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Wednesday 31 October 2018


Today, October 31, in the northern hemisphere, marks the end of the harvest season, summer’s end, a holy day for witches, the wiccan/pagan new year, all hallows eve, the day of the dead, the beginning of Samhain.

There are many cultures and many ways to celebrate this time of year. 

The days are much shorter and the sun much lower in the sky.  There is less dancing in the sunlight and the mood changes around us.  The long dark nights ahead of us give us a wonderful opportunity to reflect and go deep within. 

Who are we? 

What weight have we been carrying on our backs?  Can we dispose of some of this? 

What journeys would we like to embark upon? 

What opportunities have we squandered?  What opportunities have we taken advantage of? 

What is our heart telling us?  What given us goosebumps?

Celebrate this day in whatever way feels right for you. 

Do you feel the change in the energies around us?  Utilize this change of energy and use it to your advantage.  It is a wonderful time to revisit your inner self—to reflect on where you have come and examine what feels right moving forward.

Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.

Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

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If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit

Tuesday 30 October 2018


Is our life’s route preplanned?  If so, do we orchestrate this plan?  What is our part in this course of action?  How are we a determining factor in what takes place?

These questions are certainly a point of interest for many.  There are question after question concerning whether our lives are predetermined or whether we play an integral part in the overall events that seem to play an orchestrated role in our lives. 

Many believe that we have set in motion the events in our lives before we were conceived and we were pushed into full earthly existence at our birth.

Is it possible that we, as our soul energy, placed requirements that must be met at some junction point in our lives?  Did we put together a set of learning experiences that would unfold during life to enable the much needed experiences and evolutionary growth so that we can move in our intended direction?  Are these events actually valuable lessons? 

These certainly are some of the concepts in place to offer an explanation for our existence. 

Is this existence comparable to a dream?  What part are we playing as this dream develops forward? 

Regardless if this is a dream or something else truly does not matter.  The important part is that we stay focused in the moment and live there to the best of our abilities.  Our focus slowly manifests over time and our concentrated attention to detail writes the story of our emotional experience of this life.  Therefore, it is imperative to be appreciative and to center our focus on what is and not on what should have been or could have been.

Back to our beliefs……some individuals believe that although the route is preplanned, our own free will can step in at any time and we can make alterations along the road.  There are always choices and when we come to those forks in the road, we make the conscious choice on which path to follow.  There are no mistakes along the way; just lessons.  Our choices can create tedious lessons or simple easy lessons. 

I am not going to be any help here for you to decide what feels right for you.  You can form your own opinions and rightly so, for who knows better than you about your lessons set in motion? 

Not only do we have a spiritual connection to our higher selves but we are our higher selves.  At any time, we can go deep within to find the answer to any of our questions.  We have a connection that can’t be severed and can never be lost. 

Our journey teaches us and pushes us in the direction that promises the greatest growth.  It is up to us individually as to what we choose to believe in, how we wish to motivate ourselves and what course we will take.  What is experienced is our own personal quest, and we will always learn the lessons we must as all paths lead to the same end result.

Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.

Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

Are you interested in learning Astrology? Holm Astrology offers courses in astrology. Visit our calendar for dates at

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If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit

Monday 29 October 2018


Sometimes it is good to have a bit of a re-freshener with Astrology.  The fundamental basics are essential and need to be utilized even when using the most advanced techniques. 

With the subject of Astrology, we will always be students.  We will NEVER know all that there is to known on Astrology as it is an ongoing science.  As an Astrologer, it is essential to always be open to and welcome continued education as we will be a permanent student of Astrology.

The sign positioning and house positioning of planets and significant angles (MC, ASC, DC, IC) are the most relevant in determining the areas of life (houses) and the relevant signature traits (signs) indicated in a chart.  Always look to these positions and placements to get a clear picture of the energies inherent in the chart.  House placements and Sign positioning emphases, as well as a major chart configuration, such as a Stellium in a house or sign for example, will greatly enhance the chart.

The Sun, the Moon and the Ascendant are determining factors in the individual’s expression and greatly enhance the character traits of an individual.  Again a Stellium, for example, in the sign of Leo or an emphasis in the fifth house ruled be Leo, will significantly change the character of someone with a Virgo or Capricorn Sun for example.  This is a perfect example of why some people do not match their Sun sign character traits (and for the simple fact there is so much more involved in an Astrology chart than just the Sun sign).

Tight aspects between Planets or Angles have a profound impact on the energies of the planets or angles that are aspected.  For example, using the Leo signature again, it will be very difficult for the Sun in Leo to have the usual flair and ego consciousness if there is a square from let’s say the Moon and Saturn.  It would take hard work to bring to the forefront the emotional response of the typical Leo and its release due to the square from Saturn (restrictions) and the Moon (emotions).  This individual would have to work very hard to express themselves emotionally and with much vigor in comparison to say someone with a Leo Sun with a conjunction from Mercury, Jupiter and Venus or a rising sign of Leo as well as a Sun in Leo. 

Angles or aspects from other planets help determine how challenged or with what ease an individual can release the energies from that planet.  The energies are also influenced greatly by the energies of other planets.  For example, a Sun in Leo individual with a conjunction to Uranus in Leo would also be somewhat eccentric in their expression and have a very unique character.  With a Pluto conjunction this individual would express themselves in a more dynamic manner and have great power in their self-expression.  This could point to leadership abilities being enhanced, but could also indicate a domineering individual.

Astrological configurations, as well as an emphasis on an aspect or lack of aspects, will also have a profound effect on the individual’s life journey.  A person with a Grand Square will have much more challenging conditions in life than someone with a Grand Trine.  The Grand Square individual will have opposing factors within their life’s mission but can use these energies to propel them forward in life once these energies are harnessed.  The Grand Trine individual will have a greater ease in obtaining benefits than that of other individuals, but may also become complacent and sit back far too much when they should be pushing themselves forward.

These are a few examples of the factors which must be considered when deciphering a natal chart.   Although they may seem rudimentary, they are significant and should never be overlooked when determining factors at work in an individual’s Astrology chart.

If you are interested in learning more about Astrology, Holm Astrology regularly offers courses at varying levels.  Our current fall courses are well under way but check our calendar regularly for the posting of new courses that will be offered in 2019.

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us at or private message on our Facebook page at

Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.

Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

Please “Like” us on Facebook.  Your “shares” are appreciated and your questions are welcomed.

Friday 26 October 2018


For those with their Sun in Scorpio from 13 degrees to about 24 degrees, you have been experiencing Transiting Pluto making a sextile to your natal Sun throughout 2018 and will be experiencing this sextile well into 2019, but much will depend on the degree of your Sun.  You can use a 5 degree orb approaching and a 2 degree orb separating to your natal Sun’s degree.

This is a very favourable position and you can use the energies of Pluto which deals with transformation and regeneration as well as deep reflective study to energize your personal plans.  This could include your life objectives linked to personal exploration, your goals in life which could include your career plans, schooling or any other aspirations that you may have.

Sextiles speak of opportunities and are activation energies for your objectives.  A sextile can help you create needed change or help select a course of action that can promote positive outcomes.  It will be necessary to reflect and go inward, to study your inner dialogue for these to come to fruition.  You have to ensure that you want to move ahead with these plans as quite often once you take the step forward there may be no turning back.  Pluto tends to put an end to things that are no longer service your internal needs.  It then replaces what has been released with something more appropriate to your current evolutionary growth.

The thing with Sextiles (60 degree aspect) is that you often have to do some work in order to achieve what you set out to do.  Sometimes things just fall in your lap, but more often than not, you have to be the agent of change so that these transpire in your life. 

This would be a great time to make things happen in your life.

To get a clearer understanding of what this might entail, have a look at what house Pluto is transiting through, as well as the house placement of your natal Sun.  These will help define what areas of life are now being activated.  Also have a look at where natal Pluto is in your chart.  This location will further define the areas of life generating potential activity that can be advantageous for opportunities.  Take advantage of the energies in place under this influence.

A detailed chart can be prepared to provide you with specifics of these and other energies at work in your life.  Visit 

Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

Are you interested in learning Astrology? Holm Astrology offers courses in astrology. Visit our calendar for dates at

Please “Like” us on Facebook.  Your “shares” are appreciated and your questions are welcomed.

If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit

Thursday 25 October 2018


Look around you.  What do you see?

What you see and what you experience are reflections of your life.  On some level you created the energies (your response) to this life.  Our reality is based on our attitude, perception and belief structure towards each experience. 

Don’t be mistaken.  There are and will be events that take place that are completely out of our control and we will experience life in its full intensity and be subject to all ramifications outside of our selves.  What we see in our world is somehow a reflection of what lives within us.    

When the world around us is in need of adjustment, it is a good indication that our own personal journey needs adjustment too.  Often this adjustment can be simply a change in our focus but sometimes we need to make actual changes to the way we live our lives.

Some changes at first glance appear challenging.  These changes can sometimes be quite apparent and unmistakable yet at other times they are quite subtle in their expression.  We often get hints along the way, however.  We can make decisions that will facilitate the required changes and the transition can be quite smooth.  Other times, we don’t make the necessary changes and the change comes any way.  Forced change can be much more disruptive than it had to be.  Our physical bodies can even react to these needed changes particularly if we are fighting the process.  Energy when release, after being harnessed for too long, can have severe effects on us, emotionally, physically, spiritually. 

If we do not like what we see in our immediate environment then we should have a close look at what we might do on a personal level to change the situation – maybe internally. 

Focus is the key.  Some of us coast through life not really participating and not truly recognizing our intent.  Some of us are far too caught up in life’s circumstance when we should be focused on the moment. 

We can get lost in love; we can get lost in anger; we can get lost in envy; we can get lost in worry; we can get lost in fear; we can get lost in sadness. 

When in doubt, choose love, but do not get lost in it.  Experience it! Live it! Be it!

Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.

Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

Are you interested in learning Astrology? Holm Astrology offers courses in astrology. Visit our calendar for dates at

Please “Like” us on Facebook.  Your “shares” are appreciated and your questions are welcomed.

If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit

Wednesday 24 October 2018


We will experience the full moon in Taurus today, October, 24, 2018, at 12:47 p.m. EDT

For those of you who are new to reading our posts, the full moon’s energies are a time to reap the harvest of the seeds that you sowed during the New Moon that was in the sign of Taurus some six months ago.  The New Moon speaks of new beginnings and the Full Moon speaks of results of our actions.  We reap what we sow and our efforts over time will determine whether we harvest a bumper crop or weed out what has not grown.  Much will depend on the energy we have put into our garden of life and how we followed up on ideas as the project began to materialize.

A Full Moon in Taurus often suggests that what was put in place or planted during the New Moon phase has something to do with material acquisitions.  This could include buying a home, building a career, setting goals in place that would have a lasting effect and the building of security.  Taurus is steadfast, wants reliability, needs structure and is slow to act as its energies want to insure that everything is in place before plunging into whatever area of life is indicated by the house placement in your personal chart of this Full Moon which is at 1 degree of Taurus.

The Moon is conjunct transiting Uranus, often suggesting upheavals, disruptions, changes and sometimes speaks of new directions to follow.  Uranus is abrupt and unconventional and when linked with the Moon in Taurus, the energies do not mix together well.  One seeks security and one pushes for change, although often the changes lead to a place where we are meant to go. 

We can basically expect the unexpected when it comes to Uranus as it can be a bit of a trailblazer.  Anything that no longer suits our objectives and personal growth will be challenged and either we make changes and adjust our direction or we push in a completely different direction.  This will be tied closely to the house position of transiting Uranus, not only the house position of the Moon.  One important thing to consider is that this Full Moon has its greatest impact if you have something in your natal chart which becomes activated by its position.

We are also experiencing a fixed T-Square with the Sun and Moon in opposition and both making a tight square to the transiting North Node.  T-Squares, although challenging, provide a strong push to achieve what we set out to do.  The T-Square seeks balance and activity, and you will need to push yourself in order to succeed. 

The North Node speaks of our path in life; in transit it speaks of the path we need to take now.  There may be some frustration with moving in that direction.  Locate this placement in your chart and then look at the opposite house of the focal planet (in this case the North Node and the South Node is always in direct opposition to the North Node).

The South Node has to do with falling back into a comfortable situation defined by the house placement and what you need to do is push ahead with your objectives and to not be held back by that which feels comfortable and familiar.  The North Node offers a new direction.  This fixed T-Square will provide you with the necessary drive to move ahead even through any adversities that might appear along the way.  Determination is strong and your will can push you when you need it to.  It is time to move ahead in a constructive manner but at the same time try to not hurt anyone along the way because of your need to pushed to meet your own personal objectives. Find the balance here.

Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.

Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

Are you interested in learning Astrology?  Holm Astrology offers courses in astrology.  Visit our calendar for dates at

Please “Like” us on Facebook. Your “shares” are appreciated and your questions are welcomed.

If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit

Tuesday 23 October 2018


Don’t wait to grow old before you allow yourself to be comfortable with whom you are.  In order to understand who you are, do not avoid addressing internal issues.  Encourage personal inner reflection and self-evaluation.  Reflection does not insinuate judgement, however.  Identify concepts and ideas that feel right deep within.   Distinguish the difference between preconceived notions and those ideas that give you goose bumps.  Preconceived notions and taught boundaries only serve to stifle our belief in ourselves and what we will be capable of doing.

Be who you are (within) at this very moment.  You will change with each life event so who you were yesterday could be only a shadow of who you are today, if you do not reside behind the closed door of limitations.  It is so important is to be yourself, no matter who or what opposes you.  Be comfortable in your skin.  You are an original masterpiece not a copy. 

Make goals; set your own high standards that you and you alone will attain.  Climb your own personal ladder of life.

Vocational aspirations are part of this earthly life.  Family, friends and our homes are also part of this earthly existence.  Enjoy what life offers and again, allow the joy that each moment brings.  Joy is a choice.

Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.

Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

Are you interested in learning Astrology? Holm Astrology offers courses in astrology. Visit our calendar for dates at

Please “Like” us on Facebook.  Your “shares” are appreciated and your questions are welcomed.

If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit