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Friday 18 January 2019


The Sun moves into the sign of Aquarius on January 20 just before midnight this year (2019). 

Those individuals with their Sun in Aquarius will be experiencing their solar return as the Sun moves through the sign of Aquarius.  This is an annual chart prepared for the exact time the Sun returns to its birth placement by degree in your personal chart.  The Solar return chart reads similar to a natal chart, but it deals specifically with the current year from birthday to birthday.  We will discuss solar returns in a post at a later date.

For those with their Sun in Aquarius or to a lesser degree those with their Sun in the eleventh house, there is an interest or concern for humanity.  These individuals can be farsighted, eccentric in their approach and are ahead of their time.  Aquarius individuals march to the beat of a different drum than most.  Some Aquarians have been labeled odd, and they tend to gravitate to intellectuals individuals. 

Aquarius is an air sign and as a result, Aquarians are interested in communication and the sharing of information.  They could be considered bohemian and unique in their approach to life, are interested in finding the truth and need a certain amount of freedom.  They tend to gravitate to groups of people who are like minded and many are interested in what could be called the unusual. 

“Don’t fence me in” could be their motto and many Aquarians walk their own walk and do not fit in well with most others.  People will find an Aquarian interesting to converse. 

Tthe individuals under this Sun sign are seldom considered overly emotional.  (A review of the rest of the chart would have to be undertaken as there could be other influences diluting this energy).  Depending on the placement of the Moon, many Aquarians have difficulties releasing emotion and some will find them rather cold in their emotional “expression”.

Many Aquarians are uncomfortable with one to one relationships and their focus lies much more in groups or in their concern for humanity as a whole.  Their approach to life is to push people out of complacency by spreading their knowledge to the world.  Many individuals, however, do not understand Aquarians, because generally they are ahead of their time.

Aquarius is a fixed sign and it is hard to sway them from their beliefs.  Once they make up their mind on a path to take, they rarely shift.  They are willing to walk their own path, but will also try to promote that path, ( although for those that are in touch with their own unique path to follow, the Aquarius individual will not persist on pushing them in their direction). 

Aquarians have the good or wellbeing of others in mind, but may go about trying to push others to see their approach in a very direct manner.  Those that are born under a softer, more gentle sign may find this approach somewhat invasive (and perhaps somewhat out there, depending on their particular mind frame and belief structures).

Aquarius individuals make good Astrologers, computer technicians and inventors.  Some could be good at teaching science based courses and some would do well as counselors.  They make good friends although they are not overly compassionate, at least on the surface.  If someone were to cross an Aquarian, they can let go of this hurt and move ahead, but the hurt may internally last for a while. 

Aquarians are not known for being discreet and their direct honest approach is not always what others are ready to hear. 

Most Aquarians will follow their path once they figure out what their path might be and some Aquarians may wish to leave something of themselves behind, a legacy if you will, when their time in this physical realm is complete.

Enjoy your new solar journey.

Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.

Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

Are you interested in learning Astrology? Holm Astrology is now taking registration for its 2019 Spring courses. Visit our calendar for dates at

Please “Like” us on Facebook.  Your “shares” are appreciated and your questions are welcomed.

If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit

Thursday 17 January 2019


Holm Astrology is now accepting registrations for our Spring Astrology courses.

The beginner's course is a nine class course starting Monday, April 1, 2019 through to June 10, 2019.
Classes start at 7 p.m. sharp and will be 2.5 hours in length.  For a course outline, please see Beginner's Course Outline.  

THIS IS NOT AN INTERNET COURSE. The classes will be held just north of Barrie, Ontario. The address will be provided once you have registered.

The Level II Astrology course is a ten class course starting Tuesday, April 2, 2019  and running through to June 11, 2019.  This class also begins at 7 p.m and runs for 2.5 hours in length.   
For a course outline, please see Astrology Classes Level II Course Outline.  

AGAIN, THIS IS NOT AN INTERNET COURSE and will be held just north of Barrie, Ontario. The address will be provided once you have registered. 

For either course you can pay as you go at $25/class or prepay the course in full at a discounted rate – Level One $200.00 or Level II $225.00.  Visit our webstore to prepay –    Alternatively prepaid payments can be made in person before the first class begins and we accept cash, debit, MasterCard, Visa or American Express. 

If you elect to pay in person, please contact us at to register.  Do not hesitate to use the same link to contact us if you have any questions.

Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.

Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

Visit our calendar for upcoming events at

Please “Like” us on Facebook.  Your “shares” are appreciated and your questions are welcomed.

Wednesday 16 January 2019


We will be experiencing a Full Blood Moon Lunar Eclipse on January 20/21, 2019 depending on where you will be. 

The Full Moon is at 0 degrees of Leo.  The Penumbral eclipse begins at 9:36 p.m. EST on January 20, 2019; the partial at 10:34 p.m. EST, the total eclipse beings at 11:41 p.m. EST, the total begins at 11:41 p.m. EST, the maximum is at 12:12 a.m. EST January 21, 2019 and the total eclipse ends at 12:43 a.m.  The partial eclipse ends at 1:50 a.m. EST and the Penumbral ends at 2:48 a.m. EST January 21, 2019 according to “” 

A Lunar Eclipses usually last 3-4 hours and this particular Lunar Eclipse will last a little over 5 hours.  The influence of the energies of an eclipse is equivalent in months to the actual hours it lasts.  Accordingly, the energies of this Lunar Eclipse should be felt for a little over 5 months. 

As we have mentioned many times in the past, Full Moon’s energies deal with the end results of matters which began at the New Moon phase in the same sign (six months previous).  Under the Full Moon energies is a perfect time to reap the rewards for our efforts.  If we are not ready to harvest, than we can use this opportunity to surveys or review our efforts and nurturing we have put into the seeds we planted.  Do you need to fertilize the efforts a little more or weed out some clutter from life to help us get to our harvest?

Eclipses’ energies will initiate action and create change to anything that has gone dormant or stale or is considered outdated.  Many people are complacent when it comes to making change and breaking away from anything regardless of how intrusive it maybe.  These energies are required to help us move along and bring us out of our complacency.

If you have put little to no energy into your goals, this is what you will reap.  If you need to make changes, make the commitment needed to see your project or goal to harvest.  It is never suggested that you jump into change carelessly, however.  Take time and do your due diligence.

For this Full Moon eclipse (and any other event for that matter), we have to take into consideration what sign the moon falls in, which in this case is Leo.  Leo often speaks of ego related activities, sometimes in a negative manner, sometimes in a positive manner.  Leo wants control of situations and needs control.  Taking charge might be part of what this eclipse is about.  This could apply to your occupation, perhaps issues with management especially if tied to Saturn or the MC.  It could also speak in terms of relationship issues if tied to the fifth house or seventh house.  Much depends on where this eclipse (0 degree Leo) falls in your personal chart.  You also have to have a conjunction or opposition that falls within four degrees of this placement for the Full Moon energies to have a more powerful effect on you.

In older times and even today, many people fear eclipses.  These luminary events have a bad reputation.  This is largely due to the push for change.  As mentioned there is a need to push ahead and many individuals resist changes or adjustments to their lives. 

Eclipses’ energies often force change upon us; hence their reputation.  These changes and new directions are necessary;

Sometimes these changes only need to be a change of attitude or belief structure especially if connected to Mercury.  Much will depend on which planets and house are involved.  As you can imagine there is a huge difference if you have Saturn as a major influence compared to if you have Jupiter as a major influence.  This also applies to the houses involved.  Much will also depend on your reaction to these changes, as we always have control over how we respond to any given situation.  If we choose to respond in a positive open way, the changes will happen gracefully and flow; however, if we choose to fight the changes, the experience will be less than pleasant.

If change is coming your way, have courage and know that it is has been set in motion for your best interests.  We can always work our way through challenges and lessons.  No challenging condition lasts forever and with life, we will always experience change.   We can resist and create stress or we can accept and allow the lesson to be learned so that we can carry on with more knowledge and experience to make the future easier.

Live in the moment and be aware of your auto responses.

Visit for more information on Astrology.

Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

Are you interested in learning Astrology? Holm Astrology offers courses in astrology. Visit our calendar for dates at

Please “Like” us on Facebook.  Your “shares” are appreciated and your questions are welcomed.

If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit

Tuesday 15 January 2019


It is quite amazing when a friend from your past surprises you by dropping in for a visit, calling you or sending you an unexpected message.  Friends from the past have a special bond.  These friends are from a time long since passed, and they shared special memories and events that few in the present are aware of.

It is similar to taking a walk down an old country road where there is no traffic.  The trees and foliage seem to be untouched by the present world.  It is a page from the past brought back to life……rekindling an old feeling of comfort and a sense of joy.

If you are lucky enough to have someone come back into your life, do not let that special moment pass you by.  Seize the moment to reminisce and share memories.  Most likely you will be able to resume that old friendship and pick up right where it was left off.

It does not matter how long you go between meetings.  The feelings for a special friendship never fade away.  This is the magnificence of a special relationship and these meetings rekindle that special bond.  Indeed, special are the words and understandings forged and shared.

We are not suggesting trying to return to the past or to try to live there for the past is gone.  Life continues but it can be special to recall those memories and share them with someone who shared them with you. 

Do not waste your time on things that are not important.  Enjoy and grow from your life’s experiences. 

Quite often, it is refreshing to sit with an old familiar friend to review the wonders of life and to create new memories. 

What would it take to pick up the phone and dial a number from the past? 

Who would you like to sit and reminisce with? 

What are you waiting for?

Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.

Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

Are you interested in learning Astrology? Holm Astrology offers courses in astrology. Visit our calendar for dates at

Please “Like” us on Facebook.  Your “shares” are appreciated and your questions are welcomed.

If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit

Monday 14 January 2019


In Astrology, there are a total of 78 midpoints.  Midpoints are the central location of two planetary bodies as well as the nodes, the Ascendant and the Midheaven.  Using natal Jupiter at 8 degrees 43 minutes Aries and the Sun at 1 degree 3 minutes Aquarius as an example, the midpoint would be 4 degrees 53 minutes Pisces. 

We always use the shortest distance between the two points.  In other words, if you go from 1 degree 3 minutes Aquarius to 8 degrees 43 minutes Aries in a clockwise direction you have 67 degrees 40 minutes.  If you go the other way (counter-clockwise) you will have 292 degrees 20 minutes.  You will note that the shorter route in this case is clockwise.  In other examples, it may be counter-clockwise. 

It is not necessary for you to personally calculate the mathematics as there are many computer programs or websites which can do this for you such as Astrodienst.  Astrodienst take into consideration all the planets from the Sun to Pluto, Chiron and the North Node.  The rest you would have to calculate on your own or through another site.

When you have found the shortest distance between the two planets or points or nodes, you divide this in half and this will be your midpoint.  So the midpoint in our example would be 33 degrees and 50 minutes, which will be at 4 degrees 53 minutes Pisces.

Once you have determined the midpoint of any two positions and as mentioned there are 78 midpoints, you will find a degree, minute and sign for all of these locations in the birth chart. 

Midpoints bring together the energies associated with the two planets involved, although you also have to take into consideration the strength associated with the planets involved and discuss what that might look like.  Our example of the Sun and Jupiter together would promote activities related to the goals and objectives associated with the life’s path of the individual having the chart prepared.  This could be translated into their enthusiasm towards life and what it offers through teaching related to philosophy and spirituality.  This individual may want to pursue this through the appreciation of others because of the feeling that they just cannot fail and perhaps that luck seems to follow them around.  This could also lead to a feeling that they might be better than others and they may feel superior in some way.  Ego might be enhanced. 

Since the Sun also speaks of our vitality and Jupiter promotes growth and expansion, it could suggest that there is positivity to reaching greater performance through efforts or being in general good health.

As we all have a midpoint between the Sun and Jupiter which would obviously be different for many of us unless the placement is identical in our charts, this central position would have to touch a planet or node or angle to add to this theme.  We all understand what the sextile between these two energies might look like, as well as any other aspect.  When we put a planet at the midpoint of this position it adds to the overall influence when being set off by transits or progressions.  Even if there is not a planet at the midpoint, we can use a three degree orb of influence at the midpoint and a transit or progression will set off these two planets or points, plus any aspects between them in the birth chart.

You can always look at the combined energies and obtain a free flowing expression and a challenging expression, but much depends on the aspect between the two energies or angles in the birth chart, as well as the energies associated with the two planets involved. 

For example, there would be a huge difference between a connection between Jupiter and Saturn as opposed to Mars and Venus.  If the energies go together well and the aspect between the two is positive then the potential for an affirmative release is heightened and vise-versa.  There is also a huge difference between the energies associated with trines and sextiles compared to the energies of squares and oppositions.

We have more information on our sites about midpoints.  Go to and search “Midpoints in Astrology”. 

Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.

Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

Are you interested in learning Astrology? Holm Astrology offers astrology courses in the spring and fall. Visit our calendar regularly for upcoming dates for courses to be posted at

Please “Like” us on Facebook.  Your “shares” are appreciated and your questions are welcomed.

If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit

Friday 11 January 2019


Transiting Saturn travelling through the zodiac under most conditions (depending on how it is aspected in the birth chart) can influence disharmony, challenging conditions, hardship and anxiety due to lessons that need to be learned.  As this planet transits through the houses of your chart, it can create shortages and periods with hurdles to overcome.  It is known as a challenging planet under most conditions and even trine and sextile aspects do not pass through easily when Saturn is in its transit cycle.

Venus on the other hand is favourable and often suggests favourable conditions through its transit not to mention where it is located in the birth chart.  Venus can denote financial stability and security and is often defined as the planet where love and affection can easily be expressed.  Once again, however, much will depend on the sign Venus is found in within the natal configuration.  How it is aspected will also play an important role in how it influences you and your chart. 

Venus can also speak of young women and beauty.

In general, an opposition (180 degree aspect) is considered unfavourable and in many cases this aspect involves others.  Oppositions are considered an awareness aspect and will often force you to deal with issues, although not to the extreme that a square would. 

An opposition from transiting Saturn to your natal Venus may imply financial shortages or perhaps having to work harder for you essentials.  It may challenge your income potential or present you with obstacles interfering with the flow of money.

Since Venus can also relate to love and affection as well as the social aspect of engagement with others, Saturn can cause stressful conditions in love affairs and with the show of affection.  Love and affection may be blocked in some manner and the release of these emotions many come with conditions or setbacks.  Due to the fact that we are speaking of an opposition, the difficulties, however they present themselves, may stem from others.  Saturn makes things difficult and also adds responsibility.  If this deals with a love affair, you may feel overburdened by your part in the relationship.  If this aspect is found in your chart, you may feel that the love you give is not being equally reciprocated.

Although Saturn can be thought of as a testing period and often brings with it challenging conditions, it is also known as the teacher of the Zodiac, and although its lesson’s may be difficult, what you ultimately learn during the process or after the fact may be well worth all the hard work and effort you had to do on your part. 

Saturn offers stability and security and also has lasting potential, but you will want to do your diligent work to reap these rewards.  Take no short cuts, use the tried and tested route and ask for advice from those in authority or with experience as these will give you great support and valuable information. 

Take in the energies of Saturn without reluctance and see what Saturn is trying to teach you.  Do not fight its energies as this can certainly make things even more challenging.  At the same time, understand that, as with all things, this time/lesson will pass, and you will make it through the adversity and become stronger and more educated because of the experience.

Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.

Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

Are you interested in learning Astrology? Holm Astrology offers courses in astrology. Visit our calendar for dates at

Please “Like” us on Facebook.  Your “shares” are appreciated and your questions are welcomed.

If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit

Thursday 10 January 2019


Where do we turn when we feel completely lost?

There are times in everyone’s life when the future “seems” hopeless, when we just can’t find the answers to our questions/issues and we feel completely at the mercy of life. 

Have you ever reach out to higher energies and asked for direction?  It is important to verbally ask for help.

We are never actually stuck or paralyzed by life, even when we feel forsaken.  There is always hope.  Do we recognize what this hope looks like?  The solutions may not be what we are hoping for but what we receive still is a solutions.

It’s important to understand that hope or refuge is accessible on many levels.  Be open, listen and then wait for the response.  Patience is a very hard lesson but it most often is the key.  We must believe that in some way life will change. 

There are those of us who live with illness, who are influence by the death of a loved one, confronted with death ourselves and feel lost and in a state of despair.  These are very harsh examples of something each and every one of use will eventually face but it is still possible to find peace while experiencing these. 

Death is not the end.  It is a transition and transitions can be trying.  I once read a quote (a cannot remember who it was from) that said something like …..Death is the turning off of the lantern but this does not leave us in the dark because the lantern is turned off since we have reach dawn. 

Forgive yourself for any issues you may be holding on to.  Life events are temporary experiences that we are never supposed to own.  Release yourself from guilt and “what if’s.

Equally important forgive those that did not live up to your expectations.   Do not carry this karma forward.  Deal with it now and transition with a clean slate.  Forgiving others is a prerequisite to finding peace, but equally important is the peace found with pardoning self of our own mistakes.

Release ourselves from our hell as this exists is the torment of our minds.  The only way to do so is to forgive ourselves and move forward in peace.

For those of us that have recently experienced death (literal death, death of a relationship, or change of circumstance in your life) be gentle and compassionate with self.   We must allow ourselves time to experience a loss, emotionally, physically and spiritually.  It is important to grieve, fully and completely.  However, it is equally important not to own the experience.  It is a temporary experience, not a place that we are meant to take up residence in.  We must experience the pain of loss to be able to overcome and adjust to this loss.   Face it head on only then can we move beyond it.

Reach out to loved ones or professionals.  It is perfectly natural to ask for assistance, to ask for advice, to ask for direction when we cannot find the answers. 

Always remember, we are never alone.  We do not have to do this alone.

Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.

Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

Are you interested in learning Astrology?  Holm Astrology offers courses in astrology.  Visit our calendar for dates at

Please “Like” us on Facebook. Your “shares” are appreciated and your questions are welcomed.

If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit