon is conjunct Mars.  This can make for an interesting combination.  The Sun is our driving force as are the energies of Mars, so this is actually a very good time to forge ahead.  The North Node deals with our life’s path and important people who we come in contact with that may help propel us in our intended direction.

Leo’s energies push self-confidence, putting our best foot forward, hoping for some recognition for our efforts and striving towards our creative potential.  With this combination, our emotional expression will be enhanced.  There may be some type of objections to our plans or people who stand in our way but in some manner, by doing so they will propel us forward.  Perhaps those that stand in our way assist in enhancing our determination and cause us to push forward that much harder.  These individuals unknowingly can make it clear to us that we are in control of our own destiny.

The path ahead may be quite clear at this time and if you look to see which houses are affected by this Full Moon in your Astrology chart, these will be the areas of life being affected for you personally. 

The Lunar eclipse will bring up some strong energies within these areas of life indicated in your Chart.  (Most of us will be affected emotionally in some way or another).  The energies and their influence will last in months as long as the eclipse lasts in hours. 

On July 27 we will experience the longest lunar eclipse in the 21st century.  It is estimated to last approximately 1.75 hours and will be seen in Asian, Africa and the Middle East.   According to, it will take almost 4 hours from first shadow until the Moon’s light reflection is fully returns.  Even though the eclipse is not happening overhead elsewhere in the world, the influence of the energies will still be experienced. 

To clarify, if the eclipse lasts 1 ¾ hours, its affects will last 1 ¾ months. 

Pay particular attention to any planet especially by conjunction, square or opposition to this placement in your Natal Astrology chart.  The energies resulting from these aspects and the houses affected will impact this experience.

Many people fear eclipses (whether Lunar or Solar) and although at times they can test our resilience, they should not be feared.  Eclipses often bring needed change into our lives and propel us forward.

We will also have a square to the Sun and the Moon by transiting Uranus which will be at 2 degrees Taurus.  Although Taurus is often about a slow and steady approach to life matters, Uranus is about drastic change and sudden but often important pushes in the right direction.  We often get hints along the way of a new direction, a change of attitude or something new coming our way.  We have opportunities to move in this direction now.  These changes are usually needed as we have outgrown our development in the area of life concerned and need to reach out for something new.  If we do not make these needed changes then often Uranus will force them upon us.  If we wait for Uranus to force the change, the push can be in a much more harsh manner then if we just initiated the change on our own.

This should be an impactful experience for anyone with planets or angles connected to the 4 degree mark in their charts.  For those with little influence from the natal chart, the whole experience may pass with little noticed events but pay attention to your emotions and emotional responses. 

The more planetary energies involved and angles taking part, the stronger the potential for changes in your life.  Do not become overly concerned as to whether this is a challenging experience or not.  All change is beneficial and the less we fight, the easier the transition.  Some of us will welcome change with open arms and this will be a great experience.  If you are affected by these events then the changes put in place are the requirements of the soul’s development. 

The Moon in the sign of Aquarius suggests that these changes that are at hand may concern groups of people that are of like mind.  Aquarius wants to propel forward needed changes that not only affect themselves but also enhances others to push for needed change.  Aquarius has humanities concerns in mind and the purpose is to help others help themselves out of stagnation or complacency.  Generally, people can become stuck in habitual patterns and do not recognize that they are keeping their self from advancing. 

The Moon in Aquarius may want us to make personal changes to our life’s direction, but will also push us to help others that may need outside assistance.  Since this is a time when we can push forward and attempt to reach personal goals, we may want this for others as well.

Will you recognize the benefits of this influence immediately or will it take time for you to recognize that the energies of this Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse are just what the proverbial doctor ordered?

Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.

Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

Are you interested in learning Astrology?  Holm Astrology offers courses in astrology.  Visit our calendar for dates at

Please “Like” us on Facebook. Your “shares” are appreciated and your questions are welcomed.

If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit

Wednesday 25 July 2018


In Astrology, when defining a rising planet, we are referring to the distance any natal planet is with regards to the actual ascendant signs position. 

A planet that is two degrees before the rising sign cusp (in the last 2 degrees of the twelfth house or up to and including 5 degrees after the ascendant in the first house) is known as a rising planet.  The difference between a planet in the 2 degree before the rising sign (in the 12 house) compared to a planet in the first house would be that the energies of the twelfth house planet have more difficulty expressing themselves compared to a first house planet which could easily express its energies.

Both positions, however, deliver a similar meaning as the ruling planet of the Ascendant.  To give a couple of examples, the ruling planet of Sagittarius is Jupiter and the ruling planet of Leo is the Sun).  The rising planet gives substance to the energies of the rising sign and tells more about the rising sign.  Someone who has a Sagittarius rising sign would also have to look at what house and sign their Jupiter is located in.  This would provide a stronger identification to the external expression of the rising sign of Sagittarius.

Another example would be someone having Mars closely tied to this Ascendant would use these energies in their self-expression as well.  Mars before the ascendant by 2 degrees or after the ascendant within 5 degrees would also express the Mars influence with the rising sign.

A planet closely connected to the Ascendant (the closer the connection by degree the stronger its influence) is thought to be even stronger than the actual natural ruling planet of the sign on the Ascendant.  This is due to the fact that the planet is said to be in an angular position.  So someone with a Cancer Ascendant which naturally would be comfortable in a care-giving role would have strong nurturing abilities and be emotionally expressive to others. 

If, for example, this individual had Mars within 2 degrees of the Ascendant and in the first house (in the twelfth the energies would be a little more difficult to express or they may even try to hide this energy), would have an energetic expressive personality.  They would probably be considered a go getter and would aggressively take on the role as a caregiver and nurturing individual.  They would be known as a combatant and often would show an aggressive link to their self-expression.  Much would depend on the rising sign and aspects to it as to how this energy might expand.  It has also been noted that in some cases this positioning of Mars being closely tied to the Ascendant indicates that a fight in early life is likely.

Someone with Jupiter tied to this position of a Cancer Ascendant would express themselves to others in an overly optimistic manner.  Many with this in their chart would find that luck and expansion comes to them at different intervals in their lives.  They would reveal themselves as a nurturing individual with philosophic views on life.  Jupiter would expand the emotional nature of Cancer and make these individuals highly sensitive to their environment and quite emotionally expressive.

What is the rising planet tied to your Ascendant?

Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.

Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

Are you interested in learning Astrology? Holm Astrology offers courses in astrology. Visit our calendar for dates at

Please “Like” us on Facebook.  Your “shares” are appreciated and your questions are welcomed.

If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit

Tuesday 24 July 2018


Do you allow events in life to stifle your movement and growth or do you allow these events to enhance your life’s journey?

It is important for each of us to take responsibility for our reaction to all that happens to us.  Many people fail to take responsibility and are always quick to place blame on others.

If we can rise above ego, we can use these life lessons to reflection and then act to make the necessary adjustments or assist in co-ordinating efforts with others so that we can utilize the energies in place. 

Many of us are far too comfortable with our life’s circumstances even when change should be addressed.  We resist change due to habit.  We find it easier to be stressed and angry and find it necessary to point the finger of blame elsewhere than to make the effort to venture into the unknown.  We react to events instead of making the adjustments required.

We can do our part in life’s ever changing conditions only when we recognize how much of an impact we have in any given situation.  Sometimes we can be the instigator of an event (though we have absolutely no control over other people’s reactions) other times we are an innocent spectator.  No matter what part you play in an event, pay heed to your reaction for this is where your absolute control lies.
Placing blame in any given situation is not important and resolves nothing.  Self control and our reaction is of utmost importance and this is where our responsibilities lie.  If we cannot avoid confrontation or any other teaching event, we can do our best to accept and allow or to help the unfolding lesson and push for a positive resolution or outcome.

Never ignore your part in any given situation.  At times, it can be hard to avoid or rise above our human reaction but this is all part of our human development. 

Take responsibility when it is yours as we always have a part in the process as it unfolds.

Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.

Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

Are you interested in learning Astrology? Holm Astrology offers courses in astrology. Visit our calendar for dates at

Please “Like” us on Facebook.  Your “shares” are appreciated and your questions are welcomed.

If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit